Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

The Melting Point
By Keikokin
Pairing: HP/DM
Rating: PG-13

/Harry’s POV/

/ There he is. Damn. Don’t look up. /

“Harry what’s wrong?” Hermione asked.

/ Everything. /


/ Damn. I looked. He gets better looking every single year. /

“Harry why are you looking at the Slytherin table like that?”

/ Because Draco is there, that’s why. /

“Was I?”

/Oh, that was lame! /

“I just think it’s kind of odd that Malfoy was looking over here too.”

/ REALLY? Don’t look! It’s a trap. Why would he look at me? /


/Lame, oh so lame. /

“Pansy said he’s gay.”

/Ok in order to keep your cool spitting your orange juice all over the table is just so not good. /

“Harry you ok?”

/ NO! You mean I have a chance? /

“Sure, uh, went down the wrong way Hermione. Uh, where’s Ron?”

/Oh, nice save! /

“He’s talking to Malfoy. Snape and McGonagall are making them call a truce. Dumbledore’s orders, I think. ”

/ Holy shite! NO WAY! /

“WOW! Do you think it will work?”

/ Please let it work. /

“Let’s ask Ron, here he comes,” Hermione said happily.

/ OH please! /

“Hey mate,” Ron said sitting across from Hermione and Harry.

/Shite, did you have to block my view? /

“Ron honey, did you two make up?” Hermione asked.

“Yeah, it’s either that or no more Quidditch,” Ron said. “You’re next Harry.”

/What the hell are you talking about? /

“You have to go bury the hatchet now. Snape told me to get you.”
/ I hope I can walk that far without falling. /

“Uh, ok, Ron.”
/One foot next foot, don’t fidget Harry. /

“You wanted to see me Professor?”
/ I never thought I’d be happy to do something you wanted me too. /

“Yes Potter. It’s high time you and Draco made up.”

/Can we kiss and make up? /

“I’m sorry Harry,” Draco said putting his hand out.

/OH my god. Please don’t let my hands be clammy! /

“I’m sorry too, Draco. And thanks.”

/His hand is so soft and warm! Please for once don’t blush. Oh lord, he’s smiling. Smile back, no not the goofy one! Shite that was the goofy one! Tell me he didn’t notice! OH NO! He raised an eyebrow. Look at the floor! Whew. /

“Is there anything else Professor?”

“No you may go sit down.”

/Nod, don’t look, walk one foot next foot, eww this floor is dirty. /

“Well, there ends an era, eh mate?” Ron asked as Harry sat down.

“Uh yeah guess so.”

/God is there a mouse hole I can crawl into? He so saw that I like him. I don’t feel so good. /

“Harry, you look green!” Hermione said worriedly.

/There you go! Make a run for it! /

“Yeah, I’m going to go be ill.”

/Definitely big time! /

/More cold water! Stupid taps never work right. Oh, that’s better. Where the fuck did I put my glasses? /

“Looking for these?”

/Oh no, please no. /

“Can I have them please Draco?”

/So I can find a mouse hole to go die in? /

“Why do you still wear these?”

/OH no he wants to talk. Don’t blush! /

“I’m use to them. Can I have them now? ”
/I’ll never wash them again. Lucky damn glasses! /


“I do have contacts though.”
/OH god why did I say that? /

“You should start wearing them.”

/ If you say so, oh man look away from those eyes! They should be outlawed. OH no I am so not looking at his groin. Lord those pants are tight. /

“Are you alright? That’s the second time I’ve seen you flush this morning.

/OH Shite did I just blush again? /

“Maybe I’m catching something.”

/Yeah, I’ve caught it. Malfoy heartbreak, only about half the school has it. /

“I’m not surprised. You don’t look like you’ve been sleeping or eating.”

/ He noticed? /

“I haven’t actually.”

/Falling in love with your enemy will do that. /

/OH SHITE! I opened myself up to that! How do I answer? /


“Blaise acted like that when he fell in love with Pansy.”

“Blaise and Pansy?”
/YUCK! /

“Yeah, you in love with Granger?”

/ And I repeat YUCK! /

“So who is it then?”
/RUN! /

“Well I have to go Draco. Bye!”
/And I repeat RUN! /

“ slowly walk away to breathe again” Disturbed

/ Thank god for abandoned classrooms! Ok just be cool. He does not know! I mean how could he just because you blushed twice! /

“Damn damn damn!”

/He wants me to wear my contacts? Why? OK just walk out and go to class. Forget it skive class and go hide in bed! Better! /

“Harry! Where were you this morning?” Hermione asked at lunch.
/Well there goes my appetite, push the plate away once again. /

“You not eating again, mate?” Ron asked.
/What was your first clue? /

“Still not feeling well.”
/Well, that was the truth at least. Heaven isn’t hot enough for all my lies lately. Just get up and leave! /

“Harry, you leaving already? You haven’t eaten a thing!”

/Geez is this is what it’s coming too? I’m in potions early? /

“You’re making me look bad. I’m always first to get here.”
/OH NO! Why didn’t I remember that? /

/Very good! /

“Did you eat anything today?”

/Don’t say a word! /

“You never answered my earlier question either.”
/OH no I am so not going there! Don’t say anything. /


“Ok have it your way. But you forget I’m in Slytherin we have ways of finding out things.”
/OH NO! Not this time! /

“Hey, calm down you’re shaking.”
/Tell me that is not his hand on my shoulder! Oh lord, it is. He’s touching me. /

“Draco, Harry is everything all right? Not fighting already I hope?”
/For once I am so happy to see the slimy git. /

“Just trying to get Harry to stop shaking Professor.”
/SHITE. Why did he have to say that? /

“I will not have someone sick in my classroom.”

“Ok, bye.”
/I can’t believe I just did that. I’ll have detention for sure. Screw it. I should have a trophy for ‘most detentions ever awarded’. /

“Ron have you seen Harry?”

“No Hermione. Maybe he came down to eat earlier.”

"He left Potions too. Snape was going on about his behavior in class.” Neville added.

“He’s missed three meals now. I’m really worried about him Ron.” Hermione said.

“Did he go to any classes?” Ron asked.

“No, Mr. Weasley. He hasn’t been to any all day. Can you please give me a reason for his behavior?” McGonagall asked.

“I don’t know Professor but I’m starting to worry,” Hermione said.

“Er, if you’re talking about ‘Arry I saw him this afternoon crying down by the lake. What’s up?” Hagrid added in to the conversation.

“Do you know where he is now Rubeus?” McGonagall asked.


/ I wonder if anyone would notice if I just jumped? Gods what a day! Man, I love it up here. No one bugs you at all. The Astronomy Tower soon to be known as Lovers Leap. Draco Malfoy. I must be mad! So what if he’s gay. So what if he’s the best-looking guy in our class. Plus now we have to be friends. I am totally screwed. I could pretend before. But I can’t stop the emotion coming out of my eyes. Or stop the stupid blushing. I didn’t make it to any classes! I should be starving but I’m too scared to eat. I’ll just sleep up here and sneak down to change in the morning. I could grab a quick bite before anyone is up. Right. Now if I could just sleep. Should I start wearing my contacts? Oh hell. Sleepless night # 42 here I come. /

/OK, so far so good. Grab some food and I am so out of here. I wonder if I should have put these contacts in? Man I am a basket case! It was so much easier when we all just hated each other. /

“SO, I thought I might find you here. Is everything all right Harry?”
/Oh great go away you old fart. /

“Why do you ask Professor?”
/That’s good stall and eat faster! /

“Minerva tells me your house is very concerned about you.”
/Nosey gits!/

/Very good eat eat eat! /

“Well at least your appetite has returned. Do you expect to be in your classes today? Severus was not amused when you left his class.”

Shrug. Nod.
/Eat eat! Good make him think about it! /

“I remember a time not too long ago when you used to talk to me Harry,”
/OH, great guilt for breakfast /

“Hagrid tells me he saw you crying yesterday.”
/Damn spies everywhere! Don’t look up! /

“Mr. Malfoy seems to think you’re in love.”
/Shite! Why did my head just jerk up like that? /

“Ah, so that’s it then. So what is his name?”
/Will I never keep orange juice down again? /

“You okay Harry?”
/Yeah, I’ll just keep moping up my meals shall I? /

“Wrong pipe.”
/That is so lame. /

“The Slytherins seem to have made it a personal quest to find out.”
/Deny everything! /

“Funny how they don’t see it’s one of their own. I’ll see you later then Harry.”
/How the fuck does he do that? How does he know? Oh man if he knows who else knows? I can’t face Draco. This is just totally hopeless. I can go live with Remus! There we go that’s the ticket. I’ll just leave right now! /

“Hello Potter. Running again?”
/Oh man why did I have to run into him? /

“Yeah, so?”
/Oh good one! /

“Who or what has got you this scared?”
/Fuck run! /

“No, be a brave Gryffindor and answer. If someone is hurting you…”
/OH man please let go of me. If I melt right now the gig is up! /

“Please let go”
/Tell me I did not just whisper that. Don’t look up. /

“Are you wearing contacts?”
/ OH shit. Do not look up. Oh god, look at those eyes. Damn. /

/Tell me he did not just see that in my eyes. Oh please no. Uh oh there goes the eyebrow. /


/Whew! Ok I managed to avoid everyone all day. Now if I can just do it all year. Thank goodness for the Invisibility Cloak. I’ll just hide under here until the library is about to close. At least I can get my homework done.

/Oh no. There he is. Does the man have any idea how good looking he is? Damn. Oh there’s Blaise. /

“Draco, we checked and he’s not seeing anyone in any of the houses.”

“It doesn’t add up Blaise. What is Potter so scared of?”

“Maybe you should just tell him Draco.”

/Tell me what? /


/Come on tell me what? /

“Draco were supposed to be friends with them now, remember? Your Dad’s locked up. Voldemort’s going to be regrouping for years after the last fight he and Potter had.”

“No. Have you seen him lately? He’s not eating, sleeping, shaking like a leaf? I’m telling you Blaise he’s in love with someone and I want to know who!”

/You. /

“What are you going to do when you find out?”

“Scare them off.”

/ Scare them off? Tell me something? Huh? /

“The library’s closing, let’s go, Draco. Maybe Pansy will have something to report.”


“Uh, what did you say Ron?”
/Draco likes me. /

“Harry you just poured Pumpkin Juice all over your pancakes!”
/Maybe he even knows I like him. /

“Oh did I? That’s nice.”
/Maybe he’ll even ask me out. /

“Harry, what is with you?” Hermione asked waving a hand in front of his face.

“That’s it! I will not be made a fool of!” Draco stormed over to the Gryffindor table.

“Harry I want a word with you now!” Draco yelled.
/He wants to talk to me? SIGH. /

“Hmm, that’s nice.”
/Maybe he wants to ask me out. /

“Harry you just poured syrup in your cup!” Ron yelled.
/Maybe he’ll kiss me. /

“Harry come with me right now!” Draco yelled again.
/Yes, go with Draco to the ends of the earth. /

“Look, I’m sorry to drag you outside Harry but you are acting very funny!” Draco yelled.
/Oh we are outside. When did that happen? /

“Damnit Harry look at me when I’m talking to you!” Draco grabbed Harry by the shoulders.
/SIGH. He’s touching me again. Look at those eyes, damn. /

“Harry I demand to know who it is!”
/You are so beautiful when you are angry. /

“Why are you smiling at me like that? Is it someone I know?”
/I wonder what those lips taste like? /

/I bet they’re soft. /

“Is it someone in my house?”

/ Perfect teeth too. /

“Damn Slytherins! I’ll kill who ever it is!”

“That’s suicide, Draco.”

/Oh they are soft, and warm. Mmm, they taste like pancake syrup and pumpkin juice. OH yes, Draco hold me closer! Oh you smell so good. You feel so good. Damn Malfoy Meltdown commencing in 3, 2, 1 /

/Why did you stop?? /

“Do it again”
/Oh yeah, mmm, much better. OH, his tongue tastes like melted butter. Oh maybe that’s me melting like butter? Oh who the hell cares! Meltdown in 3,2,1. Oh yeah, who needs legs anyway? Did he just laugh? Who cares! Is that the ground? How did I get here? Mmm, sweet lord, take me right here! Let’s get back to nature! /