Authors Note: I'd like to take a moment here to point fingers. The first finger goes to littleroo27 who talked incessantly about the virtues of Buffy Fandom. The second finger (she's now getting two for those keeping count) goes to Nefernat who has shamelessly pimped me into Buffy by sending me episodes. * face palm * I'm not sure I ever stood a chance. I had wanted to slash Angel, but Nefernat began to yell and scream about OTP with Buffy and that it was simply not permitted. (eye roll) So I went for the next obvious pairing. We begin at in Season one at the end of "The Pack".

Note from nefernat: To those who know keikokin, you guys know she’ll be slashing Angel before the year is over. And no doubt I’ll be cheering her on in time *grins* but for now Angel still firmly belongs with Buffy (only without the curse…)

"Shoot me, stuff me, mount me," Xander said to Giles then brushing past him started to proceed down the open air corridor.

Giles watched the young man’s khaki covered ass with a smile. Xander raised his arms over his head, unknowingly giving Giles an ever better eyeful. Rupert Giles continued to smile, thinking of those incredibly provocative words and the many avenues of possibilities they presented. Readjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose he decided to follow.

He strolled down the way Xander had just gone, quickly setting a strong enough pace so as to be able to keep the young man's assets in plain view. At last the younger man walked out of view and Giles had to admit defeat, inwardly cursing the throngs of students who seemed to be milling about aimlessly. Yet he was very pleased at the turn the afternoon had taken.

As he turned and walked toward his beloved sanctuary of the library, he considered the actual possibility of his fantasies reaching fruition. He entered the his sanctuary and deeply breathed in deeply the scent of the books, feeling secure and grounded once more. Sighing at himself he pushed up his glasses uttering what had to be said, "Impossible."

He'd long ago given up on keeping himself from talking out loud, considering it a danger of his profession. The door opened and Xander poked his head inside. "Hey, you busy?"

"Oh, Xander, I had thought you were on your way home." Giles smiled and tried to quell his completely inappropriate thoughts.

"Well, I was headed home, but then I remembered I misplaced my History book again. Do you have an extra copy?" Xander smiled while readjusting his backpack.

"Oh, yes, certainly, I believe I may have one lying about. How are you doing in History, by the way?" Giles asked hoping to delay the departure of the young man, who'd recently become a mainstay of in his fantasies.

"You're kidding right? Me and History? We go way back in …"

Giles gave him an amused glance as he took the requested book from the stacks.

"…right, well, to be truthful we go way back in failing grades." Xander kicked the floor in embarrassment.

Giles was entranced by the young man's shyness and innocence as he strode back to him. "I'd be more than happy to assist you if you wish."

"Really??" Xander looked up hopefully. "But you have to promise to never let Willow and Buffy know. I'd never hear the end of it."

In a repeat of the earlier gesture before he promised he wouldn't reveal the secret about the school mascot to Willow and Buffy, Giles bravely leaned close to Xander. But this time it was much, much closer than before. His breath breezed across Xander's ear. "It would be my pleasure and honor to be granted your trust once more."

Xander looked at him, turning so they were nose to nose. "Uh, yeah, um…"

"Are you quite alright?" Giles smiled. He slipped off his glasses, wiping them on his sweater and fixed his gaze upon Xander.

"Wow, I'm having the weirdest thought right now," Xander chuckled nervously.

"Oh and what thought would that be? Does it have to do with me perchance?" Giles put a friendly hand on Xander's shoulder, hoping that Xander would grasp the nuance behind the gesture. Giles wanted it to be friendly, yet more not wishing to overstep into the realm of impropriety without permission or frightening his friend.

"This is wrong, this is so wrong," Xander whispered staring at Giles' lips.

Giles felt himself look down and then back up in embarrassment of the close scrutiny. He could only hope that he passed muster. Feeling awkward, he fell back to what he was more comfortable with, "Down through the ages and millennium, society has put their own beliefs and mores of the time onto-"

Xander impulsively pressed his lips to Giles', nearly smashing their noses together in the process, effectively cutting him off. Giles hesitantly cupped Xander's face, leading him gently into the kiss, deepening it as they progressed, coaxing Xander's tongue out to meet his own by licking along his lips. A small moan of pleasure escaped from Xander. Giles smiled at this, pulling away slowly, licking at his own lips and relishing the taste of Xander's.

He looked up and down with a shy smile that radiated pure joy. "Yes, well as you can see no harm done. There's nothing wrong with male/male companionship and has been looked upon with favor throughout such cultures as –"

"God, Giles, shut up." Xander grinned and kissed Giles once more, this time showing the older and more refined man that he'd learned from their first kiss and wanted more. Rupert Giles was more than willing to provide the young man the passion, love and admiration he so deserved and would continue to do so at every opportunity. Their tongues caressed each other searching, mapping and cataloguing as they stumbled backward awkwardly into Giles' desk.

Xander pulled away with a nervous and yet cocky smile that made Giles warm all over.
"You really are quite disrespectful at times. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" Giles teased, fingering a lock of Xander's dark hair.

"No, only you Giles," Xander blushed at last. He pulled away and reaching toward the book that had been sandwiched between them.

"Quite so," Giles grinned back, putting his glasses back on happier than he'd been in a long time and handed him his book. "That's a most excellent notion. I'm quite pleased to be within your circle of one."

"I'll be back tomorrow for that tutoring session if that's okay?" Xander's smile had spread to epic proportions.

"I'll look forward to it," Giles replied honestly.

"Me too," Xander said and gave Giles one fast kiss goodbye before running out of the room, blushing and smiling happily.

"Ah the possibilities of the impossible," Giles mused aloud. Whistling he turned back to his books.