There She Blows
BY: Nita Riddle

"You, come here."


"Not you, Mr. Cotton.  Your-  erm, parrot.  I would like to speak
with the feathered member of my crew."

"Aye, aye Captain!"

"Tell me, Parrot, what would you do if you thought you wer're in

"Awk.  Sleep with the fishes!"

"Really?  That's a bit harsh.  You see, i rather value my life."

"Pieces of Eight."

"Exactly.  I think I might have a thing for the young blacksmith but
I highly doubt our Will prefers that sort of thing."

"English vice"

"I didn't really expect a parrot would know about such a thing."


"I need to know how to romance him a bit."

"Plunder and pillage"

" That might be a bit too strong for m' boy Will.  I've got to get
him used to the idea then, sweep him off his feet."


"It's going to be hard, I don't think he's ever-"

"There she blows!"

"wha-  Oh will, lovely to see you up and about Will..."

"Are you talking to Mr. Cotton, Jack?"

"Oh no, not at all William!"

"Who are you talking to, yourself I presume?"

"Of course not Will, I'm having a private conversation with the

"You are having a private conversation.....  With a parrot...."

"Awk!  Avast!  Avast!"

"I think I'll be returning to my quarters now Jack..."

"Right.  See what I mean, Parrot?  If he can't understand a gentleman
such as my self chatting up such a wonderful  aquatic bird such as
yourself, how could he comprehend the two of us havin' a bit of the
rough and tumble."

"Wind in the sails."

"So, my dear bird, what would you do?"

"Awk! Dead men tell no tales."

" are one vicious bird."


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