4155 words
Nov. 19. 2005
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by MGM, various publishers and merchants. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended, nor any malice toward the wonderful actors and actresses that make Stargate Atlantis come to life.

“This is another fine situation you’ve gotten us into Major,” Rodney snapped pulling unconsciously on the ropes that bound him to the pole between him and Sheppard. “How do you plan on getting us out this time?”

“Lieutenant Colonel,” John sighed, still trying desperately to think of a way out of their current situation. At least they still had their vests, not that they could get to them.

It had all been so easy, a simple rescue and extraction of Teyla and Ronon. Although none of them had a clue what had gone wrong. Teyla simply wanted to show Ronon around one of the villages her people had made friends with for trading. The place was supposed to be deserted, at least according to Teyla it was, since the people were nomadic. It was simply a settlement that had been abandoned. Then the ransom note had been tossed through the gate, demanding medical supplies or no Teyla and Ronon.

Weir was naturally upset, but had sent Sheppard, because of his military training and McKay because of…hmm

“McKay, why did you get sent on this mission?” Rodney huffed and John was sure if he could see the man he’d be looking at one of the scientist’s patented ‘you are such an idiot’ expressions. He felt Rodney pull against their bonds once more as McKay struggled to get loose.

“Because you’re the brawn and I’m the brain, that’s why!” Rodney bit out. John frowned. Rodney sounded more on edge than possible - that is to say if that was possible.

“Calm down Rodney, it was just a question,” John said in his best voice as he inched toward his emergency pocketknife. He looked around again. Their captors had been very thorough. Just in case they managed to escape being tied up to the tree trunk sized pole, there were bars around the room and then he could see the four walls through them. He hoped Rodney hadn’t noticed the cage in the dim light. Casting his mind over the situation he really wanted to kick himself for not suspecting they’d be ambushed as soon as they came through the gate. He wondered idly what Dr. Weir would do when he didn’t report back in time.

“What’s that!?” Rodney jumped, or at least as much as he could considering the situation.

“Sorry, my back up knife. I can’t get to it. Can you reach it? It’s in my back pocket,” John whispered, not sure if there were listening devices in the room or not, though he doubted it.

He could almost hear Rodney choke back a smart comment, but he obviously had decided it was more pertinent to get free. John felt Rodney’s long, strong fingers brush over the back of his hand. “Before your mind even goes there, I am NOT trying to hold your hand,” Rodney bit out. John decided to let that one go and tried to shift his backside toward Rodney’s hand. “That’s it. I think I’ve got it,” Rodney grunted and using his fingertips pulled it out and put it into John’s fingertips. “There, now just remember who had to save your ass.”

“Don’t you mean who was playing with my ass?” John retorted carefully flipping out the knife.

Rodney sputtered. “I was NOT playing with your …”

“Sorry Rodney, we don’t have time for more right now. Now don’t move,” John cautioned as he started to saw through one rope.

Sputtering Rodney retorted, “I never once intimated Major that I wanted to have more time to do any sort of cavorting with you.”

“Ah, so you admit you were cavorting with me,” John laughed.

“Well I…I did no such thing Major. I’ll have you know that my love life is not so bad that I’d be caught with…”

“SHH,” John hissed as he heard footsteps nearby. They passed and John started to work on the rope with renewed vigor, despite the bad angle and the several times he’d managed to poke himself with the knife. But it was better than risking cutting Rodney; he’d never hear the end of it if he did that.

“Must you always shush me?” Rodney spat. John rolled his eyes and with a sigh of relief heard and felt the rope give way. “Oh thank god. I was starting to lose all feeling in my hands, and Atlantis would be lost without these hands.” Rodney got to his feet rubbing his wrists. John hissed bringing his hands forward, noting almost absently the amount of blood on his hands. “John!”

“I’m alright Rodney, just got a bit cut up doing that. When we get back Dr. Beckett will fix it up in no time.” John took the knife and started to cut away the edge of his shirt for makeshift bandages, trying not to notice he was trembling or how quiet Rodney had gotten. But Rodney was suddenly in his face looking pale, but determined.

“You seem to be in perpetual trouble Major. I really don’t know what you’d do without me. Honestly, how you manage to survive this long is simply blind dumb luck which at least you seem to have in abundance.” Rodney rattled on, but John just smiled letting the words wash over him. He was feeling a bit lightheaded, and closed his eyes resting his head back against the pole. He opened his eyes to see Rodney shaking him. “Don’t fall asleep and leave me in here alone!” Rodney’s eyes were wide and frightened.

John opened his eyes fully and noticed the room seemed to be more brightly lit. Obviously, Rodney had noticed it too. John took a deep breath and noticed the small rest he’d taken made him feel better. He’d tried not to dwell on the fact it was more probable he’d passed out. “Rodney.”

“Oh thank god. Don’t do that again. Look I found some vitamin C pills in your vest and put them under your tongue.” John nodded that’s why his mouth felt so odd and tasted so strangely. “What no mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?”

Rodney’s neck and face turned beet red and he looked away biting his lip. John smirked and tried to put that little nugget of information in the back of his mind to tease Rodney about later. “Of course, we’d have to get caught in a cage.” He wrapped his arms around himself. “I’ve yelled myself hoarse but these egotistical guerilla warfare maniacs refuse to answer me. Undoubtedly, they realize who they’d be dealing with, right Major?”

John rose to his feet unsteadily, noticing that Rodney had finished bandaging his wrists. “Oh yes of course, they certainly don’t want to deal with Brainiac of the Pegasus Galaxy.” John noticed Rodney was shaking, so he took a step closer. Rodney turned to look at him and tried to smile, but failed.

“I like Brainiac. Brainiac was cool. It’s not his fault it took so long for Supergirl to get with the program. Then she had to go and get herself nuked. Not his fault at all. She could have easily have gone back in time, saved him and THEN the world. But no one ever realizes the value of a really incredible scientist until they’re gone.” Rodney gulped. “They will realize I’m not around right?”

“Rodney, it’s okay. I’m sure Elizabeth has sent out a rescue party and is negotiating for us right now. And you’re right. Supergirl was an idiot,” John laughed. He put a hand on Rodney’s shoulder and the scientist sighed.

“I can’t stand small places. You know I’m claustrophobic. Damn these people, it wasn’t bad enough to tie us up?” Rodney’s voice increased in pitch and he began to breathe heavily.

John stroked his shoulders in what he hoped was a calming manner. “Close your eyes McKay.”

“Oh sure I show a little bit of sensitivity and now we’re back to honorifics? Fine Lieutenant,” Rodney snapped. “Two can play at that game. But I really think that given the abysmal nature of our current surroundings that we might as well try to play nice.”

“You’re right, Rodney. Just try to take it easy okay. Look at me, not at anything else and just talk to me, without leaving singe marks if you don’t mind.” John blinked slowly, he still wasn’t feeling top notch, but at this point he needed to try to keep Rodney together. Rodney tossed his head, a movement that always amused John. It was as if Rodney had a full head of hair that he was tossing about.

“And what do you suppose we talk about your lack of wit, a comb or sophistication? Or perhaps we can just bypass all that and go straight to why on earth you were stuck on that block of ice when I met you. Who exactly did you tick off with your lack of charm?”

John pushed Rodney away. “Fine McKay, if you can’t hold a civilized conversation without your poisonous and lackluster idea of humor, then I fail to see the need to offer you any sympathy.”

Rodney held up a finger as if to point something out then turned. Upon seeing the four walls once again he cringed. He slammed his eyes tightly shut. “Home, home, home.”

John rubbed his head and tried to ignore the chanting, instead investigating their surroundings, testing the bars and checking his vests and noticing they had no weapons except the small pocket knife he’d used already. “Damn,” he muttered after accessing the situation.

“I take it by ‘damn’ you mean we are screwed once more thanks to your rather obvious lack of strategic ability,” Rodney spat. “I mean Zelenka could have put together a more covert operation than you did. Let’s just hope we aren’t being used as Wraith bait shall we?”

“If you’re quite done picking me apart, perhaps you will give me a second to try to remember WHY I PUT UP WITH YOU!” John yelled angrily, then instantly regretted it putting a hand to his head as the room swayed. Any other time this little repartee of theirs was an amusing way to pass the time, not in this situation and not now.

“Well you don’t have to get in a snit about it,” Rodney huffed.

“McKay, just lay off the drama queen act for two minutes will ya?” John put a hand up against a bar and willed his headache to go away.

“I am not a drama queen. Am I? Oh my god, I do sound like…no, no I’m not! I’m simply misunderstood. You’re socially challenged,” Rodney reasoned in a tight voice.

John looked toward McKay, sweat had beaded out on his brow. He was clutching at his shoulders and arms nervously. In general, he looked ready to fly apart at the seams. He closed his eyes and remembered something General O’Neill had told him. “Sometimes the hardest thing to do is stop being in charge and start to really care about your team, to be there for them no matter what it costs “ personally. That’s the difference between being the man and a man.” John shook his head. Those words never made much sense, until now.

He walked across the room, stood before Rodney and looked his teammate in the eye. “Come here.” Rodney blinked in confusion. John pulled the trembling scientist into his arms. “It’s going to be okay Rodney. Just listen to my voice. It’s going to be okay. We’ve made it out of tighter spots than this.” John felt Rodney gulp against his shoulder making John realize belatedly his poor choice of wording. “Sorry.” Slowly he felt Rodney wrap his arms around him before he tightened them incrementally until John was convinced that Rodney was no longer the sedentary scientist he was when he first met him.

“Someone’s been working out,” John commented in a breathless sort of way, indicative of the pressure the bear hug was exuding. “Air.”

Rodney smiled and loosened his grip before shaking his head. “Given the current situation that almost sounded like a pass…John.”

“Your ego can leap tall buildings in a single bound, can’t it McKay?” John extricated himself from Rodney’s embrace. He kept his eyes down not wishing Rodney to see any glimmer of the truth of his words.

Standing alone once more, Rodney suddenly realized how comforting just being held was. When was the last time anyone had done that for him? Looking around the room he felt the unwelcome panic settle back in to his body. “I, uh, don’t know what to say. You were being kind and didn’t deserve that…John.”

Sheppard turned and looked back at Rodney, who was trembling once more. He sighed and sat down, folding his legs neatly beneath him. With one hand, he gestured for Rodney to come sit by him. After only a moment’s hesitation, Rodney sat in a graceless heap by him. He sat snuggly against him until they were touching all the way from knee to shoulder. John put his arm around Rodney and felt the scientist shiver before settling into him.

After a few minutes Sheppard became keenly aware of Rodney’s body heat, his sweet smelling and more than likely hypo-allergenic shampoo. Despite all his brain’s wishes to the contrary he felt his cock start to harden. He tried to shift away a bit, but McKay only curled into his arms further. It struck him that it might have been months since he’d gotten laid by either sex, but he couldn’t remember anyone with McKay either. He wanted to think of something to say to get his mind off the proximity of McKay. Instead he blurted out,” So you gave me mouth-to-mouth? Shame I wasn’t awake for that.” He closed his eyes and grimaced, then slowly opened one eye to see Rodney looking at him indignantly and blushing furiously. “Um, thanks?”

Rodney shut his mouth and curving up the one side of his mouth, he smiled. “You’re welcome.” Then he smiled more. “Shame, eh?”

“Eh?” John teased with a grin. It wasn’t often any of Rodney’s Canadian colloquialisms slipped out like that.

“My sugar must be low,” Rodney replied, but there was no sharp retort in his tone. “I ate what I had, I couldn’t wait for you.”

“At this rate you’ll need mouth-to-mouth next,” John quipped, not the least bit concerned about missing out on Rodney’s candy stash. Besides McKay was the one with the medical problem. Actually he was relieved, although part of him worried as to how long it had been since Rodney had eaten a real meal.

“I hope I’m awake,” Rodney whispered.

Searching his feelings John was amazed to feel desire for Rodney deepen, filling his veins and pound in his chest. He felt more alive than he had in months. Months where desperation had filled him, filled by the depression of the losing battle with the Wraith. Yet he’d struggled to keep up a cheerful attitude for others, a direct result of years in school and then the Academy as the class clown. He pulled Rodney back to his shoulder and nuzzled the top of his head. No matter how he felt about McKay, he couldn’t ever act on them. He needed to think and get a grip on his tumultuous emotions. “Close your eyes Rodney. It will be okay. Get some rest. I’ll wake you when the rescue comes.”

Rodney nodded against his shoulder and eventually fell asleep. Sheppard spent the next few hours doing some soul searching in regards to one Dr. Rodney McKay. He was so lost in his own ruminations it took him a few minutes to register the sounds of P-90 fire outside. Giving in to temptation, he gently kissed the side of Rodney’s temple noticing it seemed warm. “Hey, what did I tell you? Here comes the cavalry. I bet one of them has a power bar with your name on it.”

“G-good it’s a-about t-time,” Rodney stammered. He tried to pull away and started to shake. John grabbed him before he fell to the hard floor.

“Rodney!” John yelled in alarm. He looked toward the sealed door. “WE’RE IN HERE DAMNIT! BRING FOOD!”

“I-I think I-I’ll just stay right here,” Rodney managed before he collapsed completely in John’s arms. John just managed to catch him and gently cradled his face with one hand.

“Damn it Rodney, don’t check out on me now,” John growled. Teyla threw open the door with Aiden at her side.

“Sheppard!” Aiden yelled in relief.

“Lieutenant, is Dr. McKay alright?” Teyla asked with concern. Aiden was already tossing a Power bar at Sheppard who caught it with one hand.

Ronon entered the scene filling the doorway. “We must go now,” he growled.

“I need help with…McKay,” John finished. Ronin nodded and as soon as Teyla keyed open the lock he swept in and effortlessly tossed the scientist over his shoulder.

Aiden indicated it was time to go and he led the way with Teyla on his heels. Sheppard took up rear position, so he could keep an eye on Rodney as much as protect his team. No one said anything for which he was grateful, almost as much as he was when they arrived at Atlantis not long after.

Rodney blinked his eyes open and soon recognized where he was. “Carson?”

“Hello Rodney. You gave Colonel Sheppard quite a scare. Do you feel up to some visitors?” Beckett looked at him curiously.

“What?” Rodney snapped. “What is that look for?”

“Ach, nothing. It’s just I’ve never seen Colonel Sheppard look quite that concerned about anyone before.” Beckett raised an eyebrow.

“Really?” Rodney asked before he could stop himself, much less the silly smile on his face.

“Aye, care to tell me what happened?” Rodney felt himself blush. “Alright, maybe it’s for the best I don’t know. Second thought, I’m sure I don’t want to know.”

“Nothing happened!” Rodney blurted out, but knew it was too little too late. Beckett simply raised an eyebrow again and went to the door to let in the visitors.

Elizabeth, Teyla, Aiden bustled in but were passed by Sheppard who was instantly at his side. Rodney smiled up at him. Ronon stood in the background looking bored. Elizabeth gave John a quizzical look. “See John, he looks fine. “ She looked apologetically to Rodney. “I’m sorry we couldn’t get you out of there sooner. We were trying to negotiate, but talks soon broke down.”

Rodney nodded and pushed himself up to a sitting position only to feel the world swirl around him. “Whoa. How low was I? Don’t we pay you to fix people?” He barked at Beckett.

“Aye, he’s better. As soon as I see you eat a full meal, you can go. Please,” Beckett insisted.

“Right, everyone pick on the sick guy. I can’t help it if I have a delicate constitution!” Rodney defended himself.

Teyla grinned. “Yes, you seem to be back to your old self. “ Aiden snickered and Ronon seemed to grunt in agreement.

“Hey,” Rodney turned to her. “Is that sarcasm I hear in your voice? It better not be!”

She tilted her head in apology then her eyes sought out John’s. “Good luck Colonel,” she nodded and left the room. Ronon followed and looking back to Rodney, Aiden burst out in laughter before leaving the room.

Elizabeth folded her arms over her chest. “You really do know how to clear a room don’t you?”

“Aye, that he does,” Beckett added from across the room, where he was sitting at a control panel.

Rodney huffed and folded his arms over his chest. “Aren’t you the one that said I could leave once I ate?”

“Yes, well, I’ll just go see to that then?” Beckett hopped up and left the room quickly, eager for an excuse to leave.

“Oh this is ridiculous,” Rodney slipped out of the bed; grateful he’d not been reduced to wearing one of those hospital gowns and was still in his gear, sans his vest which lay on a nearby stool. His legs gave out and he plummeted down only to be caught by Sheppard.

“Whoa there Rodney,” John helped McKay to his feet and for a moment they stood toe-to-toe.

The air crackled between them and Elizabeth’s eyebrows shot up. When did this happen? She looked down and cleared her throat, trying not to laugh at the thought that poor Sheppard of all people had fallen for Rodney and apparently vice versa. Of course, Sheppard would never act on it, since he was career military. But if anyone could rein in the terror that was Rodney McKay, John Sheppard was definitely the man for the job. And idea struck her.

“Did I ever mention to you John that I’ve found that several of the old rules don’t actually apply to us any more out here in the Pegasus Galaxy?” She glanced at the two men and saw Rodney was blushing and John was grinning from ear-to-ear helping Rodney to the bed. It was all she could do not to drop her jaw when she realized Rodney was not complaining about something, heck anything!

Rodney pointed toward Elizabeth and evidently hoped that she wouldn’t see it, but she had. She looked down fighting desperately not to laugh. Poor John he was a goner, whether he admitted it to himself or not. “Oh, I’m sorry, you were saying Dr. Weir?”

She forced the grin off her face and looked back up with her best serious face. “Yes, while you were gone I looked over some of our rules and regulations to see what force I could use in this situation and I ran across some laws that I noticed no longer pertained to us. “ Elizabeth let a small smile escape. John and Rodney stared at her. They looked at each other and then back at her. How long have they been doing that? She wondered.

“Well woman, are you going to tell us, or are you going to wait until we discover hen’s teeth?” Rodney blurted out. John gave him a scolding look and more of Elizabeth’s smile escaped. It looked like she no longer had to keep Dr. McKay on a short leash, she was right on the money that someone else had that job and frankly she couldn’t be happier about it. She walked around the end of Rodney’s bed.

“Yes, say in the instance of certain relationships between high ranking officers, or really any type of relationship on this base. Back at the SGC I’d be obliged to report everything I saw or knew of, according to regulations and then in some cases there might be demotions and so forth. But,” she glanced toward the men and saw they were hanging on every word, she spun on her heel to go back the way she came,” I can’t afford to lose anyone here. So I suppose antiquated regulations like that no longer pertain to us. Especially if the parties involved were discreet. Wouldn’t you agree John? Rodney?”

John’s grin was blinding, Rodney was blushing. “Oh totally Elizabeth, I’m in complete agreement. How about you Rodney?” Rodney nodded his head so quickly Elizabeth was reminded of a bobble head doll on a dashboard.

She laughed, “Well, good. I’m glad to hear it gentlemen. Don’t forget we have a meeting tomorrow at 1100 hours. “With a nod of her head she started to walk out. Halfway to the door she turned to tell Rodney a message from Zelenka then froze in her tracks. Colonel Sheppard appeared to be giving Dr. McKay a tonsillectomy from the inside out, by means of his tongue, or was it the other way around? She grinned and turning back around headed quickly out of the room, closing the door behind her. She ran into Dr. Beckett on the way headed into the room with a tray of food for Rodney. “Oh, I wouldn’t go in there if I were you,” she smirked.

“Aye, it’s not like I want to, but Rodney needs to eat then he can get out of my…” slipping past her he opened the door and the tray fell to the floor with a clatter. John and Rodney stopped kissing and looked up with swollen lips to see Carson looking stunned. Beckett slammed the door shut as well as his eyes. When he opened them again he turned wide eyes of shock at Elizabeth. “Oh my bloody god! I do nay believe it. It’s a …a…”

Weighing her words carefully, Elizabeth answered. “It’s an interesting way John has found of keeping Rodney from complaining, isn’t it Carson?” She winked.

If it was possible his eyes went wider. Dawning comprehension grew across his face, and he grinned, his eyes crinkled in the corners as they lit up with understanding and gratitude. He nodded emphatically. “Aye, that it is Elizabeth, it is at that.”