I Can Never Get Enough Of Looking At Him, by Maxine Mayer I CAN NEVER GET ENOUGH OF LOOKING AT HIM by Maxine Mayer I can never get enough of looking at him. He suspends disbelief in me - I must believe, accept, engage. Fall. He smolders - (it's not English) - at me. It's not English. It's not proper language at all. When Winter closed my heart (forever) - (so I thought) - I mistook shock for death. Winter should have frozen me in perpetuity. I thought it had. Alas, I'd made a (big) error - my error. Spring's silver green shoots spring up. Without my say-so. Without a word of acquiescence (yea or nay, nor by-your-leave) from me. Up, a flower. I lick dead things, of the earth. I am respectful but they are still dead things, dry. I am of the earth. He sniffs the flower. I raise my eyes in wonder, eyelashes beating against my brain in the windy rush of Summer rain. In wonder, joy, aflame. Of a sudden, I know my name. And I know his name. Seasons follow one the other. Autumn comes. I can never get enough of looking at him. ****** Maxine Mayer NYC - 7/23/99 Hope you enjoy this one - that it's not too bad! Thanks! Love, Maxine maxmayer2@juno.com http://members.tripod.com/~MaxineMayer/index.htm Back to Due South fiction Archive