New Authors Chat: Introductions


The following text was up on the Office Homepage prior to the "Up and Cumming" chat. You may find it helpful to read it before taking a look at the logs. Or you can use it to find the stories our guests have written. We hope you enjoy!

The word went out far and wide. We wanted new writers to talk about writing in the wonderful world of slash. Not only did they step up and volunteer but they have been generously patient with the convoluted planning of this
event. Thanks everyone!

Below is the information for each guest.

| Alicia | Drover | JiM | Donna Milan | MJ |
| Valeanna | Te | Viridian5 |



Alicia first posted a slash story in March, 1998

Located at The Socks Shoppe:

A Day in the Life, K/P, done with Te
As Sands Through an Hourglass, K/P, with Te
General Quantico, K/P, done with Te
Comeuppance Series:
    - Key West (K/P)
    - Lagniappe (K/P)
    - Comeuppance 4: Two Bullets (M/K) with Kate
    - Rx: Laughter (K/P)

Located at TER/MA:

Slinging Woo at the Slash Cafe (M/K), with Te

Located at Archive X:

Let it go-- (M/K)
Nameless, with Te (Sk/K)
Damnthing - back yard snippet (M/K)
Spyder word pic

Not archived:

TWGF, with Sylvie (M/K)
Birthdays, with Te (M/K).
Ignition, with CiCi and Te (M/K).
Annapolis, of course, which isn't slash but I'm proud of it
Snippets/word pics:
    - warm weather snippet (M/K)
    - Te's birthday snippet (M/K)

"And I'm not sure if I should confess to these, but: Farewell and Goodbye Hello, MSR vignettes, and Unveiling (badfic)"


"I'm a fairly new slash-writer. I discovered slash earlier this year, have been reading voraciously for several months, and just recently began writing. My fiction is a real mix of topics and intentions. I tend to write in long story-series, following a pre-established story-arc. I also tend toward grandiose, save the universe, type fiction, and you can never be really certain what sort of story I'm going to write next. Grammar and punctuation are probably my biggest

As a new writer I see slash both as an end unto itself and as a training ground for other things. In a way I see slash providing the creative outlet that the pulps did for writers 40 years ago. It may not pay but I can't think of a better way to learn the craft and have fun doing it.

I feel that while I am developing as a writer, and getting better, I have yet to find a unique voice. Style-wise I'm still a bit rough around the edges and don't really have the clear sparkling prose of Te, JiM, or Viridian, I'm trying though!"

Drover's stories can be found here.

Toom Series (Uh pairings, well...):
    - Colton - warning non-consensual sex
    - Tooms

Rawhide Series:
    - Drive (preslash)
    - Morning (preslash)
    - Rawhide (M/Sk)


"I find that I truly CAN'T summarize what I write except that I truly believe that M/Sk is the way to true happiness for our boy, yet I adore M/K and dabble in anything that strikes me as interesting."

Here's Skalab's $.02 -- "JiM has real range. She's emotionally manipulative-- but in that *good, o so good* way. From the finger licking Goodness of her shmoopy
and extremely funny Last Train, to the harrowing AlexAngst of her (as yet unreleased collaboration with MJ) "Mexico", (yes, that *is* a tease) she never fails to satisfy... even when there's no sex! Shocking, yes, but true. Read her, love her and let her know."

Most of JiM's stories can be found here:

JiM's stories are:

"Winning" - my very first X slash (M/Sk)
"Last Train To Clarksville" (M/Sk)

The No Common Senses Series: (M/Sk) & (M/K)
    - A Touch of
    - A Scent of
    - A Taste of
    - A Sound of
    - A Sight of - Skinner
    - A Sight of - Krycek.
    - Companion pieces by Leila.

The Houseboat Variations
    - "Don't Rock the Boat" (M/K)
    - "River in a Dry Place" (M/K)
    - "Shadow of the Rock" (M/K)
    - "Courage to Forget" (M/Sk)
    - "Snows and Sins" (M/Sk)

That's it so far, although there is one more Houseboat Tale coming - "Moment of Peace" and a collaboration piece with MJ, as yet unnamed.

Donna Milan

Located at MKRA:

"I've only written two stories so far, but am currently collaborating on a third with K'Kathy. All are M/K. Here's the skinny on my embarrassingly small volume of work:

'A Gift of the Truth' - in this story, I recount the Kiss scene from the Red and the Black, staying completely true to canon (I even used the ep script lines, which I pray does not lead CC&Co to sue my ass). The difference between my story and the ep is that I offer my own interpretation of their actions and words.

'One Perfect Moment of Happiness' - this is the sequel to 'A Gift of the Truth'. This story is also set in Mulder's apartment, right after Alex's departure, and Mulder pretty much faces his feelings for Alex here. Scully arrives and they go to Weikamp AFB. Later that same night, Mulder arrives home tired, lonely and wishing Alex would come back. What he doesn't know is Alex has been hiding in
the shadows, unable to stay away either. They make peace with each other, and confess their love, after which they have incredibly mind-blowing sex. Definitely not true to canon and extremely angstly and sappy. An interesting twist with this story is that Krycek is the more emotionally vulnerable character.

I'm working on a new M/K with K'Kathy right now, entitled 'Stupid Ass Haircut'. It has a very slight case of plot. Krycek tops Mulder in this one, and the story has equal helpings of angst and kink. That's all I want to divulge about the story at this point, as it's still in the development stage.


What can I say? I started out in high school writing Star Trek (TOS) fanfic, but hadn't written any fiction for years. This year, XPhile that I am, I finally discovered XF slash. After about two months of reading it, I started writing it. "Post Coitum Omne Animal Triste" was my first piece, written during the dull parts of a Passover Seder. I began writing M/K and still do occasionally but I prefer M/Sk. The "Pencils" universe is my only series. My complete slash output is available at my website, MJ's Fiction and Links , and a lengthier bio at FWMfic Archive.
I'm archived at MKRA/MSSS, ArchiveX, X Files University, FWMfic Archive, and a couple of other sites -- I have a few pieces at Gossamer.


Pencils series (M/Sk):
    - Inexorable Sadness of Pencils
    - Love Song of Walter S. Skinner
    - Suppose Yourself Advancing
    - You Close Against Me
    - "Pencils" Interlude

Get Me to the Church on Time (M/Sk)
Smoke Rings (M/Sk)
And I Thought of the Albatross (M/K)
Post Coitum Omne Animal Triste (M/K)
Wandering Arameans (M/K)
Nuktos ‘Agaima (M/Sk)

J.C. Sun (aka Valeanna)

"Think of it as a cross between a really bad foreign period film on and a bottle of ketchup. Lots of pretentiousness, long black-and-white pan shots of dull scenery, violin scores, hoopskirts and cravats and restrained dialogue--with a big, ugly twisted stain of local store brand ketchup (not even Heinz) on top, just to make things interesting. And smoke. Don't forget the cigarette butts buried in the tomato sauce, and the sociopathic Krycek prancing around with pastries while screwing Mulder the Puppy in an alley. And Scully's running through all this, waving her gun, playing the big-bad-hero in three inch heels as she pulls her best impression of a Vulcan with a tequila shot of passive-aggressive/womb envy behavior.

And angst. Don't forget the angst. And the attempts at being lyrical. And trying to write smut and failing desperately. And what's been called 'acid reality'--twisting pseudo-style phrases that make over-eager efforts at being avant garde. But there's nary a real plot in sight, and precious little schmoop--that much to say at least."

All these are available, along with some Star Trek: Voyager (het and slash) fanfiction here:

Most of Valeanna's stories can be found here:

Orange Lights (M/Sk)
Reality Share (M/K)
Red Lights (M/K)
Regret (M/K)


Summary written by Viridian 5: Te slaughters the hoary sacred cows of fanfic and serves them up as a tasty barbecue, watching her guests eat with a sharp smile even as she reminds herself to send them home disturbed but alive... Actually, Te is one of the nicest people you can meet when she's not abusing Mulder or small children. Avoiding the old cliches or giving them a whole new twist, providing those pithy details that set an indelible scene, making us squidge over unusual things, and showing us how a real Alex Krycek *should* be written are all Te's gifts to us. She's going to rule the world someday, so read her work now.

Located at Archive X:

Challenges (M/Sk)
Challenges/Faith (M/Sk)
Friends: Langly/Byers
A Love of Dead Things Series: (M/K)
    - Freeze
    - The Idea of Forever
    - This Night
Nameless II: Distance & Possession (Sk/P)
Naughty Chair (M/K)
Pout (M/K)
Turnabout (M/K)

Located at TER/MA:

Aenima: Prologue (M/K)
Aenima: Chapter 1. (M/K)
Slinging Woo at the Slash Cafe - with Alicia
Alex: M/K
The Slumber Party: M/K, with Viridian
Time: M/K

Located at Socks:

A Day in the Life, K/P, done with Alicia
As Sands Through an Hourglass, K/P, with Alicia
General Quantico, K/P, done with Alicia

Not archived:

Birthdays: Done with Alicia, M/K
Nameless: Done with Alicia, Sk/K
Spin: Done with DB Kate, M/K
Ignition: Done with DB Kate and Alicia, M/K

"And a whole lot of snippets that no one cares about but me."


Date you first posted a slash story: February 15, 1998

Summary written by Te: This shadowy figure entered the world of slash in February, bursting onto the scene with a fresh, if often violent and disturbing, look at the world of M/K. You don't read her work if you don't want to think, squidge, shudder, and/or laugh your ass off -- and hate yourself for it. Contrary to popular belief, the woman herself is actually quite friendly, and not nearly as
frightening as you might believe...


Located at TER/MA:

"Alone in the Dark"
"May I Take Your Order"
"Sharing A Ride"
"A Small World"
The Weakness saga I-V,
-"Performances (A Lighter Weaknesses Vignette)"

Located at Archive X:

Hoping to Fall Into Grace I-III
"By the Hand of Providence"
The Truth III

Located at MKRA:

"Watch the Closing Doors"
The Truth I-II
"A Tangled String of Blood and Entropy"
"Dead Time I-III"
"One of the Chosen I-II"
"Kicking the Hornets' Nest"
"Missing Time"

Located at The Socks Shoppe:

To Have To Own To Hold I-IV

Not archived:

"The Most Unexpected Conspiracy of All"


Continue to Part 1 of the chat logs.