The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on B&R17: Ben's Journal

Number of comments: 1

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From: RVlover
Date: 01/06/2010
I think this is the first story I've read that makes Ray Kowalski homophobic. As a Ray Vecchio fan who has found far too many stories that make him homophobic and hateful toward Fraser and RayK when they start a romantic relationship, I have to say - your story is refreshing change. Tit for Tat for the F/K slashers out there who hate Ray Vecchio and make him homophobic to strengthen their arguments for F/K slash!

I am glad, however, that RayK improves in your series and ends up becoming a supportive friend to Fraser and RayV. I actually like all three characters and like both Rays' friendships with Fraser; I just don't see F/K slash.

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