The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on All That's Left

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From: Emily
Date: 03/20/2008
So I just read this entire trilogy, and I felt like I should drop you a comment and tell you how incredibly well-written these stories are. Also, incredibly tragic and soul-destroying. Man. I think I cried pretty much from when Ray said he AIDS to...yeah, the end of All That's Left. You weren't kidding about needing tissues, I mean wow. Yeah. You did a great job of showing the same sequence of events from multiple viewpoints, and the language was spot on. And now I'm just totally emotionally distraught. Sorry. Wasting diseases really get to me, so the idea of Ray having AIDS just, ouch. I hate hospitals. And now you probably think I've gone and had a mental breakdown on you. Jeez though. Brilliant story.


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