Davidmarcianos hubbapeachyus New & improved version ! No posting to other lists/printing in zines unless you ask me first please (I'll probably give permission, don't worry). :-) --------------------------------------------------------- From the "Pocket Field Guide to American Wildlife", 2nd edition, published by Wowwhosthat Publishers, 1996. Davidmarcianos hubbapeachyus An friendly, affectionate but enigmatic creature. Likes Italian food, bachoi, esharole and kumquats, and "health" food. Refuses to eat fattening foods. Flirts incessantly but often unsuccessfully until it reaches a point where more and more females notice him, and then he can't keep them off. Often found preparing food, camping and fly fishing whenever he has the opportunity. Charming and friendly when spoken to. Usually found in the Los Angeles area but frequents Toronto, Canada as well, usually during autumn and winter in recent years. Often seen in the company of the Canadian creature "Paulgrossus booglabooglaus" (see Pocket Field Guide to Canadian Wildlife") during the latter. Description: Distinguishable by a dark pelt which thins noticeably as he ages, bright smile, green eyes, unique accent and slim, elegant physique; named for the extremely attractive but frequently hidden peach-shaped rear end, which is usually draped in loose clothing. Approx. 180cm (6 ft) in height. Status: extremely rare Other Notes: Often mistaken for "Chicagocopus crankus", another American species of similar appearance, but with a more grouchy nature and garish clothing. --------------------------------------------- Courtesy of;Fiona, Bernice & Jen R. :) Fiona.Scott@smtpgwy.agric.nsw.gov.au Return to the Due South Fiction Archive