Disclaimer: Own neither Fraser nor Ray K...wish like hell I did, though...

Warning: This is FREE VERSE poetry. If you absolutely NEED rhymes, I don't suggest reading this. This is from Ray's POV, set during MOTB. Just a few of his thoughts when he hears his Mountie Man might be leaving. Feedback appreciated: jive_baby99@hotmail.com


Ellie J



If I told you the world was ending

would you stay a little while

stay here with me and give me courage

I can't fight the dragons on my own anymore

can't be "all grown up now"

I'm still just a lost little boy

crying for someone to put the Band-Aid on

and make the monsters go away

stay and hold me up

or I'll collapse under the burden of myself

I'll go mad trying to remember

where I put my elusive glasses

and even where I parked the damn car

stay so I won't feel like I've been sawed in half

and you're the better half going away

stay so I won't cry myself to sleep

so I won't dream the terrible dreams

of doubt and concern

that go with a loved one leaving

who will I dream of tickling and kissing

when you are gone

who will tell me that I need to shave?

stay so I can touch you, see you

the sweet expressions you make

your beautiful eyes that everyone says

would make you look good in drag

(though I think you're just perfect as a man)

stay because it will hurt when you go

I need your friendship as well as your love

please don't go so very far away

I don't know if absence does indeed

make the heart grow fonder

but just for now

for an hour, a minute, even a second
