The Due South Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Forbidden Fruit

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From: SarahMc
Date: 02/28/2007
Hello. I feel a bit weird commenting on a six-year-old fic, but I've been making tentative-but-uninspired forays into Due South fandom over the past few months before unexpectedly coming across this story.

Oh, god. I'm sorry, probably it isn't the most polite thing to comment on someone's fic and tell them how desperately you wanted to read a specific pairing (or, indeed, threesome) since that kind of implies that the story itself isn't relevent - which isn't the case at all - but this is all I've ever wanted to read in this fandom and the fact that I actually found it was kind of magical in itself. The fact that I found it and it was written PERFECTLY and left me slumped in a little puddle in front of my laptop is another matter altogether.

I love this. Your Ray is so perfect I could die. The whole sense of guilt and arousal and mortification and loss are all just beautiful. And Frannie's so incredibly perfect and vulnerable and sexy and - oh. I love them so much. And they love Fraser so much and that's just as brilliant as everything else. I honestly haven't read anything I've enjoyed as much as this in god-knows-how-long.

And, yeah. If you're anything like me, you'll be all, "what? I wrote this six years ago! Obviously it is terrible!" To which all I could possibly say is that if this is you six years ago, I don't think I could stand to read whatever you're coming up with now. This blew me down, picked me back up and then blew me down all over again. It is late and I am incoherent and I have slightly lower inhibitions than usual since there is a slight chance that actually the comments on this story won't even reach whatever your current email address is. Anyway, sorry for gushing and thank you for writing this. It completely made my week.

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