Yes! Yes! Yes!
BY: Akiko


Will smiled happily when he entered his blacksmith shop.  Just a few
weeks prior who should come sailing back to Port Royal but Captain Jack
Sparrow himself.  The infamous captain had returned simply because he had
heard the engagement between Will and Elizabeth was off, and in a matter
of minutes had swept the blacksmith off of his feet.  Will and Jack were
head over heels in love, and in a few days they would be boarding the
Black Pearl to live a life of piracy and love.

Will frowned when he didn't see Jack in the main room.  Normally the
pirate captain would be waiting for him, leaning back in the only chair,
his booted heels resting on the only table.  But today he was strangely

Will wasn't entirely sure that he trusted Jack completely.  After all, he
had seen the way that Jack looked at a certain Commodore Norrington.
Will knew that Jack would bed anything moving without a second thought.
It would mean nothing to the Captain, but Will wasn't sure how he would
handle it.  Especially if it was Norrington.  That was just a little to
creepy for him.

He started up the stairs to his living quarters above the shop, when he
heard noises.  Actually, it wasn't so much noises as Jack.  Yelling.

"Yes James!" he was yelling.  "Yes!  Yes!"

Will's eyes went wide.  He didn't particularly want to barge in on
anything that could be going on, but he couldn't just leave Jack to go
trysting about with jst anyone...particularly Norrington.  And Jack had
to understand how he felt.  After a moment of indecision, he raced up the
stairs and threw open the door.

Jack was sprawled out on his back on the floor, his head in a washing
basin.  Commodore James Norrington, for once without his jacket on, was
kneeling next to the basin.  He was up to his elbows in bubbles, and he
was washing Jack's hair.  An open bottle of Herbal Essences was standing
open next to them, and the entire room smelled...pretty.

"Hi Will!" jack waved.

"Oh God," the Commodore muttered, hanging his head in shame.

Will rolled his eyes, shook his head, and walked back down the stairs,
making sure to close the door behind him.


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