LEAN CUISINE After watching THE LAST DON II, and *highly* anticipating "COTW"--Part I, here's a little something, Gilda, ah, *cooked* up! ;) Elaine, you may Archive it, thank you kindly. (c) May 11, 1998 *LEAN CUISINE* *By GILDA LILY* Ah, the joys of lean cuisine! Sprinkled with Italian spices, Plenty of greenery, And tender, succulent meat. Ah, dessert! Ripe, round peaches, Sweet and firm and soft, Ready for a tongue to lap Along warm fuzziness, Juices running down In the rosy cleft. A banquet For the soul, For a starving man Denied such bounty For far too long. Food for the senses: I'll take Italian! Return to Due South Fiction Archive