The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Finding Family

Number of comments: 2

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From: Nancy
Date: 07/25/2011
Okay - I'll acknowledge that having Stella act homophobic when she hears about Fraser's and Kowalski's relationship is different than the cliched "Ray Vecchio is homophobic and freaks out when he finds out his best friend Benny is gay and with Kowalski" stories. I'm sick of poor RayV always being the bigoted one!

But it just didn't make sense that Stella was so angry and homophobic when she heard the news. It just came out of nowhere. It probably would have been more realistic if RayK had recalled previous times when Stella acted as a bigot, and told Fraser about them and said he was nervous about telling Stella.

And I know that you tried to have a very positive portrayal of RayV in this story, and he does come off as a sweetie - hurray! But I also think that you didn't do the Fraser-RayV friendship justice. I would think that Fraser would have told RayV long before returning to Chicago that he was in a relationship with RayK - being close friends, didn't Fraser and RayV regularly call each other?

Also, if RayV means anything special to Fraser, he would have probably wanted to tell him without RayK being present - and RayV already knowing would have made it easier for Fraser and RayK to tell Stella, as RayV could have helped them to tell her.

Stella's bigotry actually made me uncomfortable. I guess I just don't like any Due South characters to be bigoted and homophobic, and that bigotry shouldn't be used to make the case for "true love" of two characters (usually Fraser and RayK).

And, as someone else suggested, please have your stories edited for grammar and spelling before you post them. It's just too hard to read them when they're unedited.

From: Slashslut
Date: 10/08/2009
well, stella was quite the you know what. sheesh. so glad everything worked out in the end!

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