SGA is the property of Paramount. No maliciousness was ever intended during the making of this fic.

“You’re hogging the remote!” Rodney accused.

“I am not. I’m using it there’s a difference,” John replied with a happy grin of one who knows he’s just won the battle.

Rodney folded his arms over his chest and turned his attention back to the television. “It’s only fair I get to pick what we watch next.”

“Fine Rodney, you pick,” Sheppard rolled his eyes to the ceiling of his apartment. They only had a few days leave on Earth and both men wanted to catch up on some serious television watching. The problem was Rodney’s television had broken down so they were sharing. John was not amused but was doing his best to put up with it. After all it was thanks to some serious tap-dancing to Elizabeth that they’d managed to get time off.

Rodney smiled. “That’s more like it. How about some C-net?”

Sheppard glared. “You expect me to sit through a computer show?”

“The top music countdown of the year?” Rodney asked hopefully. His iPod was running low on new music.

John’s face instantly brightened. He was sick and tired of hearing the same music on Atlantis over and over. “Rodney,” he clicked the channels over excitedly. “I could kiss you for that.”

“That will be the day!” Rodney laughed.

And just to prove him wrong, Sheppard leaned over and kissed him. But the second their lips met, it was as if a silent, unspoken barrier had been crossed between them. Nothing was quite as intimate as kissing and they had just shifted into overdrive by the way his clothes felt suddenly tight. “Um-“Sheppard began trying to find the perfect thing to say but was cut off as Rodney pounced on him like a lion on the prowl for prey.

Pressed into the lumpy sofa, John was pleasantly surprised and amused by his co-worker’s reaction. Before he lost his last coherent thought as Rodney kissed him senseless, John made a mental note to just pick up a CD before they went back.