The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on "Transmutation"

Number of comments: 3

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From: New fan
Date: 07/31/2017
Fraser would never think of Ray Vecchio as just "Vecchio." That is very much against canon. He'd think of both Rays by their first names.

From: tortiecat
Date: 02/10/2012
I actually think Ray Vecchio is very sympathetic in this story, as is Fraser. He knows that his best friend is very disturbed, and would probably not act homophobic if something had not set him off. I don't think Fraser would have stayed friends with RayV for years before Ray went undercover if he even suspected that Ray was homophobic - and it wouldn't have mattered if Fraser was straight or gay. Fraser is simply a good judge of character, and he knows Ray is a good person and NOT homophobic.

It's Ray Kowalski whom I hate in this story. He's far too jealous and childish for my taste. I can't feel sorry for him at all. I wanted him to have more compassion for RayV right away!

I noticed that in some parts of this story, Fraser thinks of Ray Vecchio as just "Vecchio." That's a huge mistake - Fraser would always think of both Rays as just "Ray." Even if you've called Ray Kowalski "Ray" throughout a story, please be fair and call Ray Vecchio "Ray" when it's Fraser thinking of him or talking to him, and please call him "Ray" at other times. It's okay for Kowalski to think of him as "Vecchio," but calling him "Vecchio" in a story in which Kowalski is "Ray" makes you look ignorant - and also too F/K focused to understand all of Due South.

From: dsfshipper
Date: 03/01/2011
Yet another author who decides to make Ray Vecchio homophobic - disgusting!

Just what do have against him?! I don't care for Kowalski - he bugged me to death on the series, and I can't stand how needy and whiny he is in most fic - but I wouldn't assassinate his character by making him homophobic.

I don't care if the homophobia is explained by RayV being mentally disturbed. He would NEVER end his friendship with Benny, WHOM HE LOVES, because he finds out that Benny is homosexual!! And stupid Fraser should have given RayV more credit than to assume that he would be homophobic - doesn't he know that RAY V LOVES HIM in an unselfish way that Ray K never does?!

It makes me angry that Fraser asked Ray V to leave after he attacks Ray K - he should know that his best friend is disturbed and sit down with him and calm him down! Dumb Fraser!

Watch the first two seasons of Due South before you write any more fic and decide to make Ray V into something that he's not! Really - there is NO PROOF on the show that he is any more homophobic than any other character.

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