“Happy Endings by Keikokin
Written for Amanda
2786 words

“Hey Jim,” Blair said walking into the loft with a bag of groceries. Jim frowned Blair’s heartbeat was elevated, he could smell the sweat of panic on him.

“Everything okay Chief?” Jim got up from the couch, flicking off the tv with the remote as he did. He made his way to the kitchen where Blair was putting away groceries with his back to him.

“Oh, yeah, sure man, why wouldn’t it be?” Blair said a bit too cheerfully for Jim’s taste. There was something in his eyes too, but Blair knew the Sentinel a bit too well and was trying to dodge looking directly at the ‘walking crime lab’ that was Jim Ellison.

The detective’s mind started to go to work. Blair seemed scared of something and didn’t want Jim to find out. So it either had to be something personal or related to work that could potentially upset him. That meant work, because Blair had no personal life of late. As a matter of fact, he’d been spending an unusual amount of time home, to the point of researching on the internet instead of using the library on campus. Several of Blair’s friends had been calling asking if he was sick.

If it had to do with work and Blair was scared, then Blair felt threatened. Was he being threatened? Was he being stalked? Was someone blackmailing him? It was time for an interrogation. Step one “ get Blair to relax. “I was thinking of making some of that fancy coffee, want some?”

Blair’s tension level dropped down, most likely because he thought Jim was dropping the subject. Jim snickered inwardly. “Yeah coffee sounds about perfect right now.”

‘Case evidence number two’, Jim thought as he bustled about making the exotic blend of coffee, ’Blair needs to relax and he knows it. What’s going on here Chief?’

Blair started to ramble about the grocery store as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. His hands were gesturing wildly, but Jim half tuned it out. ‘You’re really terrified I’m going to ask about this. Why?’

Jim nodded and grunted in all the right places until the coffee was done. He put a fresh cup into Blair’s hands and watched in amazement as he fumbled through the refrigerator for half and half. ‘Wow,’ Jim thought,’ you are scared! You need comfort foods and normally you’d be screaming about half-and-half clogging up arteries!’

“Enough,” Jim said out loud. He took the coffee and creamer from Blair set it on the counter and dragged the brunet into his arms. “What’s wrong Chief? And don’t give me any more bullshit about the supermarket prices upsetting you. You can talk to me about anything and you know that.”

Jim felt Blair tense in his arms. To his surprise he was pushed away roughly, admittedly he often forgot how strong Blair was because of his small packaging, but this was more adrenalin induced. Blair looked covertly to the right and left. “I’m fine man really.”

‘BULLSHIT’, Jim thought angrily. ‘Someone really has you scared. So scared you won’t even accept a friendly hug. Either someone is blackmailing you over our relationship or you think someone is watching.’

“Why don’t you go take a shower, maybe it will help take your mind off of things?” Jim suggested putting the coffee back into Blair’s hands. Blair looked relieved once more. Nodding he left the room quickly, a bit too quickly for Jim’s mind. Something was really wrong and no one, but no one was going to hurt Blair.

Blair dashed out of his room wearing nothing but a towel and a smile on his way to the shared shower. Jim felt himself become even more protective. He knew he’d loved his Guide for a long time now. It was only recently that he’d been willing to admit it to himself. Seeing Blair like that would fuel his one man sex sessions for weeks.

Shaking himself mentally, he turned his attention back to the loft. First he did a sweep of the room, military style; he turned up two listening devices and a small camera. Then, he turned his attention to the recent mail. Sure enough there were several letters. The perp just seemed to be stalking Blair and not yet blackmailing him. It was probably the reason Blair had bolted out of the hug the way he did. Jim carefully collected all the evidence. He put in a call to Simon to let him know.

“Goddamn it Jim! Why didn’t the kid tell us?” Simon barked into the phone.

“The kid is scared Simon. He’s still new to all this cops and robbers stuff. I’ll figure out who it is. But I wouldn’t mind one car to follow him when he leaves the loft. I’ll do some work from here to keep a surveillance on him here. He’s really shook up and I don’t want him to do anything stupid on his own.”

Jim heard Simon sigh in exasperation. “Now where would he learn something fool hardly like that?!” Jim winced at the tone Simon was using. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to fly off the handle like that. But we need the kid around. Hell YOU need the kid around, in more ways than one.”

Simon knew how Jim felt about Blair even before Jim was ready to admit it. Luckily, on some strange father/son level Simon cared about the kid too. He just wasn’t in love with him like Jim was. Just then Jim heard the shower shut off. “Got to go. Have a car assigned.”

“Yeah, be careful Jim!” Simon yelled before he slammed the receiver down making Jim wince again. Blair walked out of the shower and Jim held his breath. There was something about Blair when he was wet, the way the water glistened over his muscles or got lost along the way in the fur on his chest that led down to…

“Jim, everything okay?” Blair asked with concern.

Shaking his head Jim tried to pull his attention away from Blair’s groin. He hoped the perp never saw that on camera. “Yeah, fine. Hey FYI, I did a sweep on the place while you were in the shower.”

Blair grinned. “Great man.” Jim noticed that Blair didn’t even ask if he found anything. ‘Probably doesn’t want to know’, Jim thought. Blair went to get dressed and Jim sank back onto the couch lost in thought. How long had this been going on? He tried to remember when Blair had started to act even a little odd. Suddenly it came to him. It was the night that Blair and his college friends had gone to try out some new place in town. But Jim couldn’t remember the name of it. Come to think of it Blair had never told him the name. Why?

He got up and did a quick search of the loft. Reaching into Blair’s coat pockets he found a pack of mints, rolling it over in his hand he had the answer. He quickly got on the phone. “Simon what do you know about the Rainbow Inn?”

Simon laughed. “Ready to go public Jim?”

“What do you mean?” Jim asked feeling a bit insulted by the tone of voice that had been used.

“The Rainbow Inn is the new gay bar in town. They have drag queens and everything. You haven’t worked night shift for awhile, or you would have heard about it. There’s at least a fight a night, some guy beating up another for stealing his boyfriend. Why? Does this have anything to do with the kid?”

“Yeah, yeah it does. Look Simon keep this under your hat would you?”

“Sure Jim, but you realize that if Blair went there you might have a better chance than what you thought, hmm?”

Jim smiled for the first time since Blair got home. “Goodbye Simon,” Jim said in a happy sing-song voice. He hung up quickly but not before he could hear Simon laughing on the other end. Jim made sure the rest of the night was very routine for Blair. They watched a favorite movie together, then changed channels and made fun of the latest cheesy sitcom. Blair seemed much calmer by the end of the night for which Jim was glad. Yet he still listened for Blair’s heartbeat to even out into sleep, from where he lay in bed in the loft, only then would he let himself go to sleep.

Jim was up early the next day. When Blair got up Jim was upset to see the nervous edgy look was back in his partner’s eyes. He soon found out why. “I, um, promised to visit one of my former students today to help her with an assignment. “ Blair declared as he sat down at the table for breakfast.

Putting down his newspaper Jim said calmly,” I’m taking it easy for a few days, working from home, taking some time off. How about I go with you? I have some business up on the campus anyway; need to touch base with campus security.”

Blair played with his curly, unruly locks of dark hair. It was all Jim could o not to get distracted. While it was a sign of nervousness for Blair, it was always a huge zone out point for Jim. He quickly looked down into his coffee. “Yeah, sure Jim that’d be great.”

“Okay we’ll drive over,” Jim announced feeling better to be doing something. He went upstairs and made a call using his cell phone. “Simon, Blair and I are going down the campus. Chances are the perp will try to put equipment back into the loft. Let the car stay here.”

“Gotcha Jim,” Simon snapped and Jim looked out the loft window as he hung up. Sure enough he could see the unmarked light blue cop car sitting catty-corner to the loft. He felt better seeing it with his own two eyes.

Blair seemed calmer in the truck and was talking animatedly about the class this girl was having trouble with. Jim had to fight to keep his jealousy down when Blair said the girls’ name once more. Then he was startled by what Blair said next, “You’d really like Katrina and Pam, Jim, they’ve been together like forever.”

“Pam? Who’s Pam?” Jim frowned as he made the turn at the light.

“Oh, her girlfriend, didn’t I mention that?” Blair looked away but Jim could smell Blair’s nervousness.

“Nope Chief, ‘fraid you left that bit out.” Jim said casually pulling up to the campus security building.

“Um, does that bother you?” Blair asked. Jim had to open up his truck door, the odor of Blair’s nervousness was a bit pungent.

“Not at all, why should it?” Taking a deep breath Jim added. “It’d be kind of hypocritical don’t you think?”

Blair was stuttering as he raised his hand to make a point while Jim was smirking and suddenly his door was thrown open. “BLAIR!!” He found himself being dragged into the arms of his friend while Jim closed their doors and leaned against the truck in amusement, waiting for an introduction.

He stepped forward as the other girl who was walking up to the truck looked toward him with a nervous smile. “Hi, I’m Pam, are you Jim?”

“Guilty. I’m guessing that’s Katrina making my partner blue?”

Pam laughed. “Yes, she’s kind of known for her rib crushing bear hugs. We haven’t seen Blair for awhile. You called him your partner, does that mean you two finally got…” Jim smiled at Pam, feeling happy that this might be an indicator. He was disappointed when they were rudely interrupted.

Blair suddenly appeared out of nowhere looking very embarrassed. “Oh, so you guys already met, that’s great. Jim this is Katrina, Katrina, Jim.” The two shook hands and Jim laughed feeling a great hope inside him that maybe Blair liked him too, as more than just friends. “Jim didn’t you have to go to campus security?”

Jim nodded said goodbye to the girls and lost himself in thought along the way. He returned an hour later to find Blair and the girls doing more talking than working. “Did you get everything done here?”

“Yeah, sure Jim,” Blair popped up from the chair he’d been sitting in far too quickly for Jim to feel reassured. Using his Sentinel sense of smell he could tell the girls were scared and concerned. Jim tried to not feel hurt that Blair had obviously discussed about his stalker problem with Katrina and Pam but not him.

“Why don’t you go put your stuff in the truck while I say goodbye?” Jim said pointedly. Blair gave a pleading look to his friends then left with the same armload of books he walked in with.

Jim watched him go. He turned to Katrina and Pam. “I know about the stalker. There’s a cop car watching the loft 24/7, don’t worry I won’t let anything happen to him.”

Pam looked so relieved that Jim thought she’d collapse, but instead she crumpled into Katrina’s arms. Katrina kissed her on the head. “I told you Jim loved him too much to let anything happen to him.”

Jim blinked. Katrina winked. “Takes one to know one, huh officer? Besides how could anyone not love Blair?”
“Guilty again?” Pam teased.

Jim grinned. “Maybe sometime we can double date. But we need to catch this perp first. Then I have to tell Blair.”

Pam’s face became serious. “Don’t wait too long Jim. Okay?”

“Okay, I better get going, nice to meet you both. Hopefully we’ll see you soon,” Jim added then hurriedly made his way out to the truck. Blair looked and smelled anxious.

“Nice girls.” Jim said climbing into the truck. Blair went into what Jim called ‘nervous-speak’ and began to chatter like a chipmunk about Pam and Katrina, until they got home. They were just pulling around the corner when Jim spotted a man running away from one of his fellow officers. It didn’t take him long to add two and two and come up with perp. He yelled at Blair. “STAY HERE!”

Jim jumped out of the truck and running down a side alley headed the perp off. He tackled the man to the ground who immediately started to yell. “Hey man I didn’t do anything!!”

Around the corner came the other officer huffing and puffing. “OH Detective Ellison, thank god,” the officer bent over holding his side. “He was in your loft. I caught him planting surveillance equipment, just like you told Banks he would.”

Blair came around the corner and turned pale watching the officer who’d been on the stake out cuff the man. “Blair do you know this man?” Jim asked pointedly.

“Yeah, he, he’s been stalking me. He was calling and sending me threatening letters. I’ve got them all upstairs and the phone calls on tape.” He looked up nervously at Jim. “I would have told you but…”

“It’s okay Chief. I figured it out.” Jim put a hand on Blair’s shoulder as the perp went nuts screaming about Blair being the only one for him. “Take him away. Tell Banks we’ll be down later for the statement.” The officer nodded and pulled the perp back to the waiting police car.

Jim looked at Blair who was shaking. “Hey, come on. Let’s go upstairs.”

Blair nodded numbly and followed Jim. He seemed to snap out of it when Jim pulled him into his arms when they entered the loft and shut the door. This time, much to Jim’s relief, he didn’t pull away.

“You need to learn to trust me Chief,” Jim scolded Blair.

“I thought I could take care of it myself,” Blair whispered. “I didn’t want to upset you. You know how your temper is, it might have thrown off your senses.”

“Blair, do you trust me?” Jim asked tilting Blair’s chin up so blue eyes met blue.

“Yes,” Blair replied without hesitation.

Jim smiled,” Good.” He closed the gap between them and kissed Blair gently, yet possessively. Blair’s grip intensified and Jim wondered if he’d have little bruise marks on his back. Then realized it would be worth it. Pulling away he gently pushed Blair back to look into his eyes.

“Jim? What was that?” Blair asked nervously.

Laughing, Jim pulled away and flipped open his cell phone, handing it to Blair.

”That is a reason to call Pam and Katrina for a double date.”

He kissed Blair once more, but this time it was full of passion and desire. Blair looked up at Jim with a dopey smile on his face, almost dropping the phone.

“This Blair, is your happy ending. You, me, together- hopefully forever.”

Blair’s face lit up like the fourth of July as he quickly made the phone call. This was one time he was not about to argue. After all he liked happy endings, too.

The end