The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Second Date

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From: tortiecat
Date: 02/16/2012
After reading your wonderful story, "Benny," I thought that you were one of the few F/K writers who acknowledges that Fraser has enough love in his heart to love BOTH Rays. But after reading this story, I'm not so sure about it.

It angered me in "Eclipse" that Fraser gave the dreamcatcher, which he had made for RayV, to Kowalski when he barely knows him (in that episode, he knows very little about him, so I don't think they actually went to dinner at the end of "BDTH" and "bonded.").

And I hate seeing Fraser make a dreamcatcher to Kowalski in this story, while thinking negative things about RayV and believing he won't need it (newsflash, Fraser - RayV is going to need it when he returns from being undercover and has nightmares of his time as mobster!) and calling him his "former partner." He really doesn't seem to care about RayV, whom he says is still his friend, at all; he even uses the occasion of RayV's birthday, when he should be thinking of him, to be with Kowalski instead and call him "his Ray" - gag!

Where is the Fraser who loves RayV? And doesn't he understand that acting on his feelings for Kowalski while RayV is undercover could result in RayV's cover being blown, and be very dangerous for him? I don't like this Fraser very much, and I'm glad he wasn't like this on the show. Despite what many fans say, I don't think Fraser flirted with Kowalski on the show at all, which is how it should be while RayV is undercover.

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