pageinadiary Standard Disclaimer: due South and it's characters belong to Alliance. I just use them for fun. Hopefully they will return to their world unharmed and ready for other people to play with them. WARNINGS: G Romance Snapshot PAIRING: Benton Fraser/Francesca Vecchio TEASER: Just Frannie's thoughts. Originally posted to This is a tie in to my Francesca & Benton series. Hope whoever reads them enjoys them. If you don't... :) Page In a Diary Icecat62 I caught him looking at the snow again. He doesn't think anyone is watching him, but I always watch him. I can't help it. I mean look at him! But I caught him doing it again. He was standing at the window just staring out into the back yard, watching the snow fall. I know he misses home. I want to go up and give him a big hug, but one of two things will happen. He'll run from me or Ray will see me doing it and have a fit. But he needs a hug. He looks so sad and alone. Maybe if I hug him he won't feel so alone. He's afraid of me. At least I think he is. I don't know. Hell! Maybe I'll go and hug him the next time I catch him doing it. He needs it. Who cares what Ray thinks anyway. The jerk!