He wants me.

I don't know why, but he does.

I mean, I can't figure it. If you could have anyone you wanted - and believe me, Fraser could - why in the hell would you choose a guy like me?

Not like I'm complainin' or anythin'. I've been gone on him since day one. I was so scared though - that he'd see it, that he wouldn't, that he'd leave me. I was so busy being scared I never noticed.

It was hard askin' him if we were still partners. I didn't wanna hear what he might say. But when he said 'if you'll have me', I knew it was gonna be okay, that I could finally relax. If nothin' else, at least we were a team. And I figured I could live with that.

But now, this adventure. It's only since we've been out here, without all the distractions, without me worryin' all the time that I finally saw it.

He wants me.

Now I ain't the world's brightest guy, but I know that look. When he fixes that blue stare on me...man, the hunger in it is so intense it makes my heart feel like it's gonna explode. 'Bout knocked me on my ass the first time I saw it. Thought I was losin' my mind. So I watched. He's so careful of me, tries to hide it. The more he tries, the clearer it is. The way he don't just say my name, but carresses it. How he tries not to touch me too much, but his hand stays too long when he does. How he's always checkin' on me, makin' sure I'm ok.

He wants me. And it's killin' him.

See, it's like ice. The surface looks all solid, but it's not always. Sometimes the pressure's been buildin' and it's crackin' from underneath until all of a sudden 'BAM'! It just breaks apart.

That's what'll happen to Fraser. If he don't get rid of the pressure, he'll break right in half. But he ain't gonna bring it up. Hell, if I was scared, Fraser's petrified. I don't blame him, with his past. That's why he won't say anythin' - he's afraid for the both of us. He don't wanna let himself love me, 'cos he thinks if he does, somethin' bad is gonna happen. That he'll hurt me or I'll leave.

So I gotta be the one. Gotta be the strong one and tell him how I feel. Let him know that this is good, this is right, that I'm not gonna go anywhere. Let him know that the only thing that can hurt me now is watchin' him break apart or walk away.