Meet Our Authors


Alyjude AprilValentine Barbara Nice-Miller Bluewolf Candy
Ceares CherokeeGirl Corbeau Geli GreenWoman
Griffin Gryph JosephineDarcy KimAnne Lisa Duncan's Twin
MaggieB MrsHamill PJ Rogue Shar
Carlito VampyrAlex Winds-of-Dawn XFreak


  1. Name or Screen Name ?
    Maggie B

  2. A brief bio ? Male/Female ? Age ? Career ? Where is home ? Married?
    You know, I believe that Lash is real. He lives in my neighborhood and one day could discover I write slash and decide he really likes that and really wants to be a slash writer. So he comes to kill me so he can be me <shudder>. I don't want to tip him off if he reads my bio on the VS page. Let's just say I'm a thirty something Midwestern female.

  3. How did you get started in fanfiction ?
    During season three, I got a computer and hooked onto the internet. Did a search on Sentinel, weeded through the home-security pages until I found Nightowls' Nest. I then found the archive at 10pm that night and was still in front of the computer at 6am the next day. I didn't start writing until I decided to join a list about four months ago. Once I hooked up with some people who encouraged me to try it, I went for it.

  4. How did you get started in TS ?
    I watched the first show when it aired on UPN and got hooked immediately.

  5. Do you have a web page ? If so what is the URL ?
    No webpage

  6. Are either Jim or Blair a total "bottom" in your universe ? If so who and why ?
    No. I see them as equal in bed. I do prefer Jim being the one to "insert tab a into slot b" but I don't see that as topping. I define topping as the one who sets the tone during sex.

  7. Are you a Jim or Blair babe ? Who and why ?
    They are a single entity for me. I can't separate them. I just love J/B.

  8. Are you a "angst" or "owies" author ?
    I haven't written enough stories yet to say. As a reader, I like both but only if coupled with equal amounts of comfort.

  9. Are you "into" threesomes? If so who do you pair "our" pair with usually ? Why?
    I like reading J/B/S but I don't think I could write them.

  10. Any other fandoms you write/play in ? If so what and why ?
    I've read two Stargate stories, but that's it.

  11. Do you have a favorite quote ? If so what and why ?
    "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience."

    I like this quote because it is so hopeful. And, I can see an application for J/B.

  12. A brief bibliography... please ?
    Oh man, do I ever have bio envy when it comes to the rest of the VS staff!

    My meager bio includes:
    "Howling at the Moon"
    "Finding the Center"

    --both TS and J/B

  13. Any thing else you would like to share with your readers ?
    *My* readers. Wow, what a concept. For anyone who has read my stuff: thank you, thank you, thank you for giving a new writer a chance. I appreciate the time you give for feedback and critique.

  14. Email address ?
    Write to MaggieB at

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  1. Name or Screen Name ?
    Name: Terri Hamill
    Screen Name: MrsHamill

  2. A brief bio ? Male/Female ?
    Female tech support professional

    Age ?
    A hell of a lot older than most of you whippersnappers!!! (just put "over forty")

    Career ?
    Technical support (computers, etc.)

    Where is home ?
    Northern Virginia, near D.C. (you remember, the Nation's nominal capital?)

    Married ?
    Ayup. Fifteen years too. *spits*

  3. How did you get started in fanfiction ?
    By reading zines at conventions back in the early 70's. I always wanted to be a writer, but left it in my twenties for other pursuits. I recently re-discovered fandom and have actually been published on the web now.

  4. How did you get started in TS ?
    That's a toughie.... um.... Never saw the show until this year -- now I've got it all on tape and have even turned my 11 year old into a JimBabe. Got recommended to a few stories and got hooked. Found Francesca and Alyjude and got lined and sinkered.

  5. Do you have a web page ? If so what is the URL ?
    Well, it's supposed to be this...

  6. Are either Jim or Blair a total "bottom" in your universe ? If so who and why ?
    Nope, I'm an equal opportunity pornographer.

  7. Are you a Jim or Blair babe ? Who and why ?
    Uh... um... er... ahh..... oh shit. I'm a Burgi Babe. We're almost the same age!!

  8. Are you a "angst" or "owies" author?
    Nah. I'm more into humor and pratfalls, actually.

  9. Are you "into" threesomes? If so who do you pair "our" pair with usually ? Why ?
    I've done threesomes in the past, they're fun, but the hickeys and cystitis just aren't worth it.

  10. Any other fandoms you write/play in ? If so what and why ?

  11. Do you have a favorite quote ? If so what and why ?
    "I have often had the impression that, to penguins, man is just another >penguin -- different, less predictable, occasionally violent, but tolerable >company when he sits still and minds his own business."
    --Berke Breathed misquoting Bernard Stonehouse

    --but don't ask me why (it may have something to do with the fact that my house is furnished in Early American Penguin).

  12. A brief bibliography... please ?
    Series: Jedi Code Breakers (Ignorance/Knowledge, Emotion/Peace, Passion/Serenity, Death and the Force). Riding the Wheel of If (all thirty parts, although I only authoried 25 of them). Three Roads/One Destiny (with Master Yo-Gurt) (threesome containing het scenes). Several stand-alone stories, including two linked PWPs -- Eight Days a Week and Ninth Day. All my stories are archived on the Master-Apprentice site Sockii runs on Squidge.

  13. Any thing else you would like to share with your readers ?
    Umm... I'm an excellent cook. (Just ask Rogue!)

  14. Email address ?
    Write to MrsHamill at

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  1. Name or Screen Name ?

  2. A brief bio ? Male/Female ? Age ? Career ? Where is home ? Married ?
    I'm a 44 yr old registered nurse from Lincoln, NE.

  3. How did you get started in fanfiction ?
    Oh,'s difficult to remember that far back. I wrote my first fanfic (Original Trek) back in 1970--a very horrid Mary Sue. The next attempt was 1971, a slash pairing of Spock/McCoy and I haven't looked back since!

  4. How did you get started in TS ?
    Mid-second season. I had been resisting another fandom, but my roommate and one of my best friends dragged me along to the video room at a Con, sat me down and forced me to watch "The Rig" and "Cypher". Before I left the video room, I had arranged for someone to send me all the eps on tape!

  5. Do you have a web page ? If so what is the URL ?
    No. I'm computer illiterate. <g>

  6. Are either Jim or Blair a total "bottom" in your universe ? If so who and why ?
    I don't tend to write explicit sex scenes, but when I do, it's more of an equal opportunity thing. That just the way I see the Boys--equal partners in everything.

  7. Are you a Jim or Blair babe ? Who and why ?
    JimBabe all the way. What can I say? He came out of the shower in "The Rig" and I almost slid to the floor. Besides, while I think Blair is as adorable as all hell, he makes me feel like a chickenhawk.

  8. Are you a "angst" or "owies" author ?
    I tend to do both, actually. Sometimes I feel like going for the sheer mental torture, other times I throw in some physical problems just to stir the pot.

  9. Are you "into" threesomes? If so who do you pair "our" pair with usually ? Why ?
    Sorry, no. In some ways I surprise myself how conservative I am, and this is one of them. No offense meant to those who write threesomes or like to read them, but it's an automatic delete for me.

  10. Any other fandoms you write/play in ? If so what and why ?
    Star Trek TOS, Star Trek TNG, The Professionals, Due South, Stargate.

  11. Do you have a favorite quote ? If so what and why ?
    "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent." Isaac Asimov

  12. A brief bibliography... please ?
    All my old Trek stuff is out of print, thank goodness!
    As for my Professionals, stories, they are all archived on the Pros Circuit Archive:

  13. Any thing else you would like to share with your readers ?
    No, not really. I've rambled on enough.

  14. Email address ?
    Write to PJ at

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  1. Name or Screen Name ?
    Christine Marie Hill -- Real name.
    Rogue-- author/screen name.

  2. A brief bio ? Male/Female ? Age ? Career ? Where is home ? Married ?
    Female (duh). 22. No job currently (@#$$^!%$!!!!). Home is hell, also known as Alexandria, VA, USA. Not married, never been kissed, even.

  3. How did you get started in fanfiction ?
    I started writing, then I got Internet, then I joined the Biker Mice From Mars (cartoon show) fanclub and wrote for that, then branched out into SW:TPM and then got suckered into TS. Best damn prank I've ever been caught in. =)

  4. How did you get started in TS ?
    See previous answer.

  5. Do you have a web page ? If so what is the URL ?
    No web page of my own. Being dyslexic and comp-illiterate kinda makes for bad programming. *grins*

  6. Are either Jim or Blair a total "bottom" in your universe ? If so who and why ?
    I have to admit, I prefer Blair bottoming, but then, I guess that's stemming from my subconscious desire to be the bottom myself for Jim! *blushing grin* But, in the interest of fair play, I try to write it so that Blair tops sometimes.

  7. Are you a Jim or Blair babe ? Who and why ?
    Jim. I'm a sucker for older men and Blair/Garret could be my twin (if I lost a few pounds). It'd be too much like cuddling a brother, if I had a sibling.

  8. Are you a "angst" or "owies" author ?
    Owies, I think. I'm better at writing h/c than I am at angst. I prefer to make smart-ass comments and have the characters laughing and fooling around.

  9. Are you "into" threesomes? If so who do you pair "our" pair with usually ? Why ?
    Not really. I'm the old-fashioned type and prefer monogamy, but I'll read it. I don't think I could write it, though.

  10. Any other fandoms you write/play in ? If so what and why ?
    SW:TPM, because Qui and Obi are DAAAAAAMN *HOT*!!! *wild grin* Once again, going for the older-man syndrome, I'm a Qui-babe.

  11. Do you have a favorite quote ? If so what and why ?
    I'm sure I do, but I'll be damned if I can remember it right now. Probably it's the one I'm using currently. "If the fish aren't biting, then it's time to bite the fish."

  12. A brief bibliography... please ?
    I've got about 20 posted stories in each fandom -- SW:TPM and TS -- and 6-7 in zines for TS, most of those due out soon, the rest already out. They're kinda much to list; I can't remember them all. Lessee:

    1: Raising Spirits
    2: Party Time
    3: Come On Down
    4: Going Nova (direct sequel to #3)
    5: Love in an Elevator
    6: Storm of Passion (direct sequel to #5)
    7: Tight Spots
    8: Padawan Story Hour
    9: PSH#2: Jedi Love Confessions (direct sequel to #8)
    10: PSH#3: Persnickety Padawan (direct sequel to #9)
    11: PSH#4: Open Mouth, Insert ... Something (fourth in series, duh. *grins*)
    12: Grateful (middle piece to Keelywolfe's "Story's End" and "Whispers".)
    13: Better to Give (pre-relationship, smarm)
    14: Patience (a snippet in Anne Higgins' "Bonding Through the Years" universe; Qui and 3-year-old Obi)
    15: Chill Zone
    16: Chill Zone 2: Snow-blower (make what you want out of that title; direct sequel to #15)
    17: Coffee Break
    18: Maze Haze
    19: At Your Side (WiP)

    "Majority Rules,
    Morals Rendered" (needs some serious editing, will be sent in at some point)

    In "The Sentinel":
    1: Buzzed (first ever TS fiction)
    2: Memorable Moments
    3: Memorable Moments: Development (direct sequel to #2; WiP series)
    4: Memorable Moments: Freeze Frame (WiP, currently not posted)
    5: Twelve Things NOT to Say to a Cop
    6: Signs from Above (actually inspired a reader to write a snippet based on this fic; Bible Slash (sort of), I'm serious. p.s.: it was hilarious)
    7: Wet and Frizzed is My Spirit Guide
    8: This Takes Guts (blatant use of Dave Barry column, forgot to put that in disclaimer *smacks self in head*)
    9: To Have and To Hold (cities challenge; had to write the guys into my hometown)
    10: Whatsa Motto Wit' You? (don't drink and read at the same time warning)
    11: Success
    12: How to Give Your Sentinel His Medication (same warning as #10)
    13: Hot Cross Buns (another Dave Barry take-off)
    14: Amends (second attempted angst; first written attempted suicide)
    15: Man, I Feel Like a Woman (Blair; drag; high heels; you do the math.)
    16: Chantilly Lace (WiP; a first-time based on a lovingly pestering request to have Jim in drag).

    CURRENTLY IN ZINES (all of them AngelWingsPress productions):
    1: I Never Thought I'd Say This -- Angel on My Mind 3. (first attempted angst fic)
    2: Sheared -- Whispers of the Heart 3. (unwilling Blair hair chop)
    3: Idolized Hair Follicles -- I'm NOT Cutting My Hair! (take a wild guess)

    SOON (sometime this year or early next) TO BE OUT ZINES:
    1: Covert Operations -- an AU zine featured by HEMP (Highly Erotic Males
    Press). 19-year-old Blair is in the Army and because of his linguistic and cultural knowledge, he goes on the mission with Jim to Peru.
    2: The Haunting (title dubious) -- Blair and Jim Do the Movies, featured by Blackfly Presses. AU in which the guys are characters from the movie/book.
    3: Don't Deny Me -- Angel on My Mind 4.
    4: Up and Open -- Whispers of the Heart 4. (based on the episode "Warriors".)

    1: Natural Disasters -- a four-part story that features our guys in an earthquake, a tornado, a flash flood, and a severe snow storm.
    2: "Rogue's Warriors" -- a collection of some of my SW:TPM stuff from the net and a few new ones that I have to get written up and submitted.
    3: Blessed Protector -- fic to go in a zine (dunno which one) by AMC Press.(I promised it to TACS; it's a bitch-woman Carolyn story.)

  13. Any thing else you would like to share with your readers ?
    Thanks for being impressed enough to read my stuff and occasionally write to me! You will never comprehend how much good that does for me! *perk'n'grin*

  14. Email address ?
    Write to Rogue ast, or, failing that, write

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  1. Name or Screen Name ?

  2. A brief bio ? Male/Female ? Age ? Career ? Where is home ? Married ?
    Female, same age as Jim. Graphic web designer. Louisville, KY. Blissfully divorced no kids. (yeah!)

  3. How did you get started in fanfiction ?
    Ooohh, that's hard. Slash? Or fanfic in general? Slash--from the tender age of 3 watching Kirk and Spock and not understanding the women paraded on-screen for Kirk because he already had his love, (I kid you not), and then there were Starsky and Hutch--need I say more? Or if you mean *writing* fanfic, I'd have to say I was inspired by Quantum Leap, but never put anything "out there" until Highlander.

  4. How did you get started in TS ?
    That's easy! Highlander. More specifically--Peter Wingfield. That and the SOS banners plastered everywhere. Then there was this wonderful little piece called "Three Little Birds". I was hooked immediately.

  5. Do you have a web page ? If so what is the URL ?
    Whispers of the Heart:
    Unofficial Garett Maggart Website:

    SOS isn't all me, but I did a lot of work on it from the re-building stage. (Steffi from Visions and Sounds, is primary now.)

    **And a graphics site will be added soon. Graphics for the slash fan by "BlairAngel Design".

  6. Are either Jim or Blair a total "bottom" in your universe ? If so who and why ?
    Blair--bottom. Jim--top. But they're not adverse to switch hitting. <bg> Why? Because they like it that way.

  7. Are you a Jim or Blair babe ? Who and why ?
    Blair--all the way. His voice, his attitude, his intelligence, his giving heart, his dance moves <g>, his hands, his eyes, his care in worrying about Jim, his commitment to the sentinel project, his bounce--everything. But I love Jim too. For just as many reasons.<g>

  8. Are you a "angst" or "owies" author ?
    A little of both, but more the h/c person.

  9. Are you "into" threesomes? If so who do you pair "our" pair with usually ? Why ?
    No. But I did write one once as a crossover with Highlander--Duncan specifically. I prefer Jim and Blair pairings only. I just don't *see* other sexual dynamics like Blair/Simon and just can't go there. I prefer the J/B exclusive. I doubt everyone in MC is gay, <g> So I tend to keep other things as canon as possible.

  10. Any other fandoms you write/play in ? If so what and why ?
    Highlander, because I love Duncan and Methos together and love the idea of when I'm old an gray, they'll still look the same and keep on loving. Plain old longevity. <g> But TS has captured my heart and soul completely.

  11. Do you have a favorite quote ? If so what and why ?
    I'd never really thought about it, but I really like the words that Blair says in TSbyBS when talking to Naomi. "I got it all. I got it all right here. The brass ring." And "I'm not cutting my hair" <g>

  12. A brief bibliography... please ?
    The Innocent Chronicles
    Holiday Happenings Series
    Brass Ring
    Ground Zero
    Friends & Lovers
    Sentinel & Guide
    And a few other odds and ends.

  13. Any thing else you would like to share with your readers ?
    I will NEVER, EVER cut Blair's hair. <g> And thanks so much for all the kind words and wonderful feedback regarding my stories and my websites. It means a lot to me.

  14. Email address ?
    Write to Shar at

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