Being There BEING THERE As usual its an m/m story. Its also hurt/comfort. BEING THERE As Ray pulled up to his friend's apartment complex, he checked his watch, "Well ok, I'm late. It couldn't be helped. He'll understand." It always amazed him how Fraser could always be so patient and understanding with everyone, including himself. Ray on the other hand was the other extreme, until he calmed down and had a chance to think it through... some of the time. Fraser's door normally wasn't kept locked during the day, just when he was asleep at night or when he wanted privacy for himself and Ray, but right now it was. When there was no answer at the door, Ray pulled out the spare key he had been given a while ago, planning to wait inside for his friend to come home. He'd been given the key, when it had become routine for him to visit Ben late at night, because Welsh had put him on a special graveyard shift. No matter what the boss had said, he still thought it was as punishment for that misunderstanding with the mayor and the midget wrestlers. He shook his head at the memory and shuddered. It was an honest mistake. How was he supposed to know what the mayor's daughter looked like? During that period he hardly got to spend much time with Ben, so he'd gotten into the habit of coming by the apartment after his early morning shift ended. He had to admit, that the graveyard shift had its perks when he'd slip in next to his sleeping lover and 'help' wake Ben up for his daytime shift at the consulate. Benny claimed his waking him this way was better than his alarm clock. Ray had teased his lover at that remark and the look Ben had given him was priceless, when he had responded about not wanting to know what kinky things Ben did with that alarm clock before Ray entered his love life. This brought out a smile and an ache for his lover, as he relished memories of those early morning trysts in his mind. Today marked the second day he'd been given a reprieve and finally allowed to work the regular schedule again, which was more to his and Ben's liking. He had planned to meet Fraser for dinner tonight and unfortunately was delayed for a while by Louise catching him, as he tried to sneak down the back stairwell to avoid her. At first she had talked at length about a case and his involvement with it, then the conversation turned to a more personal nature, when she wanted to know why he was avoiding her and stopped his attentions towards her. As he turned the key and entered, he was met by a darkened apartment. It was late in the evening, but there was still some light outside, although waning, but not in here. All the shades had been pulled down, which was unusual. Fraser loved having the sun and moon shining through the windows and hated closing them out of his home like this. He tried turning on the light, but the light wouldn't go on. This was strange, since the light which had recently come on in the hallway was spilling in through the opened door. Ray was getting worried and called out to his friend "Ben? Its Ray. Are you here?" No answer came back to his calls for his lover as he stepped further into the darkened rooms. He had his hand on his holster, gun ready should he need it, as he stepped through the kitchen area and stubbed his toe on something which clattered on impact. In the half light from the door he saw there were scattered pots and other kitchen items on the floor. He tried another light, but found that one too was useless. Going to the kitchen window he lifted the shade there, but already the sun was gone and not much light was cast, but enough for him to get the battery powered lantern Ben kept in the cupboard. With this light to guide him he ventured deeper into the apartment. He became more and more anxious, again calling out for his lover, as he walked among the debris of a few knocked over things scattered about. It looked almost as if Ben's place had been burgled, but Ray knew that there was nothing that a burgular would find of value here... no stereo, tv or valuables. Perhaps it was someone looking for something specific? Upon further reflection, he thought it actually looked as if someone had had a tantrum. He was really starting to grow afraid for his friend, and went quickly to the muffled sound of running water, which he had started to notice coming from the bathroom. He approached cautiously, standing to one side of the door as he worked at the knob. It was locked. Rapping on the obstacle, he called out "Benny?! Are you in there? Are you ok?" No answer was forthcoming, so he made the decision to break it down as he called out, "I'm coming in whether you want me to or not!" The cheap door gave quickly with 2 adrenaline empowered kicks and a hard shove. The light was out in here too, but with the light from his lantern he could see Ben seated huddled with his back to the faucet as the showerhead poured water down on him. Ben's head was down resting against his upraised knees, which were being held in place by his arms wrapped around them. Ray's stomach was in knots as he saw that Ben was shivering and hadn't yet acknowledged that he was in the room with him. "Oh god Benny, what's wrong?" He rushed immediately to his friend, shutting off the now cold water, while he placed a gentle hand on his friend's shoulder, all the while trying to coax his friend to talk to him. At Ray's touch, Ben flinched, shuddered in fear and a whimper came out of him. Ray drew his hand back as if burned. It was then in the poor lighting he started to notice the bruises that were deepening on his friend's arms and legs. Ray was raging inside when he realized his friend had been beaten. When he found out who had done this to him, every bruise and wound would be revisited double on the abusers he promised himself and Ben. As he pulled down a couple of towels, he lowered himself down to the floor and softly spoke, "Benny. Its Ray. I'm here. Its ok. I'll take care of you. I'm just going to dry you off a bit, alright? Its ok." While he kept up a soft incessant flow of one-sided conversation, he worked at getting his shaking friend dry and more comfortable. All the while he was praying Ben would move or say something... anything... back. At first Ben continued to be fearful of his touch, but gradually he became less afraid to let Ray touch him. He still hadn't changed his position since Ray had first entered the room. Ray's voice was full of emotion as he choked out, "Ben, please talk to me... at least look at me. You're really scarin' me buddy." He rested a gentle reassuring hand on his friend's now damp hair and eventually felt Ben's head lift up from its hiding place. When he saw Ben's swollen bruised face and those despondent blue eyes turn to him, he felt a sharp pain lance his heart and couldn't hold back a gasp. "Oh Benny". He didn't break eye contact with him as he spoke "Come with me. I'll take care of you." With those words Ben let him place his hands on him to help lift him out of the tub. With just the towels wrapped about him from earlier, he still wasn't completely covered or warm yet. As they stood up Ray reached over with a free hand and grabbed at a bathrobe nearby and soon had his shaking friend enclosed in it. Ben still hadn't said a word, but they were making progress Ray tried to assure himself. Ben was leaning heavily on him, because he was having trouble walking, both from his injuries and from having been in that hunched position for so long. Ray wondered how long he'd been in there like that. Every step was taking a lifetime as they made it to the bedroom at last and Ray helped Ben into the bed. When he started to make motions to go towards the closet, in order to find a warmer blanket, his arm suddenly felt as if it had been placed in a vise. Trying to hide the pain it was causing him, he placed a hand over the one digging into him whispering, "Its ok Benny. I'll stay with you, but I just need to go into the closet first. Ok? I'll be right back." The grip lessened and Ray lifted the hand in his giving it a soft squeeze. With the light from the lantern on the bedside table, he went quickly to the closet and found what he was looking for. Coming back with a thick comforter, he tucked his friend in. However, Ben refused to let go of one of his hands, so it remained stubbornly outside of the warmth of the blanket. Ray sat in a chair he had thought to set near the bed when he'd gone for the comforter. As he sat with Ben's hand in both of his own now, those sad eyes pierced through him, trying to tell him something of his suffering, but not enough to tell him what happened. Ben remained silent. Ray had wanted to check his friend over more thoroughly, because he was still shivering slightly and those bruises and scrapes which he had been able to see in half-light were pretty nasty looking. But the way Ben was acting, he didn't want to probe him more now for fear of setting their progress back. He'd wait him out for a little bit longer, before trying again or if need be calling in professional help. Ray was scared, unsure what more he could do for his friend, except to just be there for him. He took one of his hands and brushed it lightly against Ben's face, careful of the bruising and scrapes there, "I love you Benny. Don't worry we'll get through this." At his words Ben pulled his hand slowly out from Ray's and gradually turned his face away from the caress, turning on his side and away from Ray. Ray briefly closed his eyes, trying not to take the brush off too personally. He swallowed quickly and then sighed as he got up to fix the lighting in the apartment. He noticed that the light bulbs had been purposely smashed and just needed to be removed and replaced. He knew his friend's sparse apartment as if it were his own and located the spare bulbs quickly, replacing the one's in the kitchen and bathroom first. Leaving the light on in the kitchen and the lantern on in the bedroom, he fixed the one in the bedroom; but made sure not to turn it on, so as not to startle Ben, who seemed to be sleeping now. While Ben slept he picked up the clutter that was on the floors of each room. But before long a sharp cry had him up and running into the bedroom. Ben had thrown off the comforter and was no longer on the bed. Ray noticed that he was back in the same huddled position he'd found him in when he first came into the apartment, but this time curled up into a corner of the bedroom. When he approached to help him back up, as soon as he touched him, Ben flinched and whimpered trying to back further into an unresisting wall. Ray didn't want to do this, but he needed help, so he pulled out his cellular phone and called in for an ambulance. This was more than just a good night's sleep and his taking care of him was going to fix. He felt his heart breaking, "Oh Benny, please come back to me." Before the paramedics got there, he had managed once again to gain Ben's trust and was allowed to get near him. The paramedics entered and called out "Detective Vecchio?" Ray signalled "Over here." Seeing the strangers in his home, Ben looked bewildered and petrified. He was shaking again and clamped onto Ray's hand, at the same time as he was using Ray to hide behind. "Its ok Benny. They're here to help. They're friends." One of the paramedics turned on the bedroom light and that's when all hell broke loose. Ray was unable to control Fraser then, eventually resulting in the paramedics having to sedate him. As they wheeled Ben out of the apartment, the paramedic asked "What happened?" Ray just dejectedly shook his head, walking alongside the gurney with his hand protectively on his friend's arm, "I don't know. I found him like this 2 hours ago. I thought he'd snap out of it, and talk to me, but he's just gotten worse." Fraser had come out of the sedation while being wheeled into the emergency room. He wasn't as uncontrollable as before, instead he was lethargic, except for when they tried to send Ray away, he became agitated and distressed. Ray was allowed to stay while they examined him, because his presence seemed to have a calming influence on Ben, who still wasn't talking, so they figured Ray may be able to answer some of their questions as well. Although he wasn't entirely convinced of it himself, Ray tried to smile and reassure his friend during the examination, "Its ok Ben. I'm here. Its gonna be alright." When the doctor turned Ben over onto his stomach and Ray saw for the first time the amount of bruising and abuse on his friend's back, thighs and buttocks, sudden realization hit him and he felt sick to his stomach. "Aw shit." he whispered to himself and cast his eyes away from what the doctor was doing and concentrated on the mane of dark hair that was under his hand. He talked to Ben to distract him, and in return himself, "Benny did I ever tell you about the time my cousin Angelo and I..." He rambled on and on telling one stupid story after another, all the while soothing his friend as best he could. At some point they gave Fraser something to help him sleep and he was out. Ray was thankful to finally hear the words, "We're done here, take him to a private room on the 3rd floor." As they wheeled Fraser out, the doctor put his hand out to stop Ray from following. "Mr. Vecchio, thanks for your help. I know that must have been rough on you. I think you know what happened to your friend. He was brutally beaten and raped. His physical injuries although painful and uncomfortable will heal in time. What I'm most concerned about is his mental state. We've got a good psychiatric team here at the hospital, so I'd like to refer Mr. Fraser to Dr. Lowell, if that's alright with you; seeing as you're listed as his next of kin. Dr. Lowell is one of our best and has dealt with a number of rape cases, a few of which specifically involved male victims." Ray who had felt as if he'd been talking non-stop for hours was suddenly struck speechless. "Mr. Vecchio?" Ray found his voice again. "Um, yeah, thanks doctor, that'll be fine." The doctor continued, "I know you're a cop, so you realize that the examination results will be reported. It would have been best if he hadn't showered first. We could have preserved more evidence." Ray swallowed, "I know. But that's where I found him, in the shower." The doctor looked sincerely apologetic when he shared the next bit of information, as he placed a comforting hand on Ray's arm. "I don't want to upset you any more, but I feel that you should know. From the amount and type of marks, bruising and tears, I'd have to say that you're friend was attacked by maybe 2 or more men. I'm sorry. Can I answer any questions for you?" Ray, felt kind of uncomfortable with this next question, but decided it needed to be asked, "Will you be doing an AIDs test on him?" Again that sympathetic look, "Yes. We took blood samples and will run tests. Its common practice in cases like this. I'm glad Mr. Fraser has a friend like you. He's going to need you." Ray, although exhausted mentally and physically, asked if he could stay with Ben, because he was afraid to leave him alone with strangers. Permission was readily given and the doctor seemed pleased that he even asked. Walking into the hospital room he saw Ben lying on the bed as peacefully as the medication would allow. In the light he could see the damage that had been afflicted on his face. He'd been assured that there would be no major scarring to mar his lover's beautiful face, but he knew the scars on the inside would be another matter. Ray reached a hand out to push at the hair that was falling down over Ben's forehead, then caressed his temple lightly. Ray amended his promise from earlier to, "Benny they'll pay for what they did to you. I promise you, I'll find and kill those bastards." He leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on his lover's split and swollen lips. He wished for it to do so, but unfortunately his kisses weren't going to take away the wounds and pain Ben was going and would go through. He hadn't been in the room long before he fell asleep in a chair by the bed. His sleep was interrupted by a whispered "Vecchio" and a hand shaking his shoulder. Startled awake he responded, "Oh, its you. Thanks for coming in overtime on this." It was Detective Huey, the cop assigned to Fraser's case. Before he had fallen asleep, Ray had called Welsh at home and asked for his help on this one. He trusted his boss to keep this low profile, but at the same time ensure that the case would get full attention. Ray wanted to be on the case, but Welsh insisted he was too close to it and he knew Ray's temper all too well. Welsh had compromised with him, by assigning Fraser's case to Detective Huey and promised Ray that they would keep him in the loop as they got information and developments. "How's he doing?", asked a concerned Huey, motioning to Fraser who was still asleep. Ray told him what he knew and was told that Huey had already been by Fraser's place on his way over to the hospital. He'd talked to Fraser's neighbor Mr. Mustafi and a couple of the others. Mr. Mustafi reported hearing around 6:30 PM, what sounded like Fraser's door opening and closing then a short time later, something dropping to the floor. At that point he'd had his tv on loud, so if there was more noise than that he hadn't heard it. "Thanks." Ray then gave his co-worker a no nonsense, "Huey don't let me down on this one. Its personal." After Detective Huey had left, Ray had called his mother to let her know where he was and he wouldn't be home for a while. He didn't tell her the whole story, just that Fraser had been roughed up and he was going to stay with him. She was ready to come down to the hospital right then and there, but he insisted that she stay put and keep anyone else - namely Frannie - away for now. After that he made himself as comfortable as possible in the chair next to Fraser's bed and fell asleep again with his head as near to Fraser's as he could. He had been sleeping for a few hours, when eventually he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him. As he gradually roused himself, he found it to be true. When Ray opened his eyes he saw that Fraser was awake and watching him sleep. "Good morning Ray." Although Fraser's voice sounded raspy and weak, Ray couldn't help but give his friend a radiant smile at the best thing he could have heard and seen upon waking up. Fraser reached out and touched Ray's scratchy cheek, "Ray" "Yeah...", Ray waited eagerly to hear what his friend would say. "You need a shave." Ray smiled again, as he clasped the hand at his cheek and quickly kissed it, "Thanks for the beauty tip Fraser. I'll take it under advisement." Ben gave him a haunted puzzled look then and choked out, "Ray, how did I get here?". Ray didn't want to go into detail, which he was sure his friend wanted, but told him only, "I came by your apartment last night to pick you up for dinner and found you were hurt, so I called for an ambulance. Do you remember anything about what happened?" Ben started to get visibly anxious, so Ray distracted him, "Its ok Benny. Hey, are you hungry? I can go scrounge us up some breakfast?" Ben half-smiled, "Sure." But he wasn't giving Ray his hand back yet, as a multi-layered "Thanks Ray." came out of him. He then released Ray's captive hand allowing him to go on his mission, which Ray promised him he'd return from soon. Ray had stopped by the nurse's station to let them know Ben was awake and talking again. He also asked about getting some breakfast for him and a toiletry kit for himself. He kept his promise to Ben and returned quickly only to find his friend sleeping again. But this time it was a natural sleep rather than drug induced. He took this time to clean himself up in the bathroom. While he was in there a doctor entered Fraser's room. Ray rapidly finished what he was doing and went into the bedroom, to lend support to his friend and also out of curiosity. Fraser was awake again and the man was introducing himself to Ben as Dr. Richard Lowell. Ray made his presence known after their introductions were made, "Dr. Lowell I'm Ray Vecchio. A friend of Ben's." The doctor seemed to recognize the name "Ah yes, Dr. Schirra mentioned you might be here. Nice to meet you. But would you mind giving Mr. Fraser and I some time alone? Please?" Ray could see Fraser wasn't too comfortable with the idea of him being sent away while some stranger talked to him. Fraser spoke up, "Can't he stay?" "I think it would be best if we spoke alone first, then your friend can come back later. Ok?" Ray picked up on the commanding tone from the doctor, "Its ok Ben. I'll be right outside and back before you know it." Ten minutes later Dr. Lowell left the room and Ray went back in. Fraser's face was turned to the window, facing away from Ray as he approached the bed. He sat down on the part of the bed not occupied by Ben. As Fraser rolled over to face him, Ray realized he had seen many expressions on his friend's face before, but sulky was a first for him. "You could've stayed. He really didn't have anything worthwhile to say. And it wasn't much of a conversation. At least with you there it would have been more entertaining. Ray, did you approve a psychiatrist for me?" Ray cast his eyes away, so as not to look at those accusing betrayed eyes, "Yes... When I found you last night, you were scared. And you scared the hell out of me too. You wouldn't talk to me. You hadn't talked to me the whole time we were together; not until I woke up this morning. I was worried and the doctor that examined you last night recommended Dr. Lowell." As if letting a wayward child off the hook, "I understand Ray. Its ok. But I don't need a psychiatrist. Just some bed rest and time to heal. I'll be fine." Ray wanted to believe this, but was only half-convinced "Sure. Whatever you say Benny." Fraser had steadfast refused further treatment at the hospital after the first day there. When he found out about it, he was also upset with Ray for having gotten Welsh and Huey involved. He had them drop the case, refusing to pursue it, no matter how vehemently Ray pleaded with him to continue. Ben was trying to pretend like nothing happened and that it was business as usual. He signed himself out of the hospital that evening and Ray reluctantly drove him back to his apartment. The prolonged silences and awkwardness between them on the ride over was worrying a normally talkative Ray. Fraser had become a stranger to him with every hour that passed. As they entered the apartment, Ray was glad he'd cleaned the place up a bit, so it wouldn't bear reminders of the hellish night before. The first thing Fraser did when the door opened was cast his eyes around as if searching for something and then a veil of sadness passed over his face. Ray realized what that something was, when he caught Fraser's eyes lingering on Dief's bowl on the kitchen floor. Ray had been wondering where the wolf had gone to. It was such a tempermental creature, that sometimes came and went as it pleased, that he just assumed Dief had been with someone else, like Willy or Jasmine or patrolling the neighborhood with the 'wild bunch'. He started to have a bad feeling now based on his friend's behavior. But still he tried to reassure his friend of his beloved wolf's absence, "Don't worry. I'm sure Dief'll be home soon." Fraser's voice came out harsh as he snapped through a clenched jaw, "No he won't!", as he walked quickly away from Ray and into the bedroom. "Oh God", Ray thought to himself as a shiver ran down his spine, "Dief must have been with Benny. Whoever killed you Dief, must have had quite a fight on their hands." He silently sent out a prayer of thanks to the wolf for giving his life in defense of his master. Ben was straightening things that didn't need straightening, as Ray walked up behind him and placed a comforting arm around his shoulders. "I'm sorry about Dief. I know you loved that wolf. I'll miss him too." The Benny who turned to face him wasn't 'his' Benny... he couldn't be. As his arm was shrugged off, the angry words that came out of this stranger's mouth stung, "No you won't. You didn't even like him. Don't lie to me Ray. You always complained about him. If it wasn't his fur or his breath, it was something else." He couldn't deny that he did complain about the wolf, but he did like Dief and he thought Fraser had known that. All Ray could manage to reply was a hurt "Benny?". As Fraser avoided Ray by walking into the kitchen now, he could just make out the whispered "Dief was the lucky one.". It was said as if Ben hadn't realized it was spoken out loud. Ray prayed for the strength to get them both through this nightmare together and in one piece. He followed his lover into the kitchen, "Benny talk to me. Believe it or not I can be a good listener. Just please don't shut me out, ok? I love you too much to see you hurting like this. You're pain is mine." The eyes that now looked at him, were harder and less innocent than he ever remembered seeing them before and he cursed those who had caused this terrible change in those beautiful eyes. Fraser instead of being calmed by his words, had actually become more angry than before, "What do you know of 'my' pain Ray? You weren't there. Where were you anyway? Flirting with Louise? Making love to Louise?" Fraser was the angriest he'd ever seen him; he couldn't recall seeing his friend ever 'really' angry before. Ray instinctively pulled back a little at the ferocity aimed at him, as Fraser really let him have it now, "You were supposed to pick me up at the consulate Ray. When I called for you, Elaine said she saw you leaving by the back stairwell with Louise. Dief and I walked home Ray. Are you listening Ray? You say you're such a good listener, well here's some more. We didn't quite make it home. Dief ran into an alleyway nearby here when he sensed someone in trouble. I followed after him. It was too late by the time I realized it was a ruse to get me in there. There was a man on the ground pretending to be hurt. As I approached to help him, I was jumped by the other 2 who had been in the shadows." Fraser paused to catch a shaky breath as Ray tried to reach out for his friend, but again his hand was bruskly shrugged off. Ray stood rooted in place and wanted so badly for this to be all just a bad dream he'd wake up from soon, but he knew it wasn't, as Ben continued. "Dief tried to help me... he ended up getting smacked in the head with a hard blunt object for his trouble, while I tried to fend off the other 2 and then 3. I tried... um... I tried to stop them from... Oh god... I felt so helpless... I can still smell them; they reeked of alcohol... I still feel them all over me and it disgusts me... I still taste them and I want to vomit... I keep seeing and hearing them Ray. They won't go away. I just want them to go away. Make them go away." Ray's approach and embrace wasn't cast off this time as Ben sobbed in his arms. "I'm sorry Benny. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you." Ray's silent tears of empathy and remorse intermingled with those of Ben's, as he held on tightly to the one person in the world, he had promised himself he would never hurt again and somehow found that he had. He held onto him for so long he lost track of time. At some point the racking sobs and then shuddering breaths ended in a half-sleep and he was able to manuever them to the floor as Fraser slept with his head on Ray's chest and shoulder. He sat there watching his friend's restless sleep and knew this wouldn't be the end of their suffering. He felt as if the damage to their relationship was irreparable. Not only would Ben see him as having let him down; how could Ben ever want to make love to him again after this? But Ray decided then that he would be there for him in whatever way he wanted. Even if it meant going back a few steps in their relationship, to before they were lovers. The thought of that hurt, but it would be more painful not to have Fraser in his life at all. A week passed, Ray had managed to visit with Ben every day, but the visits became shorter and shorter as Fraser became more and more distant from him. Until one day he'd come by Ben's apartment and was stopped in the hall by Mr. Mustafi, "I have something here for you. I was going to bring it by the precinct as he asked, but now that you're here... just wait a minute while I get it." Mustafi was back in the hall in minutes and handed Ray an envelope with his name printed on the front. Ray was afraid to touch it, let alone open it, but he took it from Mustafi's hand, "Thanks." Mustafi replied as he went back into his apartment, "You're welcome. He was a good neighbor. I'll miss him. Good night." The last time he'd gotten an envelope like this from Fraser, had been during Victoria's return in Ben's life, the letter he'd found on Dief's cage at the vet had torn him up inside. He was afraid to open this one, already knowing part of what it would say. Later that night, in the privacy of his room at home, with trembling hands he opened the dreaded letter. Dear Ray, I'm sorry, but by the time you read this I will be on my way home. I've been granted a transfer back to the Territories. I tried urban life and found that Gerard was right, it doesn't suit me. Its best this way. Good-bye, Ben "Damn you Benny!", he cried as he crumpled up the letter and threw it as far away from him as possible, "You couldn't tell me this in person? I thought I mattered to you more than this." Almost a month had gone by since Fraser had left him. Ray's cynicism and sarcasm had increased two-fold, starting to really grate on his co-workers nerves at the precinct. His work was suffering and his moods were unpredictable. It was on this day though that he noticed something unusual about 2 suspects brought into the precinct. One of the men had what looked like claw mark scars on his arm and was wearing a wolf's tooth necklace, the other had on a watch he knew well, since it was the one he'd given Fraser for his birthday. Before anyone could have stopped him, he was out of his chair and at the nearest man's throat in a heartbeat, "You bastards!". It took 2 officers to pry him loose from the object of his hate. He struggled with his co-workers in his frenzy to get to the men again, as the suspects were led quickly away from him, all the while he shouted out "I'll kill you both!". Still breathing hard, he was enraged, but felt himself coming back to his senses as a loud commanding "Vecchio! In my office NOW!" penetrated his blind anger. He stopped struggling and was released from their hold, allowed to go to Welsh's office. He took a deep breath, clenched his fists at his sides and not looking at the faces staring at him, walked as calmly as he could muster into Welsh's office. Welsh was steamed, "You've been a bigger pain in the ass these past couple of weeks than ever before. Now this. What's with you Ray?" Ray glared at his boss, as he explained his actions, "Those are two of the men that raped Fraser. I recognized the watch I gave Ben for his birthday on one of them and that other scumbag had clawmarks on his arm and was wearing a wolf's tooth necklace." Welsh sympathetically looked at him now, as he motioned for Ray to sit down, "I'm starting to understand now, but I can't have my detectives go off like that and make threats. Do you understand me? If those are the bastards, then we'll see that we do this by the book and nail them. Got it?" Ray was still angry, but had calmed down considerably, "What are they being booked for?" Welsh seemed to debate with himself about how much he should tell his irate detective, "They were brought in for another rape case. Unfortunately the victim died. There were originally three suspects, but one was shot and killed by one of the officers who arrived on the scene." Ray gave a feral smile at that bit of news, "I want to congratulate that officer. Just wish he'd gotten all three." Welsh gave him a severe look, "I'll pretend I didn't hear that. I want your word, you won't take matters into your own hands. Don't do anything that'll jeopardize us taking these guys down Ray. Promise me." Ray reluctantly gave his word to stay off the case and keep his hands off the suspects. However he made sure he knew every detail of the current case and was there at their trials, to ensure they got what they deserved. He was pleased to see some justice served, when both men were given long term sentences in a maximum security prison. Six months had passed since Fraser had left, but still he missed him. His life had straightened itself out a little bit after the trials and he had even gone to visit Dr. Lowell a few times to help sort himself out. It helped somewhat, but he still didn't feel complete. On this day, while he was in the cramped isolated records closet in the precinct basement, he heard footsteps behind him and a voice, which he only heard now in his dreams, say "I'm looking for a Detective Armani." He was afraid to turn around thinking he was in one of those dreams now. Gathering his courage, he turned to face the apparition of his ex-lover. When his hallucination touched him on the arm and said "Hello Ray. I've really missed you.", somehow he found himself enveloped in those arms he thought he'd never feel again and then those lips he believed he'd never taste again were on his. When they parted he breathed out "Boy did I need that. What took you so long?" Fraser was smiling at him and there was a look in his eye that Ray had truly missed, the one which desired him, needed him, wanted him. "I'm not staying long Ray. I'm just here for you. I have a proposition for you." Ray's eyebrow was slightly raised at this, "I'm liking this already. I'm listening." Fraser's blue eyes gazed deep into his own, "When I left, I ran away, and in cowardice left you just that letter. When I finally stopped running and looked behind me, I realized I had left the most important part of my life behind... you. I've rebuilt my dad's cabin, for the most part, and as I built it I subconsciously had you in mind the whole time. I ended up building it with electricity, indoor water, plans for a satellite dish and other amenities that I knew you'd like. That's when I realized how much I missed you and wanted you to be there with me. I saved some of the cabin to be built by us both. Afterall you did promise me once, you'd help me. And I figured I'd let you pick out the bathroom. Come with me Ray." The stunned look on Ray's face, was returned with a worried one on Fraser's. Finally the silence was broken, "I'll come with you on one condition." An eager Fraser responded, "Anything." Ray gave him a mischievous smile, and tugged at his lover's face, "I'm sorry, but the beard's gotta go Benny. I don't want to move in with Grizzly Adams. I want to be there with you." The End Being There has a sequel! It is called Wash Me Clean, you might want to go and read that now. It's on the Archive too