The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Somewhere Else to Be

Number of comments: 3

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From: tortiecat
Date: 07/01/2011
I don't think it's buddies to not warn that you've made Ray Vecchio into a mob boss in this story and portrayed him very negatively. :-(

You must really hate him a lot if the only way that you could include him in your story was by making him totally opposite than how he is in canon, and completing ignoring his wonderful, giving friendship to Fraser.

Just because RayV PLAYED a mob boss doesn't mean that he is ACTUALLY that way, so why should he be so demonized by you and a few other writers? I will never understand that - and the hatred that certain writers have for him! They must be very sad, unhappy people to write him that way.

From: Milagros (
Date: 10/16/2005
I would like to very strongly second Speranza's comment. Especially the bit about sequels. Not buddies, indeed.
From: esperanza
Date: 03/17/2005
I just don't think its very fair that a piece could be this good, lead us to Cascade, Washington and NOT deliver with a Sentinel crossover sequel. Thats not buddies...
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