Dead End Angels and A Hero Will Drown
BY: Psocid

     Six months had passed since Jack's fall to freedom; Elizabeth
had become the new Mrs. Norrington, and Jack made a brief appearance
at Port Royal. The following year was littered by Jack's visits to a
certain blacksmith, of which the commodore was conveniently unaware
of when questioned. It was after that year that Will had requested
that Jack give up his pirating tendencies and stay with him.

     Jack had given it much consideration and decided that he loved
Will enough to do as he asked. But first, he had to tie up a few
loose ends elsewhere. Will insisted it was unnecessary, that
Annamaria and Gibbs could easily cover for him, but Jack insisted
that it had to be him. Perhaps Will was worrying too much, but he
still felt uncomfortable letting the pirate go this time. Jack had
shortened his estimated time away to just a few weeks to help ease
Will's mind, though it did not help all too much.

     On the docks, the said their goodbyes.

     Will hugged Jack, not wanting to let go. `I'm afraid you'll
never come back.'

     `No matter what,' Jack swore, `I'll always come back to you.
This I promise.' He placed a tender kiss on Will's lips. `Until we
meet again.' Those were his last words to Will that day.

     The weeks passed, and there was no sign of Jack or the Black
Pearl. Two months had gone by before the news had reached Will of
the violent storm that claimed the Black Pearl and her crew.

     By the year's end, Will had taken ill and eventually passed

~Almost 300 years later...~

     It was the dawn of a new millennium, and the Y2K bug was a joke
plastered onto the fax machines of the late 90s in the form of `Y2K
compliant' stickers. Everyone partied like it was 1999 and then
some. But the craze had passed, as did the summer that followed, and
a new school year was to begin.

     On the East Coast, in the state of Massachusetts, was a port
town called Port Whisk. It was a quaint little town with three
schools: An elementary, a junior high, and a high school. The town
had been slowly growing over the years, and plans were being made to
expand the schools. The school with the largest student population
of over a thousand students was Whisk High, loving called `Whiskey'
High by the students and half the faculty. It was here that two
friends would be spending their senior year.

     William Turner lived with his mother and father in a bi-level
house just off the docks. Fortunately, it was only a couple of
blocks from the school, so he didn't have to worry about gas or
taking the bus.

     His best friend, Elizabeth Swann, lived on the west side of
town. They had met in kindergarten and hit it right off. Elizabeth's
father was the mayor, and she had grown up accustom to some of the
finer things in life. She was one of the more popular girls in
school, but she tried not to let it go to her head.

     It was the first day back to school, and Will was filled with
an anticipation like no other. He thought it might have been because
it was the first day of his last year in public school. Little did
he know, it went much deeper than that. A promise made long ago was
about to be fulfilled. Though, due to Fate having a difficult
personality, and a twisted sense of humor, it would take a while
before any of the parties involved would know what was going on.


AN II: See? Beginning is much better. You may now proceed to the
next (and much longer) chapter


Disclaimer: See part 0. 'Possibly Maybe' is a Bjork song.

Warnings for this chapter: Pointless Will torture. General
introduction-type stuff. No Jack/Will interaction.

AN: This chapter was finished, then decided to write itself longer.
Then a little longer. And the fact that Elizabeth's car is what it
is...has nothing to do with the fact that I want one.

Dead End Angels
Possibly Maybe

     Will sat outside the school waiting for Elizabeth to be dropped
off by her father. He didn't have to wait too long before he felt a
tap on his shoulder. He craned his neck to see who it was, but no
one was there. From the other side, he heard Elizabeth giggle. He
turned to give her a half-hearted glare. 'Where were you?' he asked
as he stood up.

     'I just got a new car!' she exclaimed triumphantly. 'It's new,
it's pretty, and it's red!'

     'So it matches half your wardrobe.'

     'Ha-ha, very funny. Just for that remark, I won't let you test-
drive it,' she chided him.

     'Oh, yes, poor me. I'll find some way to live,' he
replied. 'Come on. Let's get our schedules.'

     'Lead the way, Oh Great One.'

     They shared a laugh and entered the school.

     Elsewhere on the campus, a little black convertible with red
interior pulled into the student parking lot. The young man driving
the car got out and grabbed his backpack (held together by duct tape
and safety pins) from the back seat and sauntered towards the
school. On his way, he earned looks from every other student and
teacher that saw him. It might have been the fact that he wore all
black, or that he wore a collar with a bell on his neck, or even the
eyeliner he had stolen from his mother. Chances were greater that it
was a combination of all three. In any case, he was used to the
lingering stares, but even he had to admit that having everyone
stare at him was unnerving.

     Upon entering the school, he casually wandered around, looking
for the main office. He must have passed it at least three times
before he asked a freshman for directions. The freshman must have
been to afraid to answer, for she merely pointed across the hall to
the open door of the office. He thanked her and entered the office.

     'May I help you?' the receptionist asked.

     'Would you? This is my first day here and I need everything
that I...well, need,' he replied, leaning on the counter.

     'And you're name is...?'

     'Jack. Sparrow. Spelled like the bird.'

     The receptionist typed away on her keyboard, then looked up at
Jack. 'Give me just a minute and I'll have your schedule printed up
for you. You'll be sharing a locker, so I'll get you your number and

     'Great! Can I get a map, too?'

     She looked in one of the drawers beside her and pulled out a
map of the school. 'There you are, and here's your locker and
combination--don't lose it--and your schedule,' she said, handing
Jack the papers.

     'Thank you,' he said gratefully, backing out of the office.

     He went straight to the senior locker bay--or so he thought. He
realized his map was upside down, and backtracked to finally find
his locker. His locker mate was already there with the locker open.
She had dark skin and her hair was in multiple braids, pulled back
into a low ponytail. 'Hi, there! Name's Jack.'

     The girl looked at him as if she were measuring him up. 'Hi,'
she replied before going back to decorating the inside of the

     'We're sharing a locker,' Jack said, pointing to the sheet of
paper that had the locker number and combination printed on it.

     The girl turned back to him, looking slightly friendlier than
before. 'Oh, good!' She reached on the top shelf of the locker and
pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to him. 'That's
your new locker. This one.' She patted the second locker to her

     'Already making life decisions for me, and I don't even know
your name,' he said with a flirtatious grin.

     'Don't even try.'

     'I'm not trying. I told you my name--it's only fair you tell me
yours. Be nice to the new kid.'

     She gave an annoyed sigh then looked at Jack. She wanted to
tell him to just fuck off and bother someone else, but those dark
eyes and winning smile convinced her otherwise. 'Anna. And I'm not
pleased to meet you.'

     'Fair enough.'

     'Goodbye.' She slammed the locker door and went off to her

     There was something familiar about Anna that Jack couldn't
quite put his finger on. He didn't give it another thought and
headed off to where he thought his first class was. He took his
sweet time, planning on using the fact that he was new as an excuse.
The first few classes were uneventful, and by lunch, he had gotten
bored and left--he'd try the second half tomorrow.

     Will opened his locker and dumped his books on the bottom. He
looked up to see something white hanging from one of the hooks in
the locker. He bent closer to get a better look at it. From the
hook, a white tampon with a turquoise stung hung innocently. He
closed the door, and glared at the two girls trying to suppress
their laughter next to him.

     'It was Anna's idea!' Elizabeth said in-between giggles.

     'Yea, but it was Lizzie's tampon.'

     'I really didn't need to know that,' Will said. 'It had better
be out of there by next passing period.'

     'You should leave it there for your new locker mate,' Anna
said. 'Then again, I think he'd like that.'

     'Who?' He knew Lizzie and Anna recently decided to share a
locker this year. 'Feminine reasons' as they put it. But what he
didn't know was that Anna was already sharing a locker with someone
else for Lizzie to trade with.

     'Some freak,' she replied. 'He was wearing all black and

     'Doesn't sound that bad,' Will said, not understanding what
Anna was getting at.

     'Will, he had on eyeliner and a collar with a...a jingley bell
on his neck. That's not normal,' she said with a face. 'Come to
think of it, I think I heard him looming in the back of one or two
of my classes,' she added.

     'I think he sounds interesting,' Lizzie interjected.

     'You would,' Anna commented under her breath.

     The bell rang for the five minute warning, and the group
dispersed. Anna to her class, and Will and Lizzie to theirs.

     After school, Anna and Will followed Lizzie to her new car. It
was a shiny, red Jeep Wrangler. She had insisted on giving them
rides home, though convincing Will to trust her driving skills took
a little bit of work. She dropped Anna off at her house first, then
went to Will's to do her homework with him.

     'I can't believe he gave us homework on the first day back!'
Lizzie vented as she took out her English book and set it on the
kitchen table. 'And not just easy "have your parents sign this"
homework, but real homework! What was he on?!'

     Will laughed at her frustration as he sifted through the
cupboard for something edible. 'Some teachers think their students
are professional, competent individuals, so they trust us to act as
such and do our duty.'

     'No, it's that teacher and he does it just to spite me.' She
opened her book to the first chapter and skimmed through it. 'I
already know this!'

     'It's called a "review." You know, like how every math book
begins with one plus one,' he replied with a smirk as he set a bag
of chips in the middle of the table.

     'I know what's it called, but unlike you, and the rest of
society, I am not a parrot.'

     'Maybe not, but you sound like one.'

     'Do not! Take that back!' she said as she threw a chip at him.

     Will counterattacked by tossing a crumpled piece of paper at
her. 'But it's true.'

     'Children...,' a warning voice said.

     They looked to see Will's mother standing in the doorway with a
disapproving look on her face. 'Sorry, Mom,' Will apologized. 'I
promise we'll clean up.'

     'Hello, Mrs. Turner,' Lizzie greeted.

     'Hello, Elizabeth. It's always a pleasure to have you over. How
is your father?' Mrs. Turner asked, setting her gardening gloves
next to the sink.

     'He was doing alright the last time I checked, thank you.'

     'That's good. Will, be a dear and, sometime today, throw away
the weeds that I just pulled.'

     Will looked at his mother with a mixed expression of shock and
guilt. 'I'm so sorry! I completely forgot.'

     'I asked you on Friday, and you had all of Saturday and Sunday
to weed the garden.'

     'I'll get it right now if you want,' he offered.

     'No. Homework first, chores later,' she said pointedly as she
left the kitchen.

     Will put his head on the table and groaned. 'I didn't mean to
forget. I just forgot.'

     'It's OK,' Lizzie said reassuringly. 'I always forget to do

     'That's because you're spoiled. I don't have that excuse.'

     'I'm not spoiled.'

     'Who bought your car?' Will asked with a knowing grin.

     'It was a sweet sixteen present,' she said defensively.

     'Kind of belated and off by more than a month,' he pointed out.

     'Daddy didn't wanna drive me to school everyday. Better?'

     'Only spoiled princesses call their dads "daddy."'

     'Oh, shut up and give me the answers to the homework.'

     Will sighed and opened his own book. He looked over the
questions and then gave Lizzie a 'you've got to be kidding'
look. 'Why can't you answer them yourself? They're easy enough that
even /you/ don't need help.'

     'I'm a spoiled princess, remember? I need everything handed to
me on a silver platter,' she said dismissively.

     'So you admit it.'

     'So what?'

     'The first step is always admitting you have a problem.'

     'Then I'll stay in denial, thank you. Being spoiled is a
problem I'd like to keep,' she said, waving her pen in the air. 'You
should try it.'

     'Can't. In case you haven't noticed, my parents aren't rich
like yours, and I'm not a girl, so I can't mooch off of a rich and
stupid boyfriend.'

     'Then be gay and find yourself a rich, gay boyfriend.' After a
moment, she added 'And Sam's not stupid!'

     Will raised an eyebrow at Lizzie. 'But if I do that, then my
mother will expect me to have a good fashion sense.'

     'Just dress like the guys from Queer as Folk and you're good to
go,' Lizzie said.

     'Knowing you, you'd expect me to adopt Emmit's wardrobe. I
don't think I'm gay enough to pull that off. Sorry.'

     Lizzie pouted. 'But he's a cute sweetheart, like you. And he's
gay, like you. See? Two things you already have in common.'

     'I'm not gay.'

     'The first step is admitting you have a problem,' she parroted
with an evil smirk.

     'But I--ooh...' He was screwed no matter what he answered. If
he said he was, then he'd be admitting he was gay (not that he was
or wasn't, he was just never really interested either way). And if
he said he wasn't, then he'd be in denial according to what Lizzie
had just said. 'No comment.' That should be safe enough, he thought
to himself.

     'But inquiring minds want to know,' she pressed, sticking her
pen in Will's face like a microphone.

     'Find me a rich boyfriend that isn't interested in sex to mooch
off of, then I'll consider it,' he replied.

     'Boo. Bad answer.' She hunched over her book and began writing
out the answers to the homework. She looked back up at Will on the
middle of an answer and said 'Alright. I'm up to that challenge.'

     Will nearly choked on his chip. 'What?!'

     'I'm going to find you a boyfriend.'

     He stopped gagging and looked Lizzie in the eye. 'I don't want
one! And I'd probably get kicked out of the house if I did!' What
the Hell is she up to?!

     'So that's why you're in the closet,' Lizzie exclaimed. 'You're
afraid of being kicked out.'

     'Yes, wait. What? No!'

     'It's completely understandable, but it'd be a lot easier if
you came out sooner instead of later.'

     'I'm not in any sort of closet!'

     'My poor, closeted, misunderstood friend. Your family will
still love you if you're a homosexual.'

     'Who's a homosexual?' Mrs. Turner asked upon reentering the
kitchen. 'Will?'

     'Lizzie's tripping something. Ignore her,' Will said flatly.

     'Mrs. Turner, would you still love your son if he were gay?'

     She was taken aback by the brashness of the question, but
answered with a smile anyway. 'Well, yes. He is my son, and though
I'd disappointed that I wouldn't have any grandchildren, he could
always adopt or something,' she said as she leaned over and gave her
son a quick hug.

     'Not you too! I'm not gay!'

     'Just admit it and get it over with,' Lizzie said.

     Mrs. Turner laughed as she left the kitchen, but she seriously
began to wonder about her son. His best friend was female, he'd
never had a steady relationship with a girl, and he always had
Lizzie tape that one show for him.

     'I think you take some sick pleasure out of tormenting me.'

     'But I still love you,' Lizzie said in complete honesty. 'Even
if you are gay.'

     'I'm not!'

     'Keep telling yourself that.'

     'I will.'

     'Oh! Look at the time,' Lizzie said when she noticed the clock
on the wall. 'I have a date with Sam tonight. I gotta go get ready.'
She piled her things back into her bookbag and lifted it over her
shoulder. 'See you tomorrow!' she called as she darted out the
kitchen door and to her car.

     Will sunk further into the chair. Lizzie made some good points;
now he'd be contemplating his sexuality for the rest of the day and
most of the next. Someone needs to take that girl's cable away...

~Elsewhere, in the an apartment complex on the south side of town.~

     Jack was lying on the beat up couch with his legs propped up
over one of the worn arms, watching public television. There was
something mesmerizing about Po and her little giggle. The phone rang
and he reached for the phone resting atop the stack of boxes closest
to him. After a couple more rings, he finally got a hold of
it. 'Aye?'

     'Oh, good! You're home,' a woman's voice said.

     'Why wouldn't I be home?'

     'You've never been home on time before. What time did school
get out?'

     'Two? One? Maybe three.'

     'Did you even go?'

     'Stayed 'til lunch. Does that count?'


     'Don't worry. I'll pass.'

     'Is that before or after you get expelled?'

     'I hopin' for before. Otherwise, I'll just get my GED.'

     The woman sighed. 'At least make an effort this time.'

     'Sure. When do you need me to pick you up?'

     'You don't have to worry about that. Someone offered me a

     'That's nice.'

     'Look, before I lose you completely to T.V. Land, do me a favor
and hook up the answering machine. And don't put anything rude or
obscene on it,' she instructed.

     'Gotcha. When're we getting cable? Satellite. Anything.
Tinkywinky's only so entertaining.'

     'You want it? You pay for it.'

     'Yeah, whatever. Bye, Mom.'

     'Bye. And don't forget to unpack the dishes!'

     Jack did his best to not knock the phone off of its precarious
perch while hanging it up. He watched the television for a bit
longer before getting so bored of it that he had to get up and do
something else.

     He rummaged around the boxes, looking for one marked
either 'kitchen' or 'dishes.' He found one behind the couch and
proceeded to strip off the tape to see if it was the right one. It
was a treasure trove of newspaper wrapped dishes and utensils. He
picked up the box and took it into the kitchen where he set it on
the table and sat down. He began unwrapping the plates, but was
easily sidetracked by the old comics and various articles.
Eventually, he had a pile of dishes and a pile of semi-crumpled
newpapers. He managed to find all the pieces to the Sunday comics,
so he was content as he took the comics back to the couch with him.

     Hours later, Jack's mother came home to find him lazing about
on the couch. Her hair was a dark auburn, much like Jack's, and her
eyes were a greenish-brown. 'Have you moved from that spot since I
called you?' she asked tiredly, setting her purse on one of the

     'I unpacked the dishes,' he replied, 'like you asked.'

     'But did you put them away?'

     'You never said to put them anywhere,' he pointed out.

     'That's because it's common sense. You used to have a lot of
it. What happened?'

     'Jetlag,' he said with a smirk.

     His mother rolled her eyes and maneuvered her way around the
boxes scattered throughout the apartment. 'You should take your
boxes to your room,' she said to him. 'Especially if you're not
going to be attending school this year.'

     'I'm attending.' He stood and retrieved one of the boxes. 'Just
not religiously,' he added as he followed the hall to the smaller of
the two bedrooms.

     'I know I'm supposed to care, but you're old enough to look
after yourself. And as long as you graduate this year, I won't
complain,' she said, mostly to herself.

     'Don't worry about it,' Jack replied with a smile. 'I'll pass.'

     'If you don't, I'm going to have to kick you out and let you
fend for yourself.'

     'Deal.' He turned over a few boxes until he found another one
with his name on it and took it to his room.

     The rest of the night at the Sparrow residence was spent moving
boxes to the appropriate rooms and general unpacking.


      Will groggily turned the dial on his locker.  After a few
tries, he got it open.  Elizabeth and Anna's little prank was still
hanging innocently from the hook.  He glared at it as if it were
infected with a vicious disease such as cooties and made a note to
kill the two girls later.  He would borrow a boat and dump the
bodies in the middle of the ocean.  No one would be the wiser.

      `Hey, Will!'

      Will slammed the locker door and turned to whoever called
his name.  `Hello, Elizabeth,' he politely replied.

      She faltered for a moment, then put on an apologetic
smile.  `You're still mad about yesterday?  Look, I'm sorry.  I was
just teasing is all.'

      `Last night was Hell for me because of you,' he snapped
icily at her.

      `Oh.  Family talk, huh?'

      Will laughed mirthlessly as he and Elizabeth walked to their
class.  `You have no idea.'

      `You wanna talk about it?'

      `Not particularly,' he replied.  `It was creepy.  That's all
you need to know.'

      The classroom was empty when they entered it, so Elizabeth
jumped him with a hug.  `I'm so sorry!  Really, Will.  Please don't
hate me.'

      Will pried her off of himself.  `It's OK.  I don't hate
you.  It wasn't even all that bad,' he assured her.  `Just weird.'

      Elizabeth nodded as they took their seats.  `Sort of like
when my dad asked me if I was a lesbian once--even though I was
already going out with Sam.'

      `Yea, I remember you bitching about it the next day.  I
guess you can say it was like that,' he said, forgiving her slightly.

      The other students slowly sifted into the classroom,
eventually followed by the teacher, Ms. Giselle Langford.  She was
easily one of the students' favorite teachers.  She was in her early
thirties and had flaming red hair, a voluptuous figure, and a
personality to match her hair.  No matter how strict and overbearing
she was the students loved her all the same.  She taught Mass Media,
Drama, and some of the English classes; at the moment, she was
teaching Mass Media.

      The class passed by quickly with everyone arguing about HBO
and Showtime and which was better.  The next class Will had was
spent with Anna, and the next with Elizabeth again.  Finally, lunch
came and Will spent it staring at his soda while he mulled over what
had happened the night before.

~The night before.~

      Will sat in an armchair in the living room, quietly reading
a book when his father came home later in the evening.  About ten
minutes later, both his mother and father came into the living room
and sat on the couch, and his mother beckoned him to join them. 
Will raised a suspicious brow at them, but sat between them

      `Will,' his mother asked, `is there something you wanted to
tell us?'

      `Not that I know of.  Why?'

      `In the kitchen today--'

      `You're not serious, are you?!' he interrupted.  `You know
you can't believe a word Lizzie says.'

      `Honey, we just want you to know that no matter what you
choose, we'll still love you just as must,' she said with sincerity.

      Will groaned and sunk further into the couch.  `But I'm not

      `Will, how many of your friends are girls, and how many are
guys?' his father asked.  `We always knew you were different.'

      `But I've had girlfriends, doesn't that count?'

      `And how many of those relationships last over a week?'

      `That's because they were all picky and mooched off of me,
and I don't do mooching,' Will explained as he crossed his arms.

      `Just remember, your father and I will always be here for
you with open arms,' his mother said, giving him a hug and placing a
kiss on his head.

      `That's right,' his father agreed as he squeezed Will's
shoulder reassuringly.

      /I'm going to kill her...  Slowly, painfully kill her,' he
thought to himself.  He stood and excused himself.  `I'm going to
bed now.  Nite.'

      `Goodnight, Sweetie.  Pleasant dreams.'

~Back in the present.~

      Jack opened his new locker.  He looked through his bag and
pulled out his scotch tape and a handful of pictures.  As he began
sticking the various photos and clippings, he noticed the little
white cylinder hanging from a hook.  He looked around to see who
else was around, and with a shrug and mischievous grin, he reached
into his bag and pulled out a red Sharpie.  He grabbed the tampon
and drew a big smiley on it, then replace it on it's hook. 
Satisfied, he went back to his decorating.  When he finished, he
closed the door and went to his class early with a smug grin.

      Will arrived at the locker, Elizabeth and Anna were
following him, lagging behind due to their gabbing and laughing.  He
opened the locker door to see it completely decorated.  The next
thing to catch his eye was the tampon, still hanging around.  This
time, it had a badly drawn smiley face in red.  He glared at Anna
and Elizabeth.  `I thought I told you to get rid of that thing.'

      Anna looked over his shoulder.  `Why did you give it a
smile?  Got bored or something?' she asked.

      `/I/ didn't do it.  I thought /you/ did it.'

      Elizabeth was examining the locker door, adoring the various
pictures taped there.  `Who's that?' she asked, pointing to a
picture of a man with fluffed out hair.  `He's cute.'

      Anna took a look at the picture and answered.  `That's
Robert Smith from The Cure, British band.  ...They did "Friday I'm
in Love."'

      Realization dawned on Elizabeth.  `Oh! I like that song,'
she said.

      `He's wearing makeup,' Will commented.

      `Just like your locker partner,' Anna added.  `Lucky you. 
You got stuck with one of those Goth freaks.'

      `Whatever.  Will one of you just get rid of that damned
tampon?  It's gonna give me nightmares.'

      `Fine.  Baby.'  Elizabeth yanked it out of the locker and
tossed it in a nearby trashcan.  `Better?'

      `Yes.  Much better.'

      `Well, have fun at class.  Bye!'  Elizabeth waved to him as
she and Anna left.

      Will and Elizabeth were of the last to class.  It was
English with Ms. Langford, and she had developed a headache, so she
had them read silently for the period.  Throughout the period, Will
couldn't help but feel like someone was staring at him.  He shrugged
it off as paranoia, which he felt he had Elizabeth to blame for. 
Afterwards, Will went back to his locker to drop off his book and
pick up the next, and Elizabeth went to her next class.  It was his
free period, so he was in no hurry to get anywhere.  Just as he was
closing the locker door, a hand reached by and stopped it.  Will
looked over to see black-rimmed eyes looking back at him, startling

      `You look familiar,' Jack said.  `Have we dated?'

      Will was caught off guard by the question, and stared at
Jack in confusion.  `I've never met you...'

      `Then it's about time you did.  Jack Sparrow, but you can
call me "yours."'  He added the last part so quickly and quietly,
Will didn't catch it.  `I'm your locker buddy.'

      `Oh.  Oh, yeah.  The guy with the eyeliner.  Anna warned me
about you.'

Will looked Jack up and down.  He wore black boots, loose fitting,
black jeans, a black hoodie with a black shirt underneath, and a
dark red collar with a jingle bell attached on the front that rang
with his every movement.  His dark auburn hair framed his face; on
the right was a chin length braid, and on the left was a lock of
hair that Will assumed he was growing out to match the braid on the
right.  His mouth was in a playful grin, and his eyes sparkled with
mischievous glory, outlined with the smudged black makeup.

      Jack raised his hands in front of himself
defensively.  `Warned you?  You make me sound like a disease.  I'm
not /that/ bad.  Really.'

      Will watched, hypnotized, as Jack spoke with more than just
his voice.  He used his whole body when talking, placing this hand
there, the other there, eyes to the side and back, and swaying like
a snake about to strike.  Will blinked and shook his head free of
Jack's intoxicating dance.  `I gotta uh...'  /Get to class?  No.  Go
home?  No./  `I gotta go this way now.  Nice to meet you.  Bye.'  He
closed the locker, then turned and walked in the opposite direction
of Jack.

      Jack followed him anyway.  `Won't you tell me your name at
least?' he asked when he caught up.

      `William,' he replied with a side-glance.  Jack was right
next to him, still grinning that unnerving grin.  It was unnerving
in the way that Will could have sworn he'd seen that smile somewhere
before.  It sat in the back of his mind, waiting to be identified,
yet no matter how hard he tried, it remained intangible.

      `William's to long; I'll call you "Will" for short,' Jack
decided aloud.  `K with you?'

      Will looked to the ground.  He wanted to say `no,' but he
rather liked Jack calling him by his nickname.  So, instead, he
nodded.  He looked around the hall for an excuse to be alone, but
none was to be found.  He settled for straight forwardness instead. 
He stopped and turned to face Jack.  `Jack, was it?'

      `Yep.'  Jack smiled brightly at the fact that Will
remembered his name.

      `Can you leave me alone?'  Will felt guilty when Jack's face
dropped.  He didn't mean to hurt his feelings.  He just didn't want
to be around Jack anymore--he was reminding him too much of last
night's discussion with his parents.  Jack was too pretty for his
own good, and it was beginning to creep Will out.  `Er...  I mean
for right now.  I want to be alone.  It's not you.  Honest.'

      Jack narrowed his eyes at Will.  He'd heard that line /many/
times before.  `Of course it isn't.  It's /never/ me,' he retorted
then turned and stalked off.

      `Wait, I...'

      But it was too late.  Jack had already turned the corner and
was out of sight.  The guilt built up in the pit of Will's stomach,
and, strangely enough, he was beginning to miss Jack's presence.  He
didn't know if he was going to regret it later, but he went to
follow Jack.  He turned the corner, but there was no sign of Jack. 
He walked down the hallway, looking for where Jack could have run
off to.  He reached the end, and the only option left was the
outside.  He opened the door and walked out a few steps.  A voice
behind him startled him.

      `Miss me?'  Jack smirked as Will jumped.  `It's just a boy
in makeup.  Nothing to be scared of.'

      `You didn't scare me.  I just wasn't expecting you to be
there,' Will said, taking a step towards Jack.

      `Right...'  Jack reached into the front pocket of his hoodie
and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.  Selecting one, he pulled a
lighter from his jeans pocket.  He proceeded to light the cigarette
and blow out a stream of smoke.  He looked up at Will, who was a
good inch taller than him--despite the fact that he was wearing
boots.  `I'm sorry.  I'd offer you one, but you're a minor.'

      `What?  I don't smoke, and you shouldn't either.'

      `Bad for my health right?' Jack said mockingly, blowing
smoke in Will's direction.

      `No,' Will replied.  `There's no smoking on school grounds. 
And aren't you a minor as well?'

      `Psh.  Don't I wish.'  Jack pushed himself from the wall he
was leaning on and sidled up to Will.  `Unlike you, I'm legal for
most of what I do.  As for being a "minor," I could easily drink
your underage ass under the table.  Savvy?'

      `You drink, too?!'  He'd never met anyone like Jack.  Sure,
Port Whisk had its general rule breakers, but they didn't openly
admit to it nor do such things in broad daylight.

      Jack chuckled.  `I never said I drink.  I merely stated an
assumption of which I believe to be true.'

      `That may be, but I wouldn't put it past you.'

      `Oh?  But you don't even know me.  Wouldn't even give me a
chance,' Jack pointed out.

      `I think I know you well enough to tell that you're probably
nothing but trouble.'

      `Alright.  You know me well enough.  So, friends?'  Jack
offered his hand to Will.

      Will glanced at Jack's hand.  `How about we start with

      `Great.  We'll work on friendship and the like after
school,' Jack said with a satisfied smile.

      Will returned an unsure smile.  /What am I getting myself
into?/ he asked himself.  He watched as Jack dropped his cigarette
to the ground and with one smooth movement, stepped on it with a
turn and slight bounce.  Somehow, Jack came off as carefree and
graceful at the same time, dancing to a tune that only he could
hear.  He followed Jack back to their locker, taking in his every
movement and gesture.

      Jack opened the locker.  He stared at it for a while then
looked to Will.  `Someone stole Miffy.'

      `Who?' Will asked.  He looked past Jack, not understanding
what he was speaking of.

      `Miffy,' Jack repeated.  `Piece of white cotton hanging on a
string.  She looked sad, so I gave her a smile and named
her "Miffy."'

      `You...named it?'

      `I thought it was the locker mascot.'

      `Anna's right.  You /are/ a freak.'

      `You're just jealous `cuz I'm an individual,' Jack smugly

      `That wears eyeliner and a collar of all things,' Will added.

      `Brings out the color of my eyes.'  Jack batted his
eyelashes at Will for emphasis.

      `That may be, but isn't there a leash law?' Will asked as he
reached up and flicked the jingle bell.

      `Why?  You gonna lead me around on one?'  He edged closer to
Will and looked deep into his eyes.

      Before Will could articulate an answer, the bell
rang.  /Saved by the bell!/

      `That's my cue.  Gotta go,' Jack said cheerily then vanished
amongst the growing crowd of students as they spilled out from the

      Will sighed in relief.  /What the Hell has gotten into me?!
Flirting with him!!  It's because he looks like a girl.  That's
why,/ he told himself.

      `So, is he rich?' Elizabeth asked, stirring him from his


      `Is he rich?'

      `Oh, no you don't.  Don't even go there.  I'm not...'  He
looked around the sea of students, hoping they wouldn't be
heard.  `I'm not what you insist I am, so drop it.'

      `Well, excuse me.  But the two of you seemed quite friendly
with each other,' she said suggestively.  She went to her locker and
retrieved the book for her next class.

      `I...that is... Fuck you.'

      `My!  Such naughty language.'

      `Let's just go to class, alright?'

      Elizabeth took Will's arm in her own.  `Lead the way.  But
don't think that I don't want to hear all about your new friend.'

      `He's not my new friend.  At least, not in the way you're

      `Not yet, he's not.'

      `What's that supposed to mean?!'

      `No shouting.  Just take your seats and shut up or use
indoor voices,' the teacher said from behind his desk.

      `Sorry, Mr. Gibbs,' Will apologized.  He and Elizabeth took
their seats next to Anna, who was already there and sneaking glances
at Mr. Gibbs.

      Josh Gibbs was the newest and youngest teacher on the
staff.  Fresh out of college, he began teaching at Whisk High the
year before and was immediately the designated heartthrob of most of
the girls there.  Especially to one in particular, though she hid
behind her snide comments about him.

      After the second bell rang, Mr. Gibbs stood up pointed to an
area in the middle of the map the hung over the blackboard.  `In
this day in history, something happened here.  What was it?'

      `Atlantis sunk,' Anna answered, generated giggles and
laughter from the other students.

      Mr. Gibbs looked at the mapped and realized he was pointing
at the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.  `Or a ship.  You've no proof
that Atlantis was located in that spot.'

      `My belief in my ancestors is all the proof I need.'

      `I thought they were Jamaican.'

      `First, we lived in Atlantis.  Then it sunk, so we had to
find a new home.'

      `And Jamaica is about to follow suit, and that's why you're
here now.  Correct?'

      `Now that you mention it...'

      `Test on chapter one tomorrow,' he said over any other
remarks Anna might have had.  The groans came, and he
continued.  `It will be one question and worth ten points, so I
suggest you do more than just skim.'

      Elizabeth raised her hand.


      `Is it open book?'

      `No, but you may have hand written notes,' he replied.  /As
if they would do you any good./

      Almost everyone opened their book and began copying the
chapter word for word.  Will just stared at the title, going over
his interlude with Jack.  Was it just his imagination (or wishful
thinking), or had Jack been flirting with him to begin with?  /Why
does it matter?  I'm not like that.  I'm just tired, and Lizzie's
got me all confused.  But he does have really nice eyes.  Wonder
what he looks like without the eyeliner...  Probably more gorgeous. 
God, dammit!!  Stop thinking like that!  I'm not like...but what if
I am?/  Will groaned at his inner turmoil and prayed for the day to
quickly end.

      School finally ended for Will, and he went off to his
locker.  He was half expecting, half hoping, that Jack would be
waiting for him.  There was no sign of Jack, he collected what he
needed and headed home for the evening.  Much to his relief, his
parents didn't pester him.  He went to bed early and watched a movie
or two on his T.V. before drifting off into sleep and into a dream.


      Will was frolicking with the purple octopi and green
jackelopes if the fields below Fig Newton Mountain.  He had given up
on teaching Susie, the octopus with freckles, how to knit origami,
so he went in search of a stick to beat the red gnome at marbles
with.  He was looking around the base of a boulder when the scene
around him faded into a different.

      It was strange.  Will felt completely awake, but he was
almost certain that he'd been sleeping moments ago.  He was
conscious enough to remember how pointless his last dream was.  He
wondered if this was what it was like to sleepwalk.  Perhaps that's
what was happening.

He looked around at his surroundings.  He was in what appeared to be
a workshop of sorts.  There were swords hanging all around the dimly
lit room.  There was something familiar about the place.  To his
side stood a donkey hooked up to some sort of contraption.  Will
stepped past it and saw a tubby old man asleep on a chair in the
corner.  `Right where I left you,' he heard himself say.  It was
really his voice, but he didn't think much about it.  He ventured
further into the room and came a across a hammer lying atop an
anvil.  `Not where I left you.'  His gaze shifted over and caught
sight of a hat.  He reached to get a closer look at it, but his hand
was promptly smacked by a sword.

      Will awoke with a start.  He was gasping for air as if he'd
just run a marathon.  He looked around; he was no longer in the
dusty room, but back in his own.   He didn't think that dreams were
supposed to be that real.  At least, he'd never had any so realistic
before.  And the part that got him was that his hand stung from
where the sword hit him.  He flicked on the light that sat on the
nightstand next to his and examine the back of his right hand.  It
was slightly reddened where he'd been hit.  He searched around
himself for something that he could've whacked his hand on during
his sleep, but there was nothing.

      He glanced at the digital clock.  It was five in the
morning.  There was no way that he'd be able to get back to sleep in
time for it to be worth anything, so he sat in his bed and stared at
the wall, contemplating what had just happened.  He wondered who
could've hit him.  Was it even important that he found out?
He kept repeating the dream over and over in his head.  It was so
clear.  He could remember all the little details.  The dust and
humidity in the air, the smell of alcohol that drifted from the man
in the corner, but mostly the feel of the cool metal from the sword
coming in contact with his skin.  He traced the red mark with his

      The morning drifted by slowly for Will, and the time for him
to head for school eventually came.  He arrived early and went
straight to his locker to dump off his books.  He was about to close
the door when something white caught his attention.  A white cotton
ball with googley eyes was hanging from one of the hooks with a hemp
string tied off as a noose.  His hand guided itself to the white
fluff, but was smacked away by a red transparent ruler.  Will took
his hand back in shock and turned to see who hit him as the world
around him melted into the one from his dream.

Before him stood a roughed up version of what looked to be Captain
Morgan in eyeliner.  The man had a sword pointed at Will--he
immediately recognized it as the one from his dream.  Just as
quickly as the vision came, it left.

Will's knees gave out, and he fell to the floor, clutching his
head.  He could feel something under his chin, tilting his head
upward.  He slowly opened his eyes and saw Jack looking at him with
great concern.

      `You OK?' Jack asked.  He offered Will a hand to help him up.

      `Yea...I'm fine,' he replied, gratefully accepting Jack's
help.  Once up, he leaned back on the lockers, not fully trusting
himself to stand.

      `Don't lie.  People don't just fall down without a reason,'
Jack said.  `So what's wrong with you?'

      `Nothing's wrong with me.'

      `Then what just happened?'

      `I...I'm not exactly sure.'

      `Then you have an idea of what happened.'

      `No, I don't.'

      `Yes, you do.  You just said that you weren't exactly sure
of what happened, which implies that you have an idea of what
happened,' Jack stated.  `So you should tell me what you think
happened, and then we'll compare notes and find out what's wrong
with you.'

      Will shook his head to distract himself from Jack's dancing
hands.  /Can't he sit still for one minute?!/

      `Hey.  Hey!'


      `Maybe I shoulda hit your head with this instead,' Jack said
as he tapped the ruler on Will's head.

      Will shut the locker door and walked off.  `Leave me alone.'

      Jack ignored Will's request and followed him.  `Come on. 
Just tell me what's wrong.  It'll help.'

      `No, it won't.  And nothing's wrong!'

      `It always helps to talk about things with your friends.'

      `Exactly.  Friends.  If I wanted to talk about anything
important, I'd talk to either my friends or my parents.  Not you. 
What makes you think I'd spill my heart out to you?  I barely even
know you!'  Will said in a low tone then brushed past Jack.

      Jack was shocked to say the least.  It was true.  They
barely knew each other, but Jack felt a certain connection with
Will.  He stared ahead, trying to figure out what to make of the
situation.  Should he pursue Will?  Try again at lunch?  He looked
up at a clock hanging on the wall.  It was a good fifteen minutes
before class, so he made up his mind to just go home for the day and
not even bother.

      Will waited outside the school for Elizabeth to show up.  In
the distance, he could hear a bell.  He turned to see Jack stalking
towards the center of the parking lot.
Jack got into his car and took a few deep breaths to calm himself. 
He couldn't understand why he was getting so worked up over a pretty
face.  More so than usual.  He started up his car and left.

      Will watched as Jack's car left.  /Where's he going?  I
didn't think I was that hard on him.../  He was pulled from his
thoughts by Elizabeth calling to him as she parked her car nearby.

      `Hey...  Is something wrong?' she asked when she approached

      `Everything's fine,' he answered.  `I just told Jack off for
sticking his nose where it should be.  I think he took it harder
than I intended...'

      `Oh?  And what was that?' Elizabeth asked as the walked
towards the school.

      `Well, something happened, and Jack wouldn't stop prying.'

      `What happened?'

      `I had a weird dream this morning,' he replied.  `And then I
was back in it for a second when I was standing in front of the

      `Why couldn't you tell him that that's what happened?' she

      `Because...  I don't know,' Will admitted.

      `You should apologize for chewing him out,' Elizabeth
suggested as they entered their classroom.

      Will nodded submissively.  `I know.'

      `So tell me about your dream!'

      `First, there was a hat and I went to pick it up, and a
sword hit my hand.  Then I woke up,' he explained.  `When I got to
school, Jack hit my hand with a ruler, and that's when my dream came
back.  Instead of Jack standing in front of me, there was this
strange looking man...wearing eyeliner.'

      `I know what's wrong with you.'

      `You do?'

      `Yeah.  You're crazy.'

      `Oh, gee.  Thanks,' Will said sarcastically.  `Remind me
never to confide in you.'

      `Never confide in me,' she replied with a grin.  `Anyway,
maybe your dream means that you shouldn't trust Jack with swords.'

      Will rolled his eyes at Elizabeth.  `I don't think he should
be trusted with anything.'

      Lunch time rolled around and Will waited by the locker for
Jack to appear, but he didn't.  He remembered seeing Jack leave, but
he assumed that he was going to come back.  He went to his next
class then waited by the locker again for his free period.  There
was still no sign of Jack.

      He'd become so stressed about Jack that he'd forgotten about
the test in Mr. Gibbs's class.  True to his word, Gibbs only put one
question on the test: `What is the title of the first chapter?' 
Only a handful of students had answered correctly (`Introduction'). 
They had gotten it correct because they had only skimmed over the
titles and subtitles of the chapter.  Will only remembered because 
he'd been staring at the title the whole period the day before. 
School ended, and Will went home.  Because he had gotten up so
early, he went to bed early.  With sleep came another dream.

      Will was back in the dusty room, staring at the roughed up
Captain Morgan.  At least, he thought he was.  He was also staring
at himself--an older and slightly different looking self, but still
himself.  The other man was revealed to be a pirate--that explained
his appearance.  A scene played out before him where he and the
other man performed a bit of sword play.  The pirate bid his
farewell, and as he reached the door, Will, the other him, threw his
sword at the door, effectively trapping the pirate.  Another, much
longer sword fight played out.  Will kept his eyes on the pirate,
completely entranced by him.  He seemed so familiar.  Something
about the way he moved.

      In the end, the pirate cheated.  The other Will blocked the
back exit.  There were shouts from the other side of the front
entrance, and the pirate pleaded for him to move.  From behind the
pirate, the tubby old man from the corner hit him over the head with
a bottle.  He fell to the ground unconscious just as the men from
outside burst through the door.

      The one that seemed to be the leader loomed over the
pirate's prone figure.  `I trust you'll always remember this as the
day that Captain Jack Sparrow almost escaped,' he said.

      Will awoke back in his room.  He had broken out in a cold
sweat and his was entangled within his sheets.  He sat up and went
over his dream.  `Jack...Sparrow,' he said aloud.  /That's what he
called the pirate...  Isn't Jack's last name Sparrow?/

      He looked at the clock; it was three in the morning.  Will
sighed and lay back down.  He stared at the ceiling, wondering what
his dream could possibly mean.  He made a note to run by the library
after school and see if they had any books on dreams.  He eventually
fell back into a dreamless sleep.

      That day at school, there was still no sign of Jack.  Will
waited in vain by the locker, worrying about Jack.  He hated to
admit it, but he missed him and didn't know why.  Will left school
that day feeling miserable.  He remembered to stop by the library
and check out a few books on dreams.  Will read through them that
night, but couldn't find anything that explained the dreams he'd
had.  The definitions on colors and objects were of no use to him,
so he'd hit a dead end.

      He gave up and went to bed early, hoping that he'd have the
dream again.  But it never came.  Will awoke the next morning
completely rested but unfulfilled.

      /Why didn't I have the dream?/  Will sat at the kitchen
table, poking at his breakfast.  He kept asking himself the question
over and over.  /It started after I met Jack...  Maybe he's the key
to all this.  I wonder...if I saw him today, would I have the dream
again?/  It seemed like a stupid theory at the time.  He'd only had
the dream twice, but it happened when he'd been in contact with Jack
the day before.  He didn't know what he'd do if he couldn't see what
happened next in the dream.  He was impatient to know, and he didn't
want to go the whole weekend without knowing.  He also wanted to see
Jack.  Talk to him.  Get to know him better.  /A lot better... 
Dammit!!  Don't think like that!/

      Will waited for Jack by the locker, but he never came.  Will
headed off to class, completely forgetting to wait for Elizabeth. 
He was folding a piece of notebook paper into an origami ball when
someone knocked him upside the head with a folder.  `Ow!!  Watch it!'

      `Where were you?!'

      `What...?'  Will looked up to see Elizabeth glaring down at
him.  `I'm sorry!  I forgot,' he apologized.  `My mind's been on
other things.'

      `What kind of things?' she asked as she took her seat.

      Will averted his eyes to his origami, a faint tinge of red
covering his cheeks.  `Just things.'

      Elizabeth leaned closer.  `As in your boyfriend?' she asked
in a teasing whisper.

      Will's blush became more apparent.  `N-no!  He's not...  I'm
not...  I'll tell you later.'

      Elizabeth sighed and slid back into her seat.  /Why's he
gotta be so difficult?  Men./  `You'll tell me at lunch then?'


      The moment lunch came Elizabeth dragged Will to the school's
front lawn and led him under a tree.  `So?  What's up?'

      Will sat down and leaned against the tree.  `It's

      Elizabeth rolled her eyes.  `Just tell me and get it off
your chest.  You'll feel better; I guarantee it.'

      `Well, it started with this dream I had...'  Will described
every detail from his dream.  `I've looked into books, but they
don't say anything useful.  And I know that my dream's important.'

      Elizabeth smiled warmly at him.  `When I was going through
my dream phase I found a really neat book.  It's more about why we
have dreams than dissecting.  I found it quite interesting.  Lots of
stuff in it.  I know!  I'll loan it to you,' she said.  `But that
can't be your only problem.'

      Will bit his lip and looked down.  /She'll just keep
pestering me if I don't tell her, and she'll pester me if I do.  I
hate these kind of decisions./  He looked back up at her.  `Well... 
The first time I had the dream was the night after I met Jack.  I
saw Jack the next day and had the dream again that night.  Then
yesterday, I didn't see Jack, and I didn't have the dream.  And
I...I kinda liked having the dream.  I want to see how it ends,'
Will explained.

      `Then all you have to do is visit Jack, right?'

      `V-visit?  What do you mean by that?'

      `As in go up to his door, knock, and then jump him and
proclaim your undying love for him,' she said with a straight face.

      `What?!  I'm doing no such thing!'

      `If you want to have that dream again, then you'd better go
see Jack.'

      `I don't even know where he lives.  So there,' Will said,
daring Elizabeth to get past that road block.  He stood up and
dusted the dirt off himself.

      `No problem,' she said with a smile.  `He's sure to have
left something in the locker with his address on it.'  She took off
back towards the school before Will could stop her.

      `Wait!  Don't you dare, Elizabeth!!'  Will ran after her,
but he was too late.
When he caught up she already had the locker open and was sifting
through Jack's shelf.  `Aha!  Found it,' she cried triumphantly as
she pulled out Jack's schedule and held it out of Will's reach.  `If
they're so keen on keeping people's addresses private, then they
shouldn't slap them on the schedules.'

      `Lizzie, it's rude to go through other someone's personal
things!  Now, give me that!'  He made a reach for the schedule, but
Elizabeth kept it just out of Will's reach.

      `Why?  Are you going to visit him and see how he's doing? 
He's been missing from school, so you don't have to worry about
having an excuse.'

      `I...'  /She's right.  I do have a good excuse to see him./ 
He stopped trying to grab the schedule from Elizabeth and thought
about his options.

      `I'll go with you,' Elizabeth added.


      `Great!  So where does he live?'  She looked over the
address and cocked her head to the side.  `This is where those new
apartments are.  I know where that is.'


      `South,' she replied, pointing east.

      Will sighed and snatched the schedule from her.  `Class is
about to start.  I'll see you later.'  He trudged off to his class,
leaving an overly ecstatic Elizabeth behind.

      The rest of school went by all too quickly for Will as the
anticipation built up.  He was beginning to regret agreeing with
Elizabeth.  /Maybe I'll get lucky, and he won't be there,/ he
thought as he followed Elizabeth to her car.  He watched Elizabeth
jump in and look at him expectantly.  /At least she's coming with
me./  He slowly got into the passenger seat and hugged his backpack
as if it were a lifeline.

      Elizabeth started the car and pulled out of the parking
lot.  At a stop light, she looked over to Will.  `Don't be nervous,'
she said soothingly.  `I'm sure he likes you, too.  My soldier of
love instinct tells me so.'

      `I don't like him like that!'  /And I doubt he likes me like
that either.  Why should he?/  He turned up the radio to try and
drown out his thoughts.

      Elizabeth sped through the streets, singing off key to the
words she knew and humming the rest.  After a few wrong turns, they
made it to their destination.

      Will got out and looked at Elizabeth.  `Well?'

      `Well what?'

      `Aren't you coming?' he asked.

      `I came, I saw, and now I'm leaving,' she said.  `Besides, I
have dry cleaning waiting for me, and they get all pissy if you're

      `But you said you'd come!'

      `This is something you need to do on your own, Will.'


      `Do you really need me to hold your hand to knock on a door?'


      `Good.  Just call me when you're ready to be picked up.'

      Will nodded.

      `Bye!'  She stepped on the gas and was out of sight within

      `Bye...'  Will turned around and looked at the apartment
complex behind him.  He pulled out the folded schedule from his
pocket and went looking for Jack's apartment.  It didn't take him
long, and before he knew it, he was standing on the welcome mat
outside apartment 3D.  He raised his hand to knock on the door and
hesitated.  /What if he's home?  What if he's not?/  Without really
knowing it, he rapped on the door.  The pit of his stomach gave an
unsettling lurch as he realized what he'd just done.

A few moments passed and there was no answer.  He wasn't sure if he
was relieved or disappointed.  He turned to walk away, but as he
did, he heard the door open behind him.



      Will turned back to the door.  The sight before him left him
speechless.  Jack stood in the doorway topless with a confused look
on his face.  Will looked Jack up and down, taking in the details. 
Jack was clad only in a pair of faded blue sweatpants that hung
loosely at his hips.  The braid was missing from his soaked hair,
and droplets of water dripped onto his shoulders and down his
chest.  More importantly, there were no dark rings around Jack's
dark eyes.

      Jack leaned against the doorframe and asked `So why are you

      `You were missing from school, and I...I was concerned,'
Will said, carefully choosing his words and doing his best not to
look at Jack.

      `Alright.  But how did you find me?'

      Will held out the schedule for Jack to take.  `Lizzie found
it in the locker,' he explained, getting as much blame off his
shoulders as possible.

      Jack took the schedule and looked it over.  He looked back
up at Will with a smirk.  `Did she now?'

      `I just came to see if you were OK.  You obviously are, so
I'm gonna go now.'  Will began to walk away, but Jack went after him
and grabbed him by the arm.

      `Nonsense!  You've only just got here.  Come in and sit. 
Have some coffee.'  /Just don't leave me./

      Will agreed and was dragged into the apartment.  He heard
the door shut behind, and he felt trapped.

      Jack stepped around him and led him into the living room. 
The boxes that once littered the room were gone.  `Come on in, take
a load off.'  He plopped on the couch and patted the cushion next to

      Will sat down next to Jack.  /All we're doing is sitting. 
Some talking.  That's it.  Nothing big.  Nothing personal,/ he kept
reminding himself.

      `We know that I'm peachy, but what about you?  How have you
been?' Jack asked.

      `Me?  I've been fine,' Will replied.

      `Are you sure?  You look a little flushed,' Jack said as he
leaned towards Will.  /Mmm.  Smells like a French vanilla
cappuccino.  Or maybe a latte.  That sounds really good right about
now./  Jack became distracted by his thoughts and forgot how close
he was to Will.

      Will, on the other hand, was very well aware of Jack's
proximity to him.  He looked around the room to find something to
distract Jack away from him.  On the table next to him sat a
photograph of Jack and two other people.  `Are these your friends?'
he asked, indicating the picture.

      Jack reached over and grabbed the framed picture for a
closer look.  `Yea.  This is me, Sam, and my ex, Ashley, playing
with the troll under the bridge,' he said, handing the photo to Will.

      Will examined the picture.  Sure enough, there was a large,
concrete troll looming over the three individuals in the
background.  Jack was in the middle with his arms around the other
two, decked out in eyeliner and a fishnet shirt.  To his right was
who Will assumed to be Sam--he was dressed as a skater and appeared
to be the most normal out of the group.  On Jack's left stood an
oriental girl wearing obscenely bright, neon colors.  /They do make
a cute couple,/ he thought with a bit of jealousy.  `So what
happened between you and Ashley?' Will asked.

      `I walked in on him fucking the brains out of some chick,'
he replied.

      `Oh.  Wait.  "Him?"'  Will looked up at Jack with a look of

      `You thought Pretty Sammy was Ashley!' Jack exclaimed with
an amused laugh.

      `But I thought...I mean--'

      `You thought I was straight,' Jack pointed out.

      Will looked back down at the picture in his hands and nodded
uncomfortably.  He could feel the warmth gather on his cheeks.

      Jack leaned closer and whispered into Will's ear `Mm... 
That's so cute.'

      Will shot up from the couch.  `It's getting late.  I should
go now.'

      `Right.  Here, I'll show you to the door,' Jack said as he
stood.  He took a step forward, but his foot had gotten tangled in
the phone cord that lay in front of the couch.  He lost his balance
and began to fall.

      Instinctively, Will reached out to help Jack.  He grabbed
Jack's arm, but instead of keeping him balanced, he fell on top of
Jack.  After they hit the floor, Will opened an eye to see where he
was.  All he could see was Jack's bare shoulder and the carpet
beneath them.  /Strawberry shampoo that alcohol?  This is
not the time to be smelling other boys!  Get up! Getupgetupgetup!!/ 
He pushed himself up and would have gotten further if he hadn't
looked at Jack's face.

      Jack looked up at Will with a raised eyebrow.  /This is

      Will gulped and subconsciously licked his lips.  /Why am I
just sitting here?  Move.../

      Jack closed the distance between them, pressing his lips
against Will's.  /I could stay here forever,/ he thought happily.

      Will tensed and his breath caught in his throat.  /Oh,
God.../  He wanted to move away, but he was lost in the feeling of
the kiss.  He felt complete, like he'd found something he'd been
missing his whole life.

      Jack closed his eyes and began to massage Will's lips.

      Will began to relax.  It wasn't that bad really, kissing
another boy.  He began to respond to Jack and felt Jack's tongue
seeking entrance.  He parted his lips for him, feeling Jack smile.

      Jack deepened the kiss and explored Will's mouth with his
tongue.  It felt like familiar territory.  Jack flipped them over so
he was on top, proving his dominance over Will.  He brought himself
up so he sat on Will's hips, never breaking away from Will's mouth. 
He broke free for air and switched to kissing and licking his way
down Will's neck.  He tugged and pulled at Will's shirt.  He settled
for biting Will's clavicle through the annoying fabric.

      Will gasped at the sudden pain.  It hurt, but in good way. 
Jack's face came into his field of vision with lust-filled eyes. 
He'd seen that same look before.  The same hunger.  The same
desire.  Where did he know it from?  Everything around him shifted
into the world of his dream, but he was somewhere else.  A bedroom
maybe.  /No!  Not now!!/  On the bed, lay two figures.  They seemed
to be fighting or something.  Will stepped forward to get a better
look then wished he hadn't.  It was the other him and the
pirate.  /I'm—!  He's—!/  They reached their climax, screaming the
other's name.  /No!  That's not me and Jack!  I'd never--!  I'm
not...but I am...  I shouldn't be kissing him!  Stop!  Wake up,
dammit!!/  Will's eyes flew up and he pushed Jack off himself with
all the strength he had and scooted away from him.  `No!'

      `Oof!'  Jack landed on his ass.  He gave Will a confused
look, but Will was pressed against the wall hugging his knees to his
chest, shaking.  `Will?'  He crawled over to him and tapped him on
the shoulder.

      Will smacked Jack's hand away.  `Don't touch me!'

      `I'm sorry,' Jack apologized.  `I just...'

      Will stood up and walked shakily to the couch and picked up
his bag.  `I-I...I should go now,' he said, not looking at Jack.

      `Right.  Bye.'

      Will showed himself to the door.  Once out, he took off in a
dead run.  He finally stopped in front of a gas station to catch his
breath.  He went over to one of the pay phones and dropped in a
quarter.  He dialed Elizabeth's number and waited for an
answer.  /Please pick up.../


      `Lizzie!  Can you come and get me?  I'm at the gas station a
couple blocks from the apartments.'

      `What?!  How the Hell did you get there?'

      `I...  I don't wanna talk about it right now.'

      Elizabeth was silent on the other end for a few
seconds.  `Alright.  Just stay where you are.  I'll be right there.'


      Will stood on the sidewalk in front of the gas station
waiting for Elizabeth for about fifteen minutes.  `Thanks, Lizzie,'
he said as he got in the Jeep.

      `What happened?  Will, what's wrong?'

      Will was still slightly shaking.  `I-I had another one of
those dreams,' he replied.  `It was so weird.  I don't wanna talk
about it.'

      `But, Will...'

      `I don't want to talk about it!'

      Elizabeth fell into a guilty silence.  /What could have
possibly happened?/  She dropped Will off at his house.  `Oh,
Will!'  She tossed a book at him when he turned to see what she
wanted.  `That's the book I told you about.  Keep it as long as you

      `Thanks.'  He took the book under his arm and went into his

      Elizabeth sighed and went to her own home.  The moment she
entered the house, she made a beeline for her room and the cordless
phone within.  She dialed a long distance number and waited.

      `Stop calling!' a male voice yelled through the phone.

      `Is that anyway to speak to your girlfriend?!'

      `Elizabeth!  Sorry, I thought it was Tony calling again.'

      `I forgive you.  This time.'

      `So what's up?  You don't normally call in midday.'

      `Sam, I'm worried about Will,' she replied.

      `You're always worried about Will,' Sam pointed out.

      `Yea, but this time I'm /really/ worried.  He seemed so
different when I picked him up.'

      `He'll be fine.  Will can take care of himself.  Trust me.'

      `I know, but...I dunno.'

      `Liz.  Promise me you won't meddle.'

      Elizabeth whined a noise and fell backwards onto her bed.


      `Fine...  I'll try not to meddle anymore.'

      `Anymore?!  What did you do?'

      `I only gave him a ride and a book.  That's it.'

      `Just keep it that way.  I gotta go to work.  Bye.'

      `Tata.  I love you.'

      `Love you, too.'

~Back at Jack's.~

      Jack had removed himself from the floor and gone to bed. 
The different time zone had been affecting him all week as he p
tried to adjust his internal clock.  It didn't help that he'd skip
school and had no reason to be up at normal hours.  He slowly
drifted off to sleep.

     Jack sat in a dingy old jail cell, watching his counter part
catch some shut eye.  That's when he heard the explosions.  The wall
of the cell next to him came crashing down as a cannon ball flew
through it.  Jack watched in disbelief as the other men left.  `U-
unfair.  That's so cliché!  This whole dream is cliché!!'

      He felt the desperation to escape as his pirate self took up
the bone and tried to coaxed the dog towards him.  The dog was
almost there, but was scared away from a commotion on the
stairs.  /Stupid dog.  I hate dogs.  They're all stupid,/ Jack
thought grudgingly.

      He watched with interest as two other men, whom he somehow
knew and had a great hatred for, came up to his cell.  Some words
were exchanged, then pirate Jack crossed a line with the two men,
and suddenly had five boney fingers wrapped around his throat.

      Jack awoke, trying to claw away invisible hands.  He bolted
upright, gasping for air.  He checked both sides of his hands then
felt his neck.  /That was /not/ fun./  His breathing returned to
normal, and he lay back down.  /Why the Hell would I dream about
skeletons?  I haven't watched any zombie movies as of late.../  He
eventually fell back asleep and back into his dream.

      `I'm bored with this one.  Can't I just go to a nudist disco
or something?' he asked his other self, who kept trying to pick the
lock with a broken bone.  `Why do I have the feeling you don't know
what you're doing?'  They both looked up as the door atop the stair
creaked open.  Jack perked up when he saw Will.  He pushed himself
off the wall he was leaning on and moved quickly over to him.

      Will and Jack conversed for a bit, then a name was
pronounced.  `Will Turner.'

      `Turner...,' Jack repeated.  /I wonder if Will's name is
Turner as well?  That's why we have phone books,/ he thought
happily.  Perhaps he wouldn't go the entire weekend without seeing
Will.  He watched in glee as the scene before him progressed, ending
with the clang of the cell door being taken off its hinges.  His
dream melted into one where he and Scooby-Doo were on a mission to
track down Scrappy-Doo and the Pelican of the Opera.
~That night at Will's.~

      Will was curled into a fetal position on his bed, hugging
his pillow.  /What happened?  What was it?  What did it mean? 
Why...why did I kiss him?!  Why did I let him kiss me?/  He clutched
the pillow tighter and shut his eyes.  /What's wrong with me?!  Am I
going crazy?/    Before Will was completely lost to sleep, he
muttered `Jack...I miss you.'


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