Story Notes:
Disclaimer: Smallville belongs to DC and the WB & CW. No maliciousness intended.
Author's Chapter Notes:
Many thanks to the Yahoo group, test reader Allexandrya and Rosy5000 for the prompt and for participating.
Lex watched Clark cross the newsroom with concern. Since Clark and Lois had broken up, he seemed drained. It had also been very dark it had been of late, echoing Clark’s somber mood. Ash clouds from an eruption in Mexico had covered the sky for days. As the darkness continued Clark’s usual persona changed and he became more and more withdrawn. So much so, that Lex had to track him down at work to find him.

“Oh hi Lex.” Clark mumbled in greeting before sitting down at his desk. He wriggled in his seat.

“Are you okay?” Lex wondered what the shifting in the seat meant. Was Clark restless?

“My legs are a bit sore that’s all. I had to walk up the stairs since the elevator was broken when I got here.” Clark admitted rubbing his thighs.

Sore? Clark sore? And was it Lex’s imagination or did Clark almost look older too? That was it. Clark was even starting to sound like an old man grumping about aches and pains. “I’m taking you to the zoo.”

Clark blinked at the fast change in subject. “What?”

“We’re going to the zoo, you’re taking me tomorrow and it’s for your own good. I think the city life is starting to get to you Clark. It’s almost like you need the open air and ““

“Sunshine?” Clark looked sadly toward the nearest set of windows. “I think my internal batteries have had it.”

“See and that’s why you need to get out. Besides, it’s supposed to break up tomorrow. You can witness it first hand.” Lex hoped he sounded encouraging. But he normally had people for this sort of thing.

Sighing heavily, Clark said, “You have no idea how good that sounds Lex, but really I have to-“

“No excuses. I’ll pick you up in front of your apartment building at 10 am. Don’t keep me waiting.” Lex turned and left as suddenly as he arrived. Clark shook his head and started to make arrangements to take the day off.

Clark knew better than to keep Lex waiting, so he made sure to arrive a bit early. But he was so tired that he sat down on a bench in front of the luxurious tower. He was just starting to nod off when he was shoulder was shaken.

Lex was looking at him with concern. “Didn’t you sleep last night? You look worse than yesterday.” In response Clark shrugged and Lex’s concern grew. He steered Clark in the direction of their car for the day and they were soon speeding through the heavy Metropolis traffic. Neither said a word, but Lex noticed that Clark was barely staying awake. The more he worried, the faster he drove and they reached the zoo in record time.

“We’re here sleepy head!” Lex almost shouted to get Clark awake. “Let’s get you some coffee.”

“Won’t help,” Clark mumbled. Following Lex’s lead they got a park pass for the day that was food inclusive. Lex had hoped that Clark’s insatiable appetite would at least score him a smile at that. But no such luck. Giving Clark a shove, he pointed to a gentleman in a scooter zipping from one attraction to another. “Maybe we should get you one?”

“Very funny,” Clark retorted.

Yet Lex noticed Clark was almost looking at the scooter with longing. With growing concern, Lex steered his friend toward the food area. They stopped in front of a stand and Lex placed their order. Soon, Lex was sipping at a coffee and motioned for Clark to do the same. They made their attack plan while drinking the strong brew. First would be the exotic animals, then birds and finally the reptiles. Lex decided to skip the large primates, they were so close to humans that watching their sadness was too much for him “ not that he’d ever admit that out loud.

They were halfway through the animal exhibit titled, “Creatures of the Outback” when a shrill scream got their attention. A large ostrich type creature had broken loose of its enclosure and was chasing the people while hissing and spitting. Lex turned to comment on it only to find Clark was gone. He turned back only to find Clark was now in the thick of it trying to wrestle the bird back to its enclosure. He was taking a beating and by the end breathing hard and stumbling with numerous small cuts and scratches. After the bird was secured, there was a small applause by the crowd of bystanders and Clark started to make his way back.

Lex met him halfway and had to help him to a bench. Taking out a napkin, he began to clean some of Clark’s cuts. He was about to ask Clark what the hell was going on when an announcement came over the park speakers.

“Attention Patrons and friends of the Metropolis Zoo today we have a special treat. If you will turn your attention to the sky, we are about to experience a solar eclipse. Glasses for the event were handed out to all paying patrons and we ask if you are to watch this eclipse to please put them on. We will turn on park lights for the duration of the actual eclipse. Thank you for visiting Metropolis Zoo!”

Turning to Clark, Lex expected to see him eager and excited about the eclipse, instead he looked scared. “Clark?”

“Lex, I swear I had no idea ““

“No idea there was an eclipse today? Well either did I. So?”

“You don’t understand. I “I kind of need the sun. “

“Does this have something to do with your mutation from the meteors?”


“Ish? What the hell does that mean?? Look Clark, I’ve been more than patient and I think I deserve some straight answers.”

“I will I promise. But I can’t tell you here. Can we go back to the car?” Clark stood and wavered. Lex stood up and grabbed Clark by the elbow to steer him back to the parking lot. As they made their way across it, with Clark apologizing ever other step for making them leave, a cheer rose up from the park. Lex looked up to see the eclipse was starting. But his attention was dragged back to Clark who had stumbled and fallen. He was trying to stand back up. Lex let him lean fully on him, supporting him around the waist. Under other circumstances he would have been thrilled to put his arm around Clark, but not like this.

Lex was fast learning how very heavy and solid Clark was. It was like helping a brick wall to walk. Each step was more labored until they reached the car. Lex helped Clark get in and got in himself, but didn’t turn the car on. “Now tell me exactly what the hell is going on Clark?” But at that moment, Clark’s eyes rolled back in his head and he passed out. “CLARK! CLARK!”

Scared as he had never been before and with shaking hands on the steering wheel, Lex Luthor raced toward Metropolis General Hospital. But it was lunch time and the traffic was made worse by people pulling over randomly to point at the sky. Lex was about to give up and call for a chopper when the sun started to peek out at last. Next to him Clark moaned, “Need sun.”

“Right,” Lex pulled a very illegal u-turn and headed for his penthouse apartment. When he arrived the doorman helped Lex get Clark upstairs. With a tip of his hat at the penthouse door, he returned to his duties. Clark was starting to stumble along on his own now, using couches and chairs to help propel him toward the rooftop gardens. “Hang on, we’ll get you there.” Lex was still bewildered but continued helping. He was not about to let Clark out of his sight until he got some real answers. Instead he got a floor show.

He stood riveted to the spot as the star of so many of his cardinal fantasies began to peel off all his clothes until he was clad only in his form fitting boxer briefs. His arms were raised toward the sky where the sun had finally emerged to a beautiful, cloudless sky. The sun beat down upon Clark’s skin and Lex watched as Clark seemed to glow and grow stronger before his eyes.

Lex stumbled into a chair; his legs had suddenly lost all feeling while his brain was ready to explode with theories. His eyes were riveted to Clark’s glowing, muscular form which was now….no, it couldn’t be…rising slowly a few inches into the air. He doubted that Clark was even aware of it. But Lex’s mind had slowed down to one word….alien.

Lex lost track of time staring at Clark floating a few inches above the ground, smiling and almost naked. It was too surreal. After a long time, Clark touched down and turned to look at Lex his anxiety shinning in his eyes. “Are we still friends?”

Staring for what seemed an eternity, while Clark shifted from foot to foot, Lex tried to gather what was left of his wits. “We can be if you tell me the truth Clark, if you don’t I’m running straight to the Inquisitor with this one. At the very least you can tell me what planet you’re from.”

Clark walked inside with his clothes in his arms. Lex grabbed them and tossed them aside, not wanting any distractions. He fixed Clark’s eyes with his own and waited.



The horrible pronunciation made Clark laugh, venting some of the tension between them. “Krypton not Crapton.”

“Whatever. Sorry. Well, it looks like it’s going to be a long night. Should I order in?” Lex was not about to let Clark go now.

Clarks face lit up. “Yeah, I’m starved!”

Lex couldn’t help but smile at the return of Clark’s normal voracious appetite. But looking over Clark’s body, he muttered, “Yeah, me too.”

Catching the innuendo, a blush rose to Clark’s cheeks. “Lex!” he scolded.

“What?” Lex took a step closer letting one finger slide down the front of Clark’s briefs. “Isn’t it my duty as a representative of the human race to explore new life forms?”

In reply, Clark could only manage a shaky inhale. But the rest of his body had a different answer and rose to the occasion. Lex’s finger continued to dance over the fabric now tented over Clark’s monstrous cock. “Is this for me?”

Clark wondered if he could blush to death. “Lex I ““

“Do us both a favor Clark and do shut up.” Lex grabbed the back of Clark’s neck and pulled him in for their first kiss, possessing and marking his territory. Clark moaned and wrapped his arms around Lex’s body. When they came up for air, Lex was smiling. “I don’t believe I’m going to say this, but the rest of the explanation can wait. I’ve never been fucked by an alien.”

“Oh god.”

“No need to get religious Clark, just naked.”

Clark’s grin could have outshone a binary system as Lex began to strip. “Amen.”

The End
Chapter End Notes:
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