
Chapter 1: Of Sunsets and Letters

William Turner, a silent and stoic figure of a young man, stood knee deep in the
salt water that was steadily rising as the tide came in. From his position beneath
a stone bridge he watched as the sun sank into the horizon, illuminating Port Royal
and her ship filled harbor. Perhaps if he stared long and hard enough at the horizon
it would appear. It would start as a small black spot, slowly growing larger until
you could finally see the billowing black sails of the formerly-cursed ship. The
Black Pearl. Just the thought of the ship was enough to send an inviting chill down
his spine.

William smiled a bitter-sweet smile as he watched the sun slip beneath the waves. He
sighed and wadded back to the tree line and his hopefully still dry stockings and shoes,
though his breeches were already wet to above the knee and it probably wouldn't make much
difference. Coming upon his shoes, which were still where he had left them, on top of a
boulder beneath a palm-like bush. Sitting on the a-fore mentioned rock, Will struggled to
pull stockings onto still damp legs.

"Damn it!" He growled as he threw one of his shoes for no apparent reason. Well, that is
what one would think. He had reason enough to be frustrated, angry even if you wanted to
think of it that way, but he had no right to take it out on his poor, defenseless shoe!
Swearing, Will went in search of his ill-treated shoe as the thoughts and memories he had
been trying to avoid flooded to the forefront of his thoughts.

Damn that walk. Damn that insufferably charming slurred drawl! Damn pirates! Will thought
as he approached his shoe, and again contemplated throwing it, only this time into the sea.
Some shred of common sense remained within Will's head though, for he picked up the shoe,
placed it on his foot, and walked towards the road leading into town. He also had enough
sense to stop muttering about pirates, the Black Pearl, and above all, one Captain Jack

A voice that sounded suspiciously like his dear Elizabeth's rang in his head. You're a
fool, Will! Listen to yourself think! Have you lost every shred of intelligence you ever
possessed? You sound like a love-sick fool. Nearly every night for the past, what, three
months is it now? You have come out here and watched the sunset and prayed for a mere
glimpse of that damned ship! Its not just at nights either! You're at the docks in the
wee hours of the morn' `oping that she'll have anchored into port during the night. You
are a fool, William! A damned fool! Will sighed. Why was she always right?

Fitting his key into the lock of the smithy's door, Will was not entirely surprised to
find it already unlocked. His heart fluttered in his chest. I didn't wait long enough!
They came into port while I was walking home! He opened the door cautiously none the
less, his dealings with a particular afore mentioned pirate in this very shop had taut
him to be cautious. Inside, a figure stood with his- no her back towards him.
"Elizabeth," he said quietly, hoping that none of his disappointment in finding her
here rather than a particularly odd pirate who was more often than not a fixture in
Will's mind of late.

Elizabeth turned towards Will, and even from a distance he could see the tear tracks on her
face, not to mention her red and puffy eyes. She let out a small cry and practically threw
herself into Will's arms and she began sobbing anew, quickly soaking his shoulder with her
salty tears

It was long moments before she was calm enough to answer any of the questions Will was
biting his tongue to keep from asking. Elizabeth loosened her grip on Will and took a
step away from him, wiping her tears with a handkerchief and smoothing her rumpled dress
of some of its larger wrinkles. Elizabeth made her way to the nearest chair and sat down
with less grace and finesse that Will had ever seen her use. Remembering his manners, will
put on the kettle to boil water for tea.

Elizabeth sat there, as if in a trance, unfolding, refolding, and recreasing a peace of
paper. Will, curiosity piqued, covered the distance between them. "May I?" He asked
gesturing at the now-flimsy paper. Elizabeth seemed not to have heard him at first, for
she continued to stair past Will, as if seeing something that was not there. Then suddenly
 she raised it up and passed it to him. Taking, or prying it rather, from her hand, Will
unfolded the, upon closer inspection, rather official-looking document.

Dear Miss Elizabeth Swann,

I wish I could tell you this sad news in person, but this letter will
have to suffice until such a time as I can return to port. It is
with deepest regret that I must inform you of your father's passing.
You have my deepest and most sincere apologies for your loss. He
took ill some two weeks past, on the voyage here from Port Royal. He
assured us all that it was nothing, said that he had had the cough
for months. By the time we were in port his cough had turned deep
and hacking. He saw a Doctor here, he said it was pneumonia. He
died soon after that diagnosis I am afraid. He was buried here with
all the ceremony befitting a Governor of the Crown. Again, I send
you my condolences and my deepest apologies. If you need anything,
please do not hesitate to ask. I shall be returning to Port Royal as
soon as can be.

Commodore Gregory Norrington
British Royal Navy

Will stood there holding the letter shell shocked. Mr. Swann, dead? The denial swelled in 
his breast as he read and re-read the slip of paper. His revere was interrupted but the
tea kettle on the hearth. Will refolded the paper and placed it on the table next to
Elizabeth before pouring tea for the both. He moved to sit, and then turned back to the
shelf above the hearth where a bottle of brandy stood.

Pouring a good amount into each of their cups before re-corking the bottle and placing it
back on the shelf, Will finally sat down next to Elizabeth, who usually adamantly opposed
to the consumption of any type of libation, drank her tea, which had far more brandy in it
that Will's, without seeming to notice or care

"Oh, Elizabeth," Will murmured as her tears began afresh.

"What am I going to do?" Elizabeth asked, her voice broken with tears. She took a few deep
breaths and stood, a look of cool resolve and finality fixed on her face. "I can not stay
here, in Port Royal; my house, my father's house, no, the Governor's House is not mine. It
will belong to whomever their Majesties choose to appoint as the new Governor. I shall have
to pack." Her voice was distant, and it pained Will to see her like this, but he knew not
what to do to help her. "I suppose I could purchase my own home here, but it is not proper
for a lady to live alone without a father, or a brother, or a husband to care for her and
accompany her when she left the house. I suppose then I will be leaving for England soon.
My mother and my father both had substantial estates near the coast. It has been dreadfully
long since I have seen my home there. It will be nice to see it again…." She was speaking
so mater-of-fact-ly and so unemotionally that Will was beginning to feel a sense of cold
fear flowing through his veins.

"Elizabeth," He spoke evenly, hoping to distract her, but she kept on talking.

"I suppose the Commodore will ask for my hand again as soon as he is back in port. Maybe
I should marry him, even if he is more of a heartless scoundrel than many pirates I know…."

"Elizabeth!" Will shouted at her, finally bringing her out of her trance-like state and
back to the present. "Listen to yourself!" Tears began to fill up in her eyes as she
looked at Will. He took a deep breath and pressed on, hoping to force some logic into
her grief addled mind. "Elizabeth, do you realize that you just spoke of marrying
Norrington!" Will's anger and disbelief in what he had heard filtered into his words.

"Oh, what do you know Will!" She sobbed and yelled at the same time. "Do you know what it
is like for me? Do you? You cannot understand that I will be forced to marry within the
year or my reputation in society might as well be that of a Tortuga brothel girl! I must
either return home to England and hope my Grandparents can find me a suitable husband, or
I must marry someone here!

Norrington is a good match! At least I could stay here!"

"Elizabeth, Elizabeth," Will soothed as he took her in his arms again and rubbed soothing
circles on her back. "You are right, I do not understand, but I am trying." She continued
to sob and Will did his best to comfort her.

A thought that had been creeping around in his brain came to the fore front again. He could
ask for Elizabeth's hand again. He could sacrifice his life and future for her, to save her
from a loveless marriage to Norrington or some other English lord. Could he really? Could
he give up his dreams, those dreams that haunted his waking and sleeping moments? Could he
put aside his longing for the sea for her? Could he do that for Elizabeth? If he did not
act soon he would think too much on it and decide against it.

"We could marry, Elizabeth." Those words mad it sound so simple, so easy. She sniffled and
pulled away from Will.

"What?" A myriad of emotions played out in her eyes as she tried to process what Will was

"We could marry." Elizabeth turned from him but will grabbed her arm and forced her to meet
his eyes. "If it is the only way for you to be happy and free from a marriage to Norrington,
I will gladly do it. To keep you close I would gladly do anything. I told Jack that I would
die for you and nothing has changed my mind." Elizabeth tried to move again, but Will's grip
was as strong as the iron he worked with. "Look at me Elizabeth, I love you, I truly do."
Elizabeth looked and looked hard into his eyes.

"I love you too, Will," she whispered as tears silently continued to fall down her cheeks.
"But I am not in love with you." She raised a hand to silence his sweet words. "Neither are
you in love with me. We both know this is true, there is no denying it."

"But Elizabeth, we could make it work!"

"No, Will! I will not have us spending the rest of out lives resenting one another for
being tied down. This is not the life either of us wants."

"But you deserve so much more, Elizabeth!" He reached a hand out to wipe away her tears.
She removed his warm, calloused hand from her face and held it between both of hers.

"As do you, Will. I know what I am doing. I know what I must do." She smiled faintly.
"I will be alright. I swear to you." She let go of his hand and turned back to the table
to collect her letter, which she slipped discreetly into the pocket of her dress. She
turned again to Will. "Goodbye, Will." She kissed his cheek softly and then she was gone,
leaving will with a heavy heart and naught but his thoughts and memories for comfort.


Chapter 2: Of Dreams or Nightmares

Will's dreams were the one place where he could not escape the thoughts which he tried in
vein to ignore during his waking hours. The good and the bad mingled in his subconscious
to produce and project the desires Will constantly tried to keep at bay.

//Images of a man who held himself with such grace and majesty that you had to wonder
who he was in a previous life. Hair blowing in a sea breeze you could almost taste.
The sight of him at the helm was enough to make Will's heart skip a beat.

The feeling of chapped lips against his own. Strength and hardness instead of curves and
softness. Eyes alone that lit a fire in Will's soul that no female ever could.

And then that same regal figure, who moments before was worshiping Will's body was broken,
beaten, and dissolute as he was made an example of. Will watches on as Norrington orders
the floor dropped and that once strong, proud man is no more than a broken rag-doll
hanging from a string.

Unspoken words haunt Will as the decaying form of the dead pirate accuses him of all manner
of evil and betrayal. Those bonny figures with bits of decayed flesh wrap around Will's neck,
seeking to destroy his life as he destroyed the pirates.

Tears stream down Will's cheeks as he is left alone in the darkness. No friends, no lovers,
no one. There is not even the smell or sound of the sea to keep him company. There is no
sound of bellows pumping, of fire crackling, of the steaming hiss of hot metal being shoved
into cool water. There is not even the heat of the fire to warm him. Totally and utterly alone.

Again he is adrift at sea, cold, lungs burn with the smoke of fire, the cries of the dying,
people begging for their lives filter in and out of his mind as he wavers between consciousness
and the comforting black of oblivion

Then he watches as his body is buried in a cheep pine coffin, no one but the minister and
the grave digger to send him into the afterlife.//

Will sat bolt up right in his bed, which was in reality was little more than a cot, his
night clothes were soaked through with sweat, his hair clung to his skin as his eyes
frantically darted about. It was still fairly dark out, the sky was not even beginning
to grey with pre-dawn light.

Will took a deep breath and placed a hand over his racing heart. It had been a dream, a
horrible nightmare where he was left alone, forgotten by the rest of the world. There
had been no Elizabeth, with her intelligence, scalding tongue, quick friendship and fierce
loyalty. There had not even been a Norrington to despise or outwit or to even poke fun at.
But most strikingly, and most painfully, there was no Jack.

"Jack." Will murmured the name aloud, as if saying his name would bring him closer, bring
him to Will. Jack would never forget him, never leave him to die alone. Jack couldn't do
that. He couldn't do that because…because Will had seen the way he looked at him. Seen
that hungry look that was gone with another swallow or two of rum and more flirting with
the prostitute who propositioned him, or re-checking that damned compass, or even feigning
unconsciousness from too much alcohol. At the very least Jack wanted his body, at lest for
one night, at most… "Stop it!" Will commanded to himself in the dark, trying to force his
heart to listen to sense. But Will was never one to do things the smart way, he'd always
had this tendency to follow his heart, live in the moment, do idiotic and stupid things.
Fall in love with a pirate.

Will cursed in a combination of at least six languages, it came from living in a port city,
you could always learn to say the most vial and unpleasant things long before, if you ever
did, learn the common `hello,' `goodbye,' `please,' and `thank you,' as he fought to be free
of his sheets.

Pulling on a loose shirt and well worn dark breeches Will readied himself for another day.
His thoughts drifted to Elizabeth and their conversation the night before. Will put it out
of his mind for the moment. He could think in a few moments, he just had to take care of a
few things first. He pulled his hair back and tied it with a leather thong and slipped into
his stocking and shoes before moving to the chest at the foot of his bead. Taking a key out
of some mysterious hiding place on his person, Will opened the trunk and retrieved a wooden
box, about a foot long and a third as long across. In addition he took out a flat, leather
wrapped object about the size of his hand. Pulling on his dark, sleeveless tunic-like long
vest Will tucked the smaller of the parcels inside his vest and tucked the other box under
his arm before closing the chest and locking it. He frowned. It would have been more
appropriate to wear all black, but as he did not have clothes that would do, he had settled
on his most dark and subdued clothes.

Ten minutes found him sitting on one of the piers gazing into the distance as the sun rose
behind him and his wooden box sat next to him. It was then, and only then that he let the
previous night overwhelm him.

The man who was almost like a very rich uncle and benefactor to him was dead. Governor Swann
had paid for him to be apprenticed in the black-smith's trade. He had paid for Will's clothes
and board until he was almost eighteen, and he would never hear of Will repaying him. He was
a kind man, and he loved his daughter more than anything, and Will loved him for that. He knew
the lose of looking ones parents and being an orphan. He had been an orphan for most of his
life, and he knew well the pain of not having parents there to love and guide, to support and
even to reprimand. He knew that Elizabeth was feeling this loss keenly and he needed to go to
her, but he would wait until it was at least a decent hour to call upon her.

She seemed so different last night. It was as if her fire had finally been tempered and she
was cooling down after many years of passionate exuberance. This thought was not a comfort
to Will. Where was the girl who longed to see pirates? Where was the young woman who would
sacrifice her life for his? Where was his best friend? She seemed resolved to a woman's lot
in life…She had even mentioned marrying Norrington. That alone unnerved him, and in and of
its self would have made Will question if she was in her right mind.

I asked her to marry me! That shocked Will. He was surprised that he had done such a thing!
And even more so that Elizabeth had said no. Her reasoning was so sound that it hurt.

They had tried to make it work between them not long after Jack left, but they both realized
that what they felt for each other was the strongest bond of friendship combined with
fantastical idolatry. It was the innocent love of childhood, but it did not contain the
passion of lovers. When they kissed there were no sparks, there was no heat or longing.
They were not meant to be, and after much anxiety and fear that the other felt something
that they did not, they confessed in a rushed jumble of words the same thing – there was
no hint of passion between them. They laughed about it afterward, and in the end, their
failed romance seemed to seal their friendship.

The sun began to warm Will's back and he decided that he had waited long enough; he would
hence to the Governor's Mansion and to Elizabeth, who Will knew must be hurting something

Upon arrival at the Governor's Mansion, Will was surprised to find the whole of the
household already awake and busy. Will was welcomed in and stood gaping in the foyer as
servants rushed around. Elizabeth appeared at the top of the stairs looking drawn and
tiered, as though she had not slept at all, and Will highly doubted that she had, or if
sleep had come to her it was fitful and unrestful.

"Will!" She called as she hurried down the stairs, ignored propriety and embraced him
briefly. Even in her black mourning colors she was still stunning to behold. Her hair
was done up more firmly than usual and it lent her a more aloof and removed appearance
that her usual warm and welcoming demeanor.

"Elizabeth," Will smile at her.

"Come, have breakfast with me." She seemed to have forgotten all her etiquette, it was
not proper for a blacksmith to dine with the Governor's daughter! But Will could no more
deny her then he ever could and nodded in acceptance.

Over breakfast I gave her the two parcels I had carried with me. The larger of the two
contained a dagger, a light and fine piece of craftsman ship. "While I cannot be there
to protect you, just knowing that you have a good dagger to defend yourself with is
encouraging." Will had taught her how to use a dagger years ago, telling her that it
could not hurt for a woman to know how to defend herself. She already carried a small
dagger in her boot, but this one was of higher quality, and of superb craftsmanship.

"Thank you, Will," her voice was filled with sadness as she took the other parcel and
unwrapped it. It seeped to be a lovely set of fine hair pins, but upon closer inspection…
"Will!" Her feigned indignity made Will laugh. Not only had he taught her to defend herself
and fight with a dagger, but he had taught her to pick locks, and these hair pins were
merely fancy lock picks disguised as hair pins. Will grinned.

"You never know when you'll get kidnapped by pirates." He winked. "Besides, ye did a fine
job of letin' yer self in to me own home last night." He imitated a stereotypical pirating
voice as he smirked at her.

"Thank you, Will." This time she meant it. She inspected the `hairpins' carefully. "You
have a knack for the fine work of jewelry as well as your talent for fighting tools. I'm

Their conversation slowed after that, at least until Will inquired as to what the house-
hold was doing. It seemed that she would not let herself mourn. She was throwing herself
into work, which for her at the moment was the packing of all necessary items in the house
and the sale of the items she would not be taking with her to England. She would work both
herself and her servant to exhaustion just to ward off the pain of loss. Will understood
but still felt a great swell of compassion for Elizabeth's serving staff.

Elizabeth's hand shook as she tried to pour Will tea, and Will pretended not to notice.
She would not meet his eyes and eventually Will stopped trying to catch them.

He had intended to return to work that morning, but he decided to remain with Elizabeth
as a steady stream of callers came to give her their condolences, and on the way out it
was not an uncommon sight to see them speaking to Thomas, the head of the house servants
who was in charge of the sale of the items within the home. Elizabeth seemed to wither
as the day wore on to the point where, by dinner Will told the servants she would not be
receiving any more callers for the rest of the day.

Will said goodbye to Elizabeth and she barely acknowledged that he was there. The servants
looked on with pity in their eyes and exhaustion in their bodies.

I returned home to a shop filled with half-finished orders that would need to be taken care
of in the morning. There would be no sunrises or sunsets to watch until he was caught up,
but first, Will needed sleep. Striping off his stockings, shoes, vest and shirt Will fell
into bed, hoping that if his dreams were going to haunt him, he hoped they were the pleasant
kind that when he woke it would be to wet sheets and longing or to painful desire and a need
for fulfillment. Either one was better than the hollow, empty, alone and scared feeling that
he had awoken with that morning.

//Again Will's subconscious brought horrors mixed with fantasy to life. The rotting skeletal
form of Jack Sparrow took Will in his bony arms and they danced while Jack poured bitter
poisonous words into Will's ear. Words like `unworthy,' `dirty,' and `traitor' spun in Will's

They were no longer dancing, they were sitting on the battlements of Port Royal watching an
execution below. There were two being hung – Jack and…himself! Will watched as the nooses
were slipped around each of their necks. Jack turned his head to Will, an expression of the
deepest emotion, an expression of love was openly given to Will who, upon feeling such a
heated gaze turned from where he was staring to look back at Jack. It was a mutual heated
look of love and forever. They needed no words to express how they felt, it was visible to
all who were there to watch.

The Will sitting on the battlements felt his heart constrict in his chest. His greatest
dreams and nightmares were being combined in ghastly ways. He looked over to where the
other Will's gaze had originally been; there stood Elizabeth, her arm firmly in the grasp
of Commodore Norington. Norington gave the command to let Jack fall and the Will on the
battlements could hear both his own voice and the voice of the soon-to-be-hanged-as-well
Will screaming. The cries of Elizabeth Norrington could be heard as well.

They waited before hanging Will as well, they let him watch as his lover, whose neck had
unfortunately not broken upon release struggle for air as his face turned red-purple with
too much blood as he was strangled to death. The Will on the battlements felt his heart
cry out in pain, and then he watched as the Will on the gallows died. He could feel the
life draining from himself and when he looked down, the Will on the battlements was just
as skeletal as his companion.

Will and Jack, two damned souls – living skeletons danced in the light of the moon.//


Chapter 3: Of Unexpected Happenings and Farewells

Again, Will woke with a start, his heart was racing and his clothes sweated through. It
was not anywhere near dawn, yet Will knew he would get no rest full sleep that night.
Will splashed some cool water on his face and left his bed without looking back at it,
afraid that his dreams, his nightmares, were real.

Will could almost feel the ghostly touch of the damned Jack who waltzed him into oblivion.
Will shuddered, though not from cold, as he slipped his work clothes on.

Firing up the forge, Will stoked the fire until it was the proper temperature to heat the
metal he would be working with. Will let himself go as he concentrated on working the steel
of the sword blade. Hammering his emotions into every piece he worked on.

It may have sounded strange, but Will liked to compare particular tasks to different people
and by concentrating on thoughts about that one person in particular it seemed to make the
time pass quicker and his work was more thorough.

His hatred for Norrington was hammered into every link of the shackles and irons he worked,
hoping with a perverse desire to see him shackled and behind bars without the leverage to
save him from the bonds he deserved to wear. Will silently swore that he would never let
Norrington marry his dear Elizabeth, for he would kill him before they could say their
wedding vows. But it wasn’t just Elizabeth, it was Jack. Will would never allow Norrington
to lay a finger on Jack so long as there was breath in his lungs and strength enough in his
body to lift a sword.

Then came the cannon balls. While pouring the liquid metal for these Will sent a silent
prayer out to all who would sue them and all who would die from them, praying that his
soul would not pay with the burden of those lives lost.

From shackles and cannon balls to every day items, repairs mostly, pots, pans, common
household things that people often took for granted but were truly the bread and butter
of his . Into these Will concentrated on the strength and friendship of Elizabeth.
Their long relationship was strong and as such Will sought to make his items just as

Then came his swords, the thing he loved the most to work on, to create things of such
grace and beauty. Once his inspiration for swords was his dear Elizabeth, but as of late,
his swords have taken on an even more perfect design as Will’s muse has morphed into a
pirate unlike any Will has ever heard tale of. It was the little things that Will would
obsess over while he worked, the swagger of his hips was beaten into the red hot metal,
the keen, sleek, and cunning of his ever plotting mind was honed into the blade’s edge.
The sturdy reliability of Jack’s good friend, rum, was part of the hilt. The reflection
of the sun off his earrings and jewelry, and even his golden teeth was interlaced into
the elegant design work of the hilt. And over it all was Jack’s constantly cool appearance.
Even on the dead of summer when the entire crew was half naked, save Anamarie, Jack stood
proud and tall, a sheen of sweat on his skin, but no sign of the heat that seemed to afflict
everyone else. Some of the crew joked and said that it was because he had no blood left in
him, it had long since been replaced by his beloved rum.

Whatever it was about Jack that Will thought up went into the sword in his hands and in
the end, Will would turn out another superb sword.

Will stepped away from his work. It was nearing on mid morning and he had not even noticed.
His old master and still owner of the shop, John Brown, was due to stumble in any moment
and take up his place in the corner and pass out as he had every day for the past five or
so years. Will still had a few minutes to himself before then though, a few minutes he
could steal away and work on the one piece he longed more than anything to be working on.

It was indeed something splendid and spectacular he wished it be working on, it was the
blade he was making especially for Jack Sparrow. It was much like the dagger that he
had given to Elizabeth, in fact he had started both at about the same time, but in the
case of the sword, Will was putting every ounce of emotion he had into it. While he had
made Elizabeth’s dagger filled with the strength of their friendly love and sibling-like
bond, it was not the greatest achievement in his young life. It was certainly one of his
best pieces, but his sword for Jack, that would be spectacular.

With a greater eye for detail than any of his other works ever came close to receiving,
that sword would be the crowning achievement of his life’s work. The friendship,
camaraderie, acceptance, trust, well that was iffy, but Will at least trusted Jack, even
if Jack thought of him as a hot head who never learned to think before he acted, and his
faith in Jack was all hammered into his work and inlayed in the final details But in the
end it was incomplete and Will knew it. It was as if he feared to finish the sword because
finishing it meant only one thing, he would have to come to terms with all the overwhelming
feelings he felt for Jack.

Will carefully unwrapped the un-finished sword from its place within his locked chest and
held it in his hands. The sword had not had a hammer brought to it in weeks, for Will had
stop[ed just before he finished. He had begun forging the sword within days of his return
to Port Royal and Jack’s escape. But then he had stopped and put the blade away. It was
his dreams that scared him into action. He had watched his inner-self look at Jack with
the honesty of his true feelings and Will had felt his fear melting away, but it was dream-
Jack’s death that brought it all into perspective. He loved Jack. Was in love with Jack.
That was the missing piece, the missing element.

Will returned to the forge to find Mr. Brown dead to the world, his snores drowned out by
the bustling city outside the window and the loud forge inside. A bottle of something was
clutched in his hand. Will wiped his brow with his shirt and set to work on Jack’s sword.

The hours ticked by and will only stopped briefly once for a hearty slice of bread and a
chunk of cheese to satisfy his hunger. He did not notice that he was not alone in the shop
until a voice in front of him spoke in an oily smooth tone that made Will cringe as he
looked up. “You’re work seems to have improved as of late.” Commodore Norrington stood in
front of Will, a look of extreme concentration upon his face as he examined the sword in
his hands. Jack’s sword. Will resisted the sudden urge to snatch it back from the Commodore
and he worked to keep his voice level and even.

“Thank you, sir.” Will took a deep breath. “Is there something you want, or is this a
social call?” Will couldn’t keep the sarcasm out of his voice.

“How much for this sword?” Norrington asked as he continued to look the sword up and down.
Will felt fire in his soul as Norrington examined the sword, it felt as though Norrington
was lusting after his woman. Jack gritted his teeth.

“It is not for sale.” Will put out his hand to demand the sword back. Norrington hesitated.
Will met his eyes squarely and Norrington quickly handed the sword back to him. “Is there
something I can help you with, Commodore?”

Norrington sneered. “As a matter of fact, there is.” He turned and took a step away from
Will before turning back to him. “I know that you and Miss Swann have a strong,
relationship. I was hopping that you could help me to…persuade her to accept my proposal.”
Norrington held up his hand to keep Will from talking. Will’s nostrils flared as he bit
his tongue to stem the tirade of words saying what he really felt. “In her sad and
unfortunate situation, Miss Swann has come to realize just how important a good marriage
is. There are none other than myself in the aria who could offer her the sort of life
she is accustomed to.”

“What exactly is it you would like my help with, Commodore?”

“Why, that is simple, my boy, I want you to convince Elizabeth to marry me.” He grinned
almost sadistically. “If you do not, Miss Swann will return to England and be married
off there. At least this way you could be near your ‘dearest friend.’”

Will’s jaw ached from his clenched teeth. The image of the Elizabeth in his dream struggling
against Norrington’s steel grip as Jack was hung was fresh in his memory. His nails bit into
the palms of his hands. “Elizabeth is her own person, she can decide for herself who she will
marry and when.”

“You are as naïve as you appear to be, Mr. Turner? I though you had more sense and a better
understanding of the world than that! You are her friend, one of her few, if not her only
confidant. She will listen to you because she trusts you. She will listen to you because
you are the only person she has left to turn to.” Norrington stepped closer to Will and
lowered his voice. “She is vulnerable now, more so than she has ever been in the past and
I intend to use that to my advantage.”

“I will do no such thing, Commodore. I care for Elizabeth too much to lie to her, even if
it meant keeping her close.” Will was close to overstepping the his bounds of his station
and he knew it, but he did not care. It was time that Commodore Norrington learned that he
was not an uneducated street-urchin who was blessed with a lucky break in life. He was the
son of an educated Merchant’s daughter, Jane Thomas, and a pirate, William “Bootstrap Bill”
Turner. Strong blood, good blood flowed through his veins, even if some of it was pirate’s
blood. Perhaps it was that which made him so bold, and so reckless. “I would never
recommend to her that she marry you.” There he had said it.

“You, boy, are out of line! Who do you think you are? I demand an apology!” Norrington
was livid, how dare anyone in Will Turner’s position say such a thing to him?

“I owe you no apology, nor will I take back any of what I have said. I have spoken naught
but the truth today and I shall not begin to lie now. I suggest you leave now, Commodore,
before I ‘loose my mind, and in a fit of jealousy kill the man who wanted to remove me from
my love’s heart and affections.’” Will lifted Jack’s sword and pointed it at Norrington,
who retreated one step.

“You will pay for this, Mr. Turner. Someday I will see you hang for piracy and I will laugh
as you struggle for breath that you cannot get. You are a pirate through and through, Mr.
Turner. The old governor was too soft on you. I will see to it that his replacement knows
all about your antics this past season. Just you wait.”

“Get. Out.” Will’s voice was dangerously quiet. Norrington raised his hands in a forced
air of nonchalance, but his eyes and a twitch of his mouth betrayed his nervousness, and he
walked out the door.

“Tha’ wers fair foolish of ye,” A slurred voice said from behind Will. Startled, Will
turned to see Mr. Brown half awake and watching him. “He’ll be yer enemy fer life now,
mark my words.” And with that Brown closed his eyes and began to snore. Will shook his

He had slacked off for a day and did not practice his fencing skills. For the next two
and a half hours Will constantly drilled himself in the same moves, parry, thrust, retreat,
advance, etc. Constant repetitive drills taught the muscles of his body to respond to him
at his slightest command. When he fought, it was as though he was always a step ahead of
his opponent because he had practiced so much. He soon stripped off his shirt, hot from
the mid day sun, the forge, and the physical exertion.

The sun was hanging low in the sky when he finished; sunset would be upon them soon. Will
felt the ever constant pull of the sea and he could not ignore it. Changing quickly into
a clean shirt, Will was ready to leave. Jack’s sword still lay on the table and Will paused
and walked over to it. He held it in his hand, and almost without thinking he strapped it
to his side and was out the door.

Shoes and stockings hidden beneath the same vegetation on top of the same rock, Will was
again under the bridge, in the shadows, watching the sunset and wishing that jack were
here with him. His hand continued to caress the hilt of the sword he had made for Jack.
It truly was a magnificent weapon and had it been for anyone but Jack, Will would have
bean loathed to part with it, but as it were, now that it was complete, Will wanted nothing
more to deliver it to Jack at that very moment.

Will sighed. It would probably be months, if not years before the Pearl sailed into Port
Royal again and Will was a fool to think otherwise. The Pear; would not be coming to him,
so he would have to be going to it. He knew what he would have to do, he’d been planning
it from the day he helped Jack Sparrow escape the executioner’s noose. The itch to be back
at sea was growing stronger, and his desire for, and to see, Jack was growing by the moment.
But Will could not leave until Elizabeth was taken care of.

The sun had set and Will had not noticed. “Damn it.” He muttered to himself as he gathered
up his shoes and stockings and again hurriedly put them on.

Instead of returning to his home, Will made his way up the streets to Elizabeth’s, hoping
that it was not to late to call upon her. As it turned out, the household was still very
much awake.

Will entered the house and he felt like he had never been in the place before. The foyer
floor was covered in trunks and there was the occasional piece of furniture. The rooms
were bare of most furniture and what was left seemed to be only the heaviest and most
immobile things. “M’lady is in th’ kitchen.” The maid curtsied and gestured for Will
to follow her.

“I know my way, Mary.” The maid nodded and disappeared. Will turned a corner and walked
down the hallway to the kitchen, where Elizabeth sat composing a letter.

“Elizabeth?” He asked hesitantly, not wanting to disturb her.

“Will!” She said in surprise. “I was just coming to see you after I finished this letter.
Sit, sit, I’ll only be a moment.” Will did as he was told and looked around at the table.
There were letters there addressed to everyone from the head of the house hold staff to
Commodore Norrington. There was even one addressed to him. “Done.” She said finally.
Will noticed that her fingers were stained with ink when she swatted his hand for reaching
for her letter to him. “You’re not to read that until I’m gone.” Will glared at her like
a spoiled child who had been told no snacks before dinner, making her laugh. Her expression
quickly darkened. “I’m going to miss that.”

“Miss what?” Will asked in confusion.

“You making me laugh. Oh I’m just going to miss you Will!” She launched herself out of
her chair and into his arms. She was holding back her tears as best she could.

“But we still have a little time together,” Will comforted her, despite the tug in his
abdomen that told him this wasn’t true.

“No we don’t,” Se whispered. “I leave tomorrow for England, or rather to Virginia and
then on a ship to England.” She stood up to gauge Will’s response.

“What?” So soon? Will thought that she might be leaving within a week or two, but within
the day?

“I found out this morning that there is a merchant who was a childhood friend of my father’s
in port. He is sailing to Virginia with the morning tide. From there I will board either
another merchant ship or a diplomatic royal ship and travel back to England that way.”

“Is there no other ship?” Will didn’t even know he was practically begging.

“No, nor is there one who’s captain I trust more, aside from Jack, that is.” She looked
at him, her eyes begging him to understand.

“Oh, Elizabeth, I wish you were not going.” Will said quietly. She closed the distance
between them.

“I must, or I shall eventually have to marry the Commodore.” She smiled, her eyes over-
bright with tears. She smiled faintly and pressed her lips chastely against Will’s.

“What?” Will asked in confusion when she pulled away.

“I had to be certain that there was truly nothing between us before I left.” She explained

“And was there?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

“No, there was not.” She took a breath and looked down at her feet before continuing to
talk. “There never has been anything between us, as we both well know. You need to follow
your heart, wherever it takes you.” She looked out the window as if looking towards the
sea, which was not possible seeing as it was pitch dark out. “He loves you too, you know.
He as much told me so the night we were on that island together.”

“Wh-what!?” Will sputtered, unsure of what to say or how to respond.

“Captain Jack Sparrow is as much in love with you as you are in love with him.” Will
opened his mouth to speak but she cut him off. “Do not try to deny it. I see it in your
eyes when ever anyone mention s his name. And that sword you have strapped to your side?
You did not make that for just anyone, you made it for him.”

“How-?” Will did not know what else to say. Elizabeth smiled.

“Call it ‘woman’s intuition,’” Will looked skeptically at her. “Or we could just be honest
and say that Jack was a little to drunk the night he and I were trapped on that Island
together and said a few things when his tongue was too loose.” She smiled and kissed
Will’s blushing cheek.

“Elizabeth,” Will huffed like a bird who fluffed his feathers indignantly.

“Hush. Lets just enjoy our last night together and talk about all the good times we’ve had.”

“Agreed.” He smiled and retrieved a bottle of wine, some cheese and bred from the counter
as they sat down and talked.

Late into the evening they talked, and they were both yawning extensively when it was
decided that Will should leave.

“Will I need you to do something for me.” Elizabeth said in her most serious voice as
Will was about to step out the door. From her tone alone Will knew she was not joking.


“Don’t come and see me off tomorrow. If you are there, I don’t think I can go through with
leaving.” Elizabeth searched his eyes for honesty when he responded.

“If I must stay away, I will.” He smiled sadly at her. “I guess this is ‘goodbye’?”

“I guess so.” She smiled and was gathered up into a firm, strong, reassuring hug. She
cried and wished the hug could go on forever. Will hung on, knowing this might be the
last time he ever saw his dear friend.

“Goodbye, Elizabeth,” Will said as he kissed her cheek lightly, tears shinning in his
eyes as well.

“Goodbye Will. Tell Jack I said goodbye when you see him.” She said the last like she
knew it was certain, a firm fact of life.

“I will.” He held her hands, still reluctant to leave her forever.

“Oh! Your letter! Elizabeth retreated into the house to retrieve the letter she had
written for her friend. She returned and placed it in his hand. “Promis me you won’t
read it until I am gone? Untill my ship has left port?”

“I swear.” He turned and decended the front stairs.

“Good. Goodnight, Will Turner.” She called after him

“Goodnight, Miss Swann” He called as he turned to call to her, not being able to resist
teasing for old time’s sake.

“How many times do I have to ask you to call me ‘Elizabeth’?”

“At least once more, Miss Swann.” Will smiled as he waved and turned again and was gone.

Will was dead on his feat when he walked in the door of the shop. One good thing could
be said for exhaustion – he rarely dreamed when his body was this exhausted. And Will
did not dream that night, though his internal clock woke him just after dawn. Will
hurried to dress and took Elizabeth’s letter with him. He arrived on the dock that the
Graceful Maiden had no more than half an hour left from, in fact he could still see it
in the distance. He had kept his promise to Elizabeth and had not come and seen her off,
 but he had not yet begun to feel the loss of his best friend. He still could not believe
she was gone!

Will carefully unsealed the letter Elizabeth had written and began to read it. It was
far shorter than he expected it to be.

Dearest Will,

By the time you are reading this you are probably
standing on the dock where the Graceful Maiden just
set sail from. Please don’t be mad with me Will, but
I have done something that will change my life
forever. I am not going to England. I an going to
get off the sip in Virginia and make a new life for
myself. I intend to change my name and such. Please
do not be angry with me, but I just cannot do this
anymore! I want to live my life the way I want to
live it! Not the away society demands that I do!
Someday I will write and tell you that I am alright,
but you must promise not to come searching for me.
Please, it is either this or a loveless marriage. I
cannot do that Will, you know I cannot. I will not be
forced to obey someone else’s orders for the rest of
my life! I want to be free! I want to be able to
live with the same freedoms you and Jack have – the
freedom to go where you want, do what you want, and to
love who you want. I wish you all the best of luck,
and I hope you’ll do the same for me. Goodbye my
dearest Will, I will certainly miss you.

Love Always,

P.S. Don’t be surprised if the Commodore visits you
some time after he receives my letter, he is going to
be none to pleased with me. Thank you for everything.

Will stood reading and re-reading the letter. A combination of surprise, amusement and
anger washed over him. She had taken her life into her own hands and he couldn’t be
happier for her, even if that happiness was tinged with hear for a woman alone in the
world. If anyone could survive and prosper, it was Elizabeth. With that in mind, Will
realized that he wasn’t quite as shocked as he should have been.

It all began to fall into place. Elizabeth had always dreamed of going away, of traveling,
but she thought those would only be dreams for her. The night she found out about her
father’s death, she had been too resigned to her fate, Will should have known she wouldn’t
go without a fight!

She had been to quiet, like she was planning something! But will had just brushed it off
as her packing and getting ready to move, he had not expected her to do this!

His brotherly instincts told him to steal the nearest boat and stop him, but as Elizabeth’s
best friend, he stood firmly rooted to the spot. “Fly, Elizabeth, fly!” He whispered as
the ship faded out of view.


Chapter 4: Of Sword Fights and Travel

Will stood on the docks for a long time after Elizabeth’s ship was out of sight. He smiled
one last time at the open ocean before taking his time getting back to the shop. He had
caught up on his work the day before and was not intending to take on any more orders.
Elizabeth was gone and that meant he no longer had any ties to Port Royal. He could leave,
go anywhere he wanted in fact, and no one would care one way or the other. As soon as he
received payment for everything in the shop, he would have more than enough money to--

“Mr. Turner,” a cool, slick voice stopped Will in his tracks. *Norrington.* The Commodore
was dressed in his usual uniform. Every hair in his wig was where it belonged and his
clothing did not even have the slightest hint of a wrinkle. Will held his ground and his
hand immediately went to the hilt of the sword -- Jack’s sword -- he had taken to wearing.

“Commodore Norrington.” Will nodded to the man, Elizabeth’s words still fresh in his mind.
“What can I help you with this morning?” Will let his voice sound tired, listless and sad,
like someone who had lost someone dear to him; in reality, Will could not have been happier
for Elizabeth and her freedom was his freedom as well.

“Do not play me for a fool," Norrington said in a dangerously quiet voice. “I know you were
part of this!” He raised his right hand which held a letter written in Elizabeth’s neat

“I do not know what you are talking about.” Will took his time to almost melodramatically
inspect the paper still clutched in Norrington’s hand. “Well now, that appears to be a
letter from dear Elizabeth, if I do not mistake her writing.” He shrugged his shoulders in
a non-committal way. “I saw a whole stack of them on her table last night.”

Norrington looked as though he was about to pop a blood vessel or he wanted to ring someone’s
neck. Will had never been one to back down from a fight and Will was in just the mood to egg
the good Commodore on. After all, he needn't worry about being good so as not to harm
Elizabeth’s reputation (which undoubtedly would have been stained had it been known her best
friend was a bit of a ruffian rather than the mild mannered and courteous blacksmith.)

“She gave one to me as well, Commodore.”

Norrington looked as if he was about to develop a twitch in his eye. “Aye, it is Elizabeth’s
hand.” Norrington sneered. His eyes were full of a firry hatred as he looked at Will.
“Might we go inside to discuss this matter?”

The gears in Will’s head were working. Norrington did not want to have this conversation
in public, which meant that Will definitely wanted to because even if it only gave him a
slight advantage, it was an advantage none the less. Pirates knew how to take even the
slightest of upper-hands and use it as leverage to achieve the desired ends.

“I know of nothing we need to discuss, Commodore.” Will continued to play the part of
the confused, exhausted, and melancholy young man who had just lost his dearest friend
and possible future wife.

“Read this, and then tell me we have nothing to discuss.” Norrington shoved the letter
into Will’s hand. With a sigh and much feigned disinterest, Will ‘reluctantly’ read
the note, for while it was longer than the one dear Elizabeth had written to him, it was
full of her biting sharp tongue.

Dear Commodore,

As you will have found out already (seeing as I was
supposed to have luncheon with you, and you will have
gone to my home to find it empty and a letter waiting
there for you with one of my servants) that I have
indeed left Port Royal and I am beginning my journey
home by way of Virginia. You are, no doubt, offended
that I left rather than accept your proposal, or
should I say demand, of marriage. You should long ago
have realized that I do what I please and not what
other people demand of me. To be perfectly honest,
Commodore, I would rather marry a pirate than marry
I was not completely honest with you that day when I
stood with Will in Captain Jack Sparrow’s defense.
Will said his place is between you and Jack, which
certainly is true, but my place always has been -- and
always will be -- between you and Will. Will gave me
something you never did, and I wonder if you ever
could. He gave me love. He loves me for who I am and
not because I am the Governor’s pretty young daughter.
He loves me enough to trust me to follow my heart,
wherever it takes me.
You are a shallow man, Commodore. You care naught for
me or for the person that I am; you care only for your
rank and for your country. This is a new world
Commodore, and I intend to make the most of it. I
know that you are probably thinking that you shall
send a ship after me and try to catch up. I might
have you note that I will not go willingly with you,
and I promise you, I have friends who will come to my
aid. You know of whom I speak; all pirates will do
what you want, if you are willing to pay their price.
Good day, Commodore, I hope that our paths never meet
again, for in all honesty I should very much like to
run you through with my new dagger.
Never yours,

Will nodded solemnly and re-folded the paper and handed it back to Norrington. He did
his best to keep his voice even and neutral. “What exactly is it that you want, Commodore?”

“What do I want? Mr. Turner, I thought you to be more intelligent than that.” He
stepped closer to Will, invading his personal space. “I want Elizabeth.”

“Well, Commodore, you seem to have a bit of a problem then. It seems to me that she
does not want you.” Will took a step back, knowing that his next words would provoke
some action from the Commodore, especially when he made no effort to keep his voice down
low in order to escape over hearing by the gossiping tongues of the locals. “If I were
you, Commodore, I would not chase after someone who so obviously does not love me. A
woman who would rather marry a pirate or skewer you with one of my daggers than accept
your proposal does not sound like the trophy wife you seek, Commodore.”

That certainly pushed the commodore into action. Had Will not been anticipating
Norrington’s reaction, he would have most likely lost an ear. Fortunately, Will brought
Jack’s blade up just in time to parry the Governor’s movements and to take a step back.

“You dare to lecture me, Mr. Turner? You are out of line, sir.” Norrington spat the
last word out as though it was a vile thing. He advanced and lunged at Will; Will
parried deftly and moved to the side, his eyes constantly watching Norrington’s torso,
waiting for the barest hint of muscle movement to betray what his opponent would do next.

“I lecture no one, Commodore, I only speak of facts. It is not my problem if you do
not wish to listen to the facts.” Will lunged forward, catching Norrington off guard.
If Norrington wanted a fight, Will would give him one. He knew well the rules of
fencing, and he had learned that you did not win a fight by defending yourself, you
merely delayed the inevitable.

“How dare you!” Norrington thrust again and Will moved out of the way as the two began
circling each other. The clang and swish of two well made swords filled the air.
Norrington also carried one of Will’s blades, one of his best actually, but it was not
the spectacular piece that Will held in his own hand.

“How dare you, Commodore? Elizabeth does not want you. She would rather take her chances
in England than to marry you. That should tell you something, Commodore.” Will continued.
“If you were to go after her,” every few sentences Will would thrust or feign a movement
to keep the Commodore on his toes. “Catch up with her and bring her back,” thrust, “I am
not the only one,” feign, lunge, parry, “Who would protest or help her to get away from you.”

“Still keeping company with pirates, Mr. Turner?” thrust, “I would have thought,” thrust,
“you would have,” a series of chopping strikes aimed at forcing Will to retreat were dodged
as Will gracefully maneuvered out of Norrington’s way “learned your lesson by now.” A
feign high as he tried to come in low at Will’s exposed side. Will, however, was there,
almost expecting Norrington’s move.

“Pirates are better company than self absorbed Navy men who seek only power and things
they have no hope of gaining.” Will moved in lightning fast causing the Commodore to
stumble and barely block Will’s attack.

“You are out of line, Mr. Turner.” Norrington was beginning to sweat. “I shall have to
tell the new governor that one of his citizens keeps company with pirates when he arrives.”
Norrington resumed circling Will. He could not defeat the boy with the sword, so he would
have to defeat him with words.

“A new governor will not arrive for a few months yet and I shall be long gone by then,
Commodore.” They continued to watch each other, occasionally feigning but never engaging.

“Ah yes, you shall be long gone.” Norrington smiled cruelly as he lunged for Wills heart.
“You shall be dead.” Will parried the advance deftly. “I will see you hanged for piracy
long before the new governor arrives.” He moved in again to strike, but Will advanced,
forcing him to defend rather than to attack. Norrington broke away, his taunts and jabs
becoming harsher. “And just let your friend Sparrow try to save you. I shall have him
killed as well. And you will watch him swing before you join him in Hell.”

That was what pushed Will over the edge. Norrington should have learned by now that Will
didn’t take kindly to his friends’ lives being threatened or put in danger for any reason.
But the Commodore seemed to have a hard time grasping this concept and it was high time
Will taught it to him.

“You have gone too far, Commodore.” Will advanced on Norrington, tight, measured thrusts
and lunges, forcing Norrington to retreat backwards again and again. His blocks were
becoming hurried and his parries were fast becoming careless. Norrington tried once more
to gain the upper hand by feigning left with a sloppy attack towards Will’s shoulder and
then cutting downward. Will caught Norrington’s blade with Jack’s and forced the blade out
of Norrington’s hand, pushing the off-balanced and surprised Norrington to the ground; the
tip of his sword resting at Norrington’s throat.

“Now, Commodore, you will listen to me.” Will leaned down towards Norrington, the tip of
his sword never leaving Norrington’s neck. “I could kill you right here and now Commodore,
but I am a better man then you. I have more honor than you do as well. I do not attack a
man when his back is turned.” Will lowered his voice to a dangerously quiet level. “Here
and now, Norrington, you are going to swear to me that you will not go after Elizabeth.”

“Never,” Norrington spat.

“Never is such a long time, even when you do have a sword to your throat.” Will nicked the
skin of Norrington’s face and it began to bleed. Norrington flinched. Will smiled and spoke
again. “I had thought to do this quietly, but it seems I shall have to talk loud enough for
our audience to hear now. Pity.” Will plainly did not believe the last. He smirked as he
stood back up to his full height and began to speak loud enough so that his voice carried
into the gathering crowd.

“Just think, Commodore, what it would do to your reputation to go after a girl who has
plainly said she would rather kill you than marry you. Just think what people would say,
‘The Commodore wen’ afta d girl an’ she din’ wan’ non’ to do wit’ ‘im. Forced ‘er t’
come back, ‘e did. Forced ‘er t’ marry ‘im too. What a fool.’ Is that what you want,
Commodore? Don’t be rash. And as for your blatant threat that I should help you to
bring Elizabeth back or you would have me killed, you will do no such thing. You will
never have the opportunity to hang me, for while I remain in Port Royal I shall give you
no cause to have me arrested or hanged. Oh, and just so we are clear, if you ever lay a
finger on either Elizabeth or Jack again, I shall cut you open from navel to nose. Just
remember Commodore, I could have killed you today and I would have been in the right to
do so, but I did not. I spared your worthless life today, remember that you attacked a
man from behind, insulted him, threatened him, and it was you who ended up lying on the
ground with a sword pointed at your throat.”

Will spat on the ground, missing Norrington by mere inches, and removed the sword tip
from Norrington’s throat. He turned his back on Norrington, did not offer the other man
a hand to get up off the ground and kicked dirt onto Norrington’s lost blade.

Norrington used the nearby wall to help him stand and leaned against it for support as
he called out to Will. “Where will you go now, Mr. Turner? Shall you go after your
‘dearest Elizabeth’ or do you intend to turn pirate and join up with Sparrow?” Will
ignored Norrington’s remark and cleaned the blood off the tip of Jack’s sword. “I hope
you do join up with that drunken, treacherous waste of a life and worthless member of
society. Then I can see you both hanged, side by side. You will watch as he swings
from the gallows and this time you will not be able to save him! You will be strung up
next to him watching him dance from the hangman’s noose. Yes, Will Turner, I will see
you-” Norrington’s words were cut short as Will threw the blade that had been abandoned
on the ground directly into the wooden beam next to Norrington’s head, just close enough
to nick his ear.

“Commodore, I thought we went over this already -- threatening my friends will get you
naught but a painful death. Then again, death might be preferable to the criticism you
shall have to endure after this.” Will turned on his heal and began to stride away.

A livid Norrington moved to catch up to Will, grabbed him by the shoulder, spun him around
and brought his hand down with a loud SMACK! Norrington’s palm had made firm contact with
the side of Will’s face and Will was not one to stand by after having been insulted in
such a manner. Will’s right-hook struck Norrington’s face squarely in the eye. Norrington
hunched over in pain, his wig slipping from his head as he held onto his aching face. Will
kicked the wig towards Norrington. “Goodbye, Commodore. I take my leave of you and your
city. I shall be gone by ‘morrow noon, in search of my love.”

Will quickly made his way back to the shop and shut the door behind him, thankful to be
alone. He sunk down into a chair and rested his head on his arms on the table. He could
not believe what he had just done. He had crossed swords with Norrington and won! He had
insulted the man, as the man had insulted him. Norrington’s insults and threats had cut
him deeply, bringing Will’s fears about his and Jack’s deaths to the fore-front of his mind.
If his mind had not been made up before the fight, it was after it. Will needed to see Jack.
He needed to reassure himself that Jack was still alive and he wasn’t the rotting skeleton
that haunted his dreams and nightmares. And Will needed to know if Jack loved him too. Not
to mention that he needed to deliver Jack’s impressive sword to him.

The sword. It had served Will well in the fight. It was truly a masterfully designed piece
and it flew threw the air as though it had a mind of its own and knew its target before Will
did. Will examined the sword. The folded steel blade was inlaid with gold at the fuller.
The grip of the hilt was solid and it too was inlaid with crisscrossing strands of gold and
silver. Though the pattern was far more ornate and complex than was necessarily popular, it
would suit the pirate very well. The pommel was solid gold inlaid at the button with a rather
large ruby Will had swiped from the piles of treasure at the Isla de Muerta. The full, swept
guard was of a firm, yet intricate design and pattern, complete with a handful of black pearls
set into the outer guard (the loop guard, the crossguard, and the knuckle guard). Will
balanced the sword on his finger. Perfectly balance.

“’Tis a fine sword.” Will turned and pointed the sword in mention at the speaker. It was
Mr. Brown. He was standing up, with help from one of the beams supporting the ceiling.
“Will, you have far surpassed the training of an apprentice, and your skills are far beyond
those of a journeyman blacksmith. You have become a master blacksmith without my knowing
it.” Will had not heard him sound so lucid in years. He took a leather pouch out of the
inside of his vest. “Here.” He held out the bag to Will, who stood and walked over to Mr.
Brown and took the bag into his hands, and opened it up. Inside was fifty Spanish Galleons.
Will looked up, shocked.

“Sir, I don’t understand,” Will began, confused.

“It’s simple, young William. Just the swords you have left here in this shop will easily
amount to as much, and from what I have been hearing today, you need to leave Port Royal
as soon as possible. You would not be able to sell nearly enough of what you have by
tomorrow, so I am offering you a trade, the money for what you have left in the shop, minus
what you intend to use personally, of course. What do you say?” Will had no choice, not
that he really had any doubts about what to do.

“Agreed. Thank you Mr. Brown.” Will smiled and tucked the pouch into his shirt.

“After all, if you do turn pirate, how many people will want to claim that they own a sword
forged by the infamous Will Turner of the legendary damned ship the Black Pearl.” Will
laughed. He should have known there was some angle for Brown to make money in the situation.

“Thank you.” Will put out his hand and Brown shook it firmly. “Good voyage to you lad.”
And with that, Brown left the shop.

Will quickly got over the shock of his good luck. He had not expected to have so much
money leaving on this voyage, and he was suddenly thankful that he had a well-made trunk
with a seamless, shallow, fake bottom. Will took one of the coins out of the pouch, placed
it in his belt purse, and proceeded to empty his trunk. He placed the rest of the gold in
the hidden compartment beneath the false bottom, repacked the trunk with all of his belongings,
before adding his own personal sword (which he would use after giving Jack his sword), a
dagger, a knife, and a hatchet.

Will locked the trunk and made his way from the shop to the docks, looking for a slightly
disrespectful merchant ship whose captain would take him wherever he wanted, for the right

He spied The Spiteful Donkey, fondly known as ‘the Ass’ by her captain, John Southard, and
her crew. The ship was in fact leaving in little over an hour when Will arrived. It did
not take nearly as much monetary persuasion to convince Captain Southard to take him to
Tortuga as he had expected. The two men shook on the deal and Will vowed to be back within
the hour.

Will hurried to the baker’s shop and found Christopher closing up shop. “Chris!” Will
called to him.

“’Ello, Will.” The slightly younger man with flaming red hair and a good dusting of
freckles called back. “Wha’ can I do fer ye?”

“Might you be able to give me an' my trunk a lift to the docks?” Will tried not to sound
too hopeful.

“Surely. I’ll be by as soon as possible. Dominic should be back with the wagon any time
now.” Chris smiled at Will. ‘This would na ‘ave any t’in ter do wit’ yer fight wit’ d’
Commodore, wou’ it?” Will just smiled at Chris mischievously.

“Just bring that cart by as quick as you can.” Will disappeared down an ally and walked
into the blacksmith’s shop for the last time. He would miss the place, but not as much as
he would miss Jack if he were to stay.

Chris came by a few minutes later and the two hoisted Will’s trunk into the back of the
wagon for the short trip to the docks. Chris talked about his upcoming wedding to one
of the local seamstresses and in no time at all, they were at the dock where ‘the Ass’
was docked. Chris helped him get his trunk on board and two crewmembers showed them
down below decks to the hammock that Will would use for the next two days. They returned
topside and Will quickly said goodbye to his friend.

The ship set sail for Tortuga, much to some of the crew’s dismay. Will dined with captain
Southard in his cabin that night. “What business brings a blacksmith to Tortuga?” The
captain asked will in what he hoped was a conversational manner.

“I’m looking for someone,” Will said evasively.

“And, if ye don’t mind me askin’, who might this someone be?”

“A pirate.”

“A pirate, eh? There are an awful lot of those down in Tortuga. One pirate in particular,
or will any one do?”

“Oh, a specific one,” Will said in a tone that ended the conversation neatly.

The ship sailed on fairly calm seas for just over two days. They reached Tortuga near
sunset. They docked long enough for Will and his trunk to be let off and then they were
gone again.

Will bribed a young man to help him carry his trunk to one of the ‘nicer’ inns. Will
rented a room for the next two days, and retreated to his room to sleep for a few hours.

Around midnight, Will woke up ravenously hungry and in need of a drink. It had been a
long week and rum, Jack’s poison of choice, was beginning to sound awfully tempting.
Will took a seat towards the back where he could see everyone without everyone taking
notice of him. He gave his order to the serving wench and she returned moments latter
with a turkey leg and some rum. Will listened to the conversations going on around him
for news of the Pearl. Several prostitutes propositioned the ‘Pretty lad,’ but he brushed
them off.

It wasn’t until nearly dawn, when Will’s eye lids were beginning to sag from lack of sleep
and too much alcohol that word of the Pearl reached his ears.

“Aye! I swear Is seen i’! Not a week back! ‘Twer headed back ‘ere, mes thought. But
‘twer caught in dat storm de other day. Ain't been no word ‘bout ‘er since.”

This news made Will ill and he stumbled to his feet, anxious to get to his rented bed,
to go to sleep and hope that the conversation was naught but a figment of his alcohol-
clouded mind. Will stumbled into the room and onto the bed that Will did not want to
even attempt to identify the smells and stains on the bed. Will fell almost instantly

//The Black Pearl blends in with the inky darkness of the storm. Sea swells splash over
the sides of the ship. Jack stands at the wheel, trying to steer the ship threw the maze
of endless, impossibly large waves. Will calls out to him but he can not even hear his
own voice over the rain and wind. Lightning flashes in the distance and is followed
almost instantly by thunder. The storm is coming closer; ever closer. Will races to
Jack, but is swept off the stairs by a wave.


Lightning strikes the highest mast and sets the black sails aflame. Will calls out to
Jack, to tell him, but Jack seems oblivious to it all. Fire creeps ever closer to Jack,
and still he seems not to notice.


Will feels himself flying through the air before crashing painfully into the inky-water.
Will fights to get to the surface, his lungs burning for air. He almost wishes he hadn’t
made it to the surface when he sees what awaits him. The Pearl is naught but flaming

Will screams out into the night.

It is day and Will seems to hover above the water. There is sea, endless sea surrounding
him. Jack! Jack lays almost motionless on a piece of wreckage. His clothes are a wreck
and his skin is covered by burns. His breath comes in jagged gasps. Will tries to touch
Jack, but his hand passed right through him. Will sits there and watches as Jack fries
in the sun, alone and with no help in sight. Will feels so helpless.//

Will awoke some time in the afternoon with a slight hangover, which could have been much
worse. He raised his hand to rub sleep from his eyes and was surprised to find that his
cheeks were wet with tears. His dreams and nightmares had always made real his deepest
fears, and if his dreams of late were any indication, Will’s greatest fears involved
losing Jack. Slowly, Will opened his eyes, squinting to keep out the damnable sunlight.

Will made to sit up, but found himself hindered. His hand was grasping the hilt of Jack’s
sword so tightly it hurt. It was an effort to command his fingers to release the hilt.
Painfully Will stretched his cramped fingers and sat up, taking a look around the room.
His head was spinning a little and he most definitely had a headache. Will slowly swung
his feet to the floor and tested them before standing on them. With a groan and the
assistance of the bed post, Will stood up. “Mornin, luv.” And fell over.

*That voice. It sounded like…No, it can’t be…* “Jack?” Will’s voice came out a croak
as he tried to make his muscles work in the proper fashion and stand up.

He was abruptly pulled to his feet and came face to face with the most beautiful sight
he had ever seen. For a moment, he was sure he was going to faint with happiness. Jack
Sparrow held him upright with a hand on each of his arms. Jack’s gold and ivory smile
shined and his eyes sparkled with mischief. His hair was held back with its customary
red bandana, though the hat was missing. And Will could smell the distinct aroma of
rum, salt, and unwashed pirate. “Aye, 'tis me, Captain Jack Sparrow.”

“Jack!” Will threw his arms around his friend, his love. Jack was warm and solid.
He laughed and hugged Will back. “You need a bath.” Will mumbled into Jack’s shoulder.

“Nice to see you too, whelp.” He released Will and draped his arm around Will’s shoulder,
causing Will to stumble again until Jack steadied him. “So did you miss ol’ Jack?” he
asked with a toothy grin.


Chapter 5: Of Conversation and Things Left Unsaid

Will longed to let the truth just spill from his lips. He wanted to tell Jack that not
a day went by when he didn’t think of him, and his eyes, and his hair, and his smile,
and the sound of his voice, and, well, everything! About the good dreams, which had
generally involved quite a bit of kissing, groping, and other such wonderful things
that could be done with a naked Jack, be he sober or not. And Will wanted to tell him
about the nightmares, and to promise Jack that he would always be there to save him,
whether it was a rash and fool hearty statement or not. But most of all Will wanted
to let the words of love flow from his lips. He wanted Jack to smile and laugh and
then sweep him off his feet, kiss him thoroughly and deposit him back on the seedy bed.
But Will did none of the things he wanted to, and instead, smiled at Jack as only a
person in love can, and laughed.

“Now why on Earth would I miss you?” Will teased. Jack raised an eyebrow, and with a
mock look of shock and dismay, and with exaggerated slowness, took his arm off Will’s
shoulders and stepped away from the younger man, causing Will to again stumble, as Jack
had been the one keeping him upright.

“You alright there, luv? You look as though you could use a bit o’ rum to steady
yerself.” Jack flashed Will one of his trademark grins as he found perch, leaning his
back against the nearest wall and crossing his arms loosely over his chest, occasionally
using one arm to gesture while he spoke. Will felt as though an entire flock of butter-
flies had taken up residence in his stomach.

“How ‘bout you an’ I go down stairs an’ I can tell you why you’ve missed me over a nice
bottle of rum, savvy?” Jack’s smile never faltered and Will could not help the faint
blush that painted his cheeks.

“Aye, that sounds like a plan.” Will smiled and Jack, swaggering all the way, led him out
of his room and down the stairs to the common room where Will had listened to pirates talk
the night before. Jack lead him to the back of the half-full room, right to the table where
Will had sat the night before. Will froze. He could still hear the voice of the pirate
ringing in his ears. *“‘twer caught in dat storm de other day. Ain't been no word ‘bout
‘er since.”* An involuntary shudder rippled down Will’s back as the sight of a burnt and
broken Jack Sparrow floated beneath him, dying, and there was nothing he could do about it.

“Lad?” Jack asked in a concerned voice when Will seemed to freeze in his tracks and his
mind seemed far away. Will did not even hear Jack when he spoke. Jack looked carefully
at Will, examining the pale features of the boy. *He’s no boy, Jack,* Jack reminded himself.
*He’s a bloody pirate! And the son of a bloody good pirate too!* The look in Will’s eyes
read as muddy mixture of fear and pain. “Will?” Jack’s voice lacked its usual carefree
(or careless, some might say) intonation and Jack sounded quite sober and concerned. It
took Jack grabbing Will’s arm to shake him out of his unpleasant reverie.

“What? Sorry, Jack, my mind must have been elsewhere.” Will smiled, laughing it off, though
Jack noticed that the laughter never reached Will’s eyes. Jack’s usual half-drunken manner
slipped back into place, though his dark eyes were keen and alert, and they were focused on

“No problem mate. How bout that rum?” With a tilt of his head, a charming smile and a wink,
Jack signaled the serving wench, who was being harassed a bit on the other side of the room,
and she came to get their order.

Jack flirted and teased the woman, who could not have been more than a year or two older
than Will himself, to the point where she blushed like a proper English lady, a fact
which Will found rather entertaining.

A frown suddenly creased Will’s brow. He did not look so much upset but more concentrat-
ing very hard on one thing in particular. Jack, noticing that his companion’s attention
no longer was on him opened his mouth to speak and was interrupted by the serving wench
who deposited two pewter tankards of beer and a sealed bottle of rum on the table along
with some sort of meat that Jack did not want to examine all that closely. Jack immediately
lifted the tankard to his mouth and let the beer slide down his throat as if it were naught
but water, which Will supposed it was to Jack.

“How did you find me?” Will asked suddenly, his eyes piercing into Jack's almost accusatorily.
Jack took another swallow of beer before speaking.

“Oh, well, you know,” he used his slightly grimy hands for emphasis when he spoke.
“There really wasn’t much to it, if you catch my meaning.” Will obviously did not
believe Jack’s story, so the pirate tried a different approach: extreme nonchalance
bordering on boredom. “You know a little bit of information here, a little bit there.”

Will raised an eyebrow at Jack as he drank from his own tankard. “The truth, Jack.”
Will tried to sound stern, but a smile played at the corner of his mouth, which he tried
to hide by taking another drink.

“Ran into a merchant ship today,” Jack said almost brightly, and seemingly out of no where
and for no reason in particular. Will let him continue, hoping that Jack was not just
trying to change the subject.

“By ‘ran into’ you mean you attacked?” Will asked, surprising Jack with the lack of his
old accusatory intonation in reference to pirating.

“Not exactly.” Jack leaned in across the table towards Will, his voice becoming more
animated (if possible) as he described the encounter. “You see, we were a bit surprised
to see a nice merchant ship sailing from Tortuga, and we thoughts we might be having a bit
o’ friendly conversation with them.”

Jack paused and looked to Will, who raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Jack shrugged
and continued on. “We came upon them fast and they didn’t have a chance. A slow little
ship, older, and no cannons. Nothing really special about it, it just piqued my curiosity
why a merchant ship would be sailing from Tortuga, seeing as it’s a favorite past time
round these parts to torture merchants. Must’ve been something pretty valuable for them
to have come within ten leagues of here.”

Will drank deeply from his tankard, trying to stop the combined nausea (for he had a feeling
where this story was going) and the fluttering that seemed to only increase as Jack spoke,
caressing Will’s ears with their tones and forcing Will to concentrate hard to understand
what Jack was even saying. “Interestin’ name, that ship had. The Stubborn Donkey. Didn’t
put up much of a fight, after all, this is The Pearl we be talking about.” Jack paused for
a moment to gauge Will’s reaction, which was masked by the tankard, whose contents Will seemed
intent on consuming as quickly as possible, ant that alone was enough of a response for Jack
to continue.

“Seems the crew had taken to calling her The Ass. Amusing name. Well, we searched the
ship, port to stern, found little of value. A few bottles of wine, a few handfuls of silver
-- nothing of any great value. At least till we searched the captain. Found somethin’
interestin’ there. Seems he had recently come into possession of a gold doubloon. Now
this tale needed telling before I decided what to do with the ship. And quite the
interestin’ tale it was.”

Will Turner was a lovely scarlet shade and he seemed to be able to look anywhere that
wasn’t at Jack Sparrow, which only made Jack grin. “He said he’d been docked in Port
Royal three days back. Said there was quite a commotion in the streets. Somethin’
about a duel between a tradesman, a blacksmith if I’m not mistaken, and a British Navy
officer, a captain or commodore, someone of high rank. Seems the young tradesman won
the duel, even with the officer fighting dirty. The merchant captain said the lad who
won was a fair impressive sight with a sword in his hand. Fair impressive sight was
the sword itself too. Made by an expert at his trade. Well, seems as though this same
lad shows up and offers the captain of The Ass a gold, Spanish doubloon in exchange for
passage to Tortuga. It seems the captain of The Ass was in some sort of trouble and was
needing the money enough to take it. After all, only a fool would pass up an offer like
that. When I asked what business the lad had in Tortuga, the captain said that the lad
only said that he was ‘lookin’ for a pirate, a specific one.’ Fancy that. Well, now, it
didn’t take ol’ Jack here long to put two and two together.”

Will was frozen to the spot. He wanted to both get up and run as fast as he could out of
the dimly lit room and to stay right where he was and listen to Jack talk for the rest of
his life. His hear pounded in his chest. He wanted to lean across the table and kiss
Jack like a saucy and daring prostitute. He wanted to--

Will was distracted from his train of thought as Jack returned to talking, seemingly
oblivious to Will’s warring emotions. “I had to wonder just how many ‘Will Turner’s’
there were in Port Royal. And just how many of them were blacksmiths. And how many of
those were a fair hand with a sword. Or were likely to be using their skills in an
impromptu duel with a commodore. And how many of them were acquaintances with pirates.
It seemed that there could only be one, after all, just how many Will-Turner-expert-
blacksmith- and-swordsmnn-who-is-disliked-by-a-commodore-and-is- friends-with-a-notorrius-
pirate are there? So we took what was necessary, left the ship whole and the crew mostly
unscathed (I was feeling generous today) and set sail for Tortuga. Looked for the most
respectable place ‘round here and then turned on the Jack Sparrow charm and flirted with
the owner of this here establishment ‘till I found what room you were staying in.”

Will shook his head and for some reason he seemed to feel a pang of jealousy run through
his heart. “You are something, Jack. You’ll flirt with anything in a skirt to get what
you want, won’t you?” Jack took notice of Will’s ‘odd’ behavior and catalogued it in his
mind for future consideration.

“Nay, you misunderstood me, whelp! While most of what you said might be true, I assure
you he wasn’t wearing a skirt!” Jack smiled brilliantly and Will was entirely caught off
guard. He blinked at Jack and opened and closed his mouth several times, unable to form
coherent thoughts and doubting that his ears had heard correctly, while at the same time
praying that they had. Jack chuckled and sat back in his seat, enjoying the expressions
Will was making.

“See, I was telling you the truth.” Jack looked at Will intently. Will could not help
but meet Jack’s intense gaze. “I’d never lie to you, Will; I may omit the truth from
time-to-time, but an all out lie…” Jack let the sentence hang in the air. Will blushed
and averted his eyes. He noticed that Jack absent-mindedly ran the tip of his finger
lightly around the rim of his nearly empty tankard as the silence between the two grew
larger and more poignant.

Suddenly, Jack licked his finger, downed the rest of his drink and picked up the still
sealed bottle of rum and stood up, a handful of coins clattering to the table for payment.
“How ‘bout we find a better place to share this bottle of rum?” Jack had a mischievous
glint in his eye. Will narrowed his eyes slightly. “It's too nice out for us to stay in
here all night,” Jack said by means of an explanation.

Will nodded and soon found himself following after Jack like a pet on a leash. Jack wound
his way through the maze of streets, somehow parting the crowd as he went. It seemed to
Will that Jack’s charm went into over drive as constant murmurs of “ 'Scuse me,” and
“Sorry ‘bout that,” were intermingled with smirks, half-smiles and winks. Will soon
realized that they were making for the docks, and for The Black Pearl. Jack walked with
confidence of a king, the swagger of the local drunk, and the charm of the greatest actors.

Jack beamed as they came upon The Pearl. Even without her sails out she was a frightening
and magnificent ship. Legend said that the wood of the ship was stained with the blood of
it’s victims, though Will thought that to be highly unlikely as the sod was a blackish gray
rather than the brown-red of old blood. Jack made his way up the gangplank and onto his
ship, with a greeting to Duncan who was on watch. Will stopped and stared. It was as though
a picture from one of his day-dreams had come to life. Jack stood proudly on the deck of
his ship, one hand on his hip, the other holding a bottle of rum. Will felt heat rush
through his body at the thought of where such dreams often ended up.

Jack turned to see Will staring up at him from the dock, looking at him and not seeing him
at the same time. Jack was beginning to worry about the boy, his behavior that day was
unusual to say the least, but it did give him a chance to watch the boy without being
caught. He watched as Will’s sensuous lips ghosted into a smile and his whole body seemed
to relax. Jack could have spent the entire day watching Will, remembering every little
detail of the brunet who was painted so beautifully in the summer sun.

Will shook himself out of his reverie and looked up to see Jack looking back at him, the
oddest expression on his face. The expression was quickly replaced by a cat-got-the-cream
grin as Jack called to him, “Are you comin’ aboard or will I have to drink this all by me
onesies?” Will smiled back at his friend and boarded the ship.

*How can anyone flop onto the ground so damned gracefully!?* Will wondered as Jack sat
himself on the deck and leaned back against one of the masts.

Will watched as his friend broke the seal of wax round the bottle of rum and then took a
long swig of it. Will watched as the lids of Jack’s eyes slid shut to touch their kohl
darkened mates. The muscles in Jack’s throat contracted with each swallow and Will himself
swallowed, though more from nervous anxiety than from anything else. Jack offered the bottle
to him a moment later and Will took the proffered bottle. Leaning against the mast Jack
was sitting at, Will too slid into a sitting position.

They passed the bottle of rum back and forth for a bit, neither saying anything, just
enjoying each other’s company and a bottle of good rum. The companionable silence was
something Will treasured, loved, and longed for on lonely nights in the forge with only
a donkey for company. He and Elizabeth were not unused to companionable silence, but it
was a rare thing for them of late, seeing as it was improper for a lady to be alone with
a man, particularly a man beneath her station. But companionable silence with Jack was
another thing all together. You could almost hear the wheels in Jack’s head turn as he sat
there thinking about something or other, weather that something was which ship they would
go after next or which verse of the song Elizabeth had taught him, it didn’t matter. The
silence was filled by friendship, an unusual one perhaps, but a friendship none the less.

And it was filled with other things. It was filled with Will’s desire for Jack. There was
only about a foot separating the two of them after all, and it would be so easy for Will to
inch his way over until…

“So where has the lovely lady gone off to this time that you again need my help to rescue
her?” Jack’s tone was even, which might not have seemed unusual to the casual bystander,
but Will knew it was a sign that Jack was annoyed.

“Elizabeth?” Will asked, trying to decide the best way to go about the conversation
without saying too much.

“No, the other lass you were willing to risk your neck and turn pirate to save,” Jack
joked, but it seemed a tad bit forced. Will wished he could see Jack’s face from where
he sat, but he could not.

“I don’t know where she is.” Will answered truthfully. He took a deep breath and continued
while he still had the courage to speak and before he thought too much about what he was
saying. “Governor Swann died.” The audible sound of Jack putting the bottle of rum down
between them.

“If that’s the case, shouldn’t I be congratulatin’ you? After all, when I left the two of
you seemed rather cozy.” This was not going at all how Will had intended. He stood up a
bit to fast and lost his balance for a moment, catching the mast for support and closing
his eyes.

“No. It's not like that.” Will said, his eyes still closed.

“Is it not? Then tell me lad, what is it like?”

“We weren’t meant to be together. We’re not in love with each other. We never were.”
Will mentally crossed his fingers and hoped he was doing the right thing.

“Oh really? I seem to recall the two of you risking your lives to save each other’s
hides more than once. I’d call that love.” Jack had stood up and was now facing Will.

“Yes, I love her. But I’m not in love with her.” Will kept his eyes down.

“So you love the girl, but you’re not in love with the girl.”

“Correct.” Will chanced a look up and saw that Jack was looking rather thoughtful and
stroking his braided beard.

“And she feels the same?”

“Yes. She turned me down when I asked her to marry me. After she found out her father
died, I mean.” Will hurriedly added though he wasn’t sure why.

“Stop me when I get something wrong.” Will nodded. “So you ask your orphaned friend to
marry you to save her from marrying a complete stranger or worse yet, that horrible
Commodore Norrington.” Jack enhanced his speech with exaggerated words and exuberant
hand gestures. “So she leaves Port Royal for… England, I’d assume, and before leaving
she pissed off the good Commodore enough that he thought he would confront you about it.
You win the fight and charter a merchant ship to Tortuga to find The Pearl and convince
us to go after the girl.” By this time Jack was counting off points on his fingers.

“Stop.” Will said quietly, his voice oddly hoarse. “Your right on most accounts, but
not on the last. Yes I asked her to marry me to save her from marrying Norrington, yes
she left Port Royal to head eventually to England, and yes, you were right about the
Commodore and me fighting. But I did not come here to ask you to help me find Elizabeth!”
Will’s temper was getting out of hand. Perhaps it was the rum, or maybe Will was just
cracking under pressure, or maybe it was his defenses going up; after all, if no one got
close he couldn’t get hurt.

Will stepped away from Jack and made his way towards the gangplank. He couldn’t think
straight, and when he couldn’t think he had a tendency to blurt things out and to say
things that he would later regret.

“Will, come now! Don’t get upset!” Jack’s usual drawl was back, which seemed to do
naught but add fuel to the fire.

“Forget it Jack,” Will was quickly descending to the dock. “I shouldn’t have come here.”

Will quickly walked towards the ladder at the other end of the dock leading down to the beach.

A rather confused and perplexed Jack followed after the apparently very angry Will.

Will walked quickly, occasionally picking up a rock and throwing it hard into the water.

Jack kept up with Will, staying a dozen or so paces behind so as not to be hit by one of
the rocks Will seemed so fond of throwing.

Finally Will stopped, his breathing was coming in shortened gasps. Jack caught up to
Will and stood with his arm leaning against the nearest palm tree. “If you wanted me
to go with you on a walk mate, all you had to do was ask.” Jack sounded sincere despite
the light tone. Will wanted to find another meaning in those words, a deeper value that
meant that Jack truly had feelings for him, but Will couldn’t let himself dream things
like that.

“Go back, Jack.” Will sounded almost defeated and that frightened Jack. Where was that
fire in the face of adversity? Where was the firry young man who had put a pistol to his
own head to save his friends?

“Sorry, whelp, I can’t be doing that.” Jack took a few steps towards Will.

“Jack, just leave me alone.” Will’s temper flared and his hand when to the hilt of the
sword he wore at his waist.

“I can’t do that, Will.”

In an instant, Will had drawn the sword he carried and pointed it at Jack. “I said, Go.

“And I said no.” Jack ducked beneath Will’s blade, rolled out of the way and drew his
own sword as he righted himself.

The two circled each other, both weary to fight, their desire to not want to hurt each
other warring with their drive to win.

A few timid, testing lunges and parries they began to fight in earnest, neither gaining
the upper hand. Words were the key to Will’s undoing and Jack used that fact as leverage.
The right amount of pressure at the precise moment…

“Interesting sword you’ve got there.” Those words were just enough to make Will falter
momentarily; just enough for Jack to use his sword to catch Will’s and disarm him.

The blade flew through the air and Jack caught it deftly in his left hand, pointing both
at Will.

“I yield.” Will said quietly. Jack returned his sword to its rightful position on his
person and began to examine the sword Will had been carrying.

Will watched as Jack examined every inch of the sword. Will felt exposed having someone
stair at something so personal to him. He felt as though Jack was looking into his very
soul and his eyes were not even on him! Will blushed and suddenly seemed to find his
shoes extraordinarily interesting.

Time ticked by slowly and still Jack examined the sword. Will looked up again. Jack’s
hands ran lithely across the blade, from the fuller and forte, across the middle ridge,
past the terzo, along the foible and then his finger lightly grazed the point, testing
it’s sharpness, and smiling when he cut his finger on its exceptionally keen edge.

The way Jack handled the weapon, with such a gentle touch…Will would have given every
doubloon in the Spanish Maine to have been that sword just then. To be caressed by
Jack’s tan, weathered, calloused hands…Will barley swallowed the moan that threatened to
escape from his lips. As it was, he was quite glad for the long vest that covered past
his hips and hid the slight bulge in the crotch of his breeches. Will flushed again.

“Your craftsmanship has improved immensely, Will. I have never seen such a well made
sword forged in the New World. This piece could rival those made by even the masters in
Toledo, Milan, and Solingen(1).” It was respect and perhaps a touch of awe that colored
Jack’s speech as he presented the sword back to Will hilt first. “This is a magnificent
weapon, Will. It is obvious even to the common layman that this sword is…unique to you.
Take care of her, she’ll serve you well.”

Will swallowed. He could feel himself walking on the edge of a knife, careful balancing
what he said and did.

Will held up his hands in a gesture that obviously meant that he would not take the weapon
back. “No she won’t, Jack.” Will took a deep breath and met Jack’s confused gaze with his
intense one. “She will serve you well.”

The look in Jack’s eyes was one of surprise, elation, confusion, and denial. He shook his
head. “I cannot take it, Will.’ He tried to pass it to Will again, but Will would have
none of it.

“But you must!” Will’s fire and energy were fast returning. “I mean…It’s yours, Jack.”
Jack opened his mouth to argue. “I made it for you,” Will paused, “it was part of the
reason I came to find you.”

Jack stared at Will and then back at the sword. His. His sword. A sword that Will had
made for him. His heart beat faster in his chest and he swallowed the lump in his throat.
“I don’t know what to say,” Jack said honestly, eliciting a chuckle from Will, who was
quite happy with himself for having succeeded in making Jack Sparrow speechless. “Thank
you, Will.” He met Will’s eyes and was happy to see the content look on Will’s face.

Jack grinned and tried a few practice lunges and cuts with his new sword. She fit perfectly
into his hand. It was as though Will knew exactly what Jack sought for in a blade. Perfect
weight, balance, length, and the design was just elegant and showy enough to make Jack happy.

As Jack pranced around with his new sword, thrusting, blocking, ducking and gutting at
invisible foes, Will looked on. A sense of contentment and satisfaction filled him. He
had mad Jack a good sword, a great sword that would serve him well. Will bit his lip.
He wondered if Jack could feel the emotions Will put into every hammer of the steel. He
wondered if the gift was enough; though enough for what, Will had yet to figure out.

Jack, grinning still, came up to Will and draped an arm across Will’s shoulder. “How bout
we head back to The Pearl and finish off that bottle of rum? Savvy?” Will turned his head
and smiled.


Jack took his old sword out of its sheath and threw it to Will, who caught it deftly.
“We can’t go around depriving one of the best swordsmen this side of the Atlantic of a
sword.” He winked and sheathed his new sword where the old one once stayed, his hand
ever caressing the hilt.

Will sheathed Jack’s old sword and followed after the crazy pirate who was quietly singing
the song Elizabeth had taught him.

The sun was beginning to set and Will stopped to look at it. After what seemed like years
of sunsets spent waiting for Jack and The Black Pearl to return to Port Royal, Will was
finally reunited with them both. His feelings for Jack had not changed since they were
reunited, but Will would not do anything to jeopardize his friendship with the unusual
pirate, even if that meant… “Nearly every day I watched for you, for The Pearl. Always
hoping that I would see the ship that was like a nightmare herself, cutting a shadow into
the setting sun.” Will closed his eyes.

“You said that this sword was one of the reasons you came here. Why else?” Jack was
suddenly very close. Will had not noticed that the pirate had turned around and walked
back towards him.

He was less than an arm’s length away. Will swallowed nervously and forced himself to
keep eye contact with Jack. “I came back because I can’t deny that I’m a pirate.” Jack
grinned at this. “And,” Will took a deep breath, “I would rather die at your side than
live the life of a Master Blacksmith.” Will could not bring himself to say anymore, and
feared that he had said too much as it was. Jack looked at Will with something akin to
awe on his face.

Will stood there, his skin the color of cream in the light of the setting sun. Much of
the hair that had been held back by its leather thong had come undone and what was too
short to be tucked behind his ears fell gracefully into his face. Will’s eyes burned
with emotion as he spoke as if he weighed and measured each word before he said it.
Will’s eyes told of things unsaid: of fire and passion, of raw desire, of lust and perhaps
even of love.

Jack closed the distance between them in one step. He searched Will’s eyes for a moment
before placing a finger beneath Will’s chin and gently bringing his lips together with Will’s.

Will’s heart beat uncontrollably as Jack’s chapped lips came in contact with his own.
The gentle, innocent and chaste kiss sent a jolt of electricity through his body and Will
found himself wrapping his arms around Jack and pulling them closer together. Will gasped
at the feeling, for Jack’s strong, muscled physique flush against his own. Jack took the
opportunity to let his tongue gently and deftly delve into Will’s mouth.

Will playfully darted his tongue into Jack’s mouth and they battled for supremacy. Jack
seemed intent on memorizing every inch of Will’s mouth. Beneath the faint lingering taste
of rum was Will’s own unique flavor and Jack decided that rum tasted far better in Will’s
mouth than it did coming out of a bottle.

Will himself was in heaven. Jack kissed him in a way he’d never thought possible. They
broke for air, panting. Already Will missed Jack’s taste and the feel of his tongue in
his mouth. He moaned softly and brought their lips together in a more intense and demanding

Jack pulled away, panting for breath. Will smiled. Jack’s lips were bruised a darker red
as Will imagined his still-tingling lips were. They were both smiling recklessly and Jack
laughed quietly.

Jack leaned over and kissed Will’s forehead and eyelids and nose before lightly kissing
his mouth again. “We should head back while there’s still light enough to see by.” Jack
said sensibly, though his body sincerely objected to anything that took it away from Will’s
welcoming body.

“Mmm,” Will nodded in agreement and reluctantly stepped away from Jack.

They walked in almost perfect silence back to the ship, both afraid that if they started
talking they would stop walking and start groping, and soon enough find themselves on
their backs, lying in the sand.

Not soon enough they were on the dock walking towards The Black Pearl. Jack strode on
ahead. He turned and offered Will a hand to help Will board, despite the fact that Will
did not need any assistance. Will threw Jack a heated glance and Jack met it for a moment
before breaking eye contact.

“Welcome aboard The Black Pearl.” Jack grinned wickedly. Will grinned back.

“If I’m staying, I’m going to need my trunk.” Will said practically, trying to keep
thoughts about Jack’s lips out of his mind.

“I’ll send Kursar and Matelot for it.” Jack said casually as he strode off in the
direction of the two still mostly-sober crewmen, giving them orders and then returning to
Will’s side. “Satisfied?”

“Not yet.” Will grinned.

“We’re going to have to remedy that.” Jack laughed as he led the way to his cabin.


Chapter 6: Of Actions and Mutiny

The door to Captain Jack Sparrow’s quarters was barely shut when Will found himself
roughly pushed back into said door. The gentle kisses they had shared on the beach
were morphing into demanding, passionate lip-locks that cried out for more. Jack pressed
his body full against Will’s, then roughly rubbed their groins together. Will gasped.
The fact that Jack was just as hard as he made him groan into Jack’s mouth.

It wasn’t enough to just be pinned to a wall with Jack pressed against him; Will needed to
feel Jack’s naked flesh. Will’s hands pawed at Jack’s clothes, uncertain where to begin
in the process of undressing his companion. Jack seemed to sense Will’s frustration as
well as his desire. Jack trailed kisses along Will’s jawbone and to his ear. Jack’s
warm tongue lightly traced the shell of Will’s ear and the younger man groaned.

Jack’s voice was little more than hot air caressing Will’s ear. “How 'bout we move this
to the bed?” A pleasurable shutter ran down Will’s spine.

“Aye.” Will managed as a shaky reply.

“Good.” Jack stepped away from Will, much to Will’s displeasure, and divested himself of
his vest, belt, boots and effects. Will’s eyes were riveted to Jack’s fingers as he worked.
Jack was now clad only in well-worn shirt and pants that did little to conceal his arousal.
Will licked his lips and swallowed repeatedly. He longed to kiss and lick every inch of the
pirate, particularly that bit of flesh exposed by this untied shirt.

“You like what you see, whelp?” Jack teased. Will could not move, could not even manage a
tiny ‘yes,’ and replied with only nods that spoke volumes. They told of desire and longing,
and an insatiable hunger.

Jack chuckled at Will’s sudden inability to move or speak. Jack took pity on Will and
approached him again. Jack met Will’s hot gaze and grabbed Will by his belt, pulling
Will towards his bed.

Will was so absorbed in the depths of Jack’s hazel-brown eyes that he was surprised to
suddenly feel a bed pressing against the backs of his legs. Jack pushed him playfully
and Will fell backwards.

Jack stood back and watched as a surprised Will sat up and glared at him. Jack just
smiled mischievously, leaned over, and kissed Will lightly. Will put his hand at the
back of Jacks head and pulled him down into a deeper kiss, tongues sliding across each
other in an elegant battle where there was no victor or conquest.

Without breaking the kiss, Jack maneuvered them both onto the bed fully and straddled
Will’s hips.

They broke for air and Jack began deftly unbuttoning Will’s quilted jerkin. Jack
lightly pushed Will’s hands away as they moved to help. Will tried to meet Jack’s
eyes, but Jack appeared to be preoccupied with his task of disrobing Will.

Will loved the feeling of Jack’s weight on top of him, undressing him. With marginal
effort on Jack’s part, he removed Will’s jerkin, belt, and shoes, all of which were now
haphazardly piled on the floor next to the bed.

Will took the advantage of Jack being slightly distracted and off balance from removing
Will’s shoes to reverse their positions, pinning Jack’s wrists to the bed beside his head
with a grin.

“Do as you like, whelp. I’ll not break.” Jack’s twinkling eyes met Will’s, and Will saw
the naked desire in them. While Jack seemed to be at his usual, carefree but in control,
his eyes spoke differently. Will could feel the fire in them slowly burning off the
façade that was normally in place. Will grinned recklessly. He would make Jack forget
everything, and he would see the naked, unguarded emotions play across the pirate's face,
and he would make him scream.

Jack noticed the almost calculating look on Will’s face and raised an eyebrow in question,
but the question died there because Will brought his lips down to tease Jack’s. Will lay
his body down on Jack’s and gently rolled his hips into the pirate's. Jack growled and
Will brought their hips together once more.

While his hips set an excruciatingly slow rhythm of near torturous friction, Will’s
hands untucked Jack’s shirt and brought it up over the pirate’s head. Will bit his
lip to keep from moaning at the sight of the half-naked man before him. Jack’s tan
and well-defined muscled torso was smooth beneath Will’s roaming hands.

Will was almost drooling over the possibilities before him. He started by kissing down
from Jack’s mouth, suckling at the hollow of his throat, before moving further down,
teasing with feather light kisses, gentle nips at Jack’s skin, and soothing laps of his
tongue against abused flesh. Will pinched one of Jack’s nipples, making the pirate
squirm beneath him. Will teased Jack's other nipple to harness before gently lapping at
each pert nub in turn. Short, barely there caresses, long, languid strokes, every action
teasing Jack, making the pirate wonder just what else Will could do with that tongue.

Jack groaned as Will’s hand dipped between his thighs and slid up until it rested on the
cloth covered bulge in Jack’s pants. Jack seemed to be holding his breath, waiting for
Will’s next move. Will’s hand firmly grabbed Jack through his clothes.

Will could feel Jack becoming harder in his hand and he grinned.

Will apparently wasn’t moving fast enough for Jack’s tastes, and soon found himself on
his back on the bed again. Jack grinned down at Will, his wild hair a bit more mussed
than usual, hung down around Jack’s face, giving him a darker, more mysterious look.
Will gulped. Jack’s weight on top of him was comforting in the way no woman was. Will
had paid for a whore’s services on occasion, and had bedded a few of the local girls as
well, but nothing compared to Jack. Jack was all muscle and tanned skin. He was firm
and hard - Jack’s thrust reminded him.

Jack’s hands seemed to be able to be everywhere at once – caressing Will’s skin, teasing
brown nipples, depriving him of his shirt… Not that Will would have complained. He was
in heaven, pure and simple. Jack's hands and tongue were almost tormenting in their
incessant assault on Will’s writhing body.

When Jack’s hand slipped to the buttons of Will’s breeches, intent on following the
light trail of hair on his abdomen to its still hidden source, Will froze. Jack,
fearful that he had gone too far too fast, froze as well.

“Do you want this, Will?” Jack asked, his voice husky, his words seeming to take longer
to pronounce. Will, breathing in short, shallow breathes, nodded.

“Yes.” The croaked reply was full of the painful need for release. Will looked at Jack
as if to say ‘if you stop now I will run you through with your shiny new sword and baptize
it with your blood.’ The verbal and nonverbal responses clear, Jack proceeded to unbutton
Will’s breeches and slip his hand beneath Will’s linen underpants.

Will gasped. Jack’s hand, Jack’s hot, calloused, and slightly rough hand was gently
stroking him -- Petting was more like it. Will grew painfully hard at Jack’s feather
light touch. Will growled at Jack, his verbal skills apparently limited to muttered and
growled obscenities in a variety of languages.

“FUCK!” Will cried out as Jack released Will’s enlarged member from its cloth confines
and wrapped his fist around it. Someone else’s, Jack’s hand was pumping him, putting
pressure in all the right spots, thumb teasing the now weeping slit. This was Jack,
not some whore or drunken sailor, or even himself who was pleasuring him. This was the
handsome and devilish pirate who was dragging him over the edge.

“I…can’t.” Will panted, trying to get his point across. Jack just grinned and sped up
his pace. “Shit!”

Will’s hands were balled into the sheets below him. His hips thrust uncontrollably into
Jack’s pumping fist. Jack’s other hand moved up to toy and tease Will’s already erect
nipples. Will gasped and moaned.

Will could not hold on any longer and let himself go with a strangled cry. Warm,
sticky liquid covered Jack’s hand and Will’s stomach. Will’s breathing was coming in
shallow, shaky gasps, which wasn’t addled by the fact that Jack was idly drawing
patterns in the sticky mess on Will’s stomach while waiting for the young man to recover.

Will loved the feeling of Jack’s fingers idly dancing across his abdomen, occasionally
tickling his sides. With a satisfied smirk, Will sat up and brought his lips together
with Jack’s. Things were just beginning to heat up again when something crashed above them.

Jack pulled away from Will reluctantly, and put a hand to Will’s lips, warning him to be
quiet. Jack listened intently to be sure that the noise they’d heard had been naught but
an intoxicated brawl. Silence. Jack waited another minute, just to be sure, and then
returned to kissing Will thoroughly.

The crack of breaking wood, the smash of some sort of pottery or glass, and the faint noise
of scuffle above decks caused Jack to break their kiss again. Jack growled, “I’ll kill
‘em,” and pulled away from Will again, annoyance and anger flared in his eyes. Jack stood
up and hastily searched for his shirt on the floor of the cabin in the dim room. Swearing
a bit, Jack found his flint and steel and lit a candle to see by.

This was not the wisest choice fore the captain to make if he actually intended to leave
the cabin any time in the near future. Will’s relaxed form was now lit by the gentle
candlelight, extenuating and highlighting Will’s entire body, making Jack long to explore
and memorize every inch of light and shadow. The fact that Will lay there open and
exposed did not help him any. All Jack wanted to do was saunter back over to Will,
strip them both of every stitch of clothing and then take him! Jack’s erection strained
against his pants once again, and it was a supreme effort on his part to make his body obey
his commands of *Later!* and *Not now!*.

Jack straightened his shirt and was strapping his belt and effects on when the barely
muffled noise of a gunshot blast came through from the deck above. “Bloody hell!
What are those drunken bastards doing?” Jack was stuffing his feet into his boots
when a hasty knock began on his door.

Jack glanced over at Will, who was trying to button his pants and pull on his shirt at the
same time. Jack smirked faintly and moved towards the door, opening it without pause. He
caught AnaMaria’s fist in his hand when she made to continue knocking on the now open door.

“This had best be good, Ana,” Jack warned her in a dark tone Will had never heard before
from the pirate.

“Are you deaf Jack? Or just stupid?” AnaMaria obviously did not like the tone Jack had
taken with her. “I’m not daft enough to disturb you w’ out reason, Captain.” She glared
at Jack and glanced into the room. She arched an eyebrow at Will, but held her tongue for
the time being. She returned her sharp gaze to Jack and met his eyes squarely. “It seems
that Crimp has tried to stage a mutiny.”

Jack was livid. His mouth was set in a grim line and his nostrils flared. “No one will
take The Pearl from me again.” Jack’s hands went to the hilt of his new sword and to the
butt of his pistol. He glanced over his shoulder to see that Will was behind him, buckling
his belt.

Jack pushed ahead of AnaMaria and made his way to the upper deck where the ruckus was
occurring. Jack muttered curses about his mutinous midget crewman. Will caught things
like: “bootless, foot-licking urchin-snouted barnacle!” and “lumpish half-faced maggot
pie!” between threats of decapitation, disembowelment, and other equally pleasant means
of death.

When the three emerged on deck, there was chaos everywhere. Will noticed that Cotton and
Gibbs were tied to the main mast and gagged. Moises was keeping a sword pointed at them,
but he was being relentlessly attacked by Cotton’s parrot, who squawked “Polly want a
cracker?” as he flew at Moises aiming to scratch his eyes out with his claws. Kursar and
Matelot were struggling to fend off Tearlach, Duncan, and three others Will did not
recognize as being crew members. Ladbroc lay in a pool of his own blood at the bottom of
the stairs. Crimp and Quartetto, as well as another five scoundrels Jack recognized only
as hired thugs with swords, stood back, watching the scene from a ways back.

Jack was livid, to say the least. No hint of his usual personality remained. Will,
with his sword unsheathed, made for the outnumbered Kursar and Matelot. Jack made
directly for the mutineer Crimp and AnaMaria went to free cotton and Gibbs.

Will killed the first man quickly. They were so absorbed with their fight and their
taunts that they did not even notice Will’s approach. Will dispatched Tearlach with a
dagger to the heart. Kursar subdued another of his attackers and when the third unknown
attacker died at AnaMaria’s knife blade, Duncan surrendered.

Will turned. Jack was deftly fighting two rather large opponents, whose size and brute
strength made up for their simple swordsmanship. Will hurried to Jack’s side. They fell
in time with each other and it was as though they could anticipate each other’s moves.
It had been like that in Port Royal when Jack escaped the second time. It was a unique
feeling. Will knew that if he moved left, Jack could move right, keeping their backs to
each other.

Will was suddenly caught in a situation he could not remedy fast enough. One of the
brute’s had brought his cutlass down against Will’s blade and pressed down until their
blades were crossed uselessly at the hilt. The brute pushed all of his weight onto Will
and despite his years as a blacksmith, the other man was taller by half a foot and at
least fifty pounds heavier. Will could feel his muscles straining. Sweat poured down
his reddened face as he fought to stay alive. If he gave in, the brute’s sword would
crash down into his collar bone, most likely shattering it, forcing Will to die a very
slow and painful death if the blade did not kill him initially.

Will could feel himself using the very last of his strength. His knees were locking and
his arms were trembling from the strain. Will was resigning himself to his fate when the
weight he was pressing against was suddenly gone.

Will stumbled forward, barely have enough time to drop his sword and catch his weight on
his hands as he fell. Panting, Will looked up to see Jack fighting with the brute that
had nearly killed Will. The large man’s right arm hung uselessly by his side, shirt
stained crimson with large amounts of blood. Other cuts on his chest poured forth crimson
liquid. A deep cut to the brute’s side, sent him howling. He dropped his sword and
clutched his side. Jack was on the man quickly, killing him before he man even knew what
was happening.

Jack’s head turned quickly to Will, beads clinking together at the fast movement. Jack
was plainly worried about Will’s condition as he moved away from the dead man and towards

“Heart still pumpin’ there, luv?” Jack’s grin was back in place, but Will was touched
by the obvious worry he had caused Jack. Jack’s hands were gentle as helped Will to
his feet.

“Yes.” Will said, though it was only somewhat convincing, causing Jack to look at him
dubiously, eyes searching the younger man’s body for any not-so obvious injuries. “You
saved my life, Jack.” Will said seriously. Jack, brushed it off.

“You saved my life, I saved yours. We’re square.” He winkled at Will. “In that respect
at least.” Will blushed at the obvious innuendo.

A barrage of insults broke the gaze that was steadily heating up between Will and Jack.

They turned to see AnaMaria kick Crimp who was lying on the deck, hands bound behind his
back. She spat at him, and hit him squarely in the eye. Jack, falling into his role as
captain, strode towards what was left of the mutineers.

“Crimp, lad, I’m disappointed. You really though you could take my ship with naught but
a few hired thugs? Twenty or so and you would have at least had a fighting chance!”
Jack bent down low and spoke to Crimp alone. “You should have thought twice about goin’
against your Captain. ‘Twas not a smart idea. Now you’ll get a chance to see what I do
to mutineers; I’m sure you’re just going to love every minute of it.” Jack stood back
up, anger clearly painted on his face.

Jack signaled to some of his remaining crewmen, Cotton, Kursar and Matelot, to take Crimp
and Quartetto, who was suffering from a gunshot wound to the shoulder, bellow decks and
put them in the brig.

“What do ye want us t’ do wit’ the rest of them?” Gibbs asked Jack.

Jack grimaced at the sight of dead bodies all over his deck. “Throw all but Ladbroc
overboard, the Tortugans deal with the stench of bloated dead corpses come morning;
I’ll not have their stench aboard my ship! Wrap Ladbric up and we’ll burry him at sea.”
Gibbs nodded and turned to go. “And see if you can find us a few more trustworthy crewmen.
We leave with the tides tomorrow.”

Jack walked over to where Will was standing, looking off into space. “Distraction handled.
Simple as that!” Will looked up and smiled at Jack.

“How about we head back in and pick up from where we were?” Will said quietly. Jack gave
Will a look that made him blush and made his heart beat faster.

“Go back inside, I’ll join you in a moment.” Will, his weariness forgotten, made his way
to Jack’s cabin, swaying his hips in an inviting move as he did so. Jack cursed the effect
Will was having on him and went in search of his quarry.

Amazingly, Jack found the bottle of rum he and Will had been sharing earlier, still where
they’d left it. Jack picked it up and grind mischievously and began to whistle.

“AnaMaria,” Jack called to his first mate, who was helping Gibbs throw a corpse over the
side, “The Pearl is yours.” And with that a wink, and a smirk, Jack followed Will into
the captain’s cabin.

Jack was pleasantly surprised to find Will lying naked on the bed. Will was propped up on
his elbows and one leg was bent, showing off the faint curve of his ass. As bold as he
appeared, Will’s face was a deep shade of scarlet and one of his hands fidgeted.

Jack closed the door and walked over to Will, his eyes eating up the site before him as he
did so. He sat lightly on the edge of the bed, his clothed leg gently resting against Will’s
naked one.

Jack lifted the bottle of Rum to Will’s lips and Will swallowed greedily, a tiny trickle
slipping out of the corner of his mouth. Jack pulled the bottle away and let his tongue
catch the errant droplet of rum as it slid down the salty skin of Will’s neck. He followed
the droplet's path with his tongue until he was at the corner of Will’s mouth. Will turned
his head ever so slightly and sucked Jack’s tongue into his mouth.

“I’m beginning to fall in love with that mouth.” Jack said as he pulled away from Will’s
demanding kiss. Will just grinned.

“Is that all your falling in love with?” His voice was as calm as he could make it.
Will’s hand began to undo Jack’s belt, ‘accidentally’ rubbing his crotch along the way.

“Mmm.” Jack moaned. “Oh, and the language that came out of the pretty little mouth.”
Jack grinned. “So dirty, so unrefined.” Jack lightly ran his fingernails over Will’s
bare chest. “And. Oh. So. Very. Hot.” Jack punctuated each word with a kiss to some
part of Will’s face.

“We’ll have to see what else you can teach me to do with my ‘pretty little mouth’.”
Will’s eyes sparkled in the candlelight. “I’m a very quick study.”


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