No slash, just a little vignette on how I would have resolved the Ray/Benny
issue in CotW.----Pinecone

A Close Call

by Pinecone

Ray Vecchio told the taxi to wait and, grabbing Stella's hand, ran up the
front steps to the Vecchio home.
        "Come on up, you can help me pack."
They climbed the stairs to his room and Ray began to toss his clothes
hapharzardly into his suitcase. Stella watched critically, removing a few
odd items, smoothing the rest into the suitcase.
        "Umm, Ray, the Armani?" she said, opening the closet to display a row of
stylish suits.
Ray hesitated. "Gee, I don't know. Might be kinda hot for Florida." He
paused regretfully. "Hate to leave them, though. Lotta memories in those
suits," he murmured, touching the sleeve of the chalk-striped charcoal
number. Was that a jelly stain? That Dief! Even the cleaners couldn't get
out wolf drool. He sniffed the collar. Remnants of passion flower? It
couldn't be, it had been too long ago. But he smiled in spite of himself.
Stella abruptly shut the closet door. "We'll make our own memories,
Ray came back to earth with a start. "Right." He took Stella in his arms
and kissed her. He buried his face in her neck, smelling her spicy perfume.
So different. He guessed he could get used to it. It had been so long, the
other memories would fade. This was what he needed, this touch, this
closeness. He had been so alone for so long and she had been so nice to
him. He needed this, he told himself. Alone in the desert for a year, and
now to find himself alone in Chicago. Yes, he needed this...

A door slammed downstairs. "Raymondo! Are you here?"
Ray quickly broke away from Stella. "I'm up here, Ma."
His mother bustled into the room huffing and puffing furiously.         "Raymondo!
What are you doing? The hospital tells me you've checked out and gone to
the precinct, the precinct tells me you've quit. What is going on?
        "They're right, Ma, I'm off to Florida. I feel fine, don't worry."
        "But what about your job? You just came back and you're going again? What
about Benito and all your friends?"
Ray sighed. "Ma, things have changed. Benny's gone off to the North Pole
with whatshisname. He couldn't wait for me to get out of the hospital; he
had business to attend to. And with this bullet I have a permanent
disability. I get full retirement benefits. So, I'm going to Florida. I'll
say hi to the aunts for you."
        "You'll do no such thing!" Ma Vecchio suddenly realized there was another
person in the room. Her eyes narrowed. "And who are YOU?" Stella blinked.
        "Ma, this is Stella Kowalski. She's, uh, coming with me."
Ma Vecchio stepped back. "My, you're a skinny little thing, aren't you?"
Stella smiled uncomfortably, "Well, I..."

THWACK! Stella flinched as Ma smacked Ray upside the head.
        "Ma! Hey! What are you hitting me for?" Ray put his hands over his head
and reeled backwards.
        "For being STUPID! You----" she gestured towards a cowering Ray. "Pack
that bag and go get Benito. The North Pole!" Ma rolled her eyes and
muttered in Italian."He belongs here. I'll call Lt. Welsh and tell him you
unresigned." He voice softened. "Raymondo, how could you leave Benito after
all he's done for you? Did I raise my children to be such fools?"
Ray looked down guiltily. "No, Ma" he said, softly.
        "Then go get him. I have a nice lasagna in the freezer you can take with
you. The poor boy probably hasn't had a decent meal since he left Chicago.
And make sure you give some to his dog. When you get back, I'll have this
room all fixed up for him. Hmm, maybe I'll put up those lace curtains he
likes so much, and..."
Stella's mouth was hanging open. "But Ray, what about..."
        "And YOU!" Ma turned to Stella, who suddenly started backing out of the
room. "You---you go back wherever you came from and take your skinny butt
with you! The NERVE of you taking my Raymondo to Florida under Benito's
nose. Right under his NOSE!" Ma started waving her arms around. Stella
shrieked and ran down the stairs, high heels clacking.
Ray heard the taxi door slam.
Ma looked pleased. "Now, Raymondo, pack, PACK"
"Yes, Ma."
"That's a good boy." Ma held up her cheek and waited. Ray kissed her, then
closed the suitcase. "Okay, Ma, I'm ready. Call me another cab."
"What do you say, cara?" Ma paused.
Ray smiled and touched her cheek. "Thanks, Ma. Don't forget that lasagna."