Title: Repatriation Author: necessary angel Pairing: BF/RK Rating: PG for m/m slashy implications and maybe the odd bad word Spoilers: Lots and lots for Asylum Disclaimer: Alliance owns them - in this reality anyway. Feedback: Comments to necessary_angel@yahoo.com Notes: This fragment picks up just after the end of Asylum. Ray has to adjust to life back in America. Thanks as always to Megan for knocking this into shape and for the encouragement. Repatriation Cahill and his goons have been here, turned the place over looking for me, I suppose. They didn't treat the place that bad; it's far from trashed, and I've seen plenty of places that looked worse after cops have been through 'em. Shit, this place has looked far worse just from me living here. Fraser thinks I'm a slob; he doesn't say it, way too polite for that, but I know he does. He shoulda seen me just after Stella and I split. But then, Fraze travels light, very light, ready to pick up and head back North the first chance he gets. Or maybe he's just not the world's biggest pack rat, Kowalski. Whatever; he just doesn't have enough stuff to have a shot at the cluttered look. The apartment's beginning to warm up now. I could probably risk shedding my coat. I stay where I am, though, sitting on the couch looking at my stuff. It doesn't look real, any of it. I keep expecting gleaming wood and much more space. I shake my head; the time in the wide-open spaces of Canada has really done something to my already-damaged self. Probably the curling; that or Turnbull, Canada's secret weapon.. Okay, Kowalski, get it together here. It's better when I'm up and moving, the smell of coffee drifting from the kitchen. Some music, and maybe I'll start to feel like I actually live here. I punch the play button on the CD player; whatever is in there already will do. The sneaky, insistent bass of The KLF twists out of the speakers, and the rest of the knots in my neck undo at the sound. Without thinking, I'm straightening the mess IA left behind. For the first time in what seems like a lifetime I'm not thinking, not planning, not trying to remember. I'm in the flow of it, in that place I get to when I'm dancing, nothing in the world but music and the flex and pull of my body moving. It doesn't take long to return my place to something that looks close enough to normal, pretty much like my life really. Fraser had taken what, twenty minutes to pull the rabbit out of his Stetson and reel Cahill in? He'd knocked the sneaky little backstabbing bastard off balance the second Cahill'd knocked on the Consulate door with cameras, enough firepower to take out Chicago, and his precious extradition papers. Cahill should have been top dog, but Fraser was in charge the whole way. Smooth and confident and with the simplest of plans, he'd turned the whole sorry mess around and given me back my life. Well, another man's life, but it's all the same at the moment. Watching Fraser working it, busting his ass to save my skinny neck had been.the RCMP doesn't know what they gave up when they exiled him down here in the snowy south. Everything back to normal. True, I'm stretched out on my couch sipping coffee at three something in the afternoon, which is far from normal, but I still have my shield, and we got the bad guys again. It should all be business as usual, but nothing's really been normal since I took on this assignment. well, since I met a certain uptight and way too good-looking Mountie. And Benton Fraser has done it again; squeezed in under the barbed wire and bricks I'd built to keep this partnership treading the line. But for all his by-the- book exterior, Fraser doesn't really play by the rules; well, he does.by his own rules.. I rub one hand over my face; my thoughts have been running in this circle ever since that conversation in the hallway at the Consulate. Something, everything, had cracked in those few minutes and there is no way the pieces are gonna fit back together again. And I'm far from sure that I'd want them to. No, I'm sure I don't want them to; the question is what do I do with them. Fraser was so far under my skin already that I was kinda dazed to find that there was room for him to tunnel in further. As usual, if there's something ya think he can't do, he manages it. He blasted all the pieces way up into the air and all I can do is ride out the aftershocks. Far more warmed by that decision, and the memory of Fraser's eyes as he asked me to trust him, than by the coffee, I head for the luxury of a shower in my own bathroom.