Fraser/Kowalski NC-17.

Summary: No plot to summarise, what do you want from me?

Disclaimer: Not mine.




"Yuck, Fraser, what the *hell* are you doing?"


"I'm sorry Ray, I was under the impression you wanted" Self-consciously he put the bottle back down on the bedside table.


"That's right Fraser, I *did* want to. Did. Past tense, that was before we discovered we were out of lube. Me and pain ain't the best of friends,"


"Ray that is why I went to get...."


"Damn, that's what I suspected, I had hoped you'd tell me it was for some Inuit tradition, having to worship the washing up liquid before sex, kind of like saying grace before food."


"Now that's just silly Ray,"


"Silly? Well, if we're talking silly, I think the guy who was about to use washing up liquid for..."


"Ray," Fraser interrupted him, "the lubrication properties of soap are well known and extremely effective, plus the added bonus of being very economical, much cheaper than those little tubes you insist on purchasing."


"Fraser, I'm naked here, and you're talking grocery shopping?" Fraser sighed in exasperation, try and bring someone to sexual climax, and they make you pay and pay and pay...


"Yes Ray, you are naked, it's not something that has escaped my notice, but if you carry on like this I may just leave you like that and put the washing up liquid away," Ray rewarded him with a pout, and a sulking, defensive crossing of his arms over his chest.


Fraser picked up the bottle again and continued to squeeze out the green goo onto his hand.


"Fraser," Ray whined in disgust, "won't that, like, I dunno, sting or something?"


"Ray, with the amount of television you indulge in everyday, you must have seen the adverts, claiming to leave your skin, what was the exact wording? ...'Baby soft.'"


"Fraser, that's for your *hands*, this is an entirely different ball game, skin wise" Ray snickered slightly at his own unintentional joke, Fraser kept quiet, not wanting to encourage him to act any more childish than the rather impressive level he was already performing at. Fraser's answer was to suddenly pull Ray's knees over his shoulders, shocking Ray into splaying his legs wider than he usually would have or usually *tried* to. Not that Ray had time to complain as Fraser immediately shoved to two vaguely green fingers deep into his ass. Fraser then added a third to the very green and slightly foaming party. But it wasn't very long before the fingers had to leave to make room for one very large green, Canadian cock.


Ray wriggled around alluringly as Fraser began to thrust in and out of him. His moans became louder as Fraser wrapped a green, slippery hand around his erection. Fraser upped the tempo, whilst Ray concentrated on keeping them on the bed, clasping the metal headboard desperately with both hands, his head thrown back in abandon.


 It wasn't long before a post coital Ray turned over in Fraser's arms and smiled at him sleepily.


"Ya know, I'm never gonna look at a pile of washing up in my life in quite the same way,"