BY:  GundamNymph


Will gave no glance to the men eyeing him up. He continued to walk
down the dark street, eyes focused forward. He could hear them begin
to follow him and a smirk formed on his face.

They continued to follow him, their shoes tapping faintly on the
pavement like rain as he led them deeper into the back alleys. He
hurried his own pace, making it seem as if he had heard them and was
beginning to panic.

It was nearly 3AM in the city, the only light the faint orange glow
of the lampposts. Puddles were formed on uneven ground from a recent
rain shower. A mysterious fog hung low over the black tar, and Will
breathed in the damp air, letting it fill his lungs.

He took a sharp corner, boots clapping against old cobblestone and
picked up a handy bar of metal. He turned to face the three men as
they entered the alley. All of them smirked at him and one even

"Okay, gorgeous, you know the drill."

Will raised an eyebrow at them. "Do I? I'm sorry, I don't recall what
you speak of."

The one with the spiked hair glared at him. "Come on, babe, we just
want you to empty your pockets. We don't want to have to hurt you."

Will held the pipe like a baseball bat and let determination fill his
face. "Funny, I was about to say the same to you."

One of them got tired of this and pulled out a gun, pointing it at
Will's head. The one on the left scowled at him and the other became

"Come on, Danny! Take it easy!" The one with a torn leather jacket on
looked at Will pleadingly. "Just hand it over, kid, and we'll let you
go. It ain't worth it."

"What if I told you I have no money?"

`Danny' let his eyes run over the snug designer jeans, cashmere
sweater, and expensive leather jacket Will wore. "I doubt that, hon."

Will dropped the pipe, a feral smile on his face. "But it's true. HE
carries my wallet for me."

All turned to where Will pointed, the one on the right yelling with
surprise at the new arrival. There stood Jack, still in his dark
slacks and button-down shirt from work. The shorter man gave an
equally feral smile at them, taking a step forward, hips swaying.

"You wouldn't be threatening my lover, now would you?"

`Danny' raised his gun at him as the other two pulled out their own
weapons. Before any of them could answer, Will had darted forward and
slammed the one on the left up against a wall. His knife clattered to
the ground, as he then kicked the right thug's gun out of his hand.
Will did all this in less than two seconds.

The leader watched him wide-eyed, his skin pale. "What the HELL are

Jack grabbed him around the neck, turning him around and pulling him
close. He was nose to nose with him as he whispered, "You never
should have followed my lover here."

The grown man let out a startled scream as Jack's revealed canines
lengthened. An amused glint entered Jack's eyes before he sank his
teeth into his prey's throat. The shriek was cut off with a gargle of
pain. In minutes, the man stopped moving, dying from blood loss as
the vampire drank deeply.

Jack's frowned slightly as he let go of the body, turning to see his
lover doing the same with one of the others. He smiled, walking over
to him and kissing him. Will still had blood in his mouth and
combined with his unique flavor, it made Jack's teeth and groin ache.
His tongue greedily entered Will's mouth trying to taste it all, and
found Will's tongue dueling with his own.

Panting, Jack pulled back. He really wasn't in the mood to molest his
soulmate in a dark alley with dead bodies at their feet.

Will rested his chin against Jack's forehead, smiling into the man's
dark auburn hair. "I didn't think you'd be out until later."

Jack nipped at his throat, his own smile widening. "Pierce let me off
early. I think she realized I was getting fucking tired of doing

Will laughed, running fingers through Jack's hair and tucking the
slightly long lock behind an ear, "I think she'd be more worried
about you biting her head off eventually. You DO tend to get a tad
feisty when you're trapped inside for too long."

Jack pulled back, grinning at him. "Ah, but you like it when I come
home like that, luv."

The younger man grinned at him playfully, fangs shining in the night,
and nipped at his nose. "I wouldn't have you any other way."

Jack eyed the leftover thug that was coming to. "One more thing,

Will looked at him inquiringly.

"Don't ever get thug on the menu again." He licked his teeth
again. "He was a tad dirty."

Wide brown eyes looked at him with concern. "Are you okay?"

"Nothing I can't handle, but it does make my head buzz a little."

A rogue and teasing grin formed on Will's face. "I'm sure you have no
problem with that."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Frantic blue eyes watched as the vampire lovers began to banter.

"Only that after YEARS of drinking so much rum you're quite used to
having a buzz."

"Whelp, I'll have you know that there is NO such buzz when I drink my
rum. Only a happy place. I--- where do you think you're going?"

The thug started to run, but Jack was in front of him before he had
gone three feet, a curious pout on his face. The thug fell to his
knees, hands clasped in desperation. "PLEASE let me go! I won't tell
ANYONE what I saw! Please, just let me GO! I'll do anything!"

Will glared down at the man, arm circling around his lover's slim
waist. "I'm sure Vella Stevens said the very same thing to your gang
two nights ago. I had to put her out of her misery."

The man became even paler, looking as if he were about to vomit or
faint. Jack's slender fingers grasped Will's hand as he sent him a
worried look.

"Don't look at me like that, Jack, I'm--"

"Fine? Will, love, you are NEVER fine. What happened this time?"

Will sighed, glaring at the quivering man on the grimy
pavement. "They attacked a psychic. I could hear her screams thirty
blocks away. They raped and beat her. She was barely alive by the
time I got there."

Jack looked at him solemnly, remembering that his lover had been
telepathically sensitive since he was Turned.



The older pirate turned to look at the lad with surprise, still
balancing on the chair's back legs. "What are YOU doing here, mate? I
thought you and darling Elizabeth were settled down in ol' Port

Will sat beside the half drunk pirate and ordered a mug from the
bartender. He didn't speak another word until he had drained it, and
turned to a bewildered Jack.

The startled older man blinked before letting a wide smile erupt on
his face. "As I always said, you'd have made a great pirate, lad.
Your father always could hold his liquor as easy as a babe with milk."

The youth stared at Jack a moment as the elder drank deeply from his
own mug. The years had been kind to Jack. It looked as if he hadn't
aged a day since Will had first met him. He dressed much the same,
his favored hat perched on his head, and rum still burned in his
veins. He even had the kohl beneath his eyes.

"I want to join your crew, Jack."

Jack sputtered, nearly spitting rum over the tabletop. He turned wide
eyes to his friend, the most incredulous expression on his face. "And
why would you want to go and do that for? You nearly made me spill me

Normally, Will would have grinned at this, but he just continued to
stare at the pirate.

Jack looked right back at him, dark eyes wondering. A soft, "Why?"

Those expressive brown eyes were pleading, filling with a pain Jack
had never seen in them. His own heart went cold, though he pretended
aloofness. What could have happened?

"I have nothing left for me, and I want to follow my heart's desire.
I miss the Pearl, Jack, and our adventures."

The pirate grinned knowingly. "Ah, everyone falls in love with the
Pearl, mate. It's inescapable."

He studied the younger man before him. "What about your darling bonny
wife? The little heathens?" 

Will drained mug as soon as it was refilled by a wench. "Elizabeth's
dead, and so is Michael. Samantha and John are staying with my father-

Jack frowned with wide-eyed bewilderment before he lost balance on
the leaning chair, and fell over. The captain pirate quickly righted
himself and the chair. "What happened? WHEN?"

Those eyes were lost, and Will felt a tug at his heart as buried
emotions surfaced. No Jack, not now, his mind pleaded. Don't act like
that. I can't handle it. Not now.

"Three months ago. They were attacked in an alleyway on the way back
from the market. Christine was with them. She died too. Norrington
said it looked like some sort of mugging."

Jack turned to look into his mug, as if it held the secrets of the
universe. He seemed hesitant as he began to speak. "Don't you think
you should be with your children?"

Will looked into his own mug, forcing any emotions away. "Samantha
will miss me dearly, but not more than her Uncle Jack when he's away
at sea. John is still angry with me. He believes I should have been
there, and he's right. I should have been there."

"And where were you?"

A snort. "Where else? Working on a commission in the smithy."

"And did you KNOW they were going to be attacked? I highly doubt
that, mate. Unless you're a mind reader or god of some sort."

Will just stared into his mug, knowing Jack was right, having thought
the same thing himself. "It's just still so hard. Samantha is
terrified, and John refuses to speak to me. Or anyone, for that
matter. The Governor is making a trip overseas, and he's planning on
taking them with him. He said I can always visit. Even if I DO choose

Jack's hand rested on his shoulder, sending warmth into Will's cold
shoulder. "I can't say anything that will help you, whelp, but if
you're SURE about this, I'll let you join the crew. They'll be
ecstatic to see you again. There'll be celebrating it all night, I'm
sure. Mind you, they'll find any excuse to do so. I always loved a
good party myself."

The pirate eyes started to become blank and Will rolled his eyes at
the wistful look.

He nodded, already beginning to feel alive again, and gripped Jack's
hand back. "Thanks a lot Jack. I still want to. It's the only thing I
have left."

Dark eyes stared at him a while before he nodded. "All right, mate.
We'll meet up with the others later, but for now, let's drink up!
There is no world better than one where you have rum in your belly!"

For the first time since his wife and child's death, Will smiled.



Bewildered black eyes turned to look at a panicked Will. Following
the younger man's gaze, they fell on the bullet hole in his chest.
Frowning, he forced his eyes to focus as the battle continued around

"That's interesting." And he let his body fall to the ground, hand
weakly clutching the wound.

Will ran forward, stabbing one redcoat that got in his way with his
sword. He fell to his knees beside his bleeding Captain. "Jack?!

Dark eyes squinted up at him, his lips stained with blood. "I'll be
fine, whelp. And it's CAPTAIN to you."

Will stared, horrified, as those eyes closed, the fallen man's breath
hitching. He looked about frantically, pressing his hand to the
wound, eyes burning.


The nearest pirates turned to him, and noticed their fallen captain
for the first time. Their eyes widened before running over in much
the same haste as Will had done.

"What happened!?"

"He was shot! DAMN him! Help me get him on the Pearl!"

The men nodded, helping the young pirate carry Jack aboard the Pearl.
They quickly entered the Captain's cabin, and turned to Will.

"What should we do?"

"Where's AnaMaria?!"

"Last I saw, she was going below on the Douglas. Should we retreat?"

Will looked up from tearing Jack's shirt off, and was startled to
note the expectation on their faces.

"No. Take the Douglas," he growled at them. They nodded,
determination on their faces, before leaving.

Will turned back to Jack, bunching up blankets and placing them over
the wound. Blood was everywhere. He rubbed at his eyes, searching for
the care kit. Finding it, he stumbled over to the bed, throwing open
the box.


He stopped his search for the forceps and looked down at Jack,
surprised. "Jack?"

There was a grim smile on Jack's face. "Stupid boy. I'm fine."

"You are NOT FINE, Jack!"


"No!" He began his search, tears flowing down his flushed cheeks.

A hand reached out and caught his, stilling it. Will blinked at it,
and looked at Jack. "What are you DOING? If we don't do something
NOW, you'll die!"

Jack gave him a bitter smirk. "Boy, I'm already `dead'."

All color left Will's face, and the tears began to flow freely as his
body shook. "No."

That hand steered him forward, and settled his own hand over the
pirate's wound after removing the blankets.

Will fell to his knees, staring in fascination at the wound. It was
so small. Weren't gunshot wounds bigger? MUCH bigger?

His brown eyes widened as metal shined in the wound, and a minute
later, a small ball popped out. Will fingered it, his wrist resting
on Jack's warm tan stomach. Questioning eyes turned to Jack's.

"Barbossa's wasn't the only curse I've encountered."

Will's knees gave out and he just knelt there, eye-level with Jack.

"How? Wha?"

The wound was closing, but Jack seemed to be getting paler. The
brunette frowned in renewed worry. He let his free hand brush Jack's
cheek. It was getting cold and clammy. The skin beneath his wrist and
elbow was cooling as well.

"You're getting paler."

"I'll be fine."

Will met Jack's intense eyes again. "How? How can I help?"

"You can't." There was a slight flicker in his eyes. It was always
there when Jack was lying to him.

Will's eyes narrowed. "You're not telling me something. I CAN help,
can't I?"

Jack's face was carefully blank.

"Jack, tell me now, or I'll throw all your rum overboard."

Jack stayed silent, dark eyes still fastened on his.

Will gaped at him. "You know I'll make good on my threat, Jack. I've
done it before."

Jack tilted his head. "Aye. That you did, whelp. And you were
swabbing the deck for weeks."

"But you didn't have rum for over a month."

"No, I didn't."

Will stared into those eyes, searching them. "It would involve
hurting me, wouldn't it?"

Another  flicker.

"What is it, Jack? I can take it! Whatever it is you need, you're
getting it."

"I don't need it, boy. I'll be back to normal in two weeks on my own."

"We can't afford to wait, Jack! We never know when we're going to be
under attack! TELL ME." His fingers dropped the bullet, and his hand
rested against Jack's former wound. He could feel the faintest
heartbeat. "What kind of curse is it?"

"You're not going to shut up, are you?"

"Never," came the heated reply.

Jack raised his hand to Will's throat, fingers pressing against his
pulse. "You want to know what I need?"

Confused, Will nodded. Those fingers were sending an excited tingle
through his skin.

"Your blood."

The boy blinked, before nodding slowly. He reached for the dagger at
his belt, but Jack's hand stilled him again. The older pirate guided
Will's hand to his mouth instead, letting a finger or two fall
beneath his lips. Will's heart skipped a beat and he shuddered at the

The captain bared his teeth and Will's breath caught.

Jack's canines were getting longer. What did this mean? What kind of
curse was this? How did he need his blood? What were the--

His eyes met Jack's eyes again, wondering. The answer swam in those
depths, making a chill go through him. Throat choked, he asked, "How

"Little less than half a pint will suffice."

"You need to drink it?"

Jack nodded weakly, offering a weary smile. "Still want to offer,

Will stared at him a moment, taking in all the blood splattered
everywhere. The bed and sheets were ruined, and the crimson liquid
made Jack look even paler. His dark hair spread against the pillow
making it look even far worse.

Will didn't justify that with an answer. Instead, he just kissed him.

Jack's lips were slack with surprise, but under Will's fierce
onslaught they began to respond. Soon they were kissing passionately,
Will grasping the pirate's hair and pulling his head back for better
access. Jack moaned, letting his mouth fall open further. He pulled
at Will until the younger man was straddling his stomach, hands
searching and caressing his skin.

All too soon, Will pulled back for breath, panting. Jack trailed
gentle nipping kisses along his jaw, purring at Will's fondling hands
in his hair as he helped him sit up. He licked Will's neck and the
youth trembled, hips jerking against his own.

Jack responded by letting his knees fall open, and Will's long legs
fell between them. As he began to kiss the tender skin above a
throbbing vein, Will moaned and bucked his growing erection against
Jack's. Sparks flew behind his hooded eyelids. The kid would be the
end of him for sure.

He gave a final nip as a warning before allowing his sensitized teeth
to sink into the tan skin. Will tensed at the initial pain, but as
the hot blood filled Jack's mouth, he relaxed again and moaned. Hands
continued to thread through Jack's hair, massaging his scalp, as the
vampire drank.

Jack's gently sucking was sending his nerves over the edge, making
him even harder. Jack was on a new high altogether. His teeth were
throbbing with pleasure, and Will's warm and squirming body sent his
new blood to southern regions.

As soon as it began, it ended. Jack pulled away, giving his own
tongue a nip, before beginning to lap up the blood that still flowed.
The wound healed over in seconds, and he rested his head back against
the pillows. Both men were panting heavily.

Will opened his eyes blearily, a small smile on his face.

Jack returned the smile, color returning to his skin.

"Is this why you spend your time at the brothels so often?"

Jack grinned deviously, letting out a barking laugh of amusement,
hugging the other man tighter.

Will smiled, exhausted from the days trials, before giving Jack
another searing kiss. He could taste his own blood in his beloved's
mouth, but it didn't disgust him. In fact, it made him feel
possessive of the slighter man.


With a final thrust as they both reached release, Jack collapsed on
his lover. Both lay panting in the afterglow. Will was smiling,
tucking hair behind Jack's ear.

"What brought that on?"

Jack leaned up on his arms and straddled Will's waist. He gazed at
his victim solemnly, head tilting to the side. He raised a hand,
fingers dancing in the air above Will's torso. The brush of the
toughened skin sent shivers down his spine and into his groin.  "Ah,
but you know the answer to that, love."

Will let out a chuckle with his next shaky breath. "I still ask what
brought it on." He leaned forward, licking Jack's collarbone. The
pirate began to twitch as he suckled on the skin of his throat. "Was
it Abforth's groping hands that brought out your possessive side?
Or," his mouth drifted, capturing a nipple roughly in his mouth
before releasing it, "was it Trevor's holding a knife to my throat
that brought out your protective side?"

Jack purred, hands pulling at Will's long dark curls. "I'd say both
merited such actions."

Will smirked, remembering Gibbs rather green complexion when Jack
killed those two. Even AnaMaria had been a little taken aback, but
the crew knew how Jack was about his lover. They knew threatening
Will would warrant such actions as castration and being hung by their

"Find something amusing, Mr. Turner?"

Will looked up to see Jack's swaying head, and kissed him. He pulled
away, eyes locked on his lover's dark smoldering ones.

"When I met you, I never would have thought you capable of such

Jack grinned, gold teeth flashing. His fangs were retracted at the
moment. "And why, I wonder, was that so hard to believe, mate?"

Will leaned back, taking his lover with him. He hugged the older man
to him, suddenly feeling protective.

"You get this…innocent look in your eyes sometimes. It makes you look
so vulnerable. It's what attracted me all the way back to Barbossa.
Childlike. It made me worry about you long after you had left Port
Royal. I would be up at night, unable to sleep, because I would get
these sudden fears you were in danger."

Will traced Jack's eyebrows, gazing into his dark eyes, emotions on
full display in his own. The man on top of him was tense, staring
back at him with a new intensity. There was also a curiosity in them,
as Jack began to trace one of Will's nipples.

"Name an occasion."

Will leaned back, thinking. "Well, there was one only ten days after
you left the first time. I was making cannonballs for a ship, when I
felt this anxiousness. I couldn't get rid of the feeling. I
eventually checked on Elizabeth, but she was fine."

"Ten days after I left port?"

Will nodded as he watched Jack for any signs of where this was going.
His lover frowned, a pout tugging adorably at his lip. Will had to
resist taking it into his mouth.


Those sharp eyes focused on him. "That week, did you have any
other, `feelings?'"

Will stared back at him. "Actually, yes. One two days after that, and
then I think another five days after the last."

Those eyes were scrutinizing him. "Ten days after we left port, we
were attacked. I was injured, but because of my curse, I healed soon
enough. Two days later, I was to be executed. Five days later, we had
escaped and I was injured again."

Will looked at him incredulously. "Are you telling me we had some
sort of bond, even back then?"

Jack shrugged carelessly, falling onto his side and cuddling up
against his lover. It was clear he didn't want to think about it.
Will watched him carefully, eyes tracing those fine features. His
hand rested against Jack's chest, where a faint heartbeat could be

"I love you."

Jack's eyes looked at him, piercing.

"You do realize that, don't you?"

A brown hand caressed his face, and he felt warmth pool in his

"I did love Elizabeth, but I find myself even more deeply in love
with you," he said with wonder. "I don't know how or why, but I know
that I was meant to be with you. Whether I married her or not." He
just stared at Jack for a while, drinking in the sight of him,
content with just snuggling.

A rogue grin broke out on Jack's face after a while. "Damn whelp. You
always have to be such a bloody romantic."

Will gave a smug grin. "And you would have me no other way."

Jack raised his eyebrows. "Of course not. You tend to be
very `thorough' because of it."

Will blinked, before smacking him. "Sex, rum and the sea. All that's
ever on your brain, Sparrow?"

Jack leaned in close. "Not everything."

"And what else is there?"

"First off, it's CAPTAIN Sparrow to you, lad. And you mustn't forget
singing, treasure, pillaging, thieving, plundering,"

"And pleasuring your weasley black guts out?"

Jack gave a throaty chuckle, leaning in closer. "And don't forget
loving, mate."


"Don't even PRETEND that you're the only sap in this arrangement."

Will faked innocence, trying to see how far he'd get this time. It
seemed to work when Jack kissed him roughly, not pulling away until
he was out of breath. Will smiled.

"I love you, too."

Will lost his smile, staring at him in shock.

A gentle smile graced the older pirate's face, as he caressed Will's
face. "Don't think me incapable of love, Will. I DO love you. I may
not tell you enough, or sh--"

He was cut off as Will kissed him fiercely. His mouth fell open,
accepting it and kissing back. Will climbed on his captain's body,
sliding down, his kisses lowering.

"I want," he kissed Jack's throat, "to be," and down his
collarbone, "with you," his tongue licking his chest, "forever." He
gave a rough tug to a nipple with his teeth, before sliding back up
and meeting Jack's frightened eyes. "Forever."

But Jack was shaking his head, sitting up and pushing away from his

"Jack. I know it can be done. Ioz mentioned it. YOU mentioned it."

"No, no, lad." Jack was getting up and putting on his trousers, his
graceful hands trembling. Will stilled them, straddled Jack's lap,
and forced him to look him in the eye.

Those dark eyes held such a guilt, such a fear, it took his breath

"Jack," he whispered, brushing away a braid. "I love you. You love
me. I've known long before you told me. Why not? I know what I'm
getting into. It will only hurt a little. And we'll be together.

"And will you want to be with me forever?"


"You have a kind and loving heart, boy, but people and things change
over time. I've seen it. You may not always thank me for changing
you. It can become a bitter life. I don't want to put you through any

"Jack, I'm going to go through pain in my life, with or without you.
It's something we all go through. And if I change and for SOME reason
I stop loving you, I'm not worth it. I'm not worth your time. I won't
be fit to lick your boots, Jack."

Jack had a fine tremble going through his body, but there was a
determined hope welling in his eyes.

"Did you think you were the only overprotective person in this
relationship? Did you think I'd let you live out the rest of your
immortal life without someone to watch over you? Me?"

Jack continued to stare at him, not answering.

"I'll go to Ioz, Tala, or Corinth instead. You know I will."

Jack sighed, "Stubborn whelp."

Will smiled sadly.

"You're that sure?"

Will kissed him softly, chastely. "Yes, I'm this sure."

"It will hurt."

"Jack, I think I can handle a little pain after all your wild and
kinky sex obsessions I was submitted to."

Jack ran a hand through Will's hair, pulling him close for another
kiss. Will eagerly returned it before guiding the full lips to his
bare throat, where two puncture wounds were still healing. Jack
hesitated a moment, before gently kissing him there. He then licked
and nipped the tender area before sinking his teeth into the skin.

Will flinched at the painful sting but relaxed as soon as Jack began
to suckle. It had never been a sickening sensation for him whenever
Jack would bite him during sex. It was always as erotic as the last
time, sending his senses over the edge.

He squirmed heatedly, grinding his hips into Jack's. The captain
gripped him tighter and leaned back on the bed, taking Will with him.
The pliant younger man let Jack lay him down, the elder still
drinking. Will began to feel lightheaded as Jack's callused hand
danced across his fevered skin, inching lower and lower. Jack had
never taken this much blood before. It would have been a frightening
thought, had it been anyone besides Jack.

The hands grasped around his growing erection, skillfully making him
completely hard. He groaned as Jack began to stroke and pull on him,
gasping when his thumb would rub against the head of his shaft. He
was on the verge of cilmaxing when Jack pulled away, his damp throat
becoming cool in the night air.

He panted, feeling the urge to smack his lover, even though he could
barely see around the spots before his eyes. "What next?"

"Your turn, love."

And that wonderful body was on top of him again. His shaking hand
searched for Jack's erection, ears hearing a satisfying gasp when he
found it. He used his other hand to bring him back down for another

He could taste his own blood in Jack's mouth, and he felt himself
spiral into completion as they kissed hungrily. Partially sated, he
fell back against the pillows still confused.

"My turn?" he breathed, the world tilting before him. Darkening and
making him gasp. Making him cold, his body yearning for Jack's heat.

"Mmmhmm." Jack kissed his temple.

And then he felt Jack's wrist come to his lips, the skin and vein
slit open. It took a moment for it to register in his brain, and even
longer for him to realize what was expected of him. Tentatively, his
lips closed around the wound and the blood flowed into his mouth.

He almost gagged, not expecting so much, but swallowed. It had a
slight copper tang to it, but it wasn't salty. In fact, it wasn't at
all like human blood. It was rich and spicy, almost like wine. He
swallowed as he felt Jack thrust a lubricated finger inside of him,
preparing him. He let his legs fall open, allowing better access. A
second joined the first, and he groaned at the heat shooting through
him again.

Will pushed against the fingers, aching for more. They hit a small
nub of flesh deep inside, and he shrieked with pleasure.

"You always were the eager one."

He ignored the low chuckle, and wrapped his legs around Jack's waist
as he continued to lick and lap up Jack's blood. His heart was
pounding so hard, it felt as if it were going to burst. Or stop. His
veins were filled with molten lava by the time Jack had three fingers
in him. He grunted, senses on overload.

The blood was like a drug, sending his mind off the edge and to the
stars. His breathing was coming inhumanly fast, making him dizzy and
slightly sick. He felt Jack begin to enter him, and it kept him
centered to his body. He clutched at his lover, not able to wait, and
forced Jack's member in all the way.

A white bolt of pain shot through him, and for a minute, he was able
to ignore everything. Everything except him and Jack. His eyes met
those intense dark ones as the wrist was pulled away.

Jack leaned forward, capturing his lips. "Love you, you damn whelp."

Will managed a mad grin in return. "Love you too."

And Jack began to thrust into him slowly, and hard. Every time he hit
Will's sweet spot, the boy threw back his head, howling as he
clutched the sheets.

The sight of those dark long curls flying against the pillow, those
hooded brown eyes dark with fiery desire, and his own blood on those
perfect lips trailing down onto an arched neck was enough to send him
over the edge. He came inside of Will, crying out as he fell on his
lover for the fifth time that night.

Will came seconds later as Jack's free hand stroked him again to

Jack lay there, watching his lover as he fell into a deep sleep. "I
hope you're right, love."

He continued to watch as Will's heart began to die against his ear.
Jack felt a rush of cold uncertainty as it stopped. Seconds later, it
began to slowly beat again as Jack's blood took over. He lay there
all night as his lover's body began to change.

He kissed the skin beneath his cheek as the sun began to rise
outside, eyeing a small box across the room.

"You better be right, love."


Will stared mournfully at the whore on the ground. He turned lost
eyes on his lover as Jack came up behind him.

"It had to happen sometime, love. You've been going without for
nearly a month."

He leaned against Jack's shoulder in the dark alley. "I know, but I
still hate it."

The older man tensed. Will turned questioning eyes on him, but Jack's
dark eyes avoided his. He missed Jack's long hair. It only came to
his chin now, slicked back with water. The shorter man wore a nice
navy tailored suit. A bowler hat was perched on his head and an
umbrella was in his hand. He now sported a nicely trimmed beard.

Will himself wore a brown suit, his own curly hair short and his chin
shaved. He glared at his lover, forgetting the dead brunette at his
feet for the moment. He grabbed his soulmate's chin, forcing those
eyes to meet his.

"I hate it when you do that."

Will's brown eyes twinkled merrily, knowing his lover despised when
he used telepathic suggestion. "You just hate it because I'm stronger
than you at it. Even though I'm younger."

Jack raised an eyebrow at him and Will let go to fold his arms over
his chest.

"Now, what's the matter?"

He didn't answer, and Will stared into his eyes, seeing the answer
for himself. His expression melted and he embraced the former pirate

"I still have no regrets, Jack. Stop looking for them. You'll never
find them. It was my own fault I waited so long to feed."

Those arms finally started to hold him back.


Will glared at the other vampires holding his lover. Ever since he
had been changed, he had met few others of his kind. Both of them had
let their guard down for the festival, and now an old rival of Jack's
was holding a stake of white ash to his heart.

Red fury clouded his thoughts and he sent it out freely, missing his
lover. The five vampires fell to their knees, screaming in pain. No
one could hear them amongst the other screams outside as the festival
wore on.

Without a thought, he grabbed the fallen wood and staked them all in
less than a second. Jack looked up at him dazedly, still aching from
the fight, eyes glazed over.


Will turned to see a taller vampire clapping as he stared at Will
hungrily. "Great show, sport. I could use you on my team."

"Never," he hissed at Terence.

The older vampire pouted before it turned into a pointed smile. "No?
Too bad. You have GREAT potential, boy. You seemed to have mastered
most of the technique on your own. A feat in itself."

A disdainful look at Jack as the long haired man stumbled to his
feet. "You could have done FAR better."

Will raised his eyebrows incredulously. "With who? You?!" He started
to laugh, but it was cut short as a tidal wave of pain took him.

Terence Sandburg walked toward him, grinning like the devil.

"Exquisite, isn't it? The agonizing pain. Most would only feel enough
to send them into a slow delirium. But you? You are greatly sensitive
to such attacks. You still have yet to master defenses."

Will couldn't breathe as the white searing pain took over his body.
He was vaguely aware of his lover trying to contact him through their
bonded minds and instantly closed the open link. He did not want Jack
to suffer even a fifth of this pain.

And suddenly, it ended. He panted, nerves and mind still on fire. The
cold ground beneath him made him realize he had fallen. He turned
burning eyes to see his lover standing over ash, swaying with his own
exhaustion and pain.

He dropped to his knees and crawled over to Will before collapsing
beside him and pulling the younger man to him. Outside, the eternal
wail of Woodstock shook their sensitized bodies and minds.

"I just realized something." It was whispered so low, only a
vampire's hearing could pick it up.

"What?" Jack asked, equally soft.

Will turned amused brown eyes on his lover. "You make a great hippie."

Jack stared at him a moment before eyeing his comfortable clothes,
long hair riddled with beads and the marijuana tucked away into his

He met his lover's eyes again, and they both started laughing.


Now, Jack ran a concerned hand through his lover's hair. "You going
to be okay, love?"

Will burrowed his face into Jack's neck, giving the skin a tender
kiss. He pulled back, smiling at his lover. "I'll be fine. As long as
you're with me."

The darker haired man stared at him a moment, dark eyes searching,
before nodding.

He grinned and turned to look at the despairing mugger. He let a bit
of fang show. "All right then. What say you to another round?"

Will grinned at the shivering man deviously. "Let's."

Both turned on the man, and in seconds he was lifted off the ground,
both vampires feeding from him. He was dead in minutes, and they let
him fall.

Jack turned to his lover, kissing him softly.

"And how was your day, love?" he asked as he pulled away.

Will rested his head against Jack's shoulder as they made their way
to the black convertible hidden in another alleyway.

"Well, Charles is giving me the bar-tending job. And Bonnie is
finishing our commission."

Jack grinned as he pulled away to hop into his BMW. "And how is that
witch? Salvatore still terrorizing her?"

"Actually, I have a feeling Damon is going to come clean soon."

Jack turned to his lover as he started the car. "Had another vision,
did you?"

Will laughed as he hit a button in the glove compartment. A small
light flashed, showing that a signal had been released for
the `cleaning' crew. "Yes. We were waiting for the spell to set, and
she gave me another lesson. Right in the middle of it, I went into a

Jack leaned back, fingers stroking the steering wheel. "How long did
it last?"

Will shrugged. "Only a minute or two. She's going to visit Fell's
Church in the fall, and an old `friend' of theirs is going to attack."

Jack raised an eyebrow as he playing with the high tech
stereo. "Friend?"


"Ah," Jack smiled knowingly. "And our dear friend, Mr. Salvatore, is
going to come to the redhead's rescue?"

"Of course."

Jack snorted. "You were always the worst romantic."

Will pulled out a velvet box from his pocket, and held it aloft. "Ah,
but so were you."

Jack's eyes widened, before snatching the box and opening it. Inside
lay two rings. Both were silver, with white gold and gold inlay. A
black pearl crowned them both. Inside was the inscription `Forever'
with lapis lazuli gems on either side.

"They're done?" he breathed.

Will nodded, taking the smaller ring and holding it up. Jack mirrored
his actions by taking the other ring. Together, they both slid the
rings onto their partner's left ring finger.

They kissed gently, pulling away to whisper together. "Together

Will grinned. "You ARE the worst romantic, Jack Sparrow, just as I

Jack laughed as they drove out of the ally and pulled his lover
close. Twin taillights highlighted a license plate that read `PEARL'
as they drove off.

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