All Other Loves
BY: Blue Buick R


Will pounded away at the glowing metal held between his hands, bursts
of orangewhite light flying, his ears ringing along to the beat of
his strokes.  The air in the forge was humid and heavy, slicking his
hair with sweat and shortening each breath he took as his own lungs
struggled never ending with the unyielding atmosphere of the room. 
The rest of his body was no better off, his arms aching despite years
of this type of work...his frame was obviously not meant for
blacksmithing and whoever the dunce was who'd indentured him to Brown
as a child was a bigger fool than most.  Arms and legs were seemingly
melting away as the heavy, burn marred, material they were swathed in
soaked up his very life.  He knew it was necessary to keep his
sleeves out of the way and his delicate skin safe from wandering
sparks, but he felt like his entire body was being suffocated, limbs
and torso bound tight in damp material, heavy leather apron over it
all like a lead blanket.  He felt like the strange Greek god
Elizabeth had told him about once; ugly and deformed, suffering as he
created his great works which others treasured above all others, and
his own worth hinged upon.  He wasn't sure wether he should have been
insulted that his labours had reminded Elizabeth of such a sad and
lonely creature, or if likening him to a god, even a lame one, was
flattery enough.
He felt the shift of the air pressure, the rush as the heated air in
the small room escaped out into the open street as the door was
opened, before he heard anything.  Quickly dousing the rapidly
cooling metal into a nearby trough of water, releasing a cloud of
steam into the air, he set down his mallet and turned to greet his
visitor.  He was a small man, smaller than the average European, with
glossy black hair tied back in a knot at the back of his head, and
dark almond shaped eyes which swept the workshop in veiled distaste. 
Will's eyes were drawn to the elegantly curved scabbard with hanging
from the man's small waist, a beautifully gilded sword grip jutting
from one end.  Tearing his eyes away from the hidden sword, not
wanting to be caught staring he cleared his throat.

"Hello, can I help you with anything?"  he asked, his hairline
tingling from what he supposed was cooling sweat. 

"Yes," the man replied with a clear accent, nothing as thick or
unwieldy as many Will had heard from those who travelled from the far
east.  "I'm looking for the man who made the weapon of one...," and
he paused for a moment as if either trying to remember the man's name
or the proper pronunciation, "Commodore Norrington?"

"Yes, Norrington," Will agreed.  "His sword you mean?"  he asked,
because really the Commodore had many weapons, he should think; a
whole ship full of cannons in truth, but for some reason Will didn't
think this man was interested in cannons.

"Yes," the man tilted his head slightly in the affirmative.  "I saw
this wonderful work of art at a man's waist by the wharf, he had the
most absurd hat and coat but I approached him none the less and asked
him where he's procured such a piece.  He directed me here."

"Are you looking to buy a sword then?"  Will continued his line of
questioning, eyes unintentionally flitting back to the weapon already
at the man's side.

"No," the man replied firmly.  "As I said, I'm looking for a man."

"Well you've found one," Will grinned.

"Ah, but is he the right one?"  the little oriental man grinned back.

"He is," Will conceded, but after a pause continued.  "Well I think
he is...I suppose that depends what you want him for."

"I simply wished to meet him."  Looking about the shop again the
man's lip curled slightly.  "I did not imagine, however, that such
art would be created in such..." he groped for a word.

"Squalor...filth...aromatic surroundings?"  Will offered.

The man shook his head.  "Such an uninspiring and spirit oppressing

Will shrugged.  "It all comes from in here," he tapped his
chest, "and here," he help out his hands palms up.

"I see that," the man nodded, hopping down from the landing onto the
dirt floor of the smithy.  "Now I am even more impressed."

Will could feel his face flush and was glad he was already beat red
from his previous exertions.  Maybe he was lucky people didn't
appreciate his work as his own or he might be walking around like a
ruddy apple for the better part of his life.

"Have you ever considered crafting other styles of weapons?"  The man

Will dumbly shook his head, attention once again pulled toward the
sword the man carried.  His guest smiled knowingly.

"You're European blades are a clumsy and inefficient design."  Will
opened his mouth to protest but was cut off as the man raised a
hand.  "None the less you do great things which such inferior
material to work with."

"Thank you," Will muttered.  "I think."  He looked into the man's
smirking face and tightened his lips.  "I suppose you think your
design," he jerked his head toward the blade belted to the man, "is

"I know it is," the man's smirk grew flashing small pearl like teeth,
a pleasant change from the rotting a putrid mouthfuls Will was used
to seeing.  "And so do you," he continued, "even without seeing what
is in this scabbard.  "You can *feel* it."

"I'd like to see it all the same, thanks." Will snorted.

"Are you sure?"  The man pressed. 


The man bowed low.  Stepping back and widening his stance he brought
his left hand over to the hilt near his hip and slowly drew the blade
out of its resting place.

Will was mesmerized, his wide eyes fixed to the gleaming metal as it
whispered from the scabbard, an ornate branch with perfectly
unsymmetrical blossoms delicately etched on the side of the blade
appearing an inch at a time.  It was beautiful and terrifying like
fire or a storm at sea.

The man straightened and snapped the sword up to rest vertically in
front of him, splitting his face in two.

"Who are you?"  Will whispered, throat dry and voice hoarse.

"Tashiaki Shichirobei.  Who are you?"

"William Turner."

"Would William Turner like to learn how to fashion such blades as to
make the gods weep and men forget all other loves?"

"I..." Will stared stunned, unable to reply.  He *did* want to learn
how to make such a awesome sword, more than he'd even wanted
anything, but he had responsibilities here in Port Royal.  A job and
a few friends, not to mention he was wooing Elizabeth, had been since
the entire debacle with the pirates.  "I can't." he finally sighed to
Tashiaki, clearly heartbroken.  "I can't leave here...there's a girl
and...and...I just can't."

Tashiaki brought the sword down so it came to rest horizontally
between his body and Will's, the tip almost touching the younger
man's belly button.  "My people honour their sword smiths, prize
their abilities above all others and see their talent as worthy of
song and respect.  You have great skill William Turner, and heart
enough I think to make great could become legend, even
if only among those who's eyes alight upon your work." 

Will didn't know why or how it was possible but he felt his eyes well
with tears, and as he looked down at the sword bridging the gap
between his body and Tashiaki's one dropped from his eye landing
perfectly on the narrow spine of the blade, cascading down the side
to be captured and held by the blossoms carved in the steel.

"Would William Turner like to learn how to fashion such blades as to
make the gods weep and men forget *all* other loves?"

"Yes."  Will's numb lips uttered the word without his consent.

Tashiaki looked on him, expression softening, eyes sympathetic.  "I'm
sorry, William." he said.  "I did asked you if you were sure."

Will simply stared back at him dumbly.

"Hold out your hand," Tashiaki ordered, face and demeanor brisk once

Will did as he was told, feeling slightly curious and completely

The other man brought the sword up and like lightening tapped Will's
open palm with the cutting edge of the blade.  A thin bloody line
bloomed immediately, almost Will noticed discontentedly, over the
scar from the cut he'd made to break the curse all those months ago. 
He looked up into Tashiaki's lined but calm face in puzzlement.

"A warrior's katana once taken from its sheath can not be returned
until it has drawn blood."

Will looked down at his bleeding hand, then back to Tashiaki as he
slid his blade back into its resting place.

"You could have bloody well nicked your on damn hand, thank you!"  he

Tashiaki froze for a moment, then threw his head back and
laughed.  "Come William Turner," he reached out and grabbed Will's
shoulder once he'd recovered.  "Let us gather what few belongings you
wish to take with you from, and we will journey.  I have
much to teach you."

Will accepted the friendly gesture and turned to move back to his
room where he'd throw together some clothes and the like.  He felt
very little trepidation, much less than he thought he should have. 
He was after all about to be parted from his home, his work, and his
Elizabeth.  Thinking upon it, he supposed, finally, he realized what
kind of man would trade another man's life for a ship...the same type
of man who would trade a beautiful wife and a life of contentment for
the love of a sword.


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