
Will watched Jack and Barbossa fight. He had already dispatched the
other pirates. He loved watching Jack fight...he loved watching
Jack...he just loved Jack. He couldn't believe that once he hated
this man just because he was a pirate. But being out on the sea with
Jack, it had opened his eyes. The world wasn't just good and evil.
And he knew that Jack could never love someone like him. No, Jack
would love someone like...Bootstrap. Someone who was a pirate through
and through. Not a little boy pretending.

Will made his way over to the chest of Aztec gold to end the curse. A
pained cry made Will turn around. Barbossa had stabbed Jack through
the stomach!

"NO!!!!" Will began to run over to Jack but was stopped.

"Will, remove the curse!"

Will ran to the chest, cut his hand, bleed on the coin, and dropped
it into the chest. Just as it dropped, Will heard a gunshot ring.

"I feel...cold." And with that, Barbossa dropped dead. But Will,
ignored this as he ran to Jack and pulled him against Will's chest.

"Will..." Jack tried to talk.

"Hush, save your strength. I'll get you out of here."

Jack wouldn't take this so he started to sing his song.

"Yo ho, a pirate's life for me."

Will began to think silently and furiously as he tried to stop the
flow of blood.

"Please, whoever is listening, I'm begging, don't take him away! I'll
do anything!"

"Anything?" A voice sounded in Will's head. This voice was so soft.
It made Will feel so safe and loved like Jack does.

"Who are you?"

"There's no time for that, little one.  Did you mean what you said?
Would you take his place? A sacifice is needed here tonight."

"Yes." Will gave his answer without missing a beat.

The world began to whirl around him. Suddenly, he heard sword
clashing in the background. It was Jack and Barbossa, fighting once
again, having no idea what had happened before. Being distracted,
Will wasn't prepared as a sword began coming toward him. Before he
could react and defend himself, the sword went through his stomach.
With a pained cry, he went down.


"You fools. Make him bleed on the coin."

Will felt the coin being ripped from his neck and then pressed
against his stomach. A few seconds later, he heard a gunshot.

"I feel...cold." Barbossa was once again dead.

The next thing Will knew, he was pulled against a warm chest. He
could hear Jack's heartbeat, it sounded wonderful.


"Hush, mate. Save your strength, savvy?"

"I... love... you." Will wanted to make sure Jack knew. He didn't
know why, but it felt important that Jack knew.

"I love you so much."

Jack began to silently plead to a god that he wasn't even sure was

"If anyone is there, please, save him. I can't lose him."

"Would you take his place? A sacifice is needed." Jack heard this
beautiful voice that made him think of Will.


But this time, the world didn't whirl or moved. Time didn't reverse.
However, something wonderful happened in its place. A light formed
around Will's body. It started dull, then it brightened. Jack
had to look away it was so bright. Suddenly, the light was gone. Jack
felt Will sitting up. He was...healed completely. As they looked in
to each other eyes, they heard the voice again.

"Will, don't doubt that Jack loves you. He doesn't think that you're
just a little boy pretending to be a pirate. He thinks you're a best
thing to ever happened to him. He would follow you to the ends of
this world and the next. You're so important to him. Take care of

"Jack, trust Will with your heart, he willn't refuse it. He doesn't
think that you're too old or not worth it. He thanks fate that you
come into his life. He will protect your body, heart, and soul.
You're his world. Take care of him."

"One soul, two bodies. Cherish you gift. You have found you soulmate.
Most never do. Don't let anyone tell you that your love is wrong.
It's not. Those who tell you different don't understand. Be assured
that there is a place for you when your time comes. Don't worry, you
willn't live withour each other again. Love each other...forever."


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