Night of Truth [Ray] We make quite a pair, y'know. A guy dressed in the police uniform he's only worn once in the last - oh, God knows how long - and another guy dressed in the RCMP uniform he never seems to take off. Crazy. But still perfect for this party. It's supposed to be a masquerade, a special Halloween thing. But for once, we're going without the masks. We're goin' in there and showing everyone everything. *Everything*. I almost laugh, considering what Frannie'll think when she finds out tonight. Slowly bubbling laughter fades quickly as I think about what effect the news will have on the rest of my family. Jeez, Benny. I almost can't believe we're doing this; almost open my mouth to ask if you have any doubts. But one look at your face and I know you don't. I don't know if I've ever seen you so happy, and I suddenly want to burst into tears. We've hidden for so long. So very, very long. And now the world gets to meet my lover. After we leave the party, I'll have you all to myself, thank God, and I'll show you how we're really celebrating this special day. I love you so very much, Benny. ***** [Ben] I imagine we look like fools, you in your official uniform, which I only remember seeing you wear at Detective Gardino's funeral; and I in my serge. We stick out like proverbial sore thumbs. Odd, though. It's nice to know that for once, everyone else is hiding their true selves and we are not. We have donned costumes that show exactly who we are inside. We are revealing the people who, no matter how obvious it may have seemed to some, have been undercover for a very long time. It makes me deliriously happy to know we can end the secrets, stop the lies. I worry about the future, yes, and I worry more for your sake than my own. Coming out into a situation like yours will not be easy, and I feel the tension fighting its way back into your body. I throw a glance your direction, fixing my smile firmly in place so that I don't betray even a hint of fear at all the pain and anxiety I see reflected in the depths of your emerald eyes. Your mouth twitches. Tears glint brightly, and all I want to do is take you into my arms, protect you. But I can't do that right now; we have to try to protect each other while we take this risk. My solace lies in the knowledge that once we have accomplished this, we will be free, and we can spend the rest of this night - the rest of our *lives* - showing one another how deep this love goes. Tonight, the spirits commune, and we will come alive with them, at last. - end -