The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Into the Wild

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From: verushka
Date: 06/08/2009
I read this first, before Shifting... and it just blew me away. Fraser and Victoria as werewolves who find pack together is just... Genius. It isn't that the canonical Fraser/Victoria isn't believable; it totally is, to me. I can see how an inexperienced Fraser would be completely overwhelmed by a desperate woman under the circumstances. And he has always had that sort of divided-against-himself weakness between justice (which he seeks) and duty (which is not always just, but which he obeys). But when you throw in the prejudice against shifters -- which, if there were shifters, I am sure they would get in this world, as anyone nonconforming does -- it totally explains the harshness of her sentence. And sentenced to 10 years in prison, when you're a werewolf... would be a torture I can see how you'd want to avenge. I've never been a Victoria hater; more a Victoria sympathizer. I've never had that black/white Victoria=evil/Fraser=good thing in my head. Life and the world are much too gray for that, and Into The Wild grays it up even more. In a good way. I really, really liked this. Kudos.

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