If You Were Mine If You Were Mine A Poem by Cheryl Ross Benton Fraser is the type of man who inspires obsession in those who love him. I have never decided whose obsession this poem reveals. Meg's? Frannie's? Mine? I will leave it up to you, gentle readers to decide. Comments welcome. cross@norlink.net If You Were Mine If you were mine I could deny you nothing my nights, my days would be measured out in your kisses my hours would be spent in your blue eyes all would be yours for the asking before you said it before you knew it I would curl your curly hair around my fingertips and lull you into love I would please and pet and play until you stretched beneath my hands like a spoiled cat I would drink you in and eat you up and make you whole again her name would sink beneath my passion your pain would melt upon my lips I could be your everything your moon and stars your breath and tears I could fill you up like no one ever has let me swallow you my love come drown within my joy we would be perfection if only Benton you were mine.