The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Acharnement

Number of comments: 5

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From: Nadis
Date: 05/12/2011

I'm a big fan of "due South" from Russia.

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your amazing fic "Acharnement". Awesome piece of writing. Just awesome. I am completely smitten with this fic.

I love the raw emotions in this story. So beautifully sad and moving. An absolutely heart-wrenching read.

And I just can't help asking: would you mind if I translate this absolutely gorgeous fic into Russian (so that no-English readers could enjoy it as well)?

I will state everywhere that I am just a translator and you are the author of the fic. Also, all the additional information (like your e-mail or website) can be published, if you wish.

Thank you once again - your story is one of the best Fraser/Vecchio fics I've read! :)

Awaiting your answer, Nadis

From: Verushka
Date: 04/22/2008
This was the VERY FIRST DS fic I ever read, which I stumbled upon on the author's web page after having read through a lot of her Forever Knight fic. I come back to it over and over. It is an amazingly well done story, despite the DSArchive's formatting screw-ups--and I say that being primarily a RayK/Fraser fan. It distills the post-Victoria's Secret Fraser's emotional and physical isolation and desperate need into a dark, primal first time which isn't exactly coercive but isn't exactly consensual, either. It breaks the heartrendingly giving RayV so believably, you want to pick him up and try to put him back together. You know this isn't the last time for these two, but it's hardly a halcyon first time, either. Truly one of the best, most memorable DS slashfics, still after all these years.
From: Alex C
Date: 11/08/2006
Just thought I'd share with you that I've read this fic several times, and it hurts. Each time. I haven't read anything that captures so perfectly Fraser's lonesomeness and aching need, and the indescribeable bond between him and Vecchio. These are subjects that aren't touched upon nearly enough. Your writing manages to convince me, during each reread, of this. Thank you for writing, I'm sure it won't be the last time I read it.
From: Linden (
Date: 10/07/2005
Hiya,Just discovered this option at exwood and wanted to let you know (if this actually reaches you) how much I love your Vecchio/Fraser fics, especially Ancharnement. It's a dark, sexy fic... very different from what I usually read. But breathtakingly good. It's very hard to find really good RayV slash, I think. The only one I keep returning to is yours. So thank you for sharing!- Linden
From: Linden (
Date: 10/07/2005
Hiya,Just discovered this option at exwood and wanted to let you know (if this actually reaches you) how much I love your Vecchio/Fraser fics, especially Ancharnement. It's a dark, sexy fic... very different from what I usually read. But breathtakingly good. It's very hard to find really good RayV slash, I think. The only one I keep returning to is yours. So thank you for sharing!- Linden
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