The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Near Wild Heaven

Number of comments: 3

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From: Karen
Date: 11/07/2016
Posting here because you're too cowardly to allow criticism on AO3. Clearly you know absolutely nothing about RayV's and Fraser's friendship, and you're a sad person to tear it down to build up your argument for F/K. There's absolutely no need to bash poor RayV and not write him as the loving friend that he is on the show, and your notes on the AO3 story show that you're biased against him and stereotype him without having any evidence for your arguments. RayV does not see an idealized version of Fraser. Far from it, because he saw Fraser at his worst with Victoria. RayV understands Fraser far more than you give him credit for. I really don't understand you and your need to make RayV fans angry by posting this series.

From: dsfan
Date: 10/24/2012
This is definitely an AU, because the characters in no way resemble the characters on the series. You should have just called them "John," "Joe" and "Phil" or other names instead of Benton Fraser, Stanley Ray Kowalski and Raymond Vecchio.

Fraser would never act as terribly toward RayV, his best friend, on the series as he does here. He'd be far more understanding and not automatically believe the worst about him - that RayV is homophobic. RayK is far more mature on the series than he is here, and he wouldn't be nearly as jealous of Fraser's and RayV's friendship as he is here. And PLEASE - get over your obvious hate for RayV and understand that there is nothing on the series that indicates that he is homophobic!! He loves Benny and wouldn't deliberately hurt him by calling him names or trying to come between any of his relationships (watch "Victoria's Secret" to see how Ray DIDN't come between Fraser's relationship with Victoria).

It really looks like you didn't watch Seasons 1-2 at all, and your only understanding of RayV is from his very brief appearances in Seasons 3-4. Please do watch ALL of the seasons before trying to write RayV again, and if you hate him just because he's not "slashy" and not whom you think should be Fraser's lover, then you are a pitiful, sad person.

From: Nancy
Date: 03/01/2010
Hi -

I was hesitant to read this series at first based on the comment made for "Sweetness Follows." Like that poster, I just don't see Ray Vecchio as homophobic; I don't see any evidence for it on the series. Yes, he was raised Catholic, but he's obviously not very devout because he's divorced - which is a big no-no in the Catholic church. If he was devout, he would have annulled his marriage to Angie, instead of getting divorced. So I can't point to religion as a reason for RayV's homophobia. I'm not sure about his cultural background being a reason either, as he's demonstrated from his friendship with Fraser that he can, and does, accept those who are different.

So - I would expect RayV to be startled by Fraser being gay and in a relationship with Kowalski, and worried about how the RCMP and the Chicago PD would treat - but feeling sick and throwing up at the thought of Fraser and RayK together, and needing a drink when he sees them kissing? Very unrealistic - and absolutely not necessary to make the case for F/K slash, if that's what you were trying to do.

I am glad that RayV is portrayed more positively later on and desiring to still be friends with Fraser, and Fraser still wanting to be friends with him. And I'm very happy to see Fraser caring enough about RayV to stop him from drinking, and worried enough about him to go looking for him.

But again - what's the point of the homophobia? Making RayV homophobic, even if it's couched with care for "Benny," is just going dS fans who really like RayV and love his relationship with Fraser (whether it's a very close friendship only, or a close friendship that later leads to romance). Again - it is NOT NECESSARY to make one Ray negative to set the case for Fraser's romantic feelings toward another Ray, and since the Ray Wars are long over, I'd really like to see stories of this type not be written anymore. I'd also like to see stories that put RayV far away from Fraser when he and RayK are a couple not be written anymore - why can't they all be in the same city and be friends? And, in your story, why must RayV be away from the 27th? (Although I would hope that Fraser and RayK both recognize Fraser's desire to keep the friendship strong and so spend ample time with RayV)

After all - Fraser loves, needs and wants to spend time with both Rays; that is a fact that is supported in series canon. One Ray cannot be everything to him; he needs a best friend as well as a lover.

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