You know Dief Silvia Mosca You know Dief e-mail the author This is the sequel to my story "Changing Plans", it can stand alone, but I think it's better if you read C.P. before start reading this one. Dear readers, if you've enjoied the previous, here for you there's something more to read about the unknown love that Elaine and Ray share. Please, let me know what do you think about it and if you want to read about "Ray's thoughts"(that will be Part 3). You can e-mail me at my address: Again I wanna thank my sis Luisa: without you nothing of this could have been possible (please, stop whining "I've created a monster…it's all my fault..!" You've made me *so* happy!) A thousand kisses and keep your fingers crossed for August'98. I would also like to thank my adorable beta-reader Melissa: thank you very much, you're great! And Desi: what can I say? I hope one day I'll be as good as the writer you are. TY for your support! And you all readers go read DSRVBF's stories "WHEN WILL THOSE DARK CLOUDS DISAPPEAR" and "MOURNING HAS BROKEN" if you want to know what I was talking about last story referring to *Angie and Teresa*. Hum…it's definitely Rated G and Disclaimers: You know they're not mine (Why?… just tell me, why can't they?) and no profit is intented. Enjoy your reading, Silvia. YOU KNOW DIEF... by Silvia Mosca "You know Dief, sometimes love makes you do the strangest things. Decisions you never come to in a different moment love simply pushes you through them... What I really can't understand is why they chose me! Well, actually I do understand. I'm the closest friend to Ray, and so, in both cases (for Elaine and for Ray) I was the obvious person to talk with. But they both know me so well: I'm a little dense on that matter... Ray always tells me so. After all I've loved just Victoria, and you well know that had been a disaster. Surely I'm not proud of the way I fell for Victoria and all her lies. I had nearly lost everything I own and I care about for her. So why did they decide to put all their hopes in my hands ? Is not that I'm not pleased of them choosing me, actually it's exactly the opposite of it: at the moment I'm the happiest person in the world. I really care for Elaine and I love Ray as the brother I've never had. I've always thought they could have been perfect the one for the other. It was so clear to me, since the first time I saw them together playing at *hating you*…I nearly started laughing…they were like open books to me: I could read the words through the lines *I love you*. Elaine's behaviour on my person never affected me 'cause I well knew she was crazy for Ray. It's funny how they both decided to talk to me today, Dief. They've left me speechless. Ok, yes, I know you can't even imagine me at loss of words...but that is exactly what has happened. With Elaine it was easier...but maybe because she was the first who talked to me. It was so strange to find myself in the precinct's closet with someone who wasn't Ray! The choice of the closet was Elaine's. I think it was easier for her to expose her soul and her deepest feelings to me in the dark. It was a kind of talking aloud with herself. She confessed everything about her plan to use me and Ray's jealousy to finally win his heart. I would have paid an incredible amount of money just to be able to see her face when I told her I knew all about it. She stayed quiet for a while, I heard her stop breathing, her heart pounding fast. Then I felt her breathe again and her heart slowing a bit. Maybe I could have left out that for me her feelings were *as clear as a cloudless sky in a summer morning*. I'm really hoping I didn't hurt her. Yes, Ray is right: I'm obtuse most of the times! I hope I mended my thoughtlessness by telling her I didn't find her plan out because I didn't know if she really wanted *me* to *know* that she was in love with Ray. I can't say if she was mad at me, then. I heard her muttering something about *if I weren't so damn polite we could have saved a lot of time of her acting like a fool*...but probably she was talking to herself about...uh...*the most annoying man in the world*, right? Leaving the closet I told her I would have done my best to help her; and it was then that she kissed me lightly on my lips; and it was exactly then that Ray caught us. I saw a look of shock in his eyes, then everything was back to normal with Ray asking me if I needed a lift back home. I said I did. We got in the Riv, he started the engine and we left the precinct behind us. Suddenly I realized that Ray wasn't really taking me home, he was actually driving the two of us out of town. I didn't say a thing seeing he was taken by the driving and extremely quiet (that was so strange of him). His words startled me when all at once he said "I love her, Benny. I love Elaine more than words can express". And before I could actually tell him something he continued "I have never thought I could ever love someone so much. I saw you two come out of the closet together, Benny. I saw her kissing you. Oh, I was such a fool hoping maybe one day she could, she would love me. I wish you all the love in the world. To you, Benny, and to Elaine. Please, make her happy...". It was then that I remained speechless, astonished. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. ^Me and Elaine? Happily ever after? Oh, dear… Ray came up to all this just for an innocent kiss ?^. So, before panic began to irreparably flow into my veins, I reached for all my strength and a word escaped from the prison that was my speechless mouth "What?". I met Ray's eyes with mine and what I found there melted my heart. Finally I succeeded in talking again. "No, Ray...that wasn't what you think it was...I'm pleased you have finally decided to tell me what I knew for so much time now, although you did it for the wrong reason. I know you love Elaine. I didn't know how much, but I knew your feelings were strong. There's nothing between me and Elaine, Ray. I just helped her...erm...solve a problem she had. That's the reason why *she* kissed me". I saw his eyes grow wider. He opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again, but this time it was Ray's turn to remain speechless. He said nothing, instead he smiled, a warm and clear smile, the kind of smile that leaves no space for words. We stayed there, in the Riv, not talking, just listening to the silent night. I couldn't remember Ray turning for that country road or turning off the engine. I was lost in my thoughts when Ray started talking. He said he was sorry he misunderstood what he had seen. He said he was sorry he hadn't told me about his feelings for Elaine before. He said it wasn't for lack of trust or something like that. It was just because it was hard for him to open his heart to someone, even to me: his best friend. Enough said for me then, I well understood his words: I'm not really the talkative kind of guy on that matter, either. But it wasn't enough for Ray : he asked me to help him reach Elaine's heart. I've told him I would do everything in my power to help him find his happy ending. Now it's all up to me, Dief. I've to find the right time, the right place and atmosphere, then just add Ray and Elaine." -single whine "Oh, dear !" The End (is it ? Really ?..nooo)