Watching Your Step 2 The Due South Fiction Archive Entry Home Quicksearch Search Engine Random Story Upload Story   Watching Your Step 2 by Vicki Tub Disclaimer: These guys not mine pity really. Just looking after them but i can dream can't i. Author's Notes: All mistakes are my own sorry i have faults. Hope your enjoying the series so far. Feel free to review. Story Notes: None so far SequelTo: Watching Your Step 1 Chapter 2 Over the next few weeks Ray found it was the same with Sally. She was like some kind of Jackal and Hide. Ray was convinced that it was his entire fault that she was doing these things. Because he couldn't do anything right no matter how hard that he tried. Sitting at his desk Ray found he was unable to concentrate on the file in front of him. Ray was broken out of his spell by the shrill of his phone. Picking up and answering in tired tone, "Kowalski, Detectives division". Sally was on the other end of the phone. Her voice as usual was flat and cold. "I'm cancelling our date tonight as I am leaving the country for work tonight. I don't know when I'll be back"? Ray spoke in a surprised tone, "Where are you going Sally"? Sally sighed and snapped, "What are you my keeper. Bye". Sally slammed the phone down. Ray just sat there frozen starring at the phone in his hand. Thinking what have I done now? Ray managed to hang up the phone. Ray sat there feeling very low. Like someone had punched him in the stomach. Ray put his head in his hand and the other hand on his knee which was met by a wet nose. Without looking up Ray knew who it was, "Hey Dief". Scratching him behind the ears, "Hey buddy you ok"? Fraser stood taking in Ray's demeanour. Frowning Ray looked like he was just crushed. Fraser sighed inwardly, `Sally must have rung and cut him down yet again'. Trying to snap Ray out of it by calling him, "Ray, Ray, RAY". Ray's head came up slowly as if waking from a dream, "Ya Frase". Ray on seeing Fraser's face the concern that showed on it said, "Sorry Frase I just. Sorry". Putting his Stetson on Ray's desk and sitting across from him, "Ray what's wrong. Did something happen"? Ray smiled at Fraser's concern for him. Fraser was always looking after him. Ray continued to rub Dief behind the ears as he spoke, "Sally just phoned. She told me she is leaving the country tonight for work. Doesn't know when she'll be back". Fraser felt pain in his heart for Ray, "Ray did Sally say where she is going"? Ray's shoulders slumped, "Na Frase she didn't say". Ray went silent. Fraser thought, `Right that's it I'm getting Ray out of here'. Fraser picked up his Stetson trying to sound cheerful, "How about dinner Ray. It's my treat Ray. You can even have pineapple pizza if you behave"? Ray laughed getting up and putting on his coat, "How can I refuse an offer like that. But about behaving can I take a rain check on that"? Fraser put his Stetson on Ray's head, "Ok Ray but just this once". Ray was filled with such warmth. Fraser actually put his sacred Stetson on his head. Ray thought someday I'm gonna have the confidence to tell him I love him. And not like a brother or symbolically but really love him. Fraser took Ray to his favourite pizza parlour for dinner. It helped that they also head had lovely pasta dishes on the menu. Fraser noticed that all through dinner that Ray hardly said a word. Ray body just vibrated with nervous energy. Fraser hated to see Ray hurt, "Ray you alright. Would you like to talk about it"? Ray pushed the last bit of crust around before giving it to Diefenbaker, "Na I'm good Frase". Ray rubbed his hands through his hair, "Frase can o ask a favour. Can I, I mean would it be ok. Would it be ok if I could back to the consulate with you today? I can't face going back to work. But I also don't want to be alone. Would it be ok/ I mean if it won't cause trouble for you with the ice queen"? Fraser held up a hand, "Ray you're blithering of course that would be fine. I'd love your company. Actually you could help with the queen's bedroom if you'd like"? Ray's face lightened as if a huge weight had been lifted off his chest. Ray creased his brow, "Why what's wrong with it"? Fraser smiled a smiled that warmed Ray right down to his toes, "It's just been refurbished Ray. There are boxes and tarps everywhere. We just need to bring them down to the basement. Plus the Inspector wants me to hang the curtains and fit the linen". Ray cocked his head to the side, "Why didn't she have the renovators do that. Isn't that kind of their job"? Fraser chuckled, "Ah yes Ray. But the Inspector didn't trust that they would do it to her standard". Ray shook his head laughing heartily, "Crazy Mounties. And Frase I'd love to help you out. Really thank you. It will keep me from thinking to much. Besides you're always helping me. It's about time that the tables were turned". Covering Ray's hand with his, "Ray I love helping you. And your help today is very much appreciated". With a final tap to Ray's hand Fraser went to pay the bill. While Fraser was doing that Ray rang Lt Welsh. Ray rang to tell him he was raking a personal day. Lt Welsh was trilled that Ray wasn't coming back into work today. Lt Welsh knew that Stella Kowalski was going to be at the station for the rest of the day. Welsh would never have the heart to say it to Ray. He hated the way she treated him. He hoped that Ray was going to spend the day with the Mountie instead. It was the only time lately that he ever saw Ray, smile a real smile when he was with him. While paying the bill Fraser had been watching Ray. Fraser was determined to fix whatever it was that broke Ray. Fraser wanted to see the smiling full of life Ray back. Not the broken man that sat in front of him. It took about twenty minutes to get the consulate as the traffic was very heavy. On entering the consulate they were met by tons of boxes. It was a compete mess. They met a flustered looking Inspector Thatcher inside the door. Somehow this amused Ray. Who got jabbed in the ribs for snickering? Fraser put his hand on Ray's shoulder, "Sir, Ray here has very kindly offered too help us out today with the cleaning up". Inspector Thatcher sighed with relief, "Oh thank goodness Detective. Thank you". Ray smiled at her. He'd never seen her like this all casual, "It's Ray please, just Ray. And it's my pleasure really". Inspector Thatcher shook his hand, "Ray ok. Thank you. It will be faster with more hands". It took most of the day going up and down the stairs. But Ray didn't mind so much. It didn't matter because Ray got to watch a very Benton Fraser. Only a few more items' remained but it was clear that they needed a break for refreshments. Inspector Thatcher handed Ray a cool glass of lemonade. Inspector Thatcher put her other hand on his bare arm, "Again Ray thank you for your help today. It would have taken forever otherwise". Ray was Sipping the lemonade, "My pleasure Inspector". Inspector Thatcher nodded to Fraser and left the kitchen. Which left Ray and Fraser alone? Ray leaned into Fraser as if to tell him a secret, "Am Frase that's twice she touched me. And the weird thing is she didn't feel like ice". Fraser playfully slapped Ray's arm, "Ray behave". Both laughed and left to finish the boxes. Just as Inspector Thatcher had tuned to walk down the stairs. She had a very full box in her hands. She stumbled causing a roll of tape to fall off and roll across the floor. It all happened so fast after that. The same time Ray went to go down the stairs with his box. The roll of tape went under his foot causing him to step on it. It sent him crashing down the stairs. The stairs was made of very hard wood. Inspector Thatcher dropped her box letting out a gut wrenching scream. Fraser was disturbed out what he was doing with the sound of something crashing and then screams. Fraser ran as fast as he could to see what had happened. Fraser was shocked to see Ray lying at the bottom of the stairs. Just lying so still that you would think he was dead. Only for the rise and fall of his chest proved otherwise. Fraser rushed to his side. His heart was pounding as he took in the shape of Ray. Fraser could clearly see that Ray had broken his leg. The bone had come out through the skin. Even though Fraser could see the rise and fall of Ray's chest, Fraser still felt for a pulse. Feeling a strong one Fraser sighed with utter relief. Fraser looked up at the top of the stairs seeing a frozen Inspector Thatcher. He shouted for her to call an ambulance. She broke out of her frozen state and rushed down to make that call saying, "Sorry, Sorry", Over and over. But Fraser felt this was his fault he had asked Ray to come help today. Fraser took Ray's hand in his. Fraser used the other one to stroke Ray's forehead. Fraser's voice came out shaky, "Ray, Ray can you hear me. Stay still Ray. You've had an accident. An ambulance is on the way. Don't worry I'll look after you". Ray started to come around tightening his grip on Fraser's hand. In a pained voice, "Frase what happened. Frase oh god my leg hurts Frase. It hurts". Fraser stroked his hair, "Ray you fell down the stairs. I'm afraid you've broken your leg. Help is on the way. Don't worry ok. I'm here". Ray leaned into Fraser's touch as it was calming, "I know you will Frase your great". They stayed waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Fraser rode with Ray to the hospital. Well not that Fraser had much of a choice. As you couldn't pry Ray off him with a crow bar. Inspector Thatcher followed in her car informing Lt Welsh on the way as to what happened. She was crying all the way. She was remembering seeing him lye so still. She thought that she had killed him. On the way to the hospital Ray was in such pain that they gave him gas and air to help with the pain. The paramedic's didn't know if Ray had any head injuries so that's all that they could give him. Ray slightly loosened his death grip of Fraser's hand, to pull off the mask to speak. In a pained voice Ray asked, "Frase could you ring Sally and tell her what happened. She might worry if she can't contact me. Please". Fraser looked at the worried face of Ray, "No problem Ray". Fraser put the mask back on Ray's face. When they arrived at the hospital Ray still would not let go of Fraser's hand. When the nurse tried to get him to let go Ray's voice was like child like crying, "Please Frase don't leave me. I'm scared". Fraser was leaning down stroking Ray's hair. Fraser didn't care how it looked to the people around. Ray needed comforting. In the best calm voice he could manage, "Ray I'm not going anywhere. I just have to sign some forms. I am your next of kin Ray. So they can help you and make you better ok. I'll be right here. I'd never leave you Ray". Ray saw something in Fraser's eyes that said he was telling the truth. And maybe more but Ray was in so much pain. Ray nodded and let go. Fraser watched with tears in his eyes as Ray disappeared through the doors. Thinking Ray I'd never you. I love you. And I will tell you someday.   End Watching Your Step 2 by Vicki Tub Author and story notes above. Please post a comment on this story. Read posted comments.