
As the Summer Solstice approacheth, enjoy the sweetest of
Rated NC-17 for m/m sex.
(c) June 19, 1998

*The Woodsman read by the light of the morning sun, his blue eyes
avidly reading the printed page. What treasures tomes were! They
opened whole new worlds for him. Ah, and that was where he had learned
about the fairy folk. They lived in the woods, these sprites of the
enchanted, and he could feel the magic in the air.

He looked up, his skin tingling, and saw the flitting of shadow
outside his window. The forest was deep and green and quiet, and the
light played in shafts of gold as grace flowed and curved.

Eyes the color of the sky watched and waited. His heart raced as
the whispers on the wind brushed against his cheek, ruffling his hair.

He closed the book and rose from his chair, muscles rippling under
his green woodsman's clothes. He stepped out into the glade, a shaft of
sunlight illuminating the slender figure in the center.

The light of his life was clothed in sunfire, his eyes as green as
the forest. The music of the spheres gently sang through the trees,
singing through his blood. Ah, the sweetest sprite of them all.

He approached the smiling woodsprite, his Ray of sunshine glowing
as he held out his hand. Benton took it, the tingle of energy
skittering along his nerves, and he melted into Ray.

Ray's raiment was shed as Benton's clothes slipped off his body.
Their tongues entwined, limbs wrapping around each other as they
breathed in one another's scent. Long, elegant fingers skimmed down a
broad back, and strong thighs rubbed against slender ones. Nipples
brushed and cocks touched, the jolt of electricity tearing a moan from
desperate throats. Buttocks were squeezed and kneaded, groins were
ground together as skin flamed and hearts glided.

They fell to the carpet of leaves, hands roaming and tongues
touching. They tasted as sweet as wine, their blood singing with gay
abandon. Love entwined around them, bodies clinging to one another.
Breath escaped and seed mingled, hearts beating as one.

Love, honor, obedience.

The Heart always knows.*

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