Mini Captains and Thespians
BY: Nita Riddle

"He did it again."


"Yes again."

"Where did they find Willow this time?"

"In an empty keg of rum."

"Remind again how old our son is?"

"Jon is four."

"What did he say his sister did this time."

"Apperently, Willow commandeered his hamster."

"That explains why I found the little monster in our bed."

"He's your son."

"My son Jack?!"

"Well, you gave birth to him when that curse turned you into a girl."

"You said you wanted to try out my new parts so technically it's
YOUR fault."

"And I suppose wanting to have a daughter was my fault as well."

"At least yu finally got to feel what it was like."

"My ankles hurt something awful."

"I remember."

"And I couldn't stand eating anything other than salt water fish."

"I remember.  Elizabeth and you used to spent your time annoying
Commodor Norrington."

"He was inconsiderate bstard who didn't have any rum."

"I suppose now would be a badtime to tell you Jon accidently got rid
of all the rum and stole your hat."

"Beg your pardon but, repeat that love?"

"Jon had to empty the last keg of rum to put Willow inside.  He then
went updeck and declared himself the new Captain of the Pearl
because he had captured the Captains daughter.  Gibbs tried to tell
him it couldn't be true.  Then Anamaria said he didn't have the
right hat.  So he stole your hat and the Black Pearl is currently
being manned by a boy-child who still hasn't mastered the ability to
restrain himself from wetting his bed."

"I take it back.  He is my son.  He's barely four years of age and
he's already commitin acts of piracy.  That's me boy!"

"You sound incredebly proud consdering he locked his sister in a keg
of rum, he rid the ship of any alchoholic sobstunce, and has
declared an overweight hamster the ships mascot and has taken to
walking around the ship, giving about orders with said fat hamster
on his shoulder calling himself Captain Jonathon Turner-Sparrow"


"Jack are you even listening to me."

"My god, we have NO RUM.  The full meaning of that just hit me."

"Jack...are you crying?"

"yes, my own flesh and blood....."

"Jack, you are scaring me quite frankly.  You are crying over rum."

"Go to hell."

"Jack, well be in Tortuga 'morrow morning.  You can survive the
night without rum."

"Well yes, but that's not the point."

"I can't believe you insitsted on going to Tortuga.  i hate your

"I know you hate Mother but that's perfectly natural.  Your the man
who stolen her little Jackie's heart."

"She is constantly nagging me about everything.  You'd think she
would at least have something kind to say."

"Will.  Just.  Shut.  Up.  Being sober is hard enough without having
to deal with you, my mother, and the kids."

"Sorry love."

"Hmmmmmm, is Anamaria on baby sitting duty?"

"Aye, Captain....."

"Let's enjoy what time me have left.  Give me a second to blow out
the candles."



"Too many clothes."

"Hurry, on the bed."





"Jon's toy sail boat."

"God, how many times have I told them not to leave their toys lying

"Jack, I'm feeling cold, warm me up a bit, will you?"

"Love to..."


"Mmmmmmmmmm-ye gods!"

"Will, what are you doing on the floor?"

"I fell out of the bed, what do you think!  Something bit me!"

"it's just the bloody hamster, one of the kids left it on the bed."

"let's just try to get some sleep."




"I thought I sleep...."


"That's good too!"


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