Pairing: Fraser/Kowalski Rating: NC-17 Author: avg 62 Email: Exposure I stumble slightly as the police cruiser literally screeches to a halt on the sidewalk in front of me. Concerned, I scan the area hoping to lend a hand but I see nothing untoward; in fact, everyone I can see is looking at the officers as they exit their car behind me. As I turn back, the policeman from the passenger side of the vehicle grabs my upper arm and begins pulling me towards the car. "OK pal, over here," he says to me. "Put your hands on the car and spread your legs." Apparently struck dumb by the turn of events, I "assume the position" as I am told. Although my mind is awhirl with questions, I can't seem to make myself speak. The driver of the cruiser walks around behind me and is talking to his partner. "What do you think? Maybe he wandered away from one of those halfway houses." The voice does not sound familiar, even though I am walking through the 27th precinct and I believe I know every patrol officer assigned here. Perhaps it is someone new. That would explain why he doesn't recognize me. "Nah," I hear the first policeman say, "he's too pretty and he looks pretty clean; I think he's a rent-a-boy who pissed off his client and got tossed out of bed early." I am stunned by the turn in the conversation, I may be naive, but I have lived in the city long enough to know that the term "rent-a-boy" refers to a male prostitute. Stunned by their suspicions, I attempt to turn around and correct their impression of me. "Excuse me officers, but..." It would seem that the second officer is not in the mood to discuss the matter with me. I feel a strong hand on the back of my neck turning me back to face the car and he growls, "Assume the position and keep your mouth shut, buddy." The first officer chuckles and says, "Well, at least it won't take long to frisk him." Now the driver is amused as well. "Yeah, I'll take this one and you can have the next indecent exposure call we get." My bewilderment grows with this last comment and although I am anxious to speak to the officers and clear up this apparent misunderstanding, I am also afraid of antagonizing the men any further. I keep my mouth shut as ordered and hope their discussion will yield further enlightenment. It does not. I feel myself blushing as people gather around to take in the spectacle of a Mountie under arrest. I begin to feel self-conscious and find it impossible not to hang my head in shame and stare at my boots. Which, curiously, are not there. Nor are my socks. Or my pants. To my horror I realize that I have been out in public wearing nothing but my boxer shorts and a t-shirt, my usual bed clothing. "Oh dear Lord," I mutter, "how could I have left the apartment without my uniform?" The time it takes for this realization is all the time it takes for the patrolmen to finish their conversation and begin searching me. I feel hands on my legs, which I find curious because they are as bare as the day I was born. Apparently this officer is new and takes his job quite seriously. That explains his antagonistic reaction earlier. Strangely, and to my undying humiliation, the process of being frisked is arousing me. I can do nothing but watch, horrified, as my growing erection caused my boxers to tent in evidence of that fact. "Oh, so ya like that, do ya buddy?" I hear the officer whisper in my ear. "I, um, er, I'm so sorry, I..I'm..." I am reduced to babbling. "Well, let me see if I can help out here," he replies. I am scandalized and stand transfixed as the policeman grasps my penis firmly through my shorts and begins to stroke. Shocked and, sadly, even more aroused, I turn my head and am surprised to see that my arresting officer seems to be Ray Kowalski, my lover for all of four months. I'm speechless and apparently gaping, the only thought in my head being 'What is Ray doing out on patrol?' "What's the matter Frase, cat got your tongue or are you catching flies?" I begin to sense that something is amiss when I notice that Ray seems to be dressed in nothing more than his boxer shorts. "R-Ray," I stammer. "I'm sorry I'm not dressed...couldn't I just go home and put on my clothes? Do you have to arrest me?" Ray laughs evilly now, "Well, if you really want to get dressed, that's okay, Frase, but you're already home. And I guess I could let you off with a warning." Suddenly, the street scene is replaced by our bedroom. I blink several times and discover that I am standing next to our bed having "assumed the position" with my hands on our headboard. Ray is standing behind me next to the bed with one hand around my very erect penis. I groan. I can't believe this. Not another episode. I've had several since I've moved into Ray's apartment and his bed. Apparently the new arrangements have my subconscious mind out of sorts. And now I'm going to have to kill Ray...after I make love to him of course. I can't leave my erection untended. "You are so fun when you're zonked out Fraser," laughs Ray. "Man, you must have the wildest dreams." "You realize I'm going to have to kill you now, don't you Ray?" I reply. "Why, just because you sleepwalk and get excited while you're doing it?" "No, not that," I snap. "I have to kill you because you take advantage of me when I am sleepwalking. I've told you that somnambulism is nothing to trifle with." "Huh-uh, Frase," Ray reasons, "I'm just lending a helping hand when you're som...som...zombie-ing around. Besides, you should be glad I hide the house keys so you don't wander around the streets like this." I shudder as that comment hits a little too close to home. "I'm going to start replacing the candy in your evening coffee with sedatives," I threaten. "It's the only way I'll get any rest." "Aw, c'mon Ben," he whines, "you know you can't go back to sleep right away after one of those dreams." 'That is below the belt,' I think to myself, 'he knows I can't resist him when he uses my first name.' Sighing heavily, I give in. "You're right Ray, I'm wide awake now." Ray relinquishes his hold on my penis. "C'mon, let's kiss and make up," he whispers seductively. Ray seems to forget that although I am larger than he, I am quick for a man my size. It is a simple matter to slide around behind him and push him up against the headboard. I lean in close against Ray's back and whisper in his ear, "Assume the position Ray." It gratifies me to hear Ray moan low in his throat as he spreads his feet apart. A smile curls my lips as he gasps, "Y-yes sir, officer sir, whatever you say."