Chapter 6

Harry had a rough night at the Weasleys and woke to find at least three kids in bed with him. He loved the children of his friends and had come to think of them as his own nieces and nephews, but he wished Ron and Hermione wouldn't spoil the kids by letting them sleep with them all the time. It meant anytime he stayed over he was an instant pillow for several of the red haired children. As he went downstairs after a shower and dressing, he found Hermione frantically rushing about.

"Honestly Harry! Where have you been!" she screeched, and Harry had just enough time to grab his tux and a piece of toast before she apparated away to the auction, dragging him with her.

"Hermione! I didn't even get to say goodbye!" Harry complained while being towed behind her through the backstage area, which was becoming crowded with people.

"Harry, its eleven already! Must you always run on Pagan time?" she scolded and shoved him roughly into a chair in front of a mirror. She then turned and waddled off into the crowd.

A hairdresser apparated to Harry's side, "Oh my stars, what did you do to your hair?" the man asked as he began to play with the dark locks.

"Uh, washed it, but then nothing really," Harry said, embarrassed at all the sudden attention.

"Oh honey, this just will not do!"

A sink suddenly appeared behind Harry and the hairstylist began to wash, condition, dry and style his hair. Anthony was the man's name, and it turned out that he was a professional hairstylist and makeup artist. Anthony worked on his eyebrows, sideburns, and nails. He even gave Harry an assortment of colognes to choose from, and then splashed some on him. Anthony was very pleasant to talk to and helped Harry calm down a great deal. When he finished, Harry gasped at his own reflection. In his entire life he had never seen his hair behave so well, or himself look so good. His reflection even winked back at him.

"Bloody hell! I look good! Can I have your card?" Harry gasped.

The man giggled and gave him a card. He shook a finger in Harry's face, "You better go get dressed right now before Madame Godzilla comes back!"

Harry laughed and went to look for a dressing room. The hairdresser shook his head and pointed Harry the right way. The bachelor poured himself into the tailored tux. He contemplated leaving his trainers on but figured Hermione would kill him. So, with a wave of his wand, he transfigured the trainers into a pair of black boots. His nerves were quickly turning to mush as he heard the first bachelor go on the auction block. With great trepidation he stepped from the dressing room.

"Oh don't we look spiffy!" came the voice of Anthony. "Oh darling, come let me see!" Anthony smiled in appreciation. "Oh, it's just like the Princess Diaries! Even Madame Godzilla will be happy!"

Harry sighed and willed his heart to slow down. An arm dragged him off into the crowd, and Harry waved goodbye to Anthony. A pale Oliver Wood waved to him as he was dragged by to the waiting line. To his horror, Harry realized he was the last bachelor. There were at least five to go before him. He could feel himself shaking.

A man was going down the line, handing out drinks and waving a wand. When he got to Harry he handed him a glass as well, "Calming draught," the man whispered. Then he waved a wand," Cheering charm," he whispered again. Harry smiled and gulped down the draught. He noticed Oliver at the head of the line beaming happily and standing up straight and confident as his name was called. Oliver didn't come back, but a light lit up on the back of the curtain that said "Oliver Wood: 100,000 Galleons." Another light came on with the grand total so far of 3,000,000 Galleons for the Orphan Fund. Harry could feel himself calming down and cheering up as well. After all, this was for charity.

By the time Harry was next to be called, the grand total stood at 5,000,000 Galleons. A very happy Hermione came through the curtains and saw Harry standing there. She swooned on the spot, and Harry wondered if she was all right.

"OH MY GOD HARRY!" she screamed. From behind him Harry heard Anthony yell in triumph.

"What?" Harry asked.

"You look like sex. I don't know how else to say it!" Anthony whooped in the background.

"Oh stop it!" Harry blushed.

"I'm not kidding! You'll see; come on it's your turn!" Hermione dragged Harry onto the stage, just behind the curtain, and took the microphone.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Wizards and Witches it is my Great Honor to open up the bidding on a romantic getaway for two with my dear friend, Mr. Harry Potter!"

Harry walked on to the stage and the crowd went wild. People were screaming, crying, and clutching at their hearts. Some people began throwing articles of clothing on stage, while others fainted. Harry was ready to run off stage when he heard a growl behind him. There at the curtain stood Sirius in his animal form to make sure he wasn't about to run. Harry cast an evil look of death in his Godfather's direction and then turned to smile reluctantly at the crowd. He spotted Remus with a phone in his hand waving merrily at him. Harry waved back and several bidders fainted away.

"Shall we open the bidding at 5000 Galleons?" Hermione asked.

Numbered placards shot into the air. Harry was stunned that someone would pay 5,000 Galleons for a date with him.

"We have 5,000. Do I hear 10,000? We have 10,000. Do I hear 20,000?" Hermione was rattling off numbers while Harry tried not to fall over in shock. He tried to focus on the fact that this was for charity.

"Smile Harry! This is on Wizard Wireless Network TV!" Hermione teased. The crowd laughed at the shy bachelor.

"Where did we leave off? Ah yes, do I hear 1 Million galleons? Yes, we have a Million galleons!"

"A Million Galleons to go out with me? Hermione what have you been telling these people?" Harry cried in horror.

"Ah yes, isn't he cute folks? Popularity has never gone to his head! Just imagine a romantic getaway with him!" Hermione yelled to the crowd.

"Do we have 2 Million Galleons?" "Yes, we do! Thank you!" Hermione went on for a few minutes before a commercial break was called with the total at 5 Million Galleons. Harry rushed to her side as she swooned, and sat her down in a chair.

"Hermione, are you alright?" he asked with concern.

"All right? Harry we aren't even down to the two top bidders yet! I've never raised this much money in my life!" Hermione gasped.

"But I can't believe what these people are willing to pay!" Harry shouted in amazement.

Just then, little Ben ran out to his Uncle Harry from behind the stage curtains. He jumped on Harry's back as the camera switched back on and they heard," On in 3,2 and."

"Hi, I'm Hermione Granger Weasley and we are here today to raise money for the Orphans! Our last bachelor, Harry Potter is on stage now. Bidding stands at 5 Million Galleons for a romantic getaway for 2 with one of the wizarding world's most eligible bachelors!

"Uncle Harry, you're turning red!" Ben giggled from Harry's back. The crowd laughed. Hermione shrugged.

"And just look how good he is with kids folks! Let's start the bidding at 6 Million Galleons." Hermione began again.

Harry was glad for the diversion that Ben brought and was happily swinging the little boy through the air and tickling him. He wasn't paying any attention, as the numbers grew higher.

"Uncle Doggy!" Ben cried and ran toward Sirius. Soon the trio began to romp and play on the stage.

"Ah yes, look at his playful energy! Do I hear 20 Million Galleons?" Hermione called out to the last remaining bidders. Harry almost fell over when he heard this. Then Hermione was handed a note. Her eyes lit up as she read it.

"Harry, we have someone on the phone who will raise the bidding to 30 Million Galleons if you take your jacket and shirt off," Hermione said joyously.

"WHAT? You must be mad!" Harry yelled. Sirius barked, Ben pulled on his jacket and Hermione said to the crowd," I told you he was shy, didn't I?" The crowd laughed.
"Now come on Harry it's for the Orphans; show some skin!" The audience went wild.

"NO; ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Harry yelled. The curtain behind him parted and all the other bachelors poured out, wrestled Harry to the ground, and took off running backstage with his jacket and shirt.

He stood up seething with rage. Several more people in the crowd fainted.

"OK mystery bidder! We have 30 Million Galleons!" Hermione walked around Harry doing a mock check out of Harry's assets. She nodded happily to the crowd who had a perfect rearview as she did this, since Harry had followed her around.

There were cat-calls and whistles of approval.

"Hermione, I am going to kill you!" Harry growled.

"OH, lets have a replay of that sexy growl!"

Harry put his head in his hands as the growl was magically replayed and echoed off the walls of the auction house. The bidding took off at a furious pace until it was down to one woman in the audience and the mystery bidder on the phone with Remus. The crowd went silent as a small war began to take place. The bidding finally slowed at 40 Million Galleons. Harry was incredulous. There was another commercial break and Harry screamed in indignation as the other bachelors came out, pinned him again and covered his torso in oil.

"GET OFF OF ME YOU GREAT BUNCH OF LOONS!" Harry was screaming as the camera came back on, and the bachelors ran back stage leaving a glistening, tAnnad Adonis in their wake.

Hermione was laughing too hard to even announce, but she didn't need too. A voice rang from the back of the room as its owner put a hand on Remus' shoulder to let him know he was there. Remus smiled and put down the phone.

"50 Million Galleons!" shouted the smiling Draco Malfoy as he strode forward to the stage. All other bidding stopped.

"FIFTY?" Harry gasped. Then he saw who was headed his way. "Draco?" he asked shakily.


The crowd went wild, and balloons fell from the ceiling with streamers and confetti. But many eyes were focused on Draco as he climbed the steps to the stage and gave Harry a dozen red roses, while tossing a cape around his shivering oiled body. Draco gave Harry a kiss on the cheek and whispered, "Wave Harry." Harry turned, and waved at the camera and crowd with a beet red blush coloring his cheeks.

Sirius and Remus joined the pair on the stage and declared it was time to go home, as they joined hands with the two bachelors and apparated to their house in Ireland. Harry sat down in shock as he stared at Draco, while Remus and Sirius made a hasty retreat upstairs. Draco lowered himself to the couch beside Harry and took his hand. Harry looked at the gesture and smiled; then, with a free hand, put down the roses and took off the cloak.

"You look wonderful Harry," Draco whispered.

"I've missed you Draco," Harry whispered.

"Oh God, Harry, I've missed you too," Draco said, taking Harry's other hand.

"Draco, why did you just pay all that money for a weekend with me?" Harry asked.

"Because I love you Harry, and I won't let anyone have you because I'm a jealous little prat," Draco replied honestly.

Harry gasped," I love you too Draco."

But the words were barely passed his lips before Draco kissed the words right out of his mouth. He went to wrap his arms around Harry, but started to laugh in Harry's mouth as his hands slid down the oily back.

"Yuck, what did they use on you?" Draco asked and waved a wand to clean Harry off as well as his own arms and cloak.

"I'm going to go crazy without you after this weekend is over," Harry said sadly.

"It doesn't have to end this way, Harry."

"What do you mean Draco?"

Draco smiled and slid off the couch onto one knee and took out a small blue velvet box. He opened it so Harry could see the gold wedding bands inside.

"Harry, will you marry me, and be my husband so we will never be apart again?" Draco whispered.

Harry bit his lip and started to cry, "Yes Draco, yes." Draco wrapped his arms around Harry and kissed those words out of his mouth as well, leaving his fiancé absolutely breathless. Then he stood up and hollered to the upstairs, "HE SAID YES!"

The thunder of footsteps signaled the return of Remus and Sirius who swept the two into hugs while yelling their congratulations. When things died down, Sirius waved a wand over Harry and Draco. Harry looked down, as did Draco, to find they were in the Black family tartan, made into kilts, replete with sash, sporran and dirks. Harry and Draco were shoved outside and they walked to the cliffs where Harry had spent so many hours crying over Draco. Remus apparated out and returned with a Justice of the Peace.

"Did you have this all plAnnad out?" asked Harry trying not to giggle at the breeze between his legs.

"Yep!" Remus said happily, then stood beside his husband as witness. Sirius smiled, waved his wand, and he and Remus stood in the Black family kilts as well.

"OH geez, make it quick!" Remus said with a squeak as the air from the cliffs rushed up through the folds of the tartan.

"Very well, do you, Draconius Lucius Malfoy, take this man, Harry James Potter, to be your husband, through good times and bad, in sickness and health, being loyal, good, faithful and loving to him from this day forward?

"I do," Draco said, while looking into Harry's perfect Caribbean emerald blue eyes.

"Do you, Harry James Potter, take this man, Draconius Lucius Malfoy, to be your husband, through good times and bad, in sickness and health, being loyal, good, faithful and loving to him from this day forward?"

"I do," Harry said, looking into Draco's eyes, which he noticed did indeed match the blue gray ocean surf of Ireland behind him.

"The rings," the officiator said.

Draco took a ring in his hand and as Harry took a ring in his own, and they looked once again into each other's eyes.

"Draconius, you may place the ring on his finger ."

Draco looked down and began to slide the gold band onto Harry's hand finger, stopping midway to look back into the eyes of the man he loved.

"Harry, I have loved you for most of my life. I've dreamed of you every night. I tried to run from the feelings I had for you, but I saw your eyes looking back at me no matter how far I ran. I will never run from you or our love again. I will do everything in my power to show you how much I love you. I will protect you with my last breath. When I look into your beautiful eyes, the love I see there is more beautiful than I ever imagined heaven to be. I will always love you. This I swear."

And through tears he looked down and finished putting the ring on Harry's finger. He looked back into Harry's eyes and saw tears echoing his own running down his fiancé's cheeks.

Harry began to put the ring on Draco's finger and also stopped halfway.

"Draco, not a day has gone by since we met that you have not been a vital part of me. I've been lost without you in my life. I can't imagine a day without you in my life now that you are back in it. I will do everything I can to make you never afraid of our love again. I never want to live without you. I couldn't take another breath without you, for my heart would be shattered on the cliffs below, and my soul would be washed away with the tide. My prayers were answered when you came back into my life. I will always love you. This I swear."

Harry choked back his own tears as he looked down to slide the band further onto Draco's hand.

"Then by witness of family and friends, the land, sky, and sea, I pronounce you to be married. You may now kiss your husband."

Draco took Harry's tear stained face in his hands, and Harry covered those hands with his own and they kissed tenderly, lovingly and gently. Then Draco slowly moved his hands down so one was behind Harry's neck and the other at his waist while Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's neck. Then Draco slowly dipped Harry down so his dark hair brushed the green grass growing in the Irish soil and kissed him so passionately that they were both caught off guard. Draco slowly and gracefully brought Harry back up to his feet.

Draco and Harry held each other tightly then turned, cheek to cheek, to face Remus and Sirius.

The officiator smiled happily and apparated away, while the foursome had a group hug.

"Well, at least the honeymoon is already paid for!" Sirius joked through tears, as Remus wrapped his arms around him.

"I still can't believe you paid that much Draco," Remus kidded. "And made him take off his clothes!"

Harry shook his head, "Fifty million galleons!"

"Please, my investments will make that back in a month. And it was for a good cause!" Draco said, smiling with his arms wrapped tightly around Harry's waist.

"So what now guys?" Sirius asked and Remus nodded.

"Home to Malfoy Manor?" Draco asked Harry.

"Yes, I suppose so, my husband," Harry replied beaming.

"To live happily forever after?" Draco asked.

"Forever isn't long enough," Harry answered, and they apparated away, wrapped in each other's arms to make their dreams come true, leaving two lovers kissing by the cliffs of Ireland.