Solace Solace by silvina Disclaimer: Standard Disclaimer. Feedback is better then expensive medication. Please send comments, questions, compliments, and otters to Author's Notes: I apologize for the list overload, but please bear with me (feel free to send angry emails and fling inanimate objects) until I catch up. Keep in mind that internet is a two hour bus ride away at the moment and I have to boil my water before it's safe to drink. Gotta love rural Ecuador! Story Notes: I was going with her. I know. As much as that time pained him to remember, it was his only source of comfort now. Ray had seen the dirtiest, basest part of him. Hed seen Benton Fraser at his very worst, and stuck around. And not just stuck around, but understood and blamed himself. Ray might be away at the moment, but he hadnt been left behind again. That memory forced him to remember one thing. Ray would be back. He could wait, as long as it took, as long as he knew that Ray would come back for him. End Solace by silvina: Author and story notes above.