A Pirate's Life
BY: Wren

Chapter One

Commodore Norrington pulled young Ms. Swann aside just
as the citadel of the fort in Port Royal was spotted
by the lookout. He looked down at the already
beautiful child and knew she was lying, the question
was, why? What was she hiding about the boy? He knew
it had to be about the orphan boy they had found on
the crossing from England because ever since he had
come aboard she had been quiet. Spending any amount
of time with the girl could drive a man daft; she had
almost driven him mad with her questions. Pirates
were her favorite topic. Until they had rescued the
boy that is.

"Ms. Swann, tell me. Has the boy said anything to you
about what happened to him? Anything at all?"

"No Sir. He said that he does not remember."

"I see. And did he have anything on him that might
identify him or his family?" He could have sworn when
he had first seen young Turner that he had been
wearing some sort of chain around his neck.

Elizabeth turned away and clenched her fist around the
gold medallion in her pocket. She never could lie to
an adult convincingly.

"No Sir. Nothing like that."

"Are you sure Elizabeth." He knelt down in front of
her, forcing her to meet his eyes. "He didn't have
anything? Mayhap a chain or a necklace?" He could
see it in her eyes, he was right. He just needed to
give her a reason to tell him the truth. "Elizabeth,
if he had something, you need to let us know what it
is. It might help us find his family once we reach
port. You do want him to find his family don't you.
If he has no family he might be forced to live in the
orphanage. You wouldn't want that now, would you
Elizabeth." He knew he was treading on ground that
could get him decommissioned but for some reason he
had this need to know. Something about the whole
thing stank and he aimed to find out what it was.

Tears where streaming down her face as she turned away
from the Commodore.

"No, I don't want him to go to an orphanage. I just
took it because I didn't want you to hang him."

"Ms. Swann what type of man do you think I am? I
would never hang a child. What is it Elizabeth? What
did he have?"

"It's a pirate’s medallion." She said as she pulled
the large golden coin from her pocket and handed it
over too him. "It means he is a pirate doesn't it?"
She asked fearfully.

"My God," he held his breath as he took in the worth
of such a coin, more than he would make in year's
service in Her Majesty's Navy. "The boy is a pirate."
Norringtons’ mind was in a whirl, on one hand William
Turner was still just a child and he meant what he
said, that he did not hang children, but on the other
hand, once a pirate always a pirate. Well then he
would just have to make sure piracy was the last thing
the boy ever wanted to turn to. All right then, he
nodded to himself, he had a plan of action. Find the
boy an apprenticeship, something hard and demanding,
with a master who knew how to discipline a child.

He gave the coin back to the girl and curled her small
fingers around it once more. "Elizabeth, you were
right. You keep this, keep it safe. We might need it
later. Tell no one, we will find another way to find
his family."

"You'll make sure? He won't be put in an orphanage.
Father put him in my care you know." She sounded so
very serious for an eight year old, Norrington
thought. She would make a fine woman one day.

"Yes, I will. No orphanage for William Turner." He
stood and turned away, watching the rapidly
approaching land. His mind already dismissing the
young girl but not the coin she carried.


Ten Years and One Zombie Pirate Adventure Later…

"I'm sorry Jack." Elizabeth's whisper carried over
the water.

"They did what was right by them."

Elizabeth and Will rowed the small boat back to the
HMS Dauntless. A quiet and overly subdued Captain
Jack Sparrow sat very still in front of them. They
couldn't see his face but they could tell by the way
he was holding himself that the loss of his ship, the
Black Pearl, once again had affected him deeply.

They were all lost in their thoughts, none of them
actually wanting to return to the Navy vessel, but all
had little choice in the matter. If they ever wanted
to leave the cursed isle they would have to take the
only ship available to them.

Captain Sparrow was returning to almost certain death
and Will thought that he had more than earned a place
next to the infamous pirate. So it was the gallows
for them each feeling that their crimes were worth the
price. If living free meant dieing at the end of a
rope then so be it, Jack had had a good life with few
regrets. Not very many people; pirate or not could
claim the same. His one regret was the loss of The
Black Pearl, again. He had always thought he would go
down with her, letting the inky depths of the
Caribbean keep them together always. Ah well, he had
been in worse situations before and lived to tell the

Will regretted not speaking up more. His chance in
the cave with Elizabeth was only one of a million
times his self doubt had bested him. What he truly
wanted and what was expected of him always conflicted.
But after the taste of the freedom of a pirate he
found that he no longer wanted to be who he was.

The orphan boy had had no parents to teach him; so
everyone else thought they needed to give advice on
who he was or who he should be. The Governor wanted
to teach him to be a gentleman, the baker wanted him
to be a business man, and Mr. Brown the Master
Blacksmith he was apprenticed to...he shuttered at
that thought. Who knew what that man wanted from him;
Will was glad the man had turned to drink in the last
few years. If not Will would have surly faced the
gallows for murder years ago.

Now here he was facing the gallows for his one
impulsive action. Rescuing Ms. Swann from pirates.
It didn't really seem like it should be a hanging
offense but he knew how the Commodore felt about him.
He has always known the man harbored an intense hatred
for him. The Commodore would often visit the smithy
to 'insure his proper upbringing'. Will snorted to
himself, the sound carried over the water and bounced
off the high cliffs but Will was too distracted with
his thoughts of again being at the mercy of the Naval
Officer. Did the man really think he didn't
understand the connection between his visits and the
beatings that Will would receive for the smallest
infractions? He sighed deeply; no he was not looking
forward to the upcoming meeting.

"Stop thinkin whelp. And please for the love of God,
this time don't do anythin stupid. We'll be fine,
mark me word. Them lobsters don't scare me." Jack's
voice called back to him quietly.

"You're forgetting something Jack." Will couldn't
help himself really; he smirked, though neither Jack
nor Elizabeth was looking at him to see.

"Wos tha Whelp?"

"Your Captain Jack Sparrow!" Will chuckled and
Elizabeth gave an unladylike snort of laughter before
Will finished softly, "But I am not."

It was strange to hear Jack sigh so deeply. This
subdued Jack did not sit well in Will's mind.

"Mayhap yer not, but ya are the son of a fine pirate
in 'is own right. Bootstrap was a fine man and a fine
pirate. It's his blood that runs through those veins.
No man I would rather have at me back, Old
Bootstrap." Jack turned in the small boat to look at
the young man.

"Yes Will, you make a fine pirate too. You’re well on
your way to following in your fathers footsteps."
Elizabeth said, with pride in her voice, turning
sideways to look at both the man in front of her and
the one behind.

Only Jack noticed the involuntary stiffening of Will's
shoulders at the off handed comment. He had always
taken young Williams’s aversion to the idea of his
father being a pirate as a boy not wanting to face the
idea that his father was not perfect, but this was
something more. Well it was something to think about
at a later time, for now they had to make it through
the next week getting back to Port Royal in one piece,
and out of Port Royal with their necks still in tack.

"Aye Will, yer a good man, jus like yer father. The
Governor knows that, he knows you only did what you
had to do to save his daughter." Jack removed the
scarf from around his head and started piling the gold
and jewels he had taken from the cave in the center,
then tied the ends together. He pushed the bundle
into Elizabeth's lap.

"Old on ter this for me, Luv. Commodore might not
take it from ye, but he surly would na let me keeps

"Oh Jack. I'll speak with my father. Surly he will
be able to do something. You saved my life. Several
times in fact. The first time we met you were saving
me; he'll have to consider that!"

Jack met Will's eyes and saw the truth there. It
wouldn't matter what Elizabeth said to her father, he
was a pirate and it would be a pirate’s end for him.
He nodded once to Will then turned back to the front
to watch his fate come to him and hummed softly under
his breath. 'Da dun dun dun dun …and really bad


All too soon they were helped aboard the massive ship.
The three of them were all separated quickly. Jack
was shown to the brig and thrown in a cell. Before
they hauled him down he saw the Commodore drag Will
off to the stern of the ship, while Elizabeth and her
father embraced near the bow.

Interesting arrangement of players, Jack thought
before his head hit the bars of his cell. The stupid
marine had to fumble a bit before unlocking the door
then manhandled Jack in to the cell. Not that Jack
made it easy for him; he stumbled around like a drunk
muttering to himself the whole time. He had always
found it useful to let the enemy think he was off his
rocker, it lead them to underestimate him every time.
As tactics go it might not have been the best; but as
a tried and true method it was perfect. He sat back
against the dingy wall and set in to wait.


"Father, they saved my life. You saw those pirates.
They weren't human. If not for Captain Sparrow and
Will I would be dead now. Or worse..."

"My dearest, don't worry. I won't let anything happen
to young William. You know I care for that boy,
haven't I always made sure he had what he needed. Why
he might as well be a member of the household."

"And Jack? What of him?"

"Lizzie, the man is a pirate. Escaped from justice.
And the law is the law, we can ask no less from the
Commodore than for him to uphold the law."

"But he is a good man father."

"Maybe so Elizabeth, but how good could he be?
Pirates rape, pillage and plunder. They commit murder
without a thought. The day of the pirate is over
dear. Now let’s talk of more pleasant things. Like
your upcoming nuptials. I tell you that was a
surprise to hear of."

Elizabeth tuned him out. How could he? Her own father
condemning her rescuer to death. And where was Will.
Will should be here. Was he still mad at her for
keeping the gold? For not telling him about it until
it had almost killed them all. The Commodore would
know where he was, or Gillette she could usually
fluster him enough to get some kind of information out
of him.


Elizabeth flew through the dark passageways in the
bowels of the ship screaming the entire way. "What
were you thinking putting him in the brig? He is no
villain to be treated so!" She ripped open the door
to the hold and instantly lowered her voice.

"Will, I'll have you out of here in no time. Don't
worry about a thing. Father said he would pardon you
for all crimes." She approached the cell slowly, wary
now, in the dank musty smelling tank of a room.

"Will?" She said again when she got no response.
Elizabeth glanced around the dark room, her gaze
falling on Jack. Her eyes asking him silently what
had happened to Will. She glanced back at the pale
young man, her heart burst with an unknown fear. What
could be wrong? She hadn't seen him like this in
years. Yes, he was in the brig but they had come
through much worse and she was going to get him out of

She approached the cell reaching her hand out for him.
"William?" She asked softly. Using the soft tone
that they had used when sneaking around together as
children. Whispered secrets were told in that soft
trusting voice. "Boy, tell me your troubles." An
often repeated phrase from childhood. She went to her
knees and put her face to the bars. "I'm scared Will.
What's happened here?" In fact she was terrified,
and it was a feeling she was growing rather tired of.

Jack was just as concerned for the whelp, but he
couldn't let it show. When the Commodore had brought
Will in the boy had been fighting mad. Yelling all
sorts of obscenities that Jack could have sworn the
lad had not known prior to their stay in Tortuga. It
did a sailor right proud it did, to know that his
teachings were being put to good use.

What concerned him the most was the wild look in the
boy's eyes. Not even in Barbossa's vile hands did
those eyes hold such panic. He knew the signs, had
put one and two together and guessed at the rest to
come up with four. Someone had broken this boy.
Skilfully, too. It didn't show often, he might not
have even noticed if not for his own experience. Oh
yes, everyone had a breaking point, even he Captain
Jack Sparrow had faced his own breaking. Will's was
an old wound. Almost healed, but it seemed the
Commodore knew how to pick at the scab, though Jack
didn't think the man had done the breaking. Ordered
it, Aye. Watched even, maybe. But the Commodore
seemed like the type who would not dirty their hands
to do it themselves.

Jack watched as Ms. Swann attempted to reach the boy.
Seemed she might have some skill in this, probably not
the first time she had seen Will in such a state. He
kept quiet, knowing that any new voices might drive
the boy further into himself. Just when it seemed the
boy might respond the door crashed open again. Will
didn't even flinch.

"Ms. Swann, I really must insist that you leave. This
is no place for a lady." The Commodore stalked into
the room. He was dressed in casual dark breeches,
white shirt and dark leather over vest.

Jack was instantly on guard. His heart sped up and
his stomach clenched, he knew what that leather vest
meant and he was not liking it one bit. He knew
would protest leaving Will in such a state but now
that he had seen the Commodore he thought Will was
probably in a better place just where he was.

"Just go luv." He spoke to Elizabeth, though his eyes
never left the sneering Naval Officer.

"But…" She didn't understand what was going on, but
she didn't like it one bit. The grave look on Jack's
face was one she hoped to never see again, it was just
wrong on the typically jovial man.

"Go. We'll be fine." His eyes flickered over to her
for a moment before settling back on Norrington and
that thrice damned leather vest.

"Fine, we'll just see what my father say's about
this." She ground out through clenched teeth.

When he could no longer hear her heals echoing down
the hall the Norrington turned back to Jack.

"That was stupid, Pirate. Now we are alone and I can
assure you not everyone here," his eyes flickered to
Will, "will be fine after this night."

"Ah, but that is where yer wrong Commodore, ya see the
way I got it figured is thus. No matter what ya do to
the boy tonight, ya won't break 'im. Ya can't break
'im. Ya haven't got it in ya!"

Norrington's eyes narrowed at the change in Jack's
demeanor. He didn't sound much like the drunken
pirate now. In fact other than his atrocious accent
he almost sounded sane. This was in fact the most
lucid that he had ever seen the infamous man. No
matter, the pirate would be dead in a week. And this
nights bit of work would hang with him.

"Haven't got it in me? Pirate, you have no idea what
I am capable of." His voice lowered dangerously.

"And what of the lass's father? He'll be here any
moment," Jack stood and walked to the bars. Wishing
with everything in him that they would just fade away
and give him one chance at the black hearted bastard
taunting him from the other side. "And I imagine he
will be none too pleased with having to be roused at
this hour."

"Old Weatherby knows his place, unlike some. He is
Governor of Port Royal, and this," he motioned with
his hand, "is not Port Royal. You should know when
onboard, a Captains word is law." Norrington stepped
to the side as the door swung open one more time. An
old seaman walked in carrying a bag and a bucket of

"Ah yes, thank you seaman Covenant. Finally. Let's
get this done."

Jack noticed a dark gleam in the Commodore's eyes.
The man was sick, no wonder he hunted pirates. Dead
men tell no tales. And this was bound to be one tale
that Norrington wanted no one to hear.

The old man, Covenant, moved to the rear of the room
and opened the bag. Jack stiffened at the sight of
the cat o' nine tails, the ends where a bit frayed
from heavy use and the bits of bone braided into it
were shown in the lamplight. He would not show fear
in front of the other men, knowing they would just
derive a sick sort of pleasure from it. He knew he
was not to be the one flogged this night but still,
his heart skipped a beat when Covenant sent it
screaming through the air. Jack glanced down at the
cowering boy who had not moved since sinking down and
lowering his head to his raised knees after his tirade
to the Commodore when he was first thrown into the
cell. The boy still didn't move as the whip cracked a
few more times.

When Norrington moved to unlock Will's cell door, Jack
couldn't just let this happen. Will might have left
him knocked unconscious with Barbossa but that was the
extent of his crimes. He did not deserve to be
flogged for rescuing his lady love.

"You are going to flog a boy for rescuing your fiancé?
What kind of reward is that? She would be dead now
if it weren't for him."

"He is to be whipped for piracy, a crime against the
Crown." Norrington stated plainly, like it should be
obvious to everyone that the young William Turner was
a Pirate. "That he rescued Ms. Swann is a fortunate
side effect, but that does not negate the fact that he
broke the law, and his own oath to never turn pirate."

"His oath? What say you? What oath is this?" Jack was
almost frantic now, which for Jack looked pretty much
the same as a drunken Jack, or an angry Jack, or for
that matter a sleepy Jack.

"That is none of your concern pirate. Now shut up or
you will be next." Norrington had simply grabbed
Will's arm just above the elbow and the boy had stood
and followed where the hand led.

Covenant now had the cat o' nine resting in the bucket
of brackish water, waiting for Norrington to strip the
boy’s shirt. He left the once white shirt tucked into
the boy’s breeches and simply pulled it off his
shoulders and back, leaving Jack almost sick. Will's
back was a pitiful sight of criss-crossed scars; he
had obviously been treated to this scene before. Jack
shook his head in sympathy; he had thought Will
refused to remove his shirt on the trip to rescue
Elizabeth out of some misguided need for propriety.

This had never crossed his mind.

Scars over scars, crossing each other in a sordid
knot. Some longer and deeper than others, some
wrapping around his sides, like he had been strung up
and twisted with each blow. Jack couldn't say why the
sight affected him so; it wasn't like he had not seen
much worse. When a man was keel-hauled he came back
much worse that this. It might have been that this
treatment seemed disproportionate to any crime young
Turner could possibly have committed, or it might have
been that some of the scars where obviously very old.
The boy, no, this man, could have been no older than
ten when the beatings had started in earnest.

And yes he must start thinking of him as a man now.
William Turner might have been a child at some point
but it was clear that he had had no childhood. How he
had turned out to be such a fine man, an innocent man
in so many ways was just one of those mysteries in
life. Jack only hoped he would be around to question
Will about it later. The crack of the whip snapped
him out of his morose thoughts.

"You're not tying him?" Covenant asked as he readied
himself behind his victim.

Norrington had placed Will's hand high above his head
touching the wall. It stretched Will's body taunt, he
was almost on the tip of his toes.

"He'll stay." Norrington replied smugly.

Just standing there, eerily unmoving. Jack swallowed
a groan, inside he was almost whimpering. The sight
of this broken man just standing there, unmoving,
about to be flogged in the worst sort of way. Jack
found that he might not have ever been broke after
all. Because the sight before him now pained him in a
way that nothing else ever had. He was almost ready
to beg, to take Will's place. His breath was coming
in painful rasps. He didn't deserve this. No. Stop
this insanity. His mind was screaming and just as
Captain Jack Sparrow was about to break, the door
crashed open once again.

Chapter Two

Elizabeth stood to the side after nearly wrenching the
door from its hinges, to let her father enter ahead of
her. As the Governor entered she followed and quickly
took in the scene about to play out. She gasped at
the sight of Will's back. Her hand fluttered at her

"Good Lord man, what is going on here?" Governor
Swann demanded.

Norrington must have really believed himself when he
had said the Governor could not stop this because he
genuinely looked surprised to see him standing there
demanding answers. He quickly took control of himself
and stepped in front of Will's prone form.

"The boy is a pirate and I am meting out his
punishment. As in his Piracy he rescued my fiancé, I
can not in good conscious see him hanged. As Captain
of this vessel it is my command that he be punished
for his crimes by flogging." As he spoke Norrington
was attempting to usher the Swann's back out the door.

Jack smirked as Elizabeth ducked under the extended
arms of the Commodore and rushed to Will's side. She
stopped just short of touching him though, as if
afraid to cause him anymore harm. But he could tell
that she was in shock. Her eyes glassed over as she
took in exactly how tore up her childhood friends back
was. Jack watched as she realized how far back the
abuse must have gone, and he saw the exact moment when
the guilt found a home. It might not have been her
fault, but she should have known. He was half afraid
that she had, he released a breath he had held,
realizing that if she had known about it he would have
had to add her to his list of people to kill.

He glanced back at Governor Swann, Jack saw his eyes
glance at his daughter and search Will's back for any
new lashes. What he didn't see was surprise, right
then, the Governor was on the list. He saw the look
that passed between the two supposed gentlemen before
they spoke in tones too low for Jack to follow. When
they had come to some sort of agreement they separated
a bit and spoke in normal voices.

"We will discuss this tomorrow, when we have all had
more sleep. I will hear no more about this tonight.
Put him back in his cell." Governor Swann said before
he half turned to leave. "Elizabeth, come now. It's
time for bed."

She slowly walked backward unable to take her eyes off
the naked back. Her breath coming out as low and
ragged gasps, as if she were holding back tears. She
turned to Jack and held his eyes for a bit before
nodding once, straitening her shoulders, taking a deep
breath and turning back to Norrington.

She walked right by the smug bastard without looking
at him, her head held high. She stopped at the door
turned and quickly walked back to Jack.

"I almost forgot," she said as she passed a small
flask through the bars. "Try to have a good night
Jack." One last glance to the back of the room but
not actually looking at Will, and she turned and left.
Old man Swann followed along behind her whispering
about unseemliness and propriety.

"Ta Luv," Jack muttered as he drank the rum, it was a
small flask but tasted much finer than normal just for
knowing that it might be a while before he would have
any more.

Covenant, who had stood still through the entire
episode finally moved back to his place behind Will.
"Sir, do I continue?"

"No, not tonight. But be ready at first light. We'll
make a show of it." Norrington grinned at Jack.
"We'll strap him to the mast. Hmm, how many lashes do
you think he can take, Covenant?" The man was evil
incarnate Jack decided, far worse than Barbossa.

"If 'e stay's like 'e is now, I'd say bout twenty sir.
Anymore than that'd kill 'em. If 'e wakes up proper
like, I'd say ten sir."

Norrington's grin widened, "Right then. We'll make it
an even fifteen then. Just to be thorough." The
Commodore laughed. "Put him back in his cell." He
turned to leave, "Oh and Jack, try to have a good
night!" And then he was gone.

Covenant pulled Will along after him and pushed the
boy back in his cell and locking it before gathering
up his whip but leaving the bucket. He put out the
lamp and plunged them into darkness before making his
way topside. Leaving Jack alone with Will.

Jack put his back to the bars separating his cell form
Will's and slid down with a sigh. Damnation how did
he always end up here. All he wanted was his ship,
his freedom, and yet somehow he always ended up in the
worst kinds of messes. Young William Turner was one
fine mess. There was no way he could spare the man
come morning and if they kept them in separate cells
the entire trip back the young man might die from the
wounds a cat o' nine tails could inflict. Infection,
fever, blood loss, any number of things could kill a
man after being thrashed by one of those torture

Jack settled in for a long night of thinking up ways
to kill the Commodore, and of finding out who had
broken the man next to him so thoroughly.


A soft voice woke him several hours later.

"Hello, is anyone there? Where am I? Please, I can
hear you breathing. Hello."

"Aye whelp, I'm here, it’s me."

"Jack? Jack where are we?"

"What's the last thing you remember boy?"

"We were in a small boat, headed for the Dauntless."

"Aye that's where we are. In the brig."

"Oh. We are to be hanged then?"

"I am to hang as soon as we reach port, Aye."

"And me? What is to become of me, Jack?"

"You are to be flogged at first light. Then set free
when we reach land."


"You'd best rest while you can, lad. Tomorrow
promises to be not much of a good day."



"Yes whelp?"

"Tell me about my father."

And so the night passed Jack spinning tales of the
pirate’s life, the life of a good man, a father, a
pirate. And Will listening to Jack spin his tales,
knowing they were mostly blarney, but not caring. His
mind needed a distraction. He didn't want to think of
Commodore Norrington or the conversation they had.
Didn't want to think about what awaited him with the
dawns light. He knew he would live through it, he had
before, but the memory of the pain he knew he would
experience again held him in its grip. He hated this
weakness in him that made his mind retreat like a
coward. Hated that he had learned this lesson so well
so long ago that it was now ingrained in him that the
mere threat of it could send his mind back to that
first time.

Mr. Brown had caught him sneaking a drink of the rum.
He had been told repeatedly not to touch the man's
drink, but the curiosity of an eleven year old really
outweighed good sense. The old smithy had immediately
tied him to one of the rafters and left him there for
several hours. When he returned Will had been
attempting to sleep. It was the first of many
whippings the boy would receive at his hands. Will
had learned never to go to sleep in the middle of one
of his punishments, no matter how long they lasted.
Waking up to the skin being ripped off ones back was
not pleasant to say the least.

But the time that he had been punished by not being
allowed to eat for three days was the worst.
Elizabeth had brought him some food, and he had eaten.
He knew better, he really did, but he had not wanted
to hurt her feelings so he had eaten. He should have
thrown the roll down and not taken it with him. But
she looked so pleased that she was taking care of him.
He had not the heart to refuse. Mr. Brown had found
the roll later that night and Will had refuse to
involve Ms. Elizabeth as he called her in private. So
he had said that he had stolen it from the baker.

That was the worst memory. The one the Commodore had
reminded him of tonight. His punishment for stealing.
A roll then, a ship now. What punishment would the
commodore use this time? Before he had been locked in
a cell with four pirates for an entire night. He had
been whipped and was without a shirt when Norrington
had thrown him in that pit. He had been passed around
from cutthroat to cutthroat. The next morning when
Mr. Brown had come to release him, he had been almost
unable to walk. Only his stubborn pride had allowed
him to make it out of there on his own two feet. He
had decided right then and there to practice with the
blades he was quickly becoming adept at making. For
the next pirate to touch him would be run through on
his blade.

The silence was deafening when he realized that Jack
had stopped speaking. He almost panicked again,
almost sank back into that pit of cutthroat bastards.

"Jack," he knew his voice sounded like a child but he
was unable to help it. He felt lost, alone. He hated
the darkness. Imagine that. A pirate afraid of the
dark. When had he begun thinking of himself as a
pirate? Sometime between the time on the Interceptor
when he realized that he truly did fit in with the new
crew and the cave when he had missed his chance to
tell Elizabeth that he loved her. Sometime in between
the adventures he had realized maybe he didn't love
her half as well as he thought he did. He loved her
more like a sister than a lover. Had never really
thought about her that way. Maybe it was just as the
bird said. Any port in a storm. For so long she had
been his lifeline. The only person who truly cared
what happened to him. But now, he knew if he decided
to go with the crew of the Pearl, he would be cared
for there as well. Oh yes it was a different kind of
caring to be sure. No one there would give their life
for the other if it wasn't necessary. But at least he
would be living his life, his way. No more missed

"I'm still here. You gonna tell me about it?" Jack

"Not if I don't have to. No." He didn't ever want to
talk about it. He knew Jack was referring to the time
he had blanked out.

"You don't have to, but one day, I'd like to know."


"So I know exactly why I am killing them."

"Oh Jack. You don't have to do that. Not for me."
William laid his head on the bars, inches away from
Jacks beaded hair.

"No, I don't. But no one messes with Captain Jack
Sparrow’s friends and lives to tell the tales.

"So, we're friends now?"

"Yeah, I reckon."

"Take me with you. When we get out of this mess I

"William Turner, you will always have a place on my
crew. Whether I have a ship or not."

"Thanks Jack."

"Don't mention it. So, how do you think we are going
to get out of here?"

"I don't know. You?"

"I'm working on it whelp. I'm working on it."

They lapsed into silence the rest of the night. And
dawn came too early.

**** **** **** ****

Chapter Three

Jack stiffened when he heard the first stirrings of
the crew above him. He figured Will had been asleep
for about an hour he needed to wake him so the man
could prepare himself for the coming ordeal. It was
hard to tell night from day in the bowels of a ship
like this but he reckoned he could let the lad sleep
another few minutes. When he heard voices start to
raise he turned and whispered.

"William, it's time lad."

"I'm not asleep." A lesson well learned.

The door swung open with a creak and light flooded the
room causing both men to flinch away. It was Covenant
again, must be the best with the cat' then, Jack
thought. Will stood and walked to the door silently.
Jack had to had it to the rascal he had balls.

Will stopped at the door and untucked his shirt from
his breeches; he shook it out some then turned and
knelt back where he had been sitting. He pushed it
half way through the bars then nodded once to Jack,
stood exited the now open door. His heart was in his
throat as he was lead up to the deck. His breathing
became ragged when he saw the assembled sailors all
gathered by the mast. Waiting for the day’s

The old sailor that had come for him led him over to
the centre of the group right up next to the mast.
Another crewman tied his hands together with a long
piece of rope, the long end he threaded through a ring
about two feet above his head. Then he pulled. It
stretched Will up but not as far as Mr. Brown used to.
His feet were still firmly planted on the deck. The
murmuring of the crew grew louder as he refused to
struggle against the rope or his handlers, but quieted
down as the Commodore made his way out onto the deck.
The crowd around him parted to let Norrington through,

and then closed behind him.

“Seaman Covenant, are you prepared?" The Commodore
spoke harshly.

"Yes sir, just let me shake out my lady." The sailor
who led him from his cell answered as he emptied the
bag at his feet. The whip snaked out onto the deck.

Remember that name. Will told himself. Shouldn't be
too hard. Covenant. And so begins my own death list
then. Aye, a pirate’s life for me! Oh dear Lord in
Heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Will continued to pray
as the charges against him were read. Piracy, theft,
helping a prisoner escape, treason. The list went on.
He didn't know he had committed that many crimes, he
had a vague thought that the Commodore might be making
a few of those up or listing them twice. Wouldn't
simply stating Piracy assume all of those other
crimes? I'm losing my mind, he thought.

His mind wandered until the first crack of the whip
brought reality into sharp focus.

Then pain exploded through his body.

He felt like he was being flayed alive. Each blow
came with the sting of salt water as the whip was
dipped back into the bucket of brackish water.
Intellectually he knew it was for his own good.
Insuring a swifter healing and less of a chance of
infection but just then he didn't care. He gritted
his teeth through the pain. The whip Mr. Brown had
used had been a simple one, not like this. Not this
tearing of the flesh, blow after blow. He tried to
keep breathing but with every sing of the whip he
tensed and held his breath.

No one present that day could say that Will Turner was
a weak man, the crew standing there baring witness to
this ghastly display knew they would never again look
at this man in the same light. He stood firm on his
own feet for longer than most men and it was not until
the eighth blow of the mighty cat o' nine tails that
the Commodore finally got his screams. And not until
the tenth that he used the rope to support himself
when his legs gave out. By the fifteenth blow
everyman on board had found respect for the small
scrap of a man. When they finally splashed a full
bucket of sea water over his back there was only a
hissing sound from a raw throat, but Will Turner
covered in blood was still standing on his own.

Most of the crew would never lay eyes on young Mister
Turner again save for when he walked off the ship.
More than half would resign from the Navy in memory of
the look on the Commodore's face when William, bloody
from head to toe had walked away from the mast that
day. Those men went on to tell the tales all across
the Caribbean. Tales of hatred so black as to make
the devil fear, and a man so strong and proud he
walked away from being kissed by the cat fifteen
times. The Commodore had lost the respect of his men
for they all knew William Turner was a good man who
had risked his life to save the Governor's daughter.

Will stood still for a moment after seaman; 'Call me
Griggs, Sir.' had released him. Griggs stood by his
side and waited patiently for him to gather his
bearings. His entire body was on fire. He had almost
passed out when he had lowered his hands. Only the
fear of what was to come next kept him on his feet.
Would he end up in the hold with Jack, or would
Norrington throw him in with the crew? Granted he was
not on a pirate ship but sailors were sailors, and
being offered a chance at a good rutting with no
consequences was usually enough incentive for any man.
He nodded once to let Griggs know that he was as
ready as he would ever be, then turned slowly to face
the men.

Will tried to move slowly as the crowd parted, the
pain was making him nauseous, and he really did not
want to humiliate himself further by being sick all
over the deck. Finally he reached the end of the men.
The crowd had parted for him, all of the seamen
stepping back enough so that he would not be jarred by
them accidentally. When he looked up to see how much
further he had to go, his gaze met with watery blue

Elizabeth. She had seen his humiliation. He stopped
breathing. His mind went wild. No, why? Why was she
out here? She was not supposed to see this. He forgot
himself for a moment stepped forward and reached for
her. His back screamed and his knees almost buckled.

Seaman Griggs immediately stepped forward and held him
up. He was grateful. He would not let the bastard
Commodore see him fall.

"I'm sorry." His voice cracked. He didn't know what
else to say.

"Oh William. What ever for?" She gasped out through
her tears.

"I broke my word. I am a Pirate." His voice was only
a harsh whisper, but the silence made it carry to her.
The sound of it deafening. There was innocent
confusion in his eyes as he tried to convey what was
in his heart to her. No more missed opportunities.
He hadn't meant to become a pirate when this adventure
had begun, but it seemed fate had other plans for him.

"And a good man. William Turner don't you ever doubt
that." She made as if to come to him. He stiffened
and tried to pull away despite the pain.

"Please Ms. Elizabeth, don't." He fell into old
childhood habits while pleading for her to understand.
If she touched him now, he would break. "Later.
We'll talk, later."

"I understand," she took a deep steadying breath, and
then turned to the seaman holding him up. "Seaman
Griggs is it?"

"Aye Miss."

"Take care of him Griggs. Pirate he might be, but he
is still my brother. Do you understand?" She spoke
sharply, willing the quiver in her voice to go away.

"Aye Miss. I won't let nothing else happen to 'im
Miss. You have my word."

Elizabeth looked to Will again then turned and walked
slowly back to her cabin. Her father and the
Commodore would pay for this. This heinous act would
not go unpunished. She sat at her dressing table and
stared at her reflection. She knew pirates now, was
friends with them even. Maybe when they got back to
Port Royal and this mess was straightened out she
could look up AnaMaria and learn how a female became a

Revenge needed to be planned, but first an escape was


Will's screams carried through the entire ship. Jack
could feel some small part of him almost breaking
inside. Bootstrap would kill him if he were here.
Letting his son fall into this mess. He sighed, and
prayed to a god most sailors refused to admit existed.
Just let him be okay. Let them put him in with me so
I can fix him. Just let him be Okay.

He jumped to his feet as the door swung open slowly.
A seaman he had not seen before opened the door and
stepped to the side. Will walked through, dripping
with blood and sea water, dazed but walking on his
own. Jack had never been more proud of anything or
anyone than he was right then. Will met his gaze head

"I told you everything would be alright." Will gave a
small smirk through gritted teeth.

"Aye mate. Never doubted you for a minute." Both
knew the other was lying. Things were not all right
and Jack had doubted. When he had heard how many
lashes, he doubted. When he had heard the screams, he
doubted. But after Will walking in on his own accord
covered in his own blood he would never doubt again.

Griggs walked around Will making sure not to bump into
the other man and walked to Jacks cell.

"Move back a pace." Griggs said gruffly. No one had
specified what cell to put him in and he needed to be
cared for. None of the other sailors would move him.
The only worry would be the Commodore.

Jack leaped back not wanting the man to change his
mind. Soon Will was standing in front of him with the
door locked soundly behind him. Another sailor came
in bearing a largish bucket of water and a small
bundle of cloth. The door was unlocked and relocked
with the items safely on the floor and still neither
man moved. Jack could see Will's throat working over
time and knew he was about to loss what little was in
his stomach. The presence of the crewman the only
thing holding him back.

Finally they were alone again, this time at least the
Griggs had left two lamps lit. It was dim, but they
could see.

"Whelp, it'd be best if ya could lie down." Jack had
still not seen his back, was almost afraid to see the
mess that it must be in. He took off his outer vest
and shirt and did his best to make a pallet in the

"You need any help getting down luv?" He asked trying
to keep the worry out of his voice.

Will chuckled painfully, "It isn't the getting down
that worries me Jack. If I go down. I might not make
it back up again."

"No worries there mate. On my honour, I'll get you
back up." Jack waved his hands in his trademark way.
It always seemed to make Will smile a bit, even if it
was just with his eyes. Lord this man amazed him.
Jack thought as he looked into those chocolate eyes,
still to much innocence to be real. And laughter,
even while in pain enough to bring down most men, his
eyes where laughing.

"Come on then. Let's see about those scratches of

Will gritted his teeth to keep from screaming as he
lowered himself to the ground. His throat hurt from
screaming earlier but found it could still make an
awfully loud noise as he settled himself on Jacks

"Scratches? It feels more like they skinned me

"Nay, naught but a few scratches." Jack lied. In
truth he was dangerously close to loosing his non
existent breakfast. "Just lay still for a mo'. I'm
gonna check out what goodies the laddies brought us."

Bless the blighters they brought rolls and a bit of
dried meat, clean rags for bandages, needle and
threat, and the bucket contained clean fresh water.
Jack removed his leather palm guard as he settled
every thing around Will's prone form. Then sat down
and surveyed the mess.

"'Ere mate bite down on this." He said as he shoved
the bit of leather in between Will's teeth. "Alright
prepare yerself. This ain't gonna feel non too good."

Jack chewed on the ends of his moustache as he
silently cleaned the blood from Will's back. Several
of the cuts would require he use the needle.
Thankfully Will passed out with the first touch of the
cold metal against his skin. Jack stretched tired
muscles as the day wore on, but he never moved from
his task.

Finally when the last stitch was complete he washed
his hands and stood. He walked over to the nearest
wall and pounded his fist into it. Cursing every
Naval Officer in Her Majesties Fleet he swore revenge.
He might not be responsible for the flogging but by
God that man was his friend. He shook the bars in a
frenzy, hitting, kicking and cursing in every language
he knew. Finally exhaustion caught up with him. He
looked back at his unconscious cell mate, he hadn't
moved through Jack's out of character tirade against
the stupid iron bars. Good, maybe he won’t move in
his sleep and rip the stitches.

Jack stretched out beside Will careful not to touch
the boy, but placing himself in between Will and the
door. If Norrington wanted to come back after Will he
would have to go through Jack first. Jack drifted off
into an uneasy sleep.

Chapter Four

The week passed by in a fitful haze for Will, he only
woke when Jack forced him to. Either for food or
drink. His back was stiff and painful but he had
managed to keep all of the stitches intact.
Norrington had not come back and Elizabeth only once.
That was fine with Will he really didn't want her to
see him like this. But he had too much time to just
sit and think.

And that was never a good thing. Too much time
thinking got him in trouble usually. Though not as
much trouble as this one time when he had acted first
and thought later. He looked to Jack who was casually
leaning back staring off into space. Jack who had
nursed him back from the brink of madness in the
middle of the night when the dark took him and the
nightmares became too much. Yes Will had had too much
time to think on this trip.

He thought he might know why he had never desired
Elizabeth as more than a good friend and perhaps a
sister. He thought maybe he now knew why the whore's
in Tortuga had turned his stomach and the whore's in
Port Royal had only ever stirred his interest in the
vaguest of ways. Not like Jack. The man had affected
him somehow. Even before Tortuga when they were alone
on the Interceptor, he would watch the man move about
the rigging high in the air and his loins would stir.

More than stir when Jack would strip down out in the
sun and weave to a song only he could hear. Several
times Will had to find an out of the way cabin and
stroke himself to completion after watching Jack work.
He had to find a way to get Jack out of this. He
would not see the man hang; it was a promise to
himself. He swore he would free Jack, no matter the


Will stood on the balcony of the Governors mansion
just outside Elizabeth's room. He stared out at the
horizon, he understood the longing now. Understood
that the sea was in his blood. He had always thought
it was a mistake, denied to the very last that pirates
blood ran through his veins. He rubbed unconsciously
at the bandana he always wore around his wrist, and
flexed his almost healed back and shoulders.

Elizabeth was just taking dinner down to the goal were
Jack was being kept. Will was waiting for her to
return. He had come to some decisions while on the
return trip to Port Royal, all that time to think
about his life. Time to think about Jack and his
reactions to the older man. He might not like all of
the things pirates did, couldn't understand why they
did most of them but also couldn't deny that now that
he had had a taste of that life he could ever go back
to being a humble blacksmith. Elizabeth needed to
know before the morning, before they hung Jack. She
needed to hear it from him.

He saw her carriage pull up and she stepped out.
Their eyes met, she nodded briefly then turned her
attention back to her maid. He stepped back into the
shadows and waited for her to be able to break away
from the hustle and bustle of the Governors household.


"Will? Will are you out here?" Elizabeth called out

"Aye, join me. The bay is beautiful this night." He
whispered from the shadows.

She laughed delighted at this sign from their
childhood. He always used to say that. She would
find him sitting on her balcony in the middle of the
night and she would call out. 'Boy, why are you
here?' and he would say, 'The bay is beautiful this
night.' It never failed to make her feel better, so
she laughed and replied.

"It's the Caribbean Will, it's always beautiful!"

"Yes Ms. Elizabeth, it is." Will walked out of the

They stood in silence side by side for a while before
either spoke again. Dusk was truly upon them when
Will finally broke the silence.

"How was he tonight?" He turned slightly to face her.
He drank in her beauty for a moment before lowering
his eyes. It would have been the perfect romantic
moment if his heart had not belonged to another.

"He's Jack. He's amazingly fine." She turned to him,
watched his face as she spoke, "He asked about you."

He was looking down but the blush spread high across
his cheeks. "Why won't you go see him Will?"

"I can't, I can't face him yet. Has there been any
word at all? He hangs tomorrow noon." He finally met
her gaze.

"Yes, I met with AnaMaria today. They will be here
and ready. Tell me Will, what have you planned?"

He sighed and turned back out to gaze at the horizon.
"I think it is in my blood Elizabeth. Maybe not being
a pirate but the sea. I loved it when I was out
there. The wind, the sea, the, I don't know how to
explain it. The freedom I guess."

"You're going with him. Aren't you. That's it you're
going to leave me here and go off pirating with Jack
Sparrow." She sounded slightly miffed, and he might
believe it if not for the smile on her face.

"That's Captain Jack Sparrow luv!" He said in his
best Jack impersonation. They laughed freely for a
few moments before they returned to their plans.

"You know Elizabeth. I do love you." Will took a
deep breath and continued. "I do not wish for you to
marry the Commodore. He is not a good man."

"Will, I've made plans of my own. I'm glad we are
speaking of this now, because you need to know before
tomorrow. I'm going to be a pirate. AnaMaria is
going to teach me. She says that I would make a fine
pirate. Did you get to talk to her much on the trip
Will? Oh she is wonderful, she's very smart. And
funny, she does this impersonation of Jack that is
just…" She stopped her babbling for a moment when
Will snorted.

She smiled up at him knowingly. "She is very
beautiful to me."

"Why Ms. Elizabeth, I do believe you are in love."
Relief filled him, if she was going with AnaMaria they
would be together for a while longer and he didn't
have to worry about her if AnaMaria was watching over

"Is that Okay? You're not upset or anything are you."
She asked the worry in her voice was almost not

"Of course I'm not upset. I mean I never pictured it,
had no clue really, but, I am happy for you! I'm a
bit relieved actually. I love you like a sister, but
I would have married you to keep you from Norrington."
His eyes were bright when he looked back to her.

"I know you would Will, but then what would we do with

"W-what do you mean?" He stuttered.

"You’re in love with him. Aren't you." She asked

"I, I don't know. I think maybe I am. I just, you
know I'm not very good at this type of thing."

"What type of thing? Love? What is to be good at?
Just be yourself, if he can't love you for yourself
then he isn't worth loving anyway. But I don't think
you will have anything to worry about."

They stood smiling at each other for a minute before
bursting out with laughter.

"Imagine both of us falling for pirates. I'm going to
have to change my name you know. Ana says Elizabeth
Swann will be too well known. I need a good pirating

"Oh aye, we'll have to think of a good name. A name
that says Grrr, I'm a pirate!" Will laughed.

"Yes, you're right. What think you of Killer?" She
said with a perfectly straight face, and then promptly
lost the effect by laughing again.

"I don't know about that but I think Lizzie Turner is
a fine pirating name." Will said between the

"You're right. Liz Turner, I think I could live with

"Liz the Lesbian, Liz the Lesbo Pirate! Has sort of a
ring to it don't you think?" She laughed.

Will gave her a confused look. "What is a Lesbian?"
Liz busted out laughing again.

"A lesbian is what you call a woman who appreciates
the company of another woman, rather than men."

Will blushed scarlet. "Oh! And what do they call a
man who appreciates the company of other men?"

"Why a poof of course!"

"Oh unfair, you get an exotic name like Lesbian and I
become a poof. Hmm, I don't think I like that." Will
turned away slightly and pouted.

"Oh alright since you are going to be all pouty about
it how about we just call you a pirate. They all seem
to prefer men over woman. When they are on board ship
anyway!" They laughed together at the truth of that.

The mood was still light when Will noticed the time,
he hated to bring up serious matters again, but needs
must be met.

"Liz, we must make ready. Are you sure about this?
Silly question of course you are! Is there anything
here that you cannot leave? If there is we need to
take it to the docks tonight."

Liz looked around her bedroom then back to Will. "I
have everything I need right here." She said simply
as she laid her hand against his chest right above his

He agreed but laughed out loud. "We are becoming
overly sappy. Like two old woman mooning over there
lives and lost loves!"

"Yes we are, but soon there will be no time for it.
Will they accept us do you think? The men, the crew I

"Jack said there was always room on his crew for me,
whether or not he had a ship. He is my captain, I
don't care what the rest of the crew think. But I
don't think we should worry. I think after a few days
at sea we will fit right in."

"But the actual Pirating, Will. Could you loot and
plunder, rape and pillage? Could you do that Will?"

"I don't think I am capable of rape. But yes I could
plunder a ship, kill its crew if they resisted. I
don't really think Jack is that kind of pirate though.
He has plenty of treasure now. I think if he were to
sink a ship it would be for a purpose. The rest of
humanity might not understand that purpose," Will
laughed," but there would be one for Jack. And I
think right now, that's good enough for me."

"Your right we sound awful! First we have to get him
out of there. Then we have to get away." Liz turned
to look out over the bay again. It really was a
beautiful night; she sometimes took it for granted,
this view.

The breeze was blowing from the south warmly and the
stars were just starting to peek through the blazing
purple sky. The sea gulls and ships in the distance
gave relief from the endless sea. The sounds from the
town below where muffled and indistinct blending
smoothly with the sounds of the tide rolling endlessly
in and out. The wind rustled the leaves of the large
palm trees surrounding the estate; it was a sound no
other tree's around made. After ten years listening
to the tree's here speak to her, Liz almost called
this place home, but she had never really considered
Port Royal her true home. And now she never would.
Home would be were ever her new brother and their
Captain was.

"Yo ho, Yo ho, A pirates life for me. We're rascals
and scoundrels, villains and knaves, drink up me
hearties yo ho, We're devils and black sheep, really
bad eggs, drink up me hearties yo ho!" Liz sang
quietly. For once the song didn't grate on Will's
nerves. "You know I was singing that when I spotted
you in the water," Liz said quietly. "It was like I
brought you to me with my song. Norrington talked
about hanging pirates and Gibbs talked about the bad
luck a woman brings to a ship, but I didn't care. I
was in love with the sea even then. I turned back to
the water and sang some more, then there you were,
floating on a small piece of wood. I was singing
about pirates and I found you. Now look at us."

"Ms. Elizabeth be quiet, your getting sappy again."
Will whispered. "Let's enjoy the night while we can.
For tomorrow we sail."

"How do you plan on getting him out of there?"

"I don't. I'm going to let Norrington do that. I
plan on stealing him right out from under their

"Oh good, they moved him you know."

"What? Where?" A shiver of fear shook him.

"Just down to the last cell. He is with a couple of
other cutthroats all set to be hanged at noon," she
turned to look at Will when she felt him tense at her
side. "Will, what is it." His face was drawn, and he
had lost all colour. "Will don't do this to me.
Don't you dare blank out now. What is it? What's

She watched as he fought whatever memory it was that
caused this reaction in him. Too many times he lost
this fight and she had to watch as he folded in on
himself. Not this time damn it! She slapped him hard
across his cheek. Finally life returned to his eyes.
He turned to her; she had never seen his eyes look so

"I have to go. I can't leave him alone tonight.
Norrington planned this, I am very glad you will be
going with me Liz. Norrington, he is an evil man."
Will swung his legs over wrought iron balcony as he
spoke. "I will see you tomorrow Elizabeth. Be sure
to wear your breeches under your dress, and wear a
dress easy to remove." He was babbling and he knew
it. He was trying to keep himself from thinking about
what he was about to do.

"I'll be fine Will. Just go. Whatever it is that has
you troubled so, just go and make sure Jack is
alright." She threw her arms around him quickly and
kissed his cheek. "Now go see about our Captain."
She spun on her heals and fled into her room. Will
would be faster if she were not watching him.


Will walked as slowly as a man in hurry could walk and
still draw no attention to himself. He took short
cuts through alley ways that stank of decay and
excrement. Cobble stoned streets covered in filth
made it hard to hurry anyway, where there was always
the possibility of loosing ones footing on the slick
stones. He passed behind a tavern just receiving its
shipment for the evening and nicked two bottles of
halfway decent rum. He was sure Jack would appreciate
them. Will was quite proud of himself actually; his
back only gave a slight twitch as he pocketed the ill
gotten drink. Jack was right; he was well on his way
to being a pirate.

Imagine, he had been so wrapped up in his own drama
with learning about the medallion Elizabeth had taken
from him as a child and his new feelings for Jack that
he never even noticed the relationship between the two
women develop. What kind of brother was he, that she
had fallen in love and he had never even noticed. He
wondered what in the world two women would do with
each other. The thoughts made a general stirring in
his cock, hmm. Well it might make a fine show anyway.
If it weren't Liz his was thinking of anyway. Oh hell
who are you kidding Turner, it isn't like she is your
real sister. You know you would watch any thing Liz
or Ana wanted to show you! He grinned to himself.
Poof he might be but some things transcended

He stopped walking when he came to the back of the
jail. He opened a bottle of rum and took three huge
swallows, nearly choking himself in the process but
making sure to get enough on him to make it smell as
if he had been drinking for a while. Finally he
marched in and headed straight for the prisoners. The
guards managed to stop him about halfway down the
narrow steps.

"Sir, you can't go down there." Lobster one said.

"And why not? They're all still locked away aren't
they? They're not a danger to me, not going to kill
me or anything."

"No, sir. But they aren't allowed any visitors."
Lobster two replied.

"I just need to go down and have a word or two with
one of them. That's all. That Captain Sparrow chap.
And look I've come to taunt him." Will brandished the
bottle of rum around for all to see, all the while
taking small steps downward. "An entire bottle of
rum, all for me. He's not getting any of this bottle.
No, Sir. I'm going to drink it in front of him." By
the time he had finished slurring his words properly
and nearly tripping over his own feet the two soldiers
had decided that he must not be a threat this time.
Though they knew he was the one to break the Captain
out the last time.

Will stopped and took a deep breath as the soldiers
walked back up the stairs. This was the first time he
had been back down in the lower levels of the jail
since he had swore to himself to kill all pirates.
And now look at him back inside the dungeons a pirate,
come to help another pirate. He swallowed another
mouthful of the burning liquid and this time it was
not an act. Liquid courage, he had heard it called.
He breathed deeply as he slowly made his way to the
last cell.

Jack was leaning up against the cell bars wedged into
a corner as far away from the other men as he could
get. He knew the whelp had a plan to get him out of
this, he just wished the lad would hurry it along just
a bit. Those cutthroats were looking at him as if he
were a prime steak. He didn't like the odds here, not
one bit. He stood when he heard Williams voice,
slurred speech had never sounded so good. And the man
had brought rum. Ah, a Godsend from above. Rum. The
devils drink it might be but tonight it was heaven
sent. What was that? Not gonna share, well we'll just
see about that. Although getting drunk while locked
in with these two creatures might not be wise, it will
definitely pass the time quicker.

Finally Will came into view, all thoughts of rum fled
at the look on the boy's face. He was pale and shaky,
his eyes were wild almost panicking. The look brought
back memories of the cowering boy on the ship. Jack
had hoped to never see that look again. What ever had
happened to Will it must have happened here, or in a
jail at least.

"Well, well, well look at wot the cat drug in. Hey
boy, how’s the Missus?"

Will blinked his entire body seemed to shudder but
finally he focused on Jack.

"She's fine. As you well know."

"Ah, yes. So I do." Jack gave a grin. The boy was
still with him, he had not retreated too far. "Well
lad, wot have you got for ole Jack then eh? I heard
talk of rum."

Will couldn't help the grin that stretched across his
face as he proudly showed Jack the bottles. "This one
is mine. You'll not be having any of that. But
this," he held the full bottle aloft, "this one is all

"You are a good man William Turner, a good man
indeed." Jack said as he grabbed the bottle and
pulled the cork out with his teeth.

"I'm becoming a good pirate too, Jack." Will spoke
softly as he approached the bars separating them.
"That is stolen drink, that is, grabbed it before it
even got to the tavern."

Jack looked well, dirty but good. His hair was still
adorned with bone and beads but Liz had his bandanna
and AnaMaria had his hat. The kohl smudges where
almost gone and he needed a good bath, but there was
still laughter in his eyes. And it had been over a
week since Will had seen him. His eyes ran hungrily
over the other man. Will watched Jacks throat as he
threw his head back and guzzled the drink. He
wondered what the skin, just there at the Adam’s
apple, tasted like. A drizzle of rum escaped Jacks
mouth and ran down his chin and stopped just were Will
was staring. As if daring him to find out. Will
unconsciously licked his lips.

"Well, whelp, are ya stayin' for a while or are ya
just droppin' off me drink?" And what had prompted
this visit after a week, he wondered. He watched as
Will's eyes flickered to his cellmates and back to

"I'm staying. Till first light anyway."

So that was it. The whelp was worried about him.
Will didn't want him left alone in a cell with these
two? That was strange. These were the same two gents
he had been hold up with for a week now. What was so
different tonight? The new cell maybe. He did notice
they were well away from everyone else, earlier when
he had begun to worry about the looks those two were
exchanging. Hmm. Interesting, very interesting.

"Well then, ya might as well sit." Jack motioned to
the corner where he had been sitting before, only this
time he was facing the bars and not away from them.
He knew the boy, the man, Will, would watch his back.
Will sat and drank deeply. After the first few
swallows it wasn't so bad really.

"Not too much of that now lad. You don't want to be
sick all morning tomorrow now do ya?" Jack whispered.

"Right, sorry."

Several hours later when the soldiers came to put out
the light for the night Will hid behind some discarded
hay used by the prisoners for their beds. The
soldiers didn't even notice that he wasn't there.
They just did a head count and headed back up the
stairs after putting out the lamps. Will cautiously
made his way back to Jack's side. It took a while for
their eyes to adjust to the low light coming in from
the high windows, but when they did Will noticed Jack
staring at him.

"Something to say, Jack?"

"How are ya? Really."

"I'm fine Jack."

"Really, then that wasn't panic I saw in yer eyes when
you first got 'ere. Ah, my mistake then." Jack
slurred as he took another drink.

It was killing him to not know what monsters haunted
this boy in the dark. He now had a better clue in
fact he figured he had it just about right, just not
the particulars. And that is what he wanted. He
wanted the whys and wherefores. He wanted names,
places, dates, and damn it all he wanted reasons. He
was harbouring a black hatred for the Commodore the
likes of which he had never had for anyone save
Barbossa and even then he had gotten over the all
consuming need for revenge as soon as he had gotten
off of that damnable isle. Oh he wanted revenge but
when he had finally gotten off the island he made his
way back to the island home a dear friend had left him
when he had passed and found that there was more to
life than revenge. Not much more, mind, but more. He
had been young, not much older that young Mr. Turner
was now.

He had turned his thirst for revenge into a thirst for
knowledge. He had read every book in the library,
studied swordplay with masters, even went to Singapore
for an extended stay learning what they would teach to
foreigners of fighting. It wasn't much but it put him
in good standing in a fight. It was in Singapore
living with the sake drinking monks that he had
developed his style and flair for the dramatic. Never
underestimate and adversary, even if they were drunk,
is what he had learned. Though most people did just
that. Ah yes Singapore, those were good times!

"So what's the plan for tomorrow then?" He asked
willing yet again to change the subject.

"What you expected me to have a plan?!" In the dark
Jack could not see Will's smirk, but he heard the
humour in his voice.

"Ya can't very well expect me to come up with the plan
now can you? I've been locked up in this hell hole
for the better part of me vacation in lovely Port

"Well the best I can think of is to let the Commodore
hang you."

"I really hope that isn't all of the plan whelp, cause
I'm really not liking it none too well." Jack

"Well I'm not going to let you die. Just fall. They
won't be expecting a rescue attempt 'after' they hang
you now will they." Will did laugh after that, just
thinking of the look on Jack's face!

"Tha is either sheer madness or brilliance. I can't
figure which."

"Remarkable how often those two traits coincide
innit!" Will chuckled.

"Oi, Whelp no throwing me own words up in me face!"
Jack laughed.

"Seriously Jack, don't panic. I won't let you hang.
And after that we play it by ear until we can get to
the docks. Elizabeth and I have, well Elizabeth has
been in touch with the Pearl. AnaMaria says, they
didn't want to leave you but the Dauntless was making
the crew nervous. At noon tomorrow they will be
waiting just around the cliffs. It is up to us to
make our way to them. They will wait two hours, after
that we meet in Tortuga in one week."

"So what you are sayin' is that I've just got two new
members of me crew!"

Will swallowed, "If you'll have us, then yes. If not
then Elizabeth will get off in Tortuga with AnaMaria."

"O'course I'll have you whelp, but wot's this about
Ana leavin'?"

Will blushed again, he was very happy it was too dark
for Jack to see him and tease him. "They are,
together now."

Jack raised both eyebrows and cocked his head back and
to the side an effect that was lost in the dark of the
dungeon. "I'm shocked to be sure, well not really at
ole Ana, but I would never have thought it out of Ms.

Will sighed, "I know I was too busy thinking about
yo…err…you know, everything that was going on to
notice that she had fallen in love. What kind of
brother does that make me? That I was too wrapped up
in...other things to notice something that important."
Will babbled on after his almost glaring admission.
He hoped Jack wouldn't notice.

"And 'ere I thought she was your lady love." Jack

"I never said she was my lady love, I only said that I
would die for her. I still would. For all that we
are not blood, we are family. Savvy?" Will grinned.

"Grrr, Aye whelp I savvy! You were the poor orphan boy
and she was the daughter of the Governor. It's like a
really twisted love story. Could have been the stuff
of legends, 'spect for the fact that you're a eunuch!
I 'spect that is why she fell for Ana. She figured as
long as she was gonna be without a cock."

"For the last time, I am no eunuch." Will protested

"Aye lad, so you keep sayin'" Jack laughed with him.
It was really lovely to listen to the man laugh in the
dark, knowing that it was the only thing keeping the
demons and monsters that haunted the night around them
at bay.

The rest of the night passed quickly for Jack, between
the laughter and the rum it was a good way to spend
the night before he was hanged. And if ever he was
hanged for real he hoped he spent his last night just
like this.

Will left with the first stirrings of the gulls
outside, neither man had slept but at least the night
was restful. Jack hadn't had to worry about the two
idiots in the cell with him and for the first time in
weeks he was able to relax. But the day had to be
met, they both stood as Will prepared to leave.

"Well then, I'll see you at the gallows."

"Yeah, the gallows mate."

Will gave a small grin, the Captain was worried and he
knew it would keep him on his toes.

"Just be ready Jack."

"Yer fergetten whelp. I'm Captain Jack Sparrow," Jack
spun in place with a flourish of his hands. Jack
waggled his eyebrows playfully. "I'm always ready."

Will bit his lip to keep from laughing, "Aye Jack.
Indeed you are!"


Chapter Five

Will snuck into Elizabeth's room later that morning.
He crept silently to her bedside; she looked like a
sleeping angel. He almost hated to wake her, but she
needed to be prepared for the day ahead. He covered
her mouth with his work roughened hand, and shook her
slightly, whispering her name. She didn't even blink.
Will leaned in to whisper in her ear a little louder
and suddenly felt a pressure against his thigh. High
up on his thigh in fact he looked down and grinned.
Elizabeth's dainty little hand held the dagger he had
made for her months ago, pressed right into the vein
he had coached her to aim for, and her eyes were still
closed. He bit his bottom lip to keep from laughing
out loud as he let her go and backed up a pace.

"Lizzie is that any way to treat your brother?" He

She finally opened her eyes and turned her head and
grinned. "How did I do? My aim was good?"

"Your aim was fine, any higher and I would be the
eunuch Jack always accuses me of being." He said
laughing at her enthusiasm, but wondering if it would
hold in a real fight. Then again she did hold her own
with Barbossa, stabbed him right in the heart she did,
according to Barbossa anyway.

She threw off the down comforter and stood. Already
dressed in the breeches she had gotten from Will when
he had out grown them, and one of his newer shirts.
He reached out and fingered the collar of the shirt,
then stepped closer to tie it more securely across her

"I've been looking for this shirt. Tell me, when did
you steal it?" They were still whispering and the
intimate nature of the moment did not escape them.
They stared into each others eyes for a moment then
fell into the others arms. She fit right under his
chin when they stood like this. They stood in the
embrace for a few minutes unwilling to let the other
go, before finally he pulled away.

"I am sorry Elizabeth. I wish I could love you like
you deserve. It would be so much easier on all of us,
but I can't." His hand reached up to caress her
cheek, never more aware of how rough and calloused his
hands where then right then. "I did try." Her skin
was so soft, too soft, he felt that he might break her
if he was not careful.

"Will Turner, don't you dare make this all about you.
Oh sure, I could marry you and settle down with half a
dozen children. I might even convince myself that I
was happy for a while, but before too long I would
resent you, hate you even. I want my freedom just as
much as you do. And there is just something inside of
me, something that I can't explain. When AnaMaria
kissed me, it was. Like nothing else I have ever felt
before. It was just right somehow. And maybe it
won't last forever, but Will when you kissed me, I
tried, really I did, but it just wasn't right."

Will dropped his hand back to his side, his heart
light, he felt like laughing. This time he didn't
bother to hide his smile. "Well then, good I'm glad
we got that settled. Now tell me," he paced around
behind her and tugged on a lock of her hair, "about
this kiss. If she has besmirched your honour, I shall
be force to call her out! Brother's duty and all
that." He laughed and stepped back quickly as she
flipped around and slapped at his arm.

"Oh, you, you poof! So tell me about the good
Captain. Hmm, Will has he besmirched your honour
yet?" She smirked knowing perfectly well that he had
not. What she didn't expect was the flash of pain she
saw before he hid it behind a smirk.

"No, I am afraid Lizzie that I am not as brave as you
are." He moved to stand just inside the French doors
he had left open, being careful to stay just out of
sight of anyone looking up.

"Will, it'll work out. You'll see. When Jack speaks
of you, he smiles. I know he likes you."

"Jack always smiles." He replied without looking away
from the horizon.

"Not like this he doesn't. He gets still. He stops
swaying, his hands calm down, and he really smiles.
Not those smirks he usually gives everyone." She had
made a study of Jack Sparrow over the last few days.

She had suspected he had feelings for Will on the
Dauntless when she had come down to see Will after the
terrible lashing he had received. The man, Covenant,
the one who had actually done the whipping, had been
the guard that day. He had accompanied her inside,
said he was under orders not to leave the prisoners
alone with her. The Commodore was a smart man, if she
could have gotten them off the ship without further
injuring Will she would have, and he knew it. But it
was Jacks reaction to Covenant that was telling.

No matter where the man moved in the room Jack would
position himself directly in between Will and his
tormentor. His eyes never left the man and the look
in his eyes. She shivered at the memory; she knew now
how he had earned his reputation as a most feared
pirate. If the look in his eyes was any indication
Jack would have burned entire towns if they even
hinted at threatening Will. It wasn't hard after that
to pick up the signs.

When they finally reached Port Royal and they had
walked down the docks, Jacks eyes never left Will.
The sailors waited for Will to disembark before they
took their exit. It was a showing of respect for
another seaman that Will was completely unaware of
just as he was unaware of the look of pride in Jacks

The knock at the door drew them both out of their
thoughts and Will quickly hid behind the open balcony
door. Elizabeth had just donned her dressing gown
over her manish clothes when the door swung open and
her lady's maid entered.

"Oh good your already awake. Beautiful day, miss.
Your father asks that you be ready in an hour. He
assumed you'd want to attend the hanging." The maid
walked around the room tidying up the bed and laying
out clothing.

"Yes of course. No need to trouble yourself today,
Bessie. I'm not to wear that horrible corset this
time so I shall be fine on my own. Thank you."

"No need to thank me, miss. Horrible thing, hanging.
Don't know why you'd want to go watch something like
that." Bessie looked her over once before nodding her
head in satisfaction that Elizabeth was well and truly
awake and not likely to climb back into bed. "Alright
then miss, I'll be back up in a bit with a tray."

"No! I mean, no need today Bessie, I don't think I
could stomach much this morning."

"Right then miss. Your father will be waiting in one
hour; I'll come back at a quarter to."

Elizabeth closed the door firmly behind the maid.
Will came out from behind the door and smirked.

"Will you need help getting that dress on over those

Elizabeth looked down at herself in dismay, then back
up at Will with a sigh. "Damn, yes probably."

"We'd better hurry then I have a few last minute
things to do." Will walked over to the screen that
Elizabeth usually hid behind to dress; he turned back
to her with a bewildered expression. "You of course
know that I have no idea what I am doing right!" He
picked up her dress and held it up to himself. "Which
way is the back?"

Elizabeth laughed, "You silly poof, give that to me."
She snatched her dress from him and threw it on over
her head. "I only need help with the laces, and
making sure you can't see the clothes underneath."

"Lizzie, have you heard any of the Commodore's plans
for today?" He asked as he laced the back of her
dress, making sure the shirt under it looked like
nothing more than a lady's under gown. He only hoped
no one would notice the poor quality of the material.

"It is strange Will. For some reason as soon as we
got back almost half the sailors resigned their
commissions, and more, the ones who could not resign
have already informed him that they were leaving when
their term of service was complete. I don't know how
thin he will be stretched, but the men he has had to
promote in the last few days are green. Most of them
have never even seen battle. It is most disturbing."

"Hmm…That is strange. What happened to Barbossa's
crew? I meant to ask before. Why weren't they in the
brig with us?"

"Oh, you didn't hear? The crew of the Dauntless
refused to sail with them on board, They said it was
bad luck, to be sailing with cursed men. Father and
the Commodore agreed and they were all hanged that
very night. Their bodies were all thrown over board.
It was horrible. But it couldn't have happened to a
nicer group of men, really." She snorted, most

"I guess Jack and I where lucky then. The Commodore
could have hung us both that night."

Elizabeth turned at his distant tone; his eyes gazed
at the hem of her dress. She brought her hands up and
cupped his face, forcing him to look up at her. "Do
you not remember, Will, they were hanging from the
yard-arm when we boarded."

He stared at her for a moment his brow crinkled in
confusion and worry. "I don't remember boarding,
Elizabeth. We were on the boat almost, to the
Dauntless. I looked up and saw your father and the
Commodore standing at the rail looking down at us, and
the next thing is waking up in the brig in the cell
next to Jack." He swallowed audibly.

She sighed she knew, had known, that he would not
remember but hearing the confusion and anxiety the all
too honest fear it was almost too much. Jack Sparrow,
you seadog, you had better take good care of him.
You'd better be the pirate I think you are and get
those bastard that did this. Her hunger for revenge
was growing daily. She knew her father played some
large part in all this. She just hoped that Jack
would bring him down for Will, because if he didn't,
she would.

"That's ok. You didn't miss much, just getting
yourself thrown into a cell." She couldn't bring
herself to tell him of what she had seen. She knew
what it would do to him to have her see him that way.
Her mind dragged up the image of him stretched out
touching the wall, untied but not fighting the men
about to whip him. Those scars on his back would
haunt her dream. But it was the dead look in his eyes
that would haunt her every waking moment until the day
Jack Sparrow took their revenge.

She stepped back away from him and glanced at the
clock, "Well enough of this. You must go, finish
getting ready. I'll meet you there." She leaned in
and kissed his cheek then walked away. She paused at
the door but did not look back. "Be careful,

"Aye, and you too, sister."


Will spun until he was in between the Commodore and
Jack, his blade still held high. He spared a moment
to wonder where these soldiers had come from. Damn,
this wasn't how this was supposed to go!

Norrington's blade was pointed at his heart; Will
could see the unconcealed hatred in the man's eyes.
Eyes that he knew haunted his nightmares, though he
couldn't remember why.

"I figured we'd have to endure some ill conceived
escape attempt, but not from the likes of you." Damn
the boy, Norrington thought, he shouldn't be able to
stand up to me like this.

"On my return to Port Royal I granted you clemency and
this is how you thank me? By throwing your lot in
with him? He is a pirate!" Governor Swann said, as
if it would make a difference any more.

"And a good man." Will was fighting the blackness in
his vision, and a low buzzing started in his ears. He
had never really stood up to the Commodore before.
His place was with Jack, he was doing this for Jack.
He had to keep repeating this over and over in his
head. Jack was his courage. He took a deep steadying
breath and met the Governor's gaze.

"If all that comes of this is the hangman earns two
pairs of boots instead of one then so be it." He
turned to the bastard Commodore, "my conscience is

The only thing holding him in place when Norrington
stepped forward was Jacks hand on his back.

"You forget your place, Turner."

"It's right here, between you and Jack." He felt
Jack's hand fist into the back of his shirt. He
glanced to Elizabeth that was her cue. She stepped
forward and joined them in the circle of swords.

"As is mine." Her voice rang clear through the
citadel; she made sure that every soldier there heard
that it was her choice to go with these men. There
would be no false kidnapping charges here.

"Elizabeth!" The Governor exclaimed loudly, his shock
was apparent.

Elizabeth almost screamed when Norrington turned to

"So this is where your heart truly lies?" He asked.

The man was truly a great actor, if she had not seen
the truth on Will's back; she would never had guessed
the proper nature of the man. He was just as much of
a pirate as the men who had kidnapped her. The urge
to just kill him then and there was almost to great to
resist, then she felt Jacks hand slowly unlace the
back of her dress, she almost smiled. Instead she
just nodded.

"It is." She held her head up high and her shoulders
back, she stood proud by her choices, also because if
she had relaxed at all her dress would have fallen
off, Jack was indeed masterful at disrobing a woman!

Then Jack was off, spouting some nonsense, taking the
soldiers attentions away from her and Will. They
backed up slowly. Holding hands the entire time.
They made there way to the top of the parapet where
this entire adventure had begun. Elizabeth noticed
that some of the sailors from the Dauntless where now
dressed as soldiers, one of them met her gaze, she
would swear later that he had nodded and turned his
back just a little. It was that show of understanding
that gave her the courage to let her dress fall.

Several of the other sailor turned soldiers moved in
front of them. They made a great showing of following
Jack's movements, but strangely enough doing nothing
to hinder his backwards retreat to the edge of the
parapet. Soon Jack was through the human wall and
waving at them franticly behind his back. Will turned
to her and smiled, she nodded back at him. As they
turned together and jumped they could hear Jack's
great 'This is the day' speech before he too was
falling with them.

Freefalling into rocky waters was not really her idea
of having fun but by the time they had all surfaced
and started swimming out to sea, Elizabeth was
laughing like bedlam loon. She did notice as she
glanced back up the way they had fallen that the
'soldiers' that were lining the high parapet had
really bad aim!

They swam to the small row boat that Will had roped
lightly to the very end of the pier. Then swiftly
made their way to the cliffs. And then there was the
Black Pearl drifting silently her black hull blending
perfectly with the cliffs behind her. They didn't
speak as they rowed; there really wasn't much need to
speak. Will was looking pensive but happy and Jack
looked as if he had never doubted the entire escape.

Gibbs was at the bow and spotted them first, there was
yelling and scrambling on deck as a rope ladder was
lowered over the side. AnaMaria took charge to get
them underway before they were even onboard as it took
a few minutes to ready the sails and she didn't want
to take any chances that they were being pursued.

When they finally reached the deck and Jack was back
at the wheel of his beloved Pearl, hat and jacket
firmly in place, Will and Elizabeth stood dripping wet
right behind their Captain, arms around each other
laughing quietly. AnaMaria slipped up behind them and
laid a woollen blanket around their shoulders.

Will watched as Elizabeth reached out and grabbed
Ana's hand. The lady pirate smiled and gave Lizzie's
hand a brief squeeze before glancing up and Jack then
back to Liz. Elizabeth smiled, nodded in
understanding and dropped her hand back to her side.
Will turned away, he breathed deeply of the fresh sea

Surprisingly enough they were not being chased. He
had fully expected the Dauntless to be weighing anchor
by the time they had reached open waters. He shifted
in place, his back was beginning to itch and the salt
water soaked shirt drying onto his back was not doing
anything to help. His muscles were beginning to
freeze up as well, but standing there with the wind in
their sails was to good a feeling to give up just yet.

And really now that he was here, he had no clue what
to do. He didn't really know his way around a ship.
Not like Elizabeth who had grown up with talk of ships
and the sea. Before Jack had shown up the only time
he had any dealing with the ships at port was when
they needed more cannon ball. Mostly the ships were
outfitted by the smithy down on the docks, the only
time his skills where required was when they needed
the cannon fodder quickly.

Will flexed his shoulders and rolled his head,
attempting to stretch out his neck muscles. The
longer he stood the more uncomfortable he became.
Elizabeth stood to the side her head bent close to
Ana’s; they were talking and laughing in low tones.
Will sighed, that must be nice. He flexed his
shoulders again, thinking about the reason his back
hurt. Most of the cuts had healed but one or two had
taken longer and were still scabbed over. His back
was a riot of colours he was sure, it felt like one
big bruise. If he just had a wall to lean against he
could take care of the distracting itch. The more he
thought about it the more it burned, as most itches
were want to do when they couldn't be reached.

"Whelp quit twitchin' it's distractin'." Jack's
booming voice almost made Will flinch. He caught
himself just as he was about to step back. He lowered
his eyes to the deck.

"Aye, Sir." Will replied with out looking up. He
tried, really he did, but the burn finally got the
better of him and he wiggled in his shirt again. He
was just about to pull the dagger from his boot to use
as a backscratcher when Jack's voice boomed out again.

"Ana take th' wheel." Jack yelled.

"I'm right here Jack, no need to bellow." Ana smirked
as she stepped up to take the wheel from Jack.

"It's my ship; I'll speak how I want to." He yelled
while flourishing his wrist emphatically. Then he
turned back and his eyes settled on Will. "Well, come
along whelp, let's go get some rum!" As he turned
Will around Jack put his hand right on the worst itch
and patted. Will could have kissed him right then and
there in front of everyone. How he'd known Will
couldn't be sure but the relief was instant, he arched
his back and hissed softly.

Will closed his eyes and just enjoyed the touch, so he
missed the looks exchanged between his three
companions. Elizabeth had narrowed her eyes and
glared at Jack as he had slapped Will's back. Jack
motioned with his eyes for her to look again. She
watched as Jack patted Will's back and he arched into
the touch with a small smile on his face. Ana looked
back and forth between her captain and her lover, at
the significant looks passed between the two and then
finally rested on Will, realization finally dawned.
She had not witnessed the flogging but there was no
sailor that had come out of Tortuga in the last week
that had not heard of it.

"Captain, our heading sir," she called out before Jack
could completely slip away.

"Tortuga!" Jack yelled out, as he turned back to his
first mate his eyes glued to the horizon. "Then

A huge smile covered AnaMaria's face. "Aye, Sir!"
She snapped smartly. It had been a long while since
she had been to the plantation that Jack called home.
She found herself looking forward to it, she found
herself wanting to show Elizabeth all around the
tropical island. That girl had the potential to be a
really nasty pirate. Ana couldn't wait to bring it

Jack led Will down the familiar passage ways, his eyes
drinking in the site of his ship again. He hadn't had
much time to look around before when he was here
trying to make a deal with Hector. That old zombie
had really not taken care of his ship. There where
many repairs that needed to be made, he figured he
might as well take her home and see to a total
refurbishment, the leak in the lower hold worried him.
She would have to be dry docked for a bit to really
fix her up, and he didn't trust that to any one but
his own. Not to mention they would be stuck for
months at any port they dry docked her at.

He finally reached the large captains’ quarters, they
were quiet spacious and he could tell that someone,
probably Gibbs had attempted to clean the place up a
bit. The entire room smelled of a fresh cleaning and
the bed linens looked new. Jack pushed Will down into
a chair backwards.

"All right then. Let's see what you've done to my
fine work on those scratches." He turned and lit
several lamps until the room was bright.

Will shed his soft leather vest and unbuttoned his
shirt, his hands were shaking. He never let people
see his back; he knew it must be a terrible site. In
fact other than Mr. Brown and the entire crew of the
Dauntless, Jack was the only person who had seen his
back as he had never had anyone to doctor it before.
As he had never had access to a full mirror, he had
never even seen it himself, although he could feel the
scars well enough if he cared to reach around and feel
them, which mostly he didn't. It disturbed him to
know that he couldn't remember getting most of them.
Most times he didn't remember the actual whippings; he
would just wake up in the morning with new cuts on his
back. If it had not been for the blood and pain, he
would have sworn that nothing unusual had happened the
night before.

As he lowered his shirt over his shoulders he thought
about the last time Mr. Brown had attempted to cower
him with the whip.

Old Mr. Scarboro had come to pick up a dagger he had
commissioned Mr. Brown to make. Since Will had done
the work he had graciously accepted the complement the
man had paid to the maker of such a fine weapon. Mr.
Brown had played it off like Will had merely helped
make it. Will's temper had flared; it was his name
the man should know. His hard work, his skill, his
blood and sweat that had made that into the dagger the
man would be showing off. Mr. Brown's name did not
deserve to be on his work. Will had stood silent
until the man had left, glaring holes into Brown's
back. Finally the old man left and Will spoke up.

"You had no right. That was my work."

"You shut yer hole, boy. As my apprentice everything
ya do reflects on me. It's my name tha brings the
work here. 'N if ya knows what's good fer ya, ya
won't be speaken to no more customers." The man had
slurred, already heavy into his cups.

"And if you know what's good for you, you won't take
credit for anymore of my skill." Will had retorted in
anger. It was the first time he had spoken up for
himself in years, not since he had been left alone
with Norrington for the first time.

"Wot did you say, boy? Was that backtalk I heard?"
Mr. Brown seemed remarkably clear headed now, for a
man who moments ago looked ready to pass out.

Will's anger quelled in the face of a nearly sober Mr.
Brown. Cotton seemed to fill his head as the man had
grabbed him and dragged him into the back room where
he slept. He let his anger feed him the necessary
energy to keep his wits about him. He did not want to
wake up with a bloody back and no memory. He wanted
to remember ever small detail of this. But while part
of his mind made those detailed notes the better part
of him, the trained part, fled. He couldn't fight,
and wouldn't respond.

Later, after several hours of lying in his own blood
listening to the drunken snores of the old blacksmith,
Will had risen, doused himself with water and found
his blade. He knew from years of banging hammer
against tempered metal that the old man could sleep
though anything. Will snuck out and went to the
butcher; he filled a cup from the trough that caught
the blood from a fresh kill. Then he snuck back into
the smithy and cut off the old man's hair and poured
the congealing blood over the back of the man's head.

Then Will had sat on the floor and leaned against the
now cold forge, careful not to damage his back any
more than he already had and waited for the bastard to
wake up.

It didn't take Brown long till he woke to feel the
sticky mess at his neck and by the time he had brought
his hand back down in front of him, his fist full of
hair and blood Will was on his feet. The old man

"Wot 'ave ya done!"

Will raised the practice sword and levelled it at the
old man's throat.

"Nothing. Yet. This was just a warning. Touch me
again, and I'll kill you." Will held his stance until
he saw fear enter the man's eyes. His sword made a
swishing sound as he brought it back to his side with
a flourish. He thought that showing off some of his
skill with the weapon would thrust that fear a bit
deeper. He needed it to go right to the man's soul,
so deep that the man would always fear him; it was the
only way to insure he would not retaliate. Will did
not move until Mr. Brown lowered his eyes. Only then
did he turn, walk to his room and close the door.

"How bad is it?" Will asked in a whisper, almost
afraid. As he folded his shirt and laid it on the
table in front of him, he heard Jack sigh.

He looked over his shoulder at the pirate, the look of
...pity? ... sympathy? ... What was that look? The
look almost made him flinch. And then it made him
angry. Angry at himself for allowing this intimacy,
angry that he had wanted Jack to take care of him,
angry that he had flinched. Jack would never have
flinched. Jack wasn't weak like him. No, damn it he
wasn't weak. He didn't need pity. He wasn't ...damn
it. He had never needed anyone to care for his
injuries before, and he didn't need it now.

He was angry at Jack for making him feel this way.
Damn the pirate, and damn himself for wanting the man.
He wanted to wipe that look off the other man's face,
wanted to throttle the man until the look of pity was
replaced with a look of fear, just like Mr. Brown. He
could make men fear him. With his sword in his hand
he could make that look go away.

Before he knew what was happening he had the point of
his sword at the hollow of Jack's throat. "Don't look
at me that way." He growled, barely recognizing his
own voice. Jack cocked his head to the side, the
hated look gone and in its place was curiosity.

"Wot ya gonna do lad? Run me through? You gonna kill
old Jack?" As he spoke the tip of the blade moved
with his Adams apple. Jack wasn't really scared, not
'really', just cautious. He made sure to speak softly
not letting his hand go to the sword he had strapped
to his side as soon as he had boarded. It wasn't
easy, his fingers twitched with the instinct. But he
didn't want to provoke the boy into anything he would
regret later.

Will narrowed his eyes and his nostrils flared, the
pirate didn't believe him. He thought he was weak.
Will pushed the tip of his blade slowly into the soft
flesh, feeling it start to give. He wasn't weak damn
it. His breath caught in his throat and his anger
flashed again. Years of denied anger and hatred where
crashing in on Will. Taunts flung by drunken lips,
oaths made in blood, years of laying awake at night
fearing the dark, all of this was finally catching up
to Will. He'd show the pirate he wasn't weak.

"I'll do it." He whispered.

Uncertainty snaked its way into Jack's gut, but still
he didn't draw his blade. This man was hurting,
something was gnawing away at him and if this was the
only way to help him then, so be it. He had never had
anyone stand up for him like Will had. He had called
Jack a good man. When he swallowed he could feel a
trickle of blood run down his chest.

"Will, come on now mate. Don't do anything stupid,
eh. This is me, your mate. Cap'n Jack Sparrow. Why
would you be wantin to do sumtin like that at me? Eh?
Will, ya save me from the gallows just to run me
through yerself. Come on William, talk to me mate."

Will was fascinated by the site of the blood. His
eyes followed it as it ran down Jack's chest,
disappearing from site under the v-neck shirt. He
didn't even realize that his sword had followed his
eyes, until the laces where cut and the front of the
shirt parted. He glanced up to his original cut and
saw the thin cut starting to welt with blood, his eyes
travelled further up to study his handy work. His
anger was cooling a bit; surely the pirate would fear
him now. He met Jacks gaze head on. No damn it, the
look was still there.

"Don't look at me." He tried to scream, but his
throat seized up and all that came out was a garbled

Jack was afraid now. He didn't know what else to do.
He reached out to try and take the sword away from
Will, as he reached out his hand the boy brought the
blade up. Wills sword cut a long narrow path across
his palm almost identical to the self inflicted wound
on his other hand. He hissed at the unexpected pain
and fell back a step.

What ever part of Will's brain that had control of his
actions noted the fear and revelled in it. The pirate
feared him. He had gotten rid of that look. The look
that said 'I think you are weak and I will prove it.'
Finally he was satisfied, his anger fled. And with it
his energy. He staggered back as step and looked back
at Jack.

Jack looked warily up at Will, not knowing what to
expect next. He wasn't expecting the look of dark
fury to leave quite so quickly. Will lowered his
sword and staggered back a step and looked up at him.
Jack stood straight letting the boy look at his
handiwork. The thin line of blood had already stopped
flowing down his chest, the cut stung from the sweat
that had suddenly broken out across his skin but other
than that didn't hurt. He had had worst cuts shaving,
not that he did that very often. He shook his head of
the stray thoughts and focused back on Will who was
staring at his bloody hand.

Will swallowed hard. He hadn't meant to truly hurt
Jack. He had just wanted that look of pity gone.
What kind of monster was he becoming? Just moments
ago he had threatened the man that he …had feelings
for. Loved maybe. Oh God, what Jack must think of me

Will was suddenly very cold. He shivered as he
watched a drop of blood hanging off the tip of Jacks
middle finger grow, well up and drop to the floor.
There was so much blood on the floor already. His
breathing grew ragged. Finally he gathered the
courage to look up into Jacks eyes, praying the look
was still gone, but not really believing it would be.
If anything after this little display, Jack would
think him crazy.

How could Jack ever want him after seeing him this
way? Will was damaged and Jack knew it. This was
just one more fine display of his sanity. He knew
more had gone on that night on the Dauntless than
Lizzie would have him believe. He hadn't blanked out
like that in years, not since he had stood up to old
man Brown. But Jack had seen him, had witnesses his
madness. And what ever had happened was replaying
itself through Jacks mind right now. Every time the
man saw his back he would know that Will was damaged.
That he was weak, that he had been broken.

He turned quickly, letting the sword clutter to the
floor and picked up his shirt. His mind was screaming
at him. I'm not weak, not anymore. I don't need
this. He'll send me away now. What Captain wants a
crazy man on his ship. He threw his arms into his
shirt in short jerky motions, his breathing was
becoming ragged, and he couldn't seem to get enough

"I'm," he tried to take a deep breath but couldn't, it
got stuck half way down and came out more like a sob.
"I'm sorry Jack." Will swallowed convulsively as his
chest tightened. He needed to get away. To get
topside, back out into the open air. Away from Jack.
Leave before Jack had a chance to either kill him
outright or throw him over board. Now he was hot. It
was stifling in this tiny room. Almost like the pit,
with its tiny window, high up in the wall where the
only thing that could be seen at night was the dark
moonless sky and no air could ever reach you.

He looked up to the door. How had he gotten so far
into the room? The door was further away than it had
been. Spots floated in front of him. If he could
just make it to the door, he would be okay. The rest
of the room fell away as his vision narrowed in on the
door. Just get to the door and he'd be able to
breath. He couldn't get his legs to work right. Why
was the door moving away from him? Why was it so hot
in here? He couldn't breath. As he took a step
forward he lost his balance and almost fell.

Arms caught him before he could hit the floor, he
still couldn't breath and now he couldn't see the
door. His chest was heaving, he could feel someone
moving him but he couldn't see anything for the spots
dancing in his eyes. He just needed to make it
outside. He tried to tell them that, whoever it was
holding him. Holding him, someone was holding him.
They were holding him down; they weren't trying to
help him. Will tried to fight the arms now wrapped
around him like steel bands but he couldn't breath.
He was suffocating; they were trying to suffocate him.
No, No don't touch me. He tried to beg but the
effort was just too much, finally, thankfully he
passed out.


Chapter Six

Elizabeth stood beside AnaMaria at the helm of the
ship.  Ana was trying to teach her how to steer such a
large vessel using the compass, the sun and the wheel
but Liz was doing more staring than learning.  Ana had
such small delicate hands although if you ever said
such a thing to her she would probably gut you were
you stood!  Elizabeth couldn't help but wonder how
those small calloused hands would feel against her
skin.  Ana noticed her staring and gave a toothy grin.

"Ya ain't gonna learn nothing if ya don' pay attention
girl."  She said.  "Although I might understand why
Jack always waves his hands about, now.  I like that
look on ya."

"And what look would that be?"  Liz asked, eyes narrowing.

"Lustful."  Ana smirked.

"Ah yes, that look.  Well I can't say I am surprised.
Everything looks good on me!"  She boasted playfully.

"Twat."  Ana growled, but as she turned her back, Liz saw her smile.

Elizabeth looked out over the water not quite to the
horizon.  She loved watching the waves, they where
hypnotic.  She used to spend countless hours on her
balcony just staring out at the sea.  She wouldn't
miss it really but she found that now that she was
onboard she really didn't have a place here.  She had
only thought as far ahead as getting out of Port
Royal, getting as far as AnaMaria.  That is where
everything stopped.  What would she do?  The crew
would not suffer passengers.  If you were on board a
pirate ship you earned your keep.  But what could she
do?  She had barely managed to keep herself alive in
the last ship to ship battle she had been in.  And
while she knew a lot about the running of the ship,
she had never actually had to do the work. 

"What do we do now?"  She asked the other woman, her
voice soft but not quite a whisper. 

"Eh?  Wot are ya askin"

"Well, our jobs, we have no real skills at being
sailors, Will and I.  What do I do while on board?
Don't get me wrong.  I'm willing.  I might never have
had to scrub the deck before but I know that I am not
above it.  But it seems that this crew is full.  Jack
finally has his ship and a full crew.  And that is a
good thing.  But I worry what the crew will think
about having us on board."

"Ah that.  Well, of course, I haven't talked this over
with Jack yet, so it might change but, I think you
should learn to do it all.  Eventually I want you
learning every job that a sailor does.  When I get me
own ship, you'll be my first mate.  And don't worry
about the crew.  They respect you and William, an as
long as you do right by them they will do right by
you.  Don't slack, and work hard.  They will look over
any mistakes you make while learnin the ropes."  Ana
nodded as if to confirm her own words.

"You ...want me to be your first mate!"

"O'course Lizzie girl, now that yer here, I ain't
letting you go."  Ana gave her a quick soft smile
before the glint in her eye returned.  "Now enough
with the mushies; come up here and kiss me proper."

Elizabeth's eyes widened as she looked out over the
deck full of working men, it didn't 'seem' like they
were paying any attention to the two woman, but she
knew nothing stayed secret on board a ship for long.
Well, isn't this what she wanted.  To be herself, to
not have to hide who she really was behind propriety.
Yes, this is what she had wanted when she had sent
that first letter to Tortuga seeking out the female
pirate as soon as she had returned to Port Royal. 

She turned to see Ana watching her with a curious look
on her face, as if she was studying her.  Oh!  She
thought that this must be some kind of test.  Hmm.  I
think I'll pass with flying colours then.  She smirked
inwardly as she stepped forward and wrapped her arms
around the doe eyed woman.

Elizabeth had not kissed much in her life, only two
real kisses in fact.  One with Will that was slightly
disappointing, and one with this woman that was
anything but.  She put one hand behind Ana's head
tugging slightly on her hair to tilt the other woman's
face up to hers, then slowly lowered her head her eyes
fluttered closed and tasted the lips she had been dreaming of. 

Ana tasted of spice and rum, Liz thought as she traced
her tongue against pouty lips.  She flicked her tongue
lightly teasing the lips open then delving in for a
real taste.  She felt rather than heard Ana groaning
then hands were at her waist pulling her closer.  Her
unwrapped breasts peaked and rubbed across the coarse
material of her borrowed shirt eliciting an echoing
groan from her throat.  Their tongues battled then
retreated as each seemed to map out the others palate.

Finally Ana drew away with small nibbles to her lips,
Liz tried to protest with little whimpers but finally,
needing air she pulled away. 

Liz blushed when the sound of whistles and cat calls
reached her ears.  She tried to hide her face in Ana's
shoulder but the dirty pirate of a lady was having
none of that.  She made Liz stand tall and proud with
a look, then turned and yelled at the crew.

"Shut yer gobs ya daft buggers.  Wot are ya starin at
ya mangy sons of sea bitches.  Get yer sorry arses
back to work.  Cap'n Sparrow knows ya'v been slacken
off he'll flog the lot of ya."

Ana continued yelling for a bit, seeming to enjoy
telling off the men in new and creative ways.
Elizabeth tried to calm the rapid beating of her
heart.  It wasn't easy with her mouth still tingling
from that amazing kiss.  She walked to the wall behind
Ana and slid to the deck.  She pulled her knees up and
rested her elbows on them and just stared out over the
sea again.  Tomorrow she would start her duties as a
crewman on board the most feared pirating vessel still
sailing the high seas.  But today she was just going
to enjoy the view. 


God Sparrow, you are a stupid man, Jack thought as he
heaved the unconscious younger man onto the bed.  You
knew he wouldn't want your pity, why the hell were you
staring at his back like that? Damn me for a fool
anyway.  He has to get this out of him but I can't
help him if I don't know what is goin' on in his head.

"He'll never talk about it to a pirate."

He thinks I'm a good man. 

No, he thinks you are a pirate. 

"Aye, and a Good Man".

Jack argued with himself in typical Jack fashion,
knowing that if anyone heard him they would think him
insane.  Not that anyone's opinion of his sanity meant
anything to him.  But now he was seriously wondering
about Will's sanity.  Jack stumbled away, a bit and
righted the chair Will had overturned when he had
stood.  After grabbing bottle of rum, that had kindly
been placed on the side table he sat and drank, eyes
never leaving the troubled man in his bed.


Several hours later Gibbs stepped through the door with a knock. 

"Cap'n Sir?"

"Aye, Quartermaster?"

"I brung yer dinner.  Is the laddie alright then Sir?"
Gibbs nodded towards the now tossing body in the Captains bed. 

"I don't rightly know."  Jack answered with a sigh.
If it had been anyone else asking he probably would
have said that Will was just fine.  But Gibbs had
known Bootstrap far better than him, so he would take
the boy's problems to his father's friend. 

"You heard wot happened to 'im?"  Jack asked as he
waved his hand to the chair opposite him. 

"Aye Sir," Joshemee said as he sat next to his captain
and not across from him.  Much easier to reach the rum
this way!  "No man coming out of Tortuga in the last
few days hasn't heard of the lad.  He'll have a
reputation now."

"And wot are they sayin, down at the Fiddle?"  And who
was saying it Jack wondered.

Gibbs took a long swallow of the fiery liquid and eyes
the boy.  Too small for a blacksmith, he thought.
"They say, the Commodore went mad and had the lad
flogged for stealing the bastards lady.  Some say the
kid laughed in the Commodore's face afterward and
still walked off with the girl.  Some even say that
the lad met up with Moses' Law, a full forty, and
walked away on his own."  Gibbs downed a throat full
of rum and waited Jack's replies.  He fully expected
to have to drag the story out of a dead drunk Sparrow.

"Interesting.  And who be sayin this?"

"Seems Her Majesty's Navy lost a few sailors after
that little display, a few dozen I'd say, deserted
their commissions.  O' course most of 'em were pressed
into service so's not real surprising.  They'd be all
over the Caribbean now, telling the tale.  'Bloody
William' they be callin 'im."

Jack sat back and thought for a bit before seeming to
come to a decision.  He grabbed to bottle and downed
the last few drops.  "Nothing leaves this room. Savvy?"

It was a rare thing that Gibbs got to see this side of
Jack.  Not the hopeless drunk of a pirate that he let
most people see, but the man underneath, the one that
had a plantation home, and could run it as well as the
ship on which they sailed.  Gibbs didn't know which he
feared more, the Plantation owner turned Pirate, or
the Pirate Plantation owner. 

"Aye Cap'n.  I savvy."

Jack proceeded to tell Gibbs all of what he knew about
the flogging and the night before, the boys broken
temperament and Will's readiness to yield to the
Commodore.  What he hadn't witnessed personally
Elizabeth informed him of during one of her many
visits to the goal.  Then told him about what had
happened just before in that very cabin. 

"I've seen broken men before Joshemee, been one even.
But this boy isn't just broke, he's fractured somehow,
and I can't put him back together unless I know what
did it to 'em."  Jack's voice was hard with
unrepressible emotion.

"Then the question becomes, Captain," Gibbs stressed
the title just a bit, "why do you want to?  Why do ya
care?  We're Pirates mate.  What's the fate of one boy
to the likes o' us?"  He finished, staring at his
Captain hard.  Not quite holding his breath, hoping
Jack at least knew his own mind.  The rest of the crew
knew right away what was going on between the two men,
and the little display between the two women just
confirmed it for them. 

"That's Bootstrap's son."  Jack replied after a few
seconds.  But he didn't really know why it was tearing
him up inside to think of a fractured Will.

"Aye, he's that.  Been that from the beginning."
Gibbs was trying to will Jack into thinking on it deeper.

"He saved my life."

"Aye, and you saved him, so yer square."

"He called me a good man."

"No need to go livin up to someone else's ideals now
Jack.  Yer a man, good and bad."  He had seen Jack at
his worst, cutting a woman down just for the sheer
blood lust running through his veins.  And he had seen
him at his best, buying slave children, delivering
them to different ports, where they might be poor but
at least they were free.

"Why this boy?  If he's trouble, why should the crew
care, why do you care?"

Jack pounded his fist on the table, jumped up and
started pacing.  When he realized what he was doing he
growled and sat back down at the table. 

"Bloody hell, mate.  I don't know."  Jack took out his
knife and started playing with it, running it over and
over the scar on his left palm, flexing his right hand
where the new slash was scabbing over.  "He stood and
took fifteen lashes with the cat," Jack said finally
looking up at Gibbs, "and he walked away on his own
two feet.  That alone earns him a place on this crew.
Any man that can do that is a man I want at my back.
He's smart, strong, a fine blacksmith, and he'll make
a bloody fantastic pirate!"

It was obvious to Gibbs that Jack was not ready to
face his feelings for the boy yet. 

"Aye well then, I suggest ya let it ride.  Wait 'til
the lad wakes up, don't say anything about it.  If he
brings it up, okay.  If not then just let it be.  A
man's got a right to keep 'is own counsel."  Gibbs
stood and grabbed another bottle of rum from the
cabinet and headed for the door.  He turned just short
of the reaching the door.  

"As long as he doesn't go off on the crew, do what ya
must.  Best advice I can give Cap'n is time and that's
something we got plenty of on the Pearl.  Now eat yer
dinner, its gone cold but there'll be no more in the
galley by now."  Then he left with a soft thud of the door.

Jack sat quietly for a few minutes just staring at the
knife in his hand.  He threw it with a quick flick of
his wrist and it embedded deeply into the door
Joshemee had just walked through.

"So you can speak like a normal person.  I had begun
to wonder."  The quiet voice broke through the silence
making Jack jump just a bit, though he would never
admit to it!

"Whelp, yer supposed to be asleep."

"Oh, is that what you would call it, hmm.  Well no one
could have slept through that."  Will raised himself
up to the side of the bed.  The bed was high, sitting
on the edge his feet still dangled off the floor by
several inches.  He looked down and studied the floor
for a bit before staring back up at the silent pirate.

"Is that what really happened? That night on the
Dauntless, I mean."  Will's voice was a harsh sound. 

"Yes."  Jack schooled his features so that no emotion
at all showed through.  He did not need a repeat of
Will's earlier threats, he knew they still held true.

"So, like a trained dog, I just rolled over for him."
Will's breathing became ragged.  Jack stood as if to
go to him but then Will raised his hand to forestall
him.  "Wait, I'm okay, just give me a moment."  Will
took several deep breaths and stood.  He walked to the
round table Jack was sitting at and grabbed the
ever-present bottle of rum. 

"Listen Will," Jack started. 

"Are you hurt?"  Will asked not looking up from the bottle.

Jack sighed, "No, it wasn't naught but a scratch."

"I am sorry, Jack.  I don't remember doing that.  I
only remember," Will swallowed hard, "fear.  There was
fear in your eyes."

The look of terribly sad confusion that crossed Will's
face nearly broke Jack's heart.  What was this man
doing to him?

"Yeah, but only just a little."  Jack grinned.

Will snorted as he tipped the bottle back again, this
time when he looked up he met Jack's gaze.

"Pirate."  Will sneered with an answering grin.






Will nearly choked on his rum; Jack had to thump his
back several times.  His face was flaming as he
remembered the conversation on Elizabeth's balcony. 

"Well, Poof is better than eunuch I reckon!"

Jack laughed, the mood of the room lightened for the
first time.  "Eh!  At least you still 'ave your cock!"

They laughed and talked about nothing of consequence
for a few more minutes before Jack announced that as
the Captain of the Black Pearl he now had an image to
keep, and then he went off in search of a bath and
fresh clothes.  Will took another bottle of rum,
turned to face the grimy windows and tried to drink
the expression of fear on Jack's face out of his mind.


Ana startled just a bit as Jack walked up to relieve
her at the helm. 

"Cap'n don't ya sneak up on me like that.  Might get
yerself run through."

"Ha," Jack laughed without any real humour, "as if you
could manage to hurt Captain Jack Sparrow."  Jack
sighed and took the wheel, "Go get some sleep Ana,
leave the chit."  He nodded to where Ana had knelt
beside Elizabeth and woken her. 

"She and I need to have a little conversation."
Jack's eyes narrowed in fury.  Commodore Norrington
had a lot to answer too.  She might not know the
details and that was ok, he wouldn't press for them,
but now he needed a few names.  If she had them he
would make sure she gave them up. 

Elizabeth stood warily at Jack's side.  She hadn't
meant to fall asleep but the rocking of the ship
coupled with the wonderful warm breeze had relaxed her
too much.  When AnaMaria had woken her, the black
woman made a shushing motion with her hand, and then
told her Jack wanted a word with her.  So she stood
silently by waiting for him to speak. 

She studied him carefully; he looked like he had a
mind full of something.  His hands gripping the wheel
were white knuckled and he was gritting his teeth so
loud she wondered if he would spit gold dust.  He had
changed his clothes, and reapplied the kohl under his
eyes.  His shirt was still made of soft thin linen,
but this one was black and he had left the laces
untied showing off almost his entire chest.  Soft worn
canvas breeches where also black with a bright red
sash at his waist, he was barefoot again, she noted
with a touch of amusement.  If not for that she might
have been very afraid of the man in front of her.  She
had not felt much fear of Jack Sparrow even when he
had held a gun to her head, but this man was not the
man she was previously acquainted with.  This was the
Captain of the Black Pearl; this was Captain Jack
Sparrow, notorious pirate and outlaw. 

She knew most of the rumours of the Pearl where
because of Barbossa and not Jack, but the look in his
eyes when he finally turned to her, made her wonder if
Jack was the Captain so evil that Hell herself spat
him back out.  She stepped back instinctively.  What
could he possibly be this upset over?

"So Ms. Swann, tell me of your Commodore Norrington."
Jack hissed. 

"He isn't mine as you well know.  What would you have
me say?  What has happened?"  The blood drained from
her face.  There was only one thing that could have
upset him this badly, she thought, Will.

"Tell me everything you know about him.  His first
name, does he have family, where is he from, who does
he love.  Come now Ms. Swann."

"My name is Liz Turner, I will answer to no other
name.  You have no call to release this venom on me,
we can either discuss this like two people who want
revenge, or you can find someone else to get your
information from."  Liz held her head up high,
determined to stand her ground.  Until Jack drew his
sword that is.

"Don't test me, wench.  I'll kill you where you stand.
You should have known.  You were his protector where
you not."  He levelled his sword right over her heart.

She shivered; his eyes were blazing with hate.  'My
God he hates me,' she thought.  But she was not
responsible for what had happened to her friend.  She
was only eighteen how was she supposed to have
protected him from some monster almost twice her age?

"I knew nothing of what Will was going through.  I
knew only that he would, I don't know, blank out,
sometimes.  And that he wasn't fed very well."  She
ran her fingers through her sun-bleached hair, "how
could I have known?  Will doesn't talk about himself.
We've had many conversations about everything under
the sun.  But never once has he spoken about his life.

He might say 'This happened today.' But it was never,
'This happened to me today.' Do you see?  He never
really let me in.  I'm his sister; he tried to protect
me as much as he could."

"And what of Norrington?  What know you of him?"

Jack's gaze narrowed, watching her face intently.
Watching for a lie, anything that would allow him to
release his anger on her.  He needed a release, damn it. 

"I know nothing of Norrington really.  He was a
lieutenant when we first crossed.  Through the years
he mentioned when his mother passed away.  He has a
venomous hatred of pirates that seems a bit more than
fervour for Her Majesty.  I think the only person to
really get close to him is Gillette.  Some say they
have an unnaturally close friendship, if you know what
I mean."

Jack turned back to the wheel.  She hadn't lied.  Damn
he really needed to hit something.  Or a drink.  Aye a
drink would do. 

"Go find Gibbs tell him I need rum, then find Ana and
get some rest.  Tomorrow promises to be another long day."


It was early morning when Jack finally called for
Harris to take over at the helm.  AnaMaria had rousted
the rest of the crew only a few hours ago.  Liz sat on
a barrel next to Cotton mending sails and Will stood
at the bow staring off at the horizon.  Jack had put
him under strict orders not to do any work that might
hurt the scratches on his back.  When Harris took the
wheel Jack stepped down and started yelling.

"Gibbs, Ana git yer scurvy arses over here."

When Ana stomped up to him he turned her around with a
mumbled, "Get yer lady and met me in my cabin.  We've
things to discuss."

When they were all finally assembled around the large
desk in the Captains quarters Jack threw his dirty
feet up on the table and tilted back in his chair.  If
it weren't for the almost wild look in his eyes, he
would've been the picture of laziness. 

Jack lit a cigar he had found while rifling through
Barbossa's things last evening after his bath.  Ana
was the only brave soul to grow weary of waiting out
Jack and spoke first. 

"Aye, Cap'n, we're all here now what was so important?"

Jack took a long draw off the cigar and exhaled
without really inhaling the rancid smoke into his lungs.

"Right, first I need to know about this crews
articles.  The Pearl is mine and I don't intend to
loose her again."

"This crew ain't under no articles Cap'n.  The ones
they signed when we got them in Tortuga was for the
Interceptor.  None resigned when we boarded the
Pearl."  Gibbs said with a laugh.  "And we only lost
one man o' that crew.  Ana here threw 'im over board
out in Brindelows Pass when he balked at pickin you
three up."

"I wasn't askin, I was telling.  He knew it.  I don't
need a crew wot question me all the bloody time."  Ana
replied not in the least regretting putting a man
overboard in the notoriously shark infested waters. 

None of this fazed Jack; he had other things on his
mind just then. 

"We'll be in Tortuga in a few hours.  We will need to
stock up on supplies.  Fill the ship up.  When we're
full we head for the plantation.  My Pearl needs
looking after, an I don' want to take a chance on
careening her.  So we'll have her dry docked while she
heals.  Ana there should be a ship there wot meets
with your approval, so pick yer crew while in Tortuga.

They will crew the Pearl, then switch once you get
yer ship.  Only thing I ask is that you bring me back
a crew in a couple of months."

Ana grinned and winked to Liz at the thought of
getting her own ship again.  Liz smiled back. 

Jack saw the exchange and nodded, good maybe no one
would object to his next plan then. 

"I suppose you'll be takin Ms Turner with you."  He
waited for Ana's nod.


He turned to Liz and said almost as if he expected a challenge. 

"I'm keeping Will with me.  Savvy?"

"I expected no less."  Liz replied with a smirk.

"Good.  Do we have an accord?"  He asked looking back
to AnaMaria.

"Aye, we have an accord."  Ana rolled her eyes, of
course they did.  Like she was stupid enough to pass
this up. 

"Now, Ana, about the lass here.  You might wanna get
her in some new cloths.  The men might be Ok with this
for now.  But later," Jack eyes Liz's outfit, "later
the men will take exception to that much skin being shown."

Ana turned to Elizabeth and grinned.  She thought the
lovely creamy skin showing was a wonderful thing, but
he was right.  The men would not be able to resist
such temptation for long.  Liz was wearing one of
Jack's white shirts tied up tight high up on her waist
just under her full breasts.  And the canvas breeches
where tied up with a bit of rope but were still
hanging to low on her hips.  Those lovely stomach
muscles where something Ana had been wanting to touch
all morning.  Respect for her was probably the only
thing holding the men back as it was.

Liz tossed her loose hair back and squared her
shoulders.  She didn't really like Jack's frank
perusal of her body but since there was no way to stop
it she might as well show it off as best she could.
The lustful look in Ana's eyes made her smirk just a
little, and she crossed her arms in a too fake pout. 

"But I like my clothes."

"Maybe, but if you'd like to keep them on, I suggest
carrying a knife.  Make an example of the first man to
touch you.  Kill 'im.  Do it clean.  Not many would
try again after that."  Jack turned away as he spoke.
He couldn't really picture the lady turned pirate
killing a man, but if she was going to make it as a
pirate she would have to learn.  Quickly. 

"I'll get her some clothes wot fit, Cap'n.  Won't be
no trouble like that onboard this ship."  Ana reached
out and untied Liz's shirt, released the ends and
motioned for Liz to button it up proper.  Elizabeth
had turned a little pale; Ana hoped it was at the
mention of rape and not the thought of killing a man.
If her lover was going to make it as a pirate she was
going to have to kill men.  Frequently, and with style!

Jack turned back and gestured wildly, "Well, wot ya
all standin' round 'ere for?  To the decks ya
scallywags, the Pearl don't run herself you know!"


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