
By Lardencelover

"It's a what?"

"Ficus, Michael," Ben repeated, eyes narrowing as he scrutinized the placement of the miniture plant on their nightstand. "A type of rainforest fig plant. This one's been put through a treatment called bonsai."

Michael peered at the plant a moment, utterly unimpressed, and then raised an eyebrow at Ben. "Bonsai?"

"Japanese... makes the plants tiny," Ben said absently, still fussing with the long, clay pot to fit diagonally across the nightstand. Finally satisfied with the arrangement, he stepped back, arm moving to settle along the sloping curve of Michael's shoulders, his fingers playing idly with the sleeve of his cotton tee-shirt. "See? Isn't it nice? Calming?"

"It's very zen," Michael agreed. "...I appreciate the culture and the visual... whatever... that you're trying to create, Ben, but--"

"But what?"

"Well," Michael pulled away from Ben's side to gesture upward at the giant Captain Astro cut-out on his wall, an edge of mock-sophistication seeping into his voice. "It hardly matches the vintage comic book memorabilia we have as our decor." His eyes dropped to the tiny plant again and his eyebrows knit together. "And isn't that where the lube's supposed to go?"

Ben chuckled, arm around him again, squeezing affectionately; lips found Michael's temple--a warm, firm kiss--and then a nose nuzzled into dark hair. "I love you, Michael."

Michael smiled, taking a step into a proper embrace, lips nudging Ben's gently before meeting his eyes.

"I love you, too. Now put the lube back."

End of "Ficus" by Lardencelover -- email

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