A Sure Cure for Drowning
BY: Melusina

Will is fooling about in the rigging, trying out a
trick he'd seen Jack use during their last raid, when
the Black Pearl unexpectedly lurches and bucks and he
loses his balance and plummets into the ocean.  He
hits the water with a sharp sting and a loud splash.
Cold water envelopes him, salt burns his eyes and
nose, and then he's kicking his feet and pushing his
way up to the surface.  Just as his head breaks
through the water, there's a sleek, slippery movement
beside him.  Half a beat later, Jack's head surfaces,
black kohl streaking down his cheeks and water beading
in his hair.

"Thought you were a goner, mate."

"I *can* swim, Jack.  You know that."

"Aye, but I've seen a man take a fall like that and
knock hisself out.  Can't swim if you're not awake."

Will isn't sure if he should be flattered that Jack
cares enough to dive in after him, or insulted that
Jack thinks he needs looking after.

A rope goes over the side of the Pearl and Will
follows Jack up.  Jack's shirt is wet and clinging to
the muscles bunching in his lean back.  Through the
damp cloth Will can see the vague outlines of tattoos.
There's a dark smudge on Jack's shoulder that looks
like it might be a mermaid - or maybe a fish?  And
*that* one is definitely a compass.  Will wonders when
he started paying so much attention to Jack's back.

They repair to their cabins to dry off and change
clothes.  Will moves stealthily to avoid waking
Elizabeth.  Lately, she's always asleep.  And no
matter how much sleep she gets, she always seems tired
and cranky.  She's angry with him, and he's not sure
why, although he's beginning to think it may have
something to do with the way her body has softened and
gone to fat.  He wonders what in God's name they'll do
with- But best not to borrow trouble.  After all,
Elizabeth hasn't mentioned anything, so perhaps he's
just imagining it.

Leaving his cabin, he runs into Jack - literally.
Will stumbles and almost falls arse over teakettle,
but Jack catches his arm and stops his fall.

"Fancy a drop to take the chill off?"

Now *that* is a brilliant idea.  "Don't mind if I do."

Jack makes a wide, sweeping gesture towards his open
cabin door.  A bottle appears and then its contents
disappear rather quickly, as Jack demonstrates that he
has a very loose definition of the word "drop."

"What you need, love, is an earring."

"A what?"

"An earring - it's a sure cure for drowning.  Stops it
every time.  'Sides, you need something to give you a
bit of panache.  Tattoo, earring, a bit of flash.  I'm
not so good at tattoos, but I'm a dab hand at

Before Will can articulate a protest, Jack is on his
feet, rummaging in a drawer in his desk.  He pulls out
a dangerously long needle, of the sort used to mend
the sails.  A bit more digging produces a gold hoop
and a gaudy purple rag that might once have been a

Jack turns back to Will and Will holds his hands up in
a warding gesture.  "Jack, I'm not sure about this-"

"What are you, a man or a eunuch?  Have another drink
and you'll not feel a thing."

Jack's standing in front of Will now, with his head
cocked and eyes narrowed.  He takes Will's head in his
hands and tilts it back and forth.  Jack's fingers are
rough on Will's skin, and there's something
disconcerting about the way he's moving Will's body
about like a puppet.  Making a decision, Jack twists
Will's head further to the right.  "Hold still."  Jack
wads up the rag and stuffs it behind Will's ear.
Jack's face is fixed in concentration, the pink tip of
his tongue held in the corner of his slightly open
mouth.  As quick as thought, he stabs the needle
though Will's ear lobe and into the cloth behind.

Will expects the pain.  The surprise is the bolt of
lust that accompanies it, shooting straight to his
groin.  He feels his eyes widen and his pulse quicken.

There's a trickle of blood running down his neck.
Jack swipes at it with the rag, his breath warm on
Will's ear.  Then Jack's fumbling with the earring and
sliding it into place.  A little tug - and that
shouldn't feel *good*, should it? - then Jack stands
back admiring his work with a self-satisfied smirk.

"Quite dashing, if I do say so m'self."

Perhaps Will's had more rum than he realized.  Perhaps
the fall has turned his head.  Perhaps having a hole
in your ear is like having a hole in your head, and
all the sense leaks out - which explains a lot about
Jack, actually.  Whatever it is, Will's out of the
chair and pouncing on Jack before he can change his
mind.  There's a momentary look of shock on Jack's
face and then he's tilting his head back, opening his
mouth and letting Will kiss him for all he's worth.
Jack's mouth is hot and wet and his mustache is tickly
and the kiss is dirty and sinful and enticing.

Then Will's mouth is moving down Jack's neck, nipping
and tasting.  Jack tastes like he smells: salt, and
the alcohol he's sweated out of his skin, and
something sharp and metallic.  Jack's head drops
backwards and his hands are pulling on Will's clothes,
untucking his shirt, loosening his breeches, and then,
oh, Jack's hand is on him - callused palm rubbing on
him and then a finger reaches behind and *that's*
different and altogether very nice.

In between moans, Will says,"*God*, that's good."

Jack's voice is smug, right next to Will's ear.  "Not
God, love, just Captain Jack Sparrow."  Jack's
mouthing the earring, catching it in his teeth and
licking the sensitized flesh around it.  The pleasure
and pain combined send chills through Will's body. 

Jack's hand becomes a bit more insistent and Will
belatedly realizes that he probably should be
returning the favor.  He hurriedly unlaces Jack's
breeches and reaches inside, not sure exactly how to
do this, but he's done it for himself and how
different can it be?

Will's first tentative stroke elicits a lovely
guttural groan.  He grasps a bit harder and moves his
hand faster and Jack's breathing becomes ragged and
uneven.  They fall into a rhythm, their hands moving
swiftly together, panting breath and pounding hearts
keeping time.  Jack's moaning into Will's shoulder,
biting him through the fabric of his shirt.  If Jack
keeps making those amazing noises, Will won't last
long, and then Jack says his name, "*Will*." Something
cracks inside him and he's spending himself all over
Jack's hand and he hears himself, as though from a
long way off, saying Jack's name in that same stricken
tone.  And then Jack is coming as well, spurting hot
and sticky in Will's hand and letting out a sobbing
moan that makes Will's cock give one last twitch. 

Will's grinning like an idiot and he leans into Jack,
pressing his forehead against Jack's and looking into
those glittering dark eyes, not sure what to say now.
Jack recovers first, pulling his hand out of Will's
breeches and licking his fingers like a cat, his eyes
full of lewd promises.  And Will thinks that his
earring must not be working properly, because he's
damn sure drowning now, and there's no help for it at


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