For the Visitors:

Is your character an idiot and needs to be smacked upside the head, but in a nice, friendly way? Does your fave pairing have difficulties and needs couple counselling, or possibly lithium? Have canon's evil writers been cruel and unusual towards your boys? Why not send them to The Safe House Retreat, the prefect rest and relaxation project in a dimension near you. Here, canon refugees will repair their damaged souls in peace and tranquillity. No drugs or murder are permitted on the premises, and magick will be used to ensure the rules are enforced.

Relax and rebuild your museboys at the She-Demon's private dimension, away from the turmoil of everyday life. Only 3 seconds of supernatural materialising from your existential domain!

The Safe House Retreat is ideally placed in the middle of nothingness and allows pure concentration on healing and improvment. Evil is magically removed, thus ensuring the safety of all boarders.

The lake
Beautiful, relaxing environment
About The Safe House Retreat ®

The Safe House Retreat centre is especially designed for characters-in-crisis who are experiencing difficulties in their relationships, fight of evil, or ability to function on a daily basis due to misuse by TPTB. The program is designed to help them reach peace of mind with compassionate clinical care in order to restore and strengthen emotionally and otherwise canon-damaged boys and girls.

The Safe House Retreat's intensive counselling program, participants experience both individual and group therapy and counselling, educational sessions, fellowship, rest and relaxation. Each individual also receives a pre-arrival consultation, confidential assessment, written summary report, and after-care plan. Valuable written resource materials are also provided.

Intensive counselling retreat services include

 ·  screening assessment and pre-arrival consultation
 ·  room and board
 ·  individual counselling
 ·  group therapy
 ·  activities therapy
 ·  educational sessions
 ·  rest and relaxation
 ·  after-care planning

The Safe House Retreat Staff

Adam, Cat, Leetal, Cinder
Mary Sue Smith: The name of most of our social workers and therapists. Coincidence.
Sister Peter Marie: An Oz character, and a raging slasher MarySue.
Lorne, Krevlornswath, of the Deathwok Clan: An Angel character, Counsellor (for individual therapy)
Methos: A Highlander character, Advisor to staff
The Director: A Once A Thief Character, Limited advising to groups
Martha Kent: A DC character, aka Martha-Sue

More Information
For more information about The The Safe House Retreat, email Adam.
The project doesn't have a mailing list of its own, but we live with FanDenial. Join on the site, or email instead.

Our Bottom Line is Quality Care

The Safe House Retreat and all our mental-health programs and facilities at the She-Demon Projects meet the needs of the mentally distraught with care, compassion, and commitment.

The Safe House Retreat is a non-profit organisation open to any character regardless of sex, species or fandom.

For the Visitors    For the Characters     For the Kids     For the Fic

Return to the House

None of the characters belong to the writers or the archivist. No money is made by anyone involved. We're just having fun.
The Safe House Retreat is a work of fiction and doesn't exist in this realm. It is simply a concept, a way to express my resistance towards canon and TPTB.
Some time after creating this House of TLC, I watched a movie called The World According to Garp, and recalled I'd seen it as a very small child. Very small, impressionable child. I think this idea might be a bit based on the concept I found there, of a home for the wounded woobies where a Mary Sue, an admirable woman if somewhat insane, takes care of them all.
