Chapter 4: Friendship

It was cold in the Potions corridor as it was every fall and Draco shivered, waiting for Harry to go by. The dark-haired Gryffindor was almost late but managed to smile at him before noticing that Draco was looking at him oddly gave him a wave as well. Draco took it as a good sign and made his move, "Up for a game of one-on-one Quidditch later, Potter?"

Harry blinked in surprise then a huge smile bloomed over his face. "Okay, after classes, yeah?"

Draco nodded and waved. Harry beamed and then ran off. Draco smiled and wondered why he was so happy. Inhaling deeply, Draco made his way into Potions to work on his second agenda for the day, finding some bloody hangover potion.

Luckily, in his absence Blaise had managed to nab him some before Snape entered. "Well, did you talk to him?"

"Pick up Quidditch after classes," Draco whispered as Snape entered the room, luckily just after he drank the potion.

"You two will be so cute together," Neville smiled. Draco blinked and tried not to think that far ahead or on why Neville was excited for him. It was already just too weird.


Potter was already waiting nervously by the broom shed when Draco rounded the corner to the pitch. Draco noticed an abundance of cologne on the other man and surreptitiously did a spell on Potter to remove it. Perhaps this was one of the dangers of not having a proper male role model in his life. Regardless, Draco didn't want to suffocate before taking to the air. But he found himself smiling at the idea that Potter had done it just for him, while simultaneously being driven crazy that he was smiling about it.

The combination of the two must have given him an odd look because Potter asked. "You okay?"

"Yes, fine." Draco felt his mask slide into place and saw disappointment bloom across Potter's face. Suddenly he felt a need to rescue the ever-awkward-growing situation. "Thanks for coming."

Harry seemed to recover. "I was glad you asked me." Draco smirked at the bit of pink that coloured Harry's cheeks at the admission.

"Ready to mount up?" Draco asked purposely dropping the innuendo.

The pink was now joined by a bit of scarlet on Harry's ears. Draco's mind quickly supplied a comment. He's cute like this.

Draco turned quickly to mount up on his broom taking immediately to the air before Potter could see the expression on his face. He was sure it was something horrifically goofy and oh dear… Hufflepuff in nature. He groaned.

Potter stopped right next to him. "Are you sure you're okay?" He reached out with one hand and put it on Draco's forehead.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked uncertainly.

"Checking for fever." Harry blushed and added quickly, "but this works even better." He leaned forward and put his forehead to Draco's. Air suddenly became an issue for Draco who couldn't breathe. But he could easily smell fresh air, traces of the cologne which was rather intoxicating now and a bit of something else uniquely Potter. He closed his eyes and tried to remember to breathe and not look into those amazingly green eyes.

After a long moment that in some ways wasn’t long enough, Harry backed away. "I guess you are okay."

"Thanks for the concern," Draco blurted out and winced inwardly at how much his house seemed to be affecting his thoughts, speech and attitude. How out of character! Then again the whole school seemed wildly out of character since the Sorting. Potter was no exception it appeared. "So how is it to no longer be a part of a Trio?"

Harry shook his head with a smile. "Promise not to tell?"

"Are we sharing secrets now, Potter?" Draco asked with amusement, slowly moving his broom forward. Potter matched his speed and they were soon gliding effortlessly around the pitch.

"Yeah, I guess so. After all we're friends now right? No more war or opposite sides or Houses, eh?" Harry grinned nervously. Draco tried to not think how fucking adorable it was.

"I guess so, friends it is." Draco was surprised when Harry reached out to pat him on the back and his traitorous body leaned into it. "So what's the secret?"

"It's bloody wonderful!" Harry suddenly dove and skyrocketed upward into a loop-de-loop to illustrate. Grinning happily he settled back into pace with Draco afterwards. "No one is bugging me about my homework, test scores or going to research." Granger, Draco thought. "Or going on about strategy in Quidditch or how great it is to have a huge family." Weasley, Draco surmised.

"I've noticed you seem happier. But I'm surprised they aren't trying to spend more time with you." This was something that had confused both he and Blaise, giving them something to talk about on nights when they couldn't sleep in the strangely coloured Hufflepuff dorms.

Harry looked away unhappily. "Well, let's just say when they got to know the real me they didn't like it so much."

Draco frowned. "What's not to like?" Harry turned and smiled at him in such a way that if Draco hadn't been gay already that smile could have quite possible turned the tide for him anyway. As it was, he hoped he didn't melt right off the broom.

They flew for a few minutes in comfortable silence before Draco's curiosity got the better of him. "Do you want to tell me what bothered them so much? I thought Gryffindors were always loyal to their friends."

"Don't forget they got sorted," Harry snorted.

"So did I," Draco noted.

"I think with you it's only brought out the best in you," Harry said before turning red and pretending to be interested in a cloud formation.

Luckily this gave time for Draco to wipe the shit eating grin off his face. "Thanks. But I wouldn't say these are my best colours."

Harry managed to smile a bit at that. "They didn't care for my preferences." He bit his lip, looking at Draco nervously through down turned heavy eyelashes.

Draco felt his heart leap. "Preferences, as in sexual?" He fought to keep the hope out of his voice. And when did he start to develop this enormous crush on Harry? He wondered.

"Yeah, they kind of found out when I broke things off with Ginny," Harry admitted staring at his broom as if he'd just found a major flaw in its design.

"Oh, well then, it doesn't bother me at all since I swing for the same team too. Ready for that game?" Without waiting for a response, Draco released his practice snitch and flew after it, not wanting to see Potter’s reaction.

Draco managed to catch the snitch first for once and turning to show Potter he was inwardly thrilled at the pink on Harry's cheeks and the shy, happy look on his face. "Tomorrow, then?" the Gryffindor asked hopefully.