Tell Me Your Dreams
BY: Mahie/Evenstar

Will Turner was a humble blacksmith who lived on the island of
Tortuga. He worked every single day. As each day passed, the young
man realized there was even more work to do, but he liked it.
Actually, he hadn't had the chance to know any other job, and liked
his lifestyle. Although he lived at one of the most hectic islands in
the Caribbean, he managed to live a calm life.

Will wasn't one for parties or whores. He was a workaholic, and
didn't like the way of life on the island. But he had to stay there,
because neither him nor his foster father had enough money to leave.
Will had been adopted by Mr. Brown, a master blacksmith, when he was

Will's mother had died when he was young and nobody knew anything
about the boy's father, though gossip was that he was a feared

Will had been found overboard by a Tortugan ship and he was taken to
the city where someone could adopt him. Mr. John Brown adopted the
boy and raised him as his own son. Will knew everything about being
adopted and loved his foster father even more because of it. But
sometimes, as a child, Will wondered where his father was and if he
was still alive.

As Mr. Brown didn't like pirates and didn't know a thing about
them, Will could not ask him about his real father. Although Will had
the same name as his natural father,William, Mr. Brown didn't know
anything about Bootstrap Bill,so he didn't know that Bootstrap was
Will's father. And Will never knew, either.

The boy didn't suspect a thing when he was nine and, along with Mr.
Brown at a tavern, heard a group of pirates talking.

He overheard a part of their conversation:

"Did you hear? The Black Pearl's first mate committed mutiny. They
marooned Captain Jack Sparrow on an island and killed the only member
who didn't turn against him."

"Was it Bootstrap? He was /killed/?" the other pirates
asked,(space) astonished.

"Aye, that would be him. He might be lost to Davy Jones' locker."

"What about Sparrow?"

"Sparrow's marooned. Give it a few days and he'll be dead, too."

The pirates' eyes were wide. One said:

"Nay. Sparrow's going to leave the island. He's /Captain Jack
Sparrow/, ye know."

"Aye, that he is. But he's also fucked up."

At that age, Will didn't know that the pirates were talking about his
father's death, but he was still curious by the talk.
But his foster father spoke quietly:

"Will. Never look at a pirate. Don't pay attention to his talks. They
are all scallywags and they don't care about people. If they think
you're spying on them or something, they won't think twice before
they harm you."

"Yes, father," Will replied and ignored the pirates. But, his
interest in piracy would grow over the years. And now that Will was
eighteen he couldn't think about anything else. He wondered what it
would feel like, being a pirate. Mr. Brown knew how Will was feeling,
and feared for him. He knew people said the boy's father had been a
pirate. It could be true. Will could be feeling his father's blood in
his veins.

He could, indeed, want to be a pirate himself.


One night, after working all day, Will told his father,

"Dad, I'm going to have a drink with Charles and Henry..." Charles
and Henry were Will's friends.

"It's okay, son. Enjoy yourself," Mr. Brown always liked when Will
wanted to go out. The lad worked so hard that his father was
afraid he lost other good things in life, such as dates and friends.

But Will wasn't really interested. He loved his friends, and always
met with them, but didn't care about dates. Almost all the women in
Tortuga were whores, in Will's point-of-view. And he didn't want a
whore, not even to relieve himself sexually. He didn't think about
marrying; he would only do it if he found a special person. No need
to be fooling around. 'I'd rather work than be with all these
whores.' And so Will lived happily like this. He didn't miss a
girlfriend, for he had never had one to know better.

Will left his home and met his two best friends in a well-known
tavern. It was noisy, but Will, Henry and Charles managed to find a
quiet table.

They ordered their drinks and Charles told them,

"Have you heard? Captain Jack Sparrow's come back to Tortuga!" Charles
said, excitedly. Like Will, he also dreamed about being in a pirate
ship someday.

"Who?" Henry asked. He hated pirates, and didn't know a thing about

"For God's sake, Henry." Will replied. "Don't you know Jack Sparrow?
He's the most famous pirate captain in all the Caribbean."

"In all the Spanish main." corrected Charles. "Or maybe the entire

"Yeah, you must be right. So what is he doing here?" Will asked.

"I overheard some talks and people are saying that Captain Sparrow is
looking for a crew to try and get the Black Pearl!" Charles was
really excited.

"Really?" Will's eyes were wide open. "You know, the Pearl was /his/
before this Captain Barbossa committed mutiny."

"Of course I know. He's right,trying to get it back." said
Charles. "It's not a robbery, for the ship is /his/!"

"You both are crazy,"Henry said. "You aren't thinking of being a part
of that crew, are ye?"

"I would gladly. But you have to be a pirate to be part of a crew,
isn't that right?" Will asked Charles, dejectedly.

"No! They want anyone! They don't care, as long as we are loyal and
know how to fight."

"Hey! We know how, we are blacksmiths! We practise with swords three
hours a day!" Will said, more excitedly this time.

"Exactly." Charles replied. "So, let's give it a try Will! It'd be
amazing to be part of a pirate's crew. Let alone Sparrow's crew!"

Will laughed excitedly. Henry shook his head.

"You both are mad. You're going to kill yourselves. It's dangerous!"

"And you're so girlish, Henry!" Charles replied. "So, Will, we can go
talk to Mr. Gibbs tomorrow. He's making a list of all the people who
are interested."

"Sure! Do you know where Mr. Gibbs lives? Will knew of Jack Sparrow
and Mr. Gibbs, but only by their names. They were famous. After losing
the Pearl, Jack had been on other pirate ships, and although he wasn't
the captain,he was still famous. Jack and his good friends Gibbs and
the pirate woman Annamaria were known far and wide. But Will had
never seen any of them in person. They didn't come to Tortuga very
much, as they were always on the sea.

Charles replied:

"Mr. Gibbs will be on the East Docks by tomorrow and the day after.
After that, we'll know who will be picked up!"

"So, we are going tomorrow, Charles!" Will said. "Come with us,
Henry." he teased; but he knew his friend would never do such a thing.


Will and Charles laughed at him only to receive a glare from
Henry. "What are the benefits for us?" Will asked Charles. "I mean,
if Sparrow wants a crew he may have to offer something in exchange, right?"

"Yeah. I'm sure he will. I don't know what the prize will be,though."

"That's fine. I'm more interested in being part of the crew than in
the prize itself."

"Me too." Charles agreed. "But you can be sure, it will be such a
prize! You know, Sparrow is /rich/!"

"Yeah." Will agreed. "Alright then. One more drink?"

They drank for hours. Will and Charles were very excited about the
idea of being part of a pirate's crew; And Henry kept telling them they
were mad. But the friends had a good time together and when they left the
tavern it was very late into the night.

Henry said goodbye to them and left for the other side of the island.
He lived a some distance from Will and Charles, who were neighbors.
Like Will, both Charles and Henry were blacksmiths. Charles and Will
were childhood friends, and both worked for Mr. Brown.

"Fancy a whore now, mate?" Charles asked Will, clearly teasing him.
He knew his friend didn't like to lay with whores.

"Oh yeah." Will teased back. "Going to kill know I practise
three hours a day so that when I find a whore I can kill it."

Charles laughed. He knew Will was a romantic However he couldn't help
but wonder if his friend liked women at all...Will was eighteen and he
had never lain with a woman...he didn't seem to be interested in them
at all...but Charles didn't find it disgusting...Will was his friend,
and if he liked men it was okay with Charles.

Just as they were going home, Charles squeezed Will's right arm

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Look, it's Captain Jack Sparrow!"

Will turned around. Jack, along with who they thought to be Gibbs and
Annamaria, was going into a tavern beside the one Will and his
friends had been. They were laughing and Jack was flirting with the
whores that gathered around them. Many of them approached when they
saw Jack Sparrow. The only thing they wanted was a one-night stand
with the famous captain.

Will was watching the scene, bewildered. His mouth opened. His heart
started to beat quickly.

Jack was the most beautiful guy he had ever seen. He looked like a

His clothes, his hair full of trinkets and the kohl around his eyes.
And when Jack was talking to someone, he looked deep into their eyes;
Will realized this as Jack spoke to a whore. The way he looked at
her...Will felt himself growing hard.

Charles spoke:

"And those next to him are Gibbs and Annamaria...they're..." Charles
looked at Will. The boy appeared as though he was lost in a
dream "Will?"

"Yeah?" he said but he didn't look at Charles. His eyes followed
Jack's every move and his dreamy expression was unmistakable.

Charles noticed Will's eyes were following Jack. But he didn't say a
thing. He wouldn't want to embarrass his friend by saying he fancied
the captain. Charles was older than Will, and he knew that if his
younger friend liked men, then he had never noticed it. Charles
wouldn't want to be the one to tell him and scare the poor boy to

Charles waited patiently while Will watched Jack entering the tavern.
Then he said:

"Lots of whores, um?"

"Yeah." Will replied and they left. Will said his goodbyes to Charles
and went to sleep.

But he couldn't forget those kohl-lined eyes, not even for a moment.
Needless to say, Will couldn't sleep.


*The day before the events on chapter 1*

Captain Jack Sparrow looked at his compass, knowing would soon be
arriving in Tortuga. Finally. After six long years, he had returned
to the island he loved so much. He liked all that commotion;
especially the whores and the rum. Jack couldn't wait to get to the
island, order a lot of rum and have romps with many of wenches.

Although he only responded to `Captain Jack Sparrow,' he was
presently the first mate under Captain Dave. Jack was now standing at
the helm, as he was always asked to do so by his captain. And so Jack
steered the ship to the island. He had already informed his captain
that he, Gibbs and Annamaria would be leaving Dave's crew when they
reached their destination because Jack was obsessed with getting the
Black Pearl back. All those years Jack had thought about her; and his
hatred for Barbossa increased day by day. So,he decided it was time
to try and get back what was his.

Captain Dave Lloyd was a good friend of Jack's. He understood his
reasons and agreed that he had to try and get the Pearl back. He just
Regretted that he would lose three good members of his crew.
Jack had already spoken to Gibbs and Anna about the subject of
finding a crew to help him. Dave and the rest of the crew couldn't do
it; so, Gibbs came up with the idea of assembling a crew in Tortuga. That was
the reason why they were heading there.

Tortuga was hectic and full of drunken fellows, but it was also the
place where they could find the best fighters...whether they were
sailors or not. And Jack and his comrades didn't really care if
people on their crew were sailors or beggars, they just wanted people
who were loyal and knew how to fight.

By nightfall, Jack, Gibbs and Anna said their goodbyes to Dave's crew.
The ship they managed to acquire that was to take them to Isla de
Muerta belonged to a friend of Gibbs. Then, they spread the word that
Captain Jack Sparrow was looking for a crew to get back the Pearl and
gave it two days for everyone be informed.

They slept on the ship they had got the day they arrived. Jack spoke
to his two friends:

"Ye both have no idea how much hatred I feel for this worthless
Barbossa! Gonna kill him," as he caressed his pistol that had just
one bullet.

"I think I do," Gibbs said, taking another gulp of his rum.

"Gentlemen..." Anna said. "we have to pick up the best fighters here!
We cannot let this bastard win again! We have to destroy him!"

"We will, Anna, take it easy," Jack said. "And yes, here is the place
where we can find the best fighters the Caribbean has to offer.
Gibbs,", he turned to look at his older friend. "The day after
tomorrow you'll be signing up the people who want to come with us."

"Aye, Jack,"Gibbs said.

"I'm going to make sure the word is spread," Jack said and left while
Anna and Gibbs went to sleep on the ship.


Two days later, Will woke up with a headache. He stood up and dressed. Charles was waiting for Will so they could sign up with Gibbs before their day at the smithy began. Will looked like shit. He had barely slept that night; he was too occupied thinking about Captain Jack Sparrow's kohl-rimmed eyes.

Charles eyed him from head to toe and asked:

"Did you sleep well, Will? You look terrible."

"No. I didn't sleep well."

Charles shook his head. "Come on, let's sign up with Gibbs at once so
we can go to work earlier and finish earlier.

"Yeah. But there's a problem."

"And what would that be?" Charles asked, slightly annoyed for the

"I haven't talked to my father."

Charles sighed. They would have to talk to Mr. Brown for sure. Will
was like a son to him and the older man cared very much for the boy.
Besides, Charles and Will worked at the smithy; if they left, the
master blacksmith would have to look for replacements.

When Mr. Brown woke up, Will told him that he wished to be a part of
Sparrow's crew. Mr. Brown felt so uneasy that Will thought about
giving up, but kept to his wishes. He said:

"Dad, nothing's going to happen...there'll be lots of good sailors-
pirates-I know, but they are good men and they know how to fight.
Besides, I can look after myself. I practise with a sword three hours
a day, Dad! I practise fighting with Charles! What can possibly

"Oh,'s so dangerous...sailing with can get doesn't matter if it's Captain Jack-bloody-Spark...Spart...well, anyway..."

"Sparrow, Dad! He's the most feared pirate in all of the Caribbean!"

"He must be, but have you asked yourself if he would save you when you
were in danger? These bloody bastards don't give a damn about peoples'
sakes. Have you thought about that, Son? So think hard over it!"
Will thought about it. True, he didn't really /know/ Sparrow. Was he
generous? Or just someone who only cared about his own troubles?

Will said:

"I don't know whether he's noble or not, but he wants help and I want
to, we can help one another...besides, I don't need anyone
to save me from danger!"

"Son, you're eighteen and I'm not standing in your way...but
please, careful..."

"Dad...I don't even know if I'm going to be chosen! And of course I
will be careful if I go."

Mr. Brown finally nodded before Will said:

"I'm going with Charles to sign up. Do you know of someone who can
replace us if we go?"

"That would be easy, Son. A lot of fellows want jobs nowadays. That's
not what is troubling me the most."

Will took a step forward and hugged his father.

"Oh at peace...nothing is going to happen to us..."

"I really hope so."

Full of excitement, Charles and Will hurried to the East Docks. And
as Will had seen Jack Sparrow the day before and found the man was
the true manifestation of beauty, he wanted to be around him even

At the ship, Mr. Gibbs seemed rather busy with the long line of
people who came to sign up. Will sighed. He didn't expect to be
chosen; but he had to try.

"Gosh...lots of lads...and lasses...",said Charles.

"Yeah. I don't think we will be chosen, Charles." There might be lots
of sailors here. They want people who know how to fight, but if they
are /sailors/...or pirates as well, we're going to be left
behind...we're just blacksmiths..."

"Let us at least try, Will. We have nothing to lose, right?"

"Oh, that is true...",Will sighed again.

The sun was high in the sky when Will and Charles climbed the ship and
went to talk to Mr. Gibbs. It had to be around noon. Gibbs was
looking really tired. Jack was inside his cabin,preparing to take his
place with Anna. But though Gibbs was tired, he was happy to see so
many people had shown up.

"Good day, boys," Gibbs greeted Will and Charles.

"Good day, Mr. Gibbs," Charles replied.


"Charles Lewis."

"William Brown."

Gibbs eyed them from head to toe and nodded.

"Well, boys; Are ye aware it is a long and tiring trip and it can
turn dangerous, aren't ye?"

"Yes, sir," Charles replied and Will nodded his agreement.

" you both know how to fight?"

"Yes, sir," Will replied. "We are blacksmiths. We practise fighting
three hours a day."

"Good," Gibbs said. " will give you both an
advantage..." Gibbs lowered his voice. "I've seen everything in
here...even beggars and whores who never fought once on their
lives...of course, they just wanted the prize..."

"And what would be the prize, sir?" Charles asked.

"Oh...the treasure of the Isla de Muerta...except for the cursed gold,
of course."

Charles had his eyes wide open. The treasure of the Isla de Muerta as a
prize! But Will only nodded, uninterested, as Gibbs noticed he wore a
medallion around his neck. It was hidden by his shirt. Curious, Gibbs

"This medallion, son...would you let me see it?"

Will took the medallion from his neck and Gibbs eyed it carefully.

Then, as realization came through to him, his eyes widened.

"What is the matter?" Will asked, frowning.

"Wait me just a minute, boy," he handed the medallion back to
Will."I'm fetching Jack."

Will looked at Charles, frowning. But the knowledge that he was going
to see Jack again excited him.

Soon, Gibbs came back with Jack, who looked curious. The moment Will
saw him again, his cheeks started to redden and burn. Jack was such
a sight. His eyes were lined in kohl, as usual, and he was looking at
Will with an alluring expression - wait, alluring? Will thought he was
imagining things. Maybe Jack looked at everyone the way he was looking
at Will now - almost a piercing look.

Jack licked his lips without taking his eyes off Will. He finally

"What be yer name, whelp?"

"William Brown,captain," Will replied, slightly annoyed Jack had called
him 'whelp.'

"William," Jack looked at Gibbs, who nodded, and then returned his
gaze to Will. "I imagine 'Brown' is not your real name. Care to tell
me how you got it?"

"It's my foster father's name, Captain. He's John Brown, the
blacksmith. He took me in when I was five. I was in a ship that
exploded...sailors found me overboard...and brought me here...",Will
said, still stunned that Jack knew his real name wasn't William Brown.

Jack smirked and gave Gibbs a knowing smile. Of course, he knew the
Stories; that a boy had been found overboard on the sea and a
blacksmith had taken pity on him. Jack heard all of these tales, but
didn't know all the details. As he could be wrong, he resumed asking
Will questions:

"And what be yer real name?"

"I don't really know. I was five when my mother died. I never knew my

"Do ye know if ye were named for him?"

"I was, Captain. My mother always told me that."

"I see," Jack seemed to be deep in thought. " remember your
mother's name?"

"Um...not really sure...but I think it was Heather...yes, that's it...

Jack smirked again and this time Gibbs smirked back at him. Will could
restrain himself no longer and asked:

"I'm really sorry, Captain, but why are you asking these questions to

Jack smirked again and stepped closer to Will. The boy nearly stopped
breathing when Jack touched his chest and the medallion Will wore.

"May I?" Jack asked. Will took off his medallion again. He didn't
understand a thing, but didn't want to be rude.

Jack eyed the medallion and looked at Gibbs.

"You were right, mate."

Gibbs smirked.

"I'm sorry," Will spoke again. "I think I have the right to know what
you both are saying about me."

Jack's expression softened. He put both his hands on Will's shoulders,
making the poor boy shiver. The captain said:

"You will, son. At the opportune moment."

Will looked into Jack's eyes. His expression seemed to have changed.
He didn't wear that smirky face anymore. Now he seemed to be
concerned...and even friendly.

Protective. It was the word that crossed Will's mind. Jack seemed to be
protective of him at that very moment. Will didn't want to believe it,
but he couldn't help it. Oh, he wanted it to be true...

And then Jack's voice took him out of his reverie:

"Will," the boy looked at Jack with a stunned expression. It was just
so sweet that the captain called him by his nickname...and so Jack

"For now...know that you /are/ already part of me crew and you are
under me protection, no matter what. Savvy?"

Will looked at him dumbly. Jack smirked and before he got back inside
the ship, he added:

" the way...your real name is William Turner, mate."

Will just blinked.

"William Turner?"

But Jack was already gone, leaving Will to his troubled thoughts. 'Under his protection'. It felt good to know; but Will felt uneasy. Why would he need protection?

Charles was looking at Will and couldn't help feeling jealous with
the knowledge that Will was already part of the crew. But he took his
friend's arm while Gibbs, also in shock, said:

"Okay boys. You can go. Charles you can see if you were chosen in two
days' time."

"Thanks sir."

And Charles left; half-carrying an astonished Will with him.


"Mother's love...Will Turner...son of Bootstrap Bill Turner..." Gibbs
spoke, completely bewildered. " you realize that with the
help of this boy you will be able to really /kill/ Barbossa?"

Jack was sitting on the only bed in the captain's quarters, while
Gibbs and Annamaria were on the chairs by the table. Jack took a
large swig of the rum he was (always) drinking and spoke:

"Of course I have thought about that, Gibbs. But I'm afraid there are
other things to think about..." Jack seemed to be deep in thought.

Meeting the young Turner had made him become thoughtful. "For
example,  what if Barbossa wants to /kill/ the boy? Am I being
selfish to take him there under those conditions?"

"Dear God...Jack,  this boy is our salvation! He's our leverage!"

Gibbs spoke again. "What is the matter, mate? Thought you wanted to
kill that bastard for good."

"I want it."

"The boy is a true leverage for us."

"I know that," Jack replied, annoyed. "But don't you understand,
mate? He's Bill's son! It is my duty to protect him from any harm,"
Jack himself didn't understand why he was so worried about the boy.

He kept telling himself it was just because the boy was his dead
friend's son and he owed it to Bill. But Jack couldn't realize he was
really protective of Will and not only because he was Bill's son; but
because he liked the boy instantaneously. The way the lad got angry
when he realized Jack and Gibbs were smirking as they talked about
him. His confused face when he realized Jack wanted to see the
medallion. 'Such a cute face...'

Oh God...he hadn't just thought that...'Dammit' Jack swore to himself
and tried to stop these thoughts. Anna said:

"Wish I'd seen the lad. Was he like Bill?"

"What?! He was Bill's spitting image!" Gibbs replied.

"Don't worry, you will see him often enough," Jack said to Annamaria.

"Well. I think we have to start picking the ones to the crew.",Jack
spoke. "Any ideas, mate?" he looked at Gibbs.

" whores, right?"

"Right," Jack said. "Though they would be useful for other
matters..." he replied with a smirk and Annamaria glared at him.

Gibbs simpered and said:

"I think we should include that friend of Will Turner's. He is a
blacksmith,practises swordfighting three hours a day and and will
keep our leverage company."

"Stop calling him like that," Jack said, trying to hide his annoyance.

"Whatever," Gibbs said. "What do you think?"

"Okay, Charles Lewis, isn't it? Fine, let him come. How many more do
we need?"

"At least a dozen, Jack," said  Gibbs.

They started to pick out the crew and the next day, even more people
showed up to be part of it. By the end of the evening they were tired
as hell, but had almost all the names to the crew.

Fifteen men and a woman had been chosen. The woman was another
pirate,and knew how to fight very well. Annamaria liked the idea of
having another woman on the ship; she didn't really care about being
among men all of the time, but sometimes she missed having another
women to talk to. The men on the ships treated her as one of them,
and Anna wanted to feel like a woman!

"Done, gentlemen," she said. "I think we have our crew."

Jack let out a relieved breath and said:

"Now I just want RUM!" and left the ship to go to a tavern. Anna
followed him, but Gibbs just closed his eyes and slept peacefully.

Anna and Jack went to a tavern. To their surprise, Will was there,
again with Charles and Henry. Jack looked at him, again piercing him
with his gaze. Will noticed it soon and again his cheeks started to

Jack said to Anna, without taking his eyes off Will:

"/That/ is Will Turner," he looked in Will's direction and the boy
was staring at him. Charles and Henry were doing the same.

Anna shook her head:

"/Which/ of them, Jack? There are three lads there."

"The one who looks like Bill, mate."


Annamaria realized that Will was Bill's spitting image, indeed. She
sat with  Jack and they ordered four bottles of rum.

Will was with his friends at a table near to the one Jack was with
Anna. Will was still nervous because of Jack's presence. His eyes
kept wandering to the captain,but tried to guise it as if he was
looking at the door. Charles again noticed that Will didn't take his
eyes off Jack. He said:

"That is Captain Jack Sparrow, Henry."

"Oh, that pirate," he said. "Will, are you really going with them?"

"I am," Will replied.

"You're mad."

"I am," Will was talking dumbly as he was still looking at Jack and
pretending he wasn't. He wasn't paying any attention to his friends'
talks at all.

By the end of the night, Jack decided to talk to Will. It would be
rude not to, as he knew the boy had seen him and knew the boy knew
Jack had seen him. Just after he and Anna paid the barkeeper, they
went to Will's table:

"Hello, William."

Will nearly stopped breathing. He was distracted by the fights inside
the tavern and hadn't noticed Jack was approaching him.

"Um...h-hel-lo..." he trembled.

Jack smirked at him. And said:

"This is Annamaria, a good friend of mine."

Anna smiled sweetly and Will liked her from the beginning:

"Nice to meet you, Will. I was a good friend to your father."

"Nice to meet you too, Annamaria." Will smiled. "Um...sorry..." he 
realized he hadn't introduced them to Henry and Charles: "This is
Henry and this is Charles...mates, this is Captain Jack Sparrow and

"I /know/ him, Will." Charles joked.

Jack said:

"Charles Lewis, right?"

"Aye, Captain."

"Well...just wanted to let you know that you be part of me crew as well."

Charles' eyes widened and he stood up. Will looked from Charles to
Jack, smiling. Charles offered his hand to Jack and said:

"Thank you, Captain."

"You're welcome, mate." Jack shook his hand and then released it.

" you want a drink?" Will offered Jack. He didn't want the
captain to leave so soon, now that he had approached him.

"No, but thanks, William. I need to get some sleep."

"Oh, please...on my account."

"Well, if you do insist...I will accept." Jack smiled and sat with
the boys. Henry was looking at him and found he was such a sight,
just like Will thought...but to Henry, Jack was the most eccentric
guy he had ever seen. The way he swayed, and rolled his eyes...the
captain seemed a little crazy. Not beautiful, as Will thought.

They talked about light subjects. Will wanted to ask Jack so many
things...but didn't have the guts to. He paid for Jack and Anna's
drinks and then all of them left. As Will was feeling a little less
intimidated by Jack's presence, he said:

"When are we going to leave, Jack?"

Jack looked at him piercingly. Will shivered a little. Frowned. Then
Jack said:

"It's /Captain/ Jack to you, whelp."

"Uh...I'm s-sorry...I d-didn't know...I m-mean...that..."

"Obviously you didn't." Jack smirked at him and then his expression
softened again: "We are leaving in three days' time, lad. And...don't
forget to bring your medallion."

"Alright," Will was blushing so hard from embarrassment that he
didn't even wonder why Jack had told him to bring the medallion. He
excused himself and quickly went home. Charles and Henry said their
goodbyes to Jack and Anna and followed Will. Jack kept watching Will
from the distance; when he felt a hand on his shoulder, squeezing

"What was that, Anna?"

"Did you have to embarrass the lad? The poor boy got as red as a
tomato!" she said, irritated.

"He has to learn that he needs to call me Captain," he said but was
smirking again.

"Oh, as if you cared enough about it. You can't fool me Jack, you
never cared about those titles. You hate being famous! You just
wanted to tease the lad!"

"So I did," he replied, slightly annoyed that Anna knew him so
well. "Well,let's get back to the ship."

What Anna had said was true. Jack didn't care about the fact that he
was famous. He hated being recognized everywhere.

Hated that people only approached him when they wanted something.
He was used to his lifestyle. He had all the whores and women he
wanted. He always had people around him when he needed anything, as
long as he offered something in exchange. But though he knew so many
people, his only friends were Anna and Gibbs. That was why he was
always with them. They loved Jack without asking anything in exchange.

He had everything he needed, both physically or materially. He had
sex or money or contacts whenever he wanted it.

But his soul craved for more than that.

He hated not being loved, only needed and desired.


Will got home and was still so embarrassed that Charles asked:

"Is there a problem, Will?"


"Well, you are trembling like a palm tree on the wind..."

Will glared at Charles.

"I think you can go home now, Charles."

"Okay, alright," he put his hands up in defeat. "Forget it. So, till
tomorrow, mate?"

"Till tomorrow."

And Will went to his bedroom and lay on his bed, thinking about Jack.
He couldn't forget the man. He always came back to his mind, as if he
was a curse himself. And Will wondered if it was really true, for
Jack haunted him. His eyes...the way he walked...his trinkets and
rings and earrings...Will forgot everything else and started taking
off his clothes.

He lay naked on his bed and touched himself. He was getting hard just
thinking of Jack. And so he pleasured himself to completion, not once
taking the beautiful captain away from his mind.

'Oh God...what is happening to me?' Will wondered, but wasn't really

It felt good.

It felt /right/ to think about touch himself while thinking
about him.

It just felt so right...

And so Will did it again...and slept peacefully, lustful thoughts of
Jack on his mind.


On the 'Caribbean Light', the ship on which Jack, Gibbs and Anna
slept there was another who was having lustful thoughts. Jack
realized he /found/ Will attractive. And he didn't like that. He
didn't like that /at all/. He didn't want to be lusting after a
lad...he was twice the boy's age! 'Bill would kill me if he knew'. So
Jack tried, and was successfully able to forget about Will...he
thought about other things...he had to plan on how to get Barbossa
killed and his ship back. They had to approach the Isla de Muerta
silently and keep hidden until they could attack. Jack
was thinking about it, but his mind kept betraying him and thoughts
of Will came back to him. 'Well. Seems I can't pretend anymore.' he
thought defeated. 'I'm thinking about him all the time. I find him
attractive. Alright, let me face it, then. I am not talking to him
unless it's totally necessary...I'm not going to treat him any
differently from any other member of me crew...and maybe I'll ask
Anna or Gibbs to tell him who he really is and why we need him.'

He decided he wouldn't be showing any affections towards Will.
Although,he wanted it as much as Will did. 'The boy may be Bill's
son, but he could also only be interested in the prize. As I don't
know if I can trust him with my affections, no need to be too nice to

But Jack thought it hard. It would be difficult not to show any
affection towards Will. It would be difficult not showing that he
wanted to protect him from any harm. It would be difficult to be cold
towards him.

It would be difficult to pretend he didn't care.


The next day all the members who had been chosen to be part of Jack's
crew were advised that they would be going to the Isla de Muerta in
two days' time. All of them were really excited to be part of Jack
Sparrow's crew and packed their things swiftly. Will did the same,
and though his father was almost crazy with worry, Will wouldn't turn
back now.

He didn't understand why, but Jack wanted him on the crew; and it
made Will feel the need to go.

Henry had decided to work for Mr. Brown while Will and Charles were
gone. The master blacksmith was looking for one more to replace them.
That was not the main problem, though; the poor man couldn't sleep,
being worried about his son. It pained Will, but he needed to go.

He /wanted/ to go.

On the day of the trip, Will hugged his father tightly and promised
to come back. He and Charles went to the East Docks in a hurry. All
the crew was there; they were already late.

When they arrived, Gibbs and Annamaria greeted them, but Jack, trying
to keep to his promise of not treating Will any differently, said:

"You both are late, mates. What time did we arrange? As soon as the
sun rose!"

"Um...I'm sorry, Captain," Will would never call him Jack again,
unless Jack himself told him to. He felt far too embarrassed  three
nights before.

"Did you bring your medallion?"

"Aye, sir."

"Good day, Captain," Charles said.

"On yer way!" Jack said, and Will climbed up onto the ship along with
Charles. The 'Caribbean Light' left Tortuga a few minutes after.


The 'Caribbean Light' sailed quickly away from Tortuga and soon Jack
and his crew found themselves in the middle of the ocean.

At night, Jack was at the helm. He called Gibbs:

"Mate, this ship is fast but this trip is taking a month."

"Aye I know Jack. See, if it was the Pearl...we'd getting there in
fifteen days...or less."

"Aye." Jack said, nostalgic. "Well, if it was the Pearl we'd have no
need of going to that damned island again!"

Gibbs nodded and Jack spoke again:

"Anyway, did you do what I told ye? To check if there was enough food
for a month? We have nineteen people here."

"I did, Jack."


Gibbs looked away. Jack sighed. He knew what the answer was.

"There's not enough food, right?"

"I forgot to count, you and Anna...I counted the sixteen
people on the crew."

Jack shook his head.

"Well, before we get to the Isla de Muerta we'll have to stop in a
port. I think there's a port not so far from here." Jack checked his

"Jack, let's do it later. There are other ports. Look at the sky!
It's going to storm...tomorrow or the day after. We have enough food
for the first twenty days, let's be prepared for this storm first."

"Alright." Jack agreed. They would have to be ready for the storm and
couldn't distract themselves.

Earlier that day, Will and Charles went to the crew's quarters and
tried to relax a bit before they had to work on the ship. They had
never done anything like it but Gibbs and Annamaria would help them.

Before theywere called, Will laid on the mattress and thought about
many things; He thought about Jack the majority of the time, but at
this particular moment, he was more worried about another matter.

'This medallion...what does it mean? Why did Jack ask me to bring it?'
Although Will was really curious about it, he had an uneasy feeling
that he wouldn't like to know Will was so immersed in his troubled
thoughts that didn't hear Charles calling him:

"Come on, Will, let's get to work. Annamaria is calling us."

So Will got up and tried to forget those thoughts; but  it was
impossible. As he was working everything came back. He looked at
Jack. The captain was at the helm and was looking absent-mindedly at
the ocean. He was so beautiful...Will looked at him for some time
before looking away.

He didn't realize Charles' gaze was following him...and his friend
had noticed again that Will was looking at Jack.

By nightfall, they were allowed to relax, have dinner and sleep if
they wanted. But it was not so late and Will couldn't sleep. Charles

"Let's go to the deck, Will." They were in the crew's quarters.

Charles wanted to talk to Will; and so when they got to the deck, he

"You've been so absent-minded, Will...I noticed you were not
concentrating on the work today."

Will felt nervous and became rude:

"It's none of your business, Charles!" and he looked to the floor.

"Will...we've been friends for so long...I think you want to tell me
something...why don't you do it? Don't you trust me, mate?"

Will looked at him.

"Of course I trust you, but there's nothing to tell." he said, but it
was obvious in his voice that he lied.

"You cannot deceive me, mate."

"Alright." Will said, defeated. "What do you want to know?"

"You fancy the captain, don't ya?"

Will opened his eyes widely. He didn't expect Charles to ask it so

Will's reaction told Charles the truth. He sighed.

"It's alright mate, I understand you."

"Do you?"

"Yeah. I have fancied a guy too...for so many years..."

Will was shocked:


Charles fell silent; he didn't know how to say it. But had to. This
was his best chance.


Will's face fell. He would never expect his best friend to have a
crush on him. Will fell silent. He didn't know what to say. He didn't
want to hurt  Charles, but he didn't feel anything more than
friendship for him. Not even lust.

"Charles, I..."

"Don't say anything, Will."

And Charles tried to kiss him. At first, caught by surprise, Will
responded. But he heard someone clearing his throat to speak and
stopped the kiss abruptly.

Turning around, he saw Jack. 'Oh,/fine/. Now he's going to think
Charles and I are lovers. Dammit.'

"As much as I hate to interrupt, I think you should get some sleep,
mates. We wake early on this ship."

It wasn't even that late...but Jack /wanted/ to interrupt. More than

"Aye, Captain" Will stood up and went to the crew's quarters without
saying a word.

Jack looked at Charles from head to toe and Charles realized Jack was
jealous. Or he thought so. Jack asked him:

"Are ye lovers?"

Charles chose to tell the truth:

"No, Captain"

"Does he love ye?"

"No, sir," his eyes were full of tears and Jack frowned. He had
understood everything quickly. "Excuse me," Charles looked away and

In the crew's quarters, he tried to talk to Will; but Will didn't
want to:

"No Charles. I'm going to sleep."

"Have to do everything he tells you to?" he said, irritated.

Will sat down on the mattress and pulled his friend to him:

"I am on /his/ ship. I'm part of /his/ crew. And I'm doing what he
tells me to do."

Charles was hurt and didn't say anything else.


The next day Will and Charles didn't say a word to one another.

Charles was hurt and didn't want to risk being even more; and Will
didn't know what to say to his friend. The only thing he was certain
of was that he didn't love Charles back. And he didn't want to tell
him that and hurt him even more.

So they avoided each other all day. Jack noticed it. His eyes
followed Will wherever he went. And he looked at Charles sometimes,
worried about him. Even though he wanted Will, Jack was not an
insensitive guy. He knew Charles was hurting and felt deep sympathy
for him. He had already loved and been rejected.

But Jack couldn't help feeling happy to know that Will didn't return
Charles' feelings.

At night the storm caught them in the middle of the ocean. It was so
rough that they thought of stopping the ship at an island nearby.
This ship wasn't the Pearl. If it was, Jack would know he could trust
her through the storm. But as he didn't know the 'Caribbean Light
that much, he chose to stop.

As they were on their way to the island, Anna was talking to Will.
They were quick to like one another; Anna was always nice to him and
Will appreciated the attention. But he still didn't say a word about
Charles or Jack. He just told Anna he was worried because he didn't
fully understand the meaning of the medallion.

"I don't understand, Anna. This medallion...I mean, I had it since I
was a child. Why was it so important to bring? What's the meaning of
it? And how the hell does Jack know my real name? If it's my real

"It is, Will," Anna assured him.

"Why don't you tell me everything? You said you were a good friend to
my father. You know everything, Anna."

"I think it's better that you talk to Jack, Will. But know one thing.
Everybody here is going to stand by you. You don't have to worry."

"That's what scares me!' he said, serious. "Why would I need you to
protect me?

"I'm afraid it's not for me to tell ye, Will. Go talk to Jack. He
will tell ye anyway, sooner or later."

"Alright. Where is he?"

"I think he's in his quarters."

"I cannot go in there!" Will said, uneasy.

"He won't mind, love, I'm sure. Besides, it's an important reason.

They had already dropped anchor, so Jack was already in his quarters
and preparing to sleep. He had had a tiring day; leading a ship
through a storm was tiring and he felt all his bones hurting. But now
they were safe,and when the storm stopped they would continue the

Jack laid on his bed and thought of Will; he would never imagine that
Will himself would knock on his door.

"Who's it? Is it you Gibbs? Come tomorrow, I'm going to sleep."

"Um...Captain?" Will cleared his throat and Jack jumped from the bed.

'Will? What is he doing here?' As Jack was practically naked, he put
on his trousers and opened the door:

"Will?" he smiled warmly and Will realized Jack was /happy/ to see
him. He smiled as well. Will felt something he couldn't explain. An
urge to throw himself into Jack's arms and hold him tightly...he
didn't understand why he felt, he tried to forget it and

"May to you?"

"Sure," Jack said, still smiling softly. "Come in."

Will felt something and it seemed right. He was sure that Jack wasn't
that kind of famous person who tried to be away from the world. On
the contrary. He asked Will to come into his quarters. He was happy
to see him. He wasn't cocky. Will entered the cabin and sat on a
chair by the table. Jack sat next to him, and Will found it terribly
difficult not to look to Jack's chest.

It was bare and Jack was wearing only his trousers. Trying to push
away these thoughts, Will cleared his throat. But before he could say
anything, Jack said, almost shyly:

"Do you want something to drink?"

Will felt again how much Jack seemed to be sweet, as long as you
approached him properly.

Will nodded and accepted the glass of rum. So he spoke:

"I'm sorry about being here so late, Captain, but I'm really worried
about something."

"And what would it be?"

Will took off the medallion from his neck and showed it to Jack. Jack
nodded. He understood.

"I asked Annamaria why it was needed, but she told me to talk to you."
"You did right, lad. I wouldn't want anyone else to tell ye." 'As
much as I thought to ask Gibbs or Anna to talk to ye, because I
didn't want to be so close...oh, but what the's so good to
be close to ye.' Jack thought.

"Why? Why do we need it?" Will asked.

"It's a long story, Will. Are ye sure ye want to know?"

"Of course I am sure!"

"Alright then. This was a gift from your real father,

"Right," Will frowned but then remembered it.

" ye know why did he send you this? Because he would be cursed
if he didn't."

Will shook his head, not understanding a thing.


"Aye, Will. This medallion is cursed."

Will felt kind of scared, and asked:

"Why would my father send me a cursed medallion?"

Jack put down his glass of rum and touched Will's arms lightly. He
looked at him deeply:

"Ye don't have to worry, Will. It doesn't affect ye. Yer father knew


"Because you weren't the one who stole it."

Realization came through Will.

"My father...stole it?"

"He did. He was on me crew. He was a pirate, Will. I think you should

"My father...was a pirate?" Will was astonished. Although he knew now
that Jack, Gibbs and Anna had known his father, it hadn't crossed his
mind that he could've been a pirate. Not until now.

"And a good friend of mine. Me best friend."

Will was shocked. He didn't know what to say anymore. It was so much
in so little. First, meeting Jack and being part of his crew. Second,
knowing Charles had a crush on him. And now all these information
about his father and his past...his /past/, for God's sake! It was
just so much...

"Please, stop...stop..." he lowered his head...memories of the last
days came through his mind...and they wouldn't go back to where they
came from.

Jack felt how much Will was troubled and left his seat. He knelt in
front of Will and took Will's hands in his.

"If ye want me to stop, it's okay...I know...I know it's so much to

"It is," Will said and a tear fell by his cheek. Jack's heart
twitched in his chest. He couldn't help but feel guilty.

"I'm sorry," he took one of Will's hands to his mouth and kissed
it. "I'm so sorry, Will," he caressed his hand and finally held Will
tightly against him.

"It's not your fault."

They looked into each others' eyes. Will's were bloodshot. Jack said:

"Don't cry...I'm going to stop talking...if ye want to know anything
later,then let me know and I'll tell ye."

"Okay," Will said. He put his head on Jack's shoulder again. It felt
so right...Jack was stroking his hair when he
heard a sound of splashing. A few moments later, Gibbs went to Jack's
quarters and opened the door without thinking much:


He saw Jack and Will holding one another, but didn't have the time to
think about it.

"Jack, hurry! A crewmember fell into the water...he /threw/ himself
into the water!!"

"What?! Why didn't you go after him?" he left the quarters in a
hurry, along with Will and Gibbs, heading toward the deck.

"Oh Gods, Jack, you have to make me say it in front of the lad? You
know I'm afraid of swimming in the sea when it's raining!!"

"For God's sake, mate!! You have to face it someday!" he said. "No
one went to save him, dammit? /Why?/"

"The lad threw himself, Jack...I must be mistaken but I'm almost sure
he wanted to kill himself. And it's raining hard. No one but you has
the guts to go into the sea."

"Fuck," Jack said and as they had already gotten on deck, he went to
look for the lad on the water. Seconds later, he jumped.

Will felt worried for Jack, but felt even more when he looked at the
deck and saw all the crewmembers, except for one.


'Oh my God. It's all my fault.'


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